When a single positive Covid test result was reported in Canberra, Australia, earlier this month, the city locked down for a week. New Zealand has gone one step further, with the reporting of one positive test resulting in the whole country being plunged into lockdown. BBC News has the story.
The case was detected in Auckland, which will be in lockdown for a week, while the rest of the country will be in lockdown for three days.
Authorities say they are working on the assumption that the new case was the Delta variant.
Just around 20% of its population has been fully vaccinated.
Coromandel, a coastal town where the infected person had visited, will be in lockdown for seven days too.
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said the toughest “Level Four” rules were required – closing schools, offices and all businesses with only essential services remaining operational.
“I want to assure New Zealand that we have planned for this eventuality. Going hard and early has worked for us before,” she said.
The patient is a 58 year-old man, who is believed to have been infectious since last Thursday.
There are at least 23 potential sites of transmission.
There was reportedly a rush at supermarkets in Auckland, as locals anticipated a snap lockdown.
Officials said there was a need for strong response because of the fear of the Delta variant, and because there was no clear link between the new case and the border or quarantine facilities.
Worth reading in full.
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It has long been clear that the Scottish Nasty Party are 24-carat authoritarians.
La Turdgeon is of course the worst, with Humza ‘Stasi’ Yousaf a close second. Not a surprise to see Swinney piling in either.
These awful people have been absolutely loving the extra powers over day-to-day life that they’ve awarded themselves.
They are some seriously sick puppies and it’s high time Scotland woke up and kicked them into the next solar system.
He argued the consultation was “an opportunity to maintain changes that have been welcomed by people who now don’t want to lose transformations that have been innovative” during the pandemic.
Sick, authoritarian gobbledygook from the Sad, Numptie Pondlife.
A people, a nation I was always proud to consider an integral part of the United Kingdom has been reduced to near vassal status by a midget sized and midget brained fugly woman and her equally fugly hubby.
For the Sturge and the rest of the cabal the only humane solution – for the people of Scotland at least is a Ceaucescau moment.
Sadly, around 45% think Turdgeon and her fellow authoritarians can do no wrong, despite quite staggeringly gargantuan amounts of evidence indicating the exact opposite – the appalling SNP poison and ruin everything they touch.
People reliant on the government for their income. A totally different mindset to me or you and Sturgeon is good for those people, with he state expansion project for Scotland.
They rely on the English taxpayer for their incomes.
Time for another ‘independence’ referendum methinks- but this time including us poor slobs south of the border. That would be interesting.
What makes you think England is any different?
Good point. As yet the Westminster government hasn’t explicitly introduced legislation to embed Chinese authoritarianism permanently, and masks and lockdowns are less intrusive, but I wouldn’t hold my breath. Lets have a look come Christmas and the seasonal rise in infection.
The will to totalitarian power is certainly there. Johnson and Co. are no better in essence than Wee Krankie’s gang, including Devious Screamer. Parliament is a dead duck, overwhelmed by tenth rate chancers. Two months on, I’ve just received a reply from my MP over the last Commons vote :
“I believe that extending restrictions for another month was the right thing to do given the context of new variants and rising rates of infection.
Although I believe that the government has been reckless in its decision-making around this, I am glad that the success of the vaccine program has meant we have been able to end almost all restrictions over the last month.”
These are not democrats of any description – even given the broad definition of that term.
Bozo follows the Poison Dwarf in most things, I suspect both he and Smarmer are thinking “what a good idea!”
“….the only humane solution – for the people of Scotland at least is a Ceaucescau moment”.
Certainly not just for Scotland.
Main difference : the UK populace would have cheered Ceaucescau.
Here in Canada, Trudeau just called a snap election for September 20th. He had 2 years left in his term, however, with a minority government he was slightly handcuffed for policy decisions. His prelude to calling an election – he announced mandatory vaccines for all federal public servants and anyone travelling by plane, train or bus. He was no doubt feeling the political winds that most Canadians want mandatory vaccines, it seems, so he is trying to cash this in for a majority government. He’s already increased the deficit from about $60 billion per year to almost $400 billion per year and the total Canadian debt stands close to $1.2 trillion!
Of course, with the clear obfuscation over vaccine mandates, nobody seems to care about the deficit nor debt so he is likely to get a majority and then we are all in for CCP government Canadian style unfortunately.
Bloody hell.
I suspect, and I have believed this for some time, Bozo will pull the same stunt.
He can try it.
It’s time to leave Canada!
Anyone familiar with the plot of the Star Wars prequels will know that this is how Emperor Palpatine gets to power. After getting himself put in charge a manufactured situation is used to grant him ’emergency powers’ which are never cancelled. Obviously a role model for our leader.
So they are attempting to redefine both “emergency” and “democracy”. Will they get away with it, or will we invent other new words that tell the truth? Open to offers, maybe.
It seems Scotland needs liberating. As does Australia, New Zealand, Canada… A very similar mind-set prevalent in all the so-called leaders of these countries. Johnson just does as he is told. So, we have our very own Stalin/Hitler mini-me on our shores. What to be done about it though? Is this what the Scottish people really want?
If people want the moronic Trudeau, why wouldn’t others want the Turdgeon or the fat tosser who inhabits No 10? In fact, it’s hard to think of a western country that doesn’t have a criminal nominally in charge.
Public Servants need to be reminded they are public servants and not our Masters. I don’t care to what lengths we need to go to make them understand that their roles are temporary and we are governed only by our Consent.
Sadly this has not been the case for decades. I said from the outset of this insanity that we would not get our freedoms back. I was not trying to be clever, simply observing that power once taken is rarely, if ever, relinquished. When has any new rule ever been reversed? I only hope I was wrong about it happening in England.
Actually, they are governing ‘by consent’. That’s the problem.
Short, simple and clear.
Johnson is ‘smarter’ .
And will do and achieve just the same.
“an opportunity to maintain changes that have been welcomed by people who now don’t want to lose transformations that have been innovative” during the pandemic.
Haha good one.
Very chilling- sounds like a line from any of the looters in Atlas Shrugged- they said it was all in the best interests of ‘the people’ too.
Actually, this sounds like run-of-the-mill communist party rethoric dressed in 21st century buzzwords.
NB: I wouldn’t usually use this comparison, but “the benefits of people’s revolution must be preserved for the people” is to close to that one to ignore the parallell. Obviously, there are larger numbers of unpeople who absolutely don’t want that, but they don’t matter to us.
Try reading Atlas Shrugged
No thanks. I’ve read 1.5 of Rand’s books and that’s more than enough for a lifetime.
I also think the translation into more 20th century communist rethoric is more important: That’s what this guy is actually saying after the managerial fluff speak has been stripped away.
The leftists are leftists because they are stupid and ignorant. They have three neurons (at most) that have broken relationships.
And they do not want to work. For them it is easier to steal.
first time I have heard that the medieval practice of covering faces was innovative.
Dennis Prager | The Left is Destroying Western Civilization | Reclaiming Conservatism Conference
At least Sturgeon is displaying just how horrific her version of independence would be before her subjects get the chance to vote against it.
But can we have a say next time? Why do we just have to pay the bill? If the good folk of Scotland have really gone so far as to actually want this I think we should be able to say ‘OK, here’s your independence, now sod off’.
Scottish communist, sorry National, Party are quite clearly all about top down control. Always have been.
In 2014 they were warning of the dangers of postal votes skip to last year and they encouraged them and got a lot of support. Hmmmm nothing fishy there.
Us true independence supporters hate her and her party.
They will ruin Scotland. Come visit whilst it still is Scotland. Won’t be for long
Scottish National Socialists = Snazis.
Love it. Let’s get this viral
She doesn’t want true independence – just a chance to join the EU with her hands outstretched. I think she would find that harder than she imagines, since I can’t see the EU agreeing to all this.
The woke health Taliban also support pulling down statues of those who’s presence reminds them their religion of state worship is a failure.
The Scottish Government should have never been given such powers in the first place and if the UK Government had any bottle it would legislate to remove them now. History has taught us that you can not effectively counter nationalist movements through appeasement.
Martin. The SNP are anything but nationalist. Have you seen anything they have done
Yes the SNP are EU-Fanatics.
…but they are also separatists. They assert Scottish superiority and anti- Englishness. That’s a natonalist ideology in my eyes.
Totalitarian regimes are nationalist – by definition. It is one of the strongest drivers.
No, Totalitarian regimes are “anti-neighbourist”.
Marxist Hitler and Stalin didn’t respect other nation’s borders and annexed them and robbed those peoples in order to fund.
Still ‘nationalist’.
Stalin was an “internationalist.”
Socialism is totalitarian
Socialism is NOT totalitarian. People who profess it are. And they commit crimes against Humans (they aren’t; animals they are).
On the contrary, socialism is totalitarian, by definition.
Socialism is full state control of the economy, it abolishes the market and market prices, making economic calculation impossible.
Insofar as nationalism equates with hating your neighbour, oh boy is the SNP nationalist.
They hate Scotland and are purposefully destroying the country
Whats with the Scottish bit of “permanent”, this applies to all gob shittes (politicians). Income tax is only temporary, the Covid act is only temporary but will be quietly forgotten and never repealed until they want to imprison the population again.
It’s not permanent. One day some force or power will sweep the likes of Sturgeon, Johnson, Macron et all into the sea. They will be forgotten but for a footnote about the need for vigilance re tinpot dictator wannabes.
Alfred North Whitehead:
A taste for power.
Power goes to the head.
Power corrupts.
Hope they keep going down this route because it’s a cul-de-sac!
Tolkien knew what he was talking about in the Lord of the Rings. Power and gold corrupts. It turns elves into orcs.
It will be the goodly folk (hobbits/common man), who will ultimately come though and defeat this evil.
Money for nothing and your covid kicks for free (scotland 2021 august)
Scottish public spending deficit doubles to £36bn – BBC News
But if you work for the never-ending scottish gravy train quangos, all you now care about is a permanent policy to work from home.
Someone “with faith in MagicMoneyTree (modern Monetary) policy” will be along in a minute to claim this overspend is a saving.
And the English, as ever, foot the bill.
Divide & Rule to further the EU agenda.
Short version: Our Chinese business partners would be awfully unpleased to lose the opportunity to sell state-mandated throwaway masks of no particular value.
Jing! Crivvens! Wha could hae forseen it?
Well, all of us, of course.
It’s all bad, but this one really boils my haggis: “the wider use of fines as an alternative to prosecution”
A fixed penalty notice is not a “fine”. Fines are issued by courts, after prosecution (and conviction or a guilty plea). Any judge, magistrate, or sheriff will be very happy to explain the difference.
Among the many red lines being crossed is this acceptable that any jumped up little Stasi in a hi-vis costume can hand out “fines” that are anything more than a blackmail demand.
Always have your day in court, if only to tie up the nippy sweeties at the Fiscal.
Funny how he says “an opportunity to maintain changes that have been welcomed by people who now don’t want to lose transformations that have been innovative” but offers no indication how they know people want these things is it not? well, not really, since this is typial of Governments which seek to impose things detrimental to the population as a whole. Why didn’t they hold a referendum to ask people which things they want to retain since the SNP seem to love referendums that suit them?
I’m sure they won’t be the first country to make their ’emergency powers’ permanent. The problem is that very few people are objecting. It’s quite depressing really,
.. measures with “demonstrable benefit to the people of Scotland”..
So, lockdowns, masks and school closures?
A requirement to show ‘demonstrable benefit’ should hole this below the waterline before the ship sails.
Unfortunately, speaking as resident in Scotland, and having observed the difference in vibe compared to England lately, the only requirement to get overwhelming public support for Unquestioned-restrictions-on-liberty-any-time-any-place will be for Nicola to say it’ll be ‘good for Scotland’.