Ibizan officials are considering hiring undercover operatives to attend secret parties that break lockdown rules and snitch on the organisers to the authorities. Organisers of illegal parties – who are being blamed for an increase in positive Covid tests – face fines of up to €600,000 (£513,000). The Guardian has the story.
The idea comes as the island, where the renowned nightlife and music scene has long drawn tourists from around the world, seeks to tackle a two-week Covid incidence rate that has soared to 1,814 cases per 100,000 of the population. With most nightclubs shuttered – except for those able to hold outdoor events where patrons are seated at all times – and gatherings in restaurants and bars limited to small groups, officials have blamed illegal parties for the spike in cases.
They have responded with an array of restrictions, from a ban on mixed-household gatherings between 1am and 6am to fines of up to €600,000 (£513,000) for those who organise illegal parties.
Even so, the parties have not stopped. “They’re not only an issue related to public order, which they have always been, but now they pose an obvious risk to people’s health,” a local official, Mariano Juan, told the newspaper Diario de Ibiza. “Police themselves say it’s difficult for them to infiltrate, as they are known to locals. So we have to look outside for help.” …
Local officials are now in talks with a company that is studying how best to put together a team who can help police in detecting these parties, said Juan. “It is not easy as the profile we’re looking for are foreigners between 30 and 40 years old, but we have been working on it for two weeks.”
Nevertheless, he was confident that the initiative would advance quickly. “I have no doubt that it will be up and running this summer… It’s a necessity to safeguard the health situation in Ibiza.” …
The idea has… been heavily criticised by the Socialist party, which leads the regional administration covering Ibiza. A spokesperson, Vicent Torres, called on the island’s officials to put forth “serious proposals that have legal backing” rather than “acting irresponsibly by launching ideas that we cannot agree to”.
Worth reading in full.
Stop Press: “I absolutely love this story,” says Guardian reporter Robyn Vinter, apparently welcoming the idea of hiring tourists to spy on each other.

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No surprise that the Guardian and Guardian readers love snitches.
The issue of “snitching” is an interesting one in itself. One man’s contemptible snitch is another’s brave police witness, and the difference basically depends on whether the crime being reported on is regarded as real and serious, or trivial/political.
This is another area where I feel we need to distinguish between real crimes and breaches of regulations. The former imo are those that involve doing things that would be serious moral outrages even in the absence of formal law – murder, rape, assaults, robbery, theft, frauds. The latter are everything else.
In this country we used to have quite a strong cultural hostility towards snitching, even outside the underclass circles that invariably have such.
Coincidentally Merkel’s family moved EAST across the Berlin wall as it was being built…
When nothing make sense almost anything is believable
Globalists flee to private islands, underground bunkers, as they unleash bioweapons “nuke from orbit” plan to decimate the human race with spike protein vaccine injections
Stand in South Hill Park Bracknell every Sunday from 10am meet fellow anti lockdown freedom lovers, keep yourself sane, make new friends and have a laugh.
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“No surprise that the Guardian and Guardian readers love snitches.”
(Just putting a bit of apolitical balance back into the equation).
No dispute that there are authoritarians on both left and right, and always have been. Though you brought the politics into it, here. My comment was intentionally aimed directly at one particular publication (and its readers, in general), because it has been by some distance the worst.
What’s more, a publication that you yourself in the past have insisted should not be regarded as left-wing (though I disagree with that – it’s just not your particular brand of leftism).
The Mail does have a readership that tends to authoritarian, though not entirely, and has been infinitely better in terms of the coronapanic than the Guardian. Both (in common with all the mainstream publications) have printed panic-mongering authoritarian nonsense, but the Mail has been much better at also covering dissenting opinion, and the Guardian has been at the extreme edge of the hysterical authoritarian fearmongering range
As for “Brexit”, that’s just your own prejudice. Most likely Brexit-supporters skew anti-authoritarian, in general, if anything.
No need to defend the despicable Guardian, we all know it’s the worst of the worse.
True- but plenty of left wing Labour Brexit supporters too, just for good measure. I don’t read any paper out of interest- they’re all equally pointless.
Snitching, to me, is when something that should not be illegal is made illegal and then anyone breaking the unjust law is reported to the police.
Snitch is too kind a word anyway, the correct verb is ‘rat’.
“something that should not be illegal“
Your phrase “should not” there is key.
As in Atlas Shrugged when the politicians point out that one simply has to make enough things illegal to create plenty of criminals.
My dad was a teacher and if you snitched on someone, they got disciplined for their misdemeanor and you got disciplined for snitching! It was most definitely a no no
Same as when the smoking in pubs ban came in- local councils advertised for people to sit in pubs and ‘observe that the rules were being observed and report transgressors’- snitch in other words. I wrote to my local council and asked them why they thought it was appropriate to pay citizens to spy on their friends and neighbours, and what kind of reprehensible low life they thought would want to spy and snitch on their fellow citizens for having a sneaky ciggie. I never got a reply. Incidentally, I’ve never smoked in my life- I used to use that old fashioned thing called discretion to decide if I thought going into a smoky pub was a good idea.
It appears to me that the delta variant is not very harmful
This view is anathema to the mainstream who want to imply it is every bit as dangerous and its only the vaccines that have reduced mortality
Which view is correct can be shown by publishing data on the mortality of delta both among vaccinated and unvaccinated – by age bands.
It has to be by age bands because mortality is strongly affected by age as is likelihood of being vaccinated
This seems to show no significant difference between vaccinated and unvaccinated – at one moment in time – but not age stratified
This (page 18) shows no significant difference – again no age stratification
Here’s one epidemiologist’s view of it:
פרופ’ אייל שחר
It is crystal clear.
The UK Delta wave is endemic.
[Endemic = case wave, no significant mortality wave, no excess deaths.]
We would not have noticed it in normal times.
All family members create such common cold waves.
my view is that
a) it is the natural course of a virus to endemic and mostly harmless
b) it is now just one of 200 similar colds circulating
c) just like the other 200 colds it will be dangerous to very vulnerable people
d) if we weren’t looking for it there is nothing to see – deaths as normal
e) it is done and dusted – they just don’t realise/admit it yet
f) the vaccines were at best superfluous – unnecessary for the young – a bit risky for the very old – but a risk/benefit analysis that isn’t completely obvious
g) given it seems to infect and spread in vaccinated similarly to free range – passports are a stupid idea
One last comment. This virus was not an exceptional event. But that is not the reason we shouldn’t have had lockdowns.
I agree with all of that.
I would add that (1) is generally true, but arguably is no longer true in the situation our “leaders” have manufactured, in which there is mass vaccination with a “leaky” vaccine. There’s a good argument that such vaccination removes the selection bias against more virulent strains that drives that normal process, or at any rate tips the balance against it.
This is a potential danger to humanity that “we” have created by our panic response to an inherently not societally dangerous virus.
yes. my ‘at best superfluous’ comment is just me being polite
I think that rushing out an undertested vaccine and applying to the entire world is so extremely stupid/evil that it literally shocks me
in 2020 everyone said we won’t have a vaccine for years because of testing
then they rushed them out ‘for the vulnerable’
then everybody
then you can’t partake in society if you haven’t had it
We will be talking about long term vaccine effects for a decade after sars-cov-2 and its stupid younger brother ‘long covid’ are distant memories. And that is the best case scenario that the ADE or a leaky vaccine superstrain doesn’t appear.
“This is a potential danger to humanity that “we” have created by our panic response to an inherently not societally dangerous virus.” – yes – theoretically at least. even if we dodge the bullet this time it sets such a dangerous precedent – ‘new cold, lock down world, vaccinate everyone with first thing that comes out of the lab’. its civilisation destroyingly stupid
“civilisation destroyingly stupid“
That’s no overstatement, even if the risk might be very low (in truth, we don’t know how high the risk is).
And they should not be forgiven for doing so merely because we dodge the bullet this time (assuming we do). When a man puts a bullet in a revolver, spins the cylinder, puts it to your head and pulls the trigger, you don’t just forgive him because you survived.
well put
This is some excellent analysis which should be ATL but isn’t.
HALT, CITIZEN! Promoting “antibody dependent enhancement” is a dangerous conspiracy theory punishable by five Social Credit Score demeri-
[Checks weekend updated to the Settled Science]
As we have always said, “antibody dependent enhancement” is a real and terrifying thing, which is why we must have more boosters, more lockdown, and more kitten culls.
Go along with most of that. Though the vaccines were more than a bit risky for all those naive enough to bare their arms for these gene altering unlicensed liability free products. Of course, the longer term dangers of the “vaccines’ remain almost unknown, at least to the public.
And of course, as always, there’s that standing rebuke to the panickers, Sweden:
Sweden: Despite Variants, No Lockdowns, No Daily Covid Deaths
I was just looking at their mortality data
worth a browse to show how a free country handles an epidemic
They are in it too.
They just got lucky with Tegnell and their laws and more leeway because they are further along with abolishing cash.
The UK got lucky with common law based exemptions.
Unlucky with everything else, above all its leader.
“It has to be by age bands because mortality is strongly affected by age as is likelihood of being vaccinated.”
This is something that should have been done from the very start. Why wasn’t it? Well, it would have clearly demonstrated that the virus mostly posed a threat to very old people (who usually had multiple underlying health conditions). Instead, governments across the world concentrated on whipping up hysteria by publishing almost meaningless ‘case’ numbers. Why behave in this way? To usher in the ‘Great Re-set’?
That was obvious from the very outset. See, for example, this article from the South China Morning Post dated January 2020:
Wuhan virus killing mostly the elderly, those with previous health problems
Yes, it was obvious to people who were paying attention, but the MSM focused instead on ‘case’ numbers and promoted fear propaganda to scare those who hadn’t been paying attention to the details!
The key question: why?
Agreed. The CDC Politburo’s slip up in revealing that viral loads are as high or higher among the double-jabbed has given the game away, as did Al Beeb’s frantic doublethink damage control denying that most cases were now among the double-jabbed and of course we should expect most cases to now be among the double-jabbed.
The gaffe is up, and they’re now frantically trying to resurrect the ghost of panics past, like the Beta Boogeyman.
Sounds like something the Gestapo would have thought up – maybe they did
There is a well known quote by a well known former East German civil rights advocate instrumental in bringing down the wall which predicted just that happening decades ago. https://www.achgut.com/artikel/baerbel_bohley_die_frau_die_es_voraussah
They called their
snitchesguardians of public morals “blockleiters”. I expect there’s a Spanish equivalent from the Franco era.Bear in mind that Spain went from Imperialist dictatorship to hard left socialist with only a few glory years of freedom separating them.
One of the great achievements of the internet and its social media aspect in our society has been to privatise this system and thereby enable it in less overtly totalitarian states.
I’m pretty sure the culprits of the increase in positive test cases are the morons who go and do tests.
For me, people going to do covid tests is like lemmings following other lemmings off a cliff.
The revival of The Secret Policeman’s Ball?
There must surely be some remaining experts on these matters left over from the days of Franco, as well as the new Iberian Sicherheitsdienst members, but, if not, then they could look to the Stasi and other Communist secret police forces for some guidance and inspiration.
If indeed it is locals who are arranging these heinous activities, and the cops are recognisable, then anyone with a couple of pesetas of sense might twig that “foreigners” are equally recognisable and show them the door; perhaps after administering that old Falangist speciality of a hefty dose of castor oil.
UK weekly deaths normal
being reported as a catastrophic surge by the BBC
The BBC do like to mislead don’t they!
Slightly off topic but I watch a bit of parkour on YouTube. Those who do it are forever being chased away by security guards etc and TBH if a group of them were jumping around on my property I might find it irritating.
The last one I watched, a UK group had just gone to Spain and were doing some dangerous looking jump from one wall to another. I guess if they’d missed the landing, they may have been looking at broken bones, but probably no more than that as they know how to fall. An off-duty policewoman appeared, showed her warrant card and told them to stop. They explained who they were and what they were doing (they are trained professionals – they do this as a job, make money out of their YT channel) but she was having none of it. “If you have an accident, I’m responsible”. I think she just happened to be passing by. I’ve no idea if she could have been done for dereliction of duty if it came out that there was an accident and she ignored the danger, but it seems far fetched to me. So surely, having established that the people involved were sane adults, willingly doing this, what business is it of hers?
They stopped, walked round the corner for a while, started again and completed their filming when she’d gone.
It’s just a part and tool of Klaus ‘you’ll own nothing and be happy’ strategy.
Implement ever more ridiculous rules which people will eventually be forced to break in conjunction with extortive fines and an army of snitches and presto, the state will own everything.
Too many on here still obsessing about a disease referred to as Covid. And now Dr Judy Mikovitz is saying there is no such thing, it is just a cold virus.
The C. nonsense is just that. The real programme is depopulation.
The injections are the death shots and I fear many of these are going to be activated this Autumn / Winter. Possibly the “boosters” will be the trigger.
What is absolutely certain is that some serious shit is coming down the pipeline before year end: mass deaths, financial crash or both.
I fear you are correct – time to make as many preparations as possible.
Do you get a uniform by any chance? And does it include a brown shirt?
Presumably there’s a Franco-era equivalent term for blockwart.
Who the fuck in their right mind, would go to Ibiza to party and then be forced to sit down? Really?
Brave young men sought for Police Party Program. Job benefits include free lifetime jabs and also free stitches after each assignment.
They had to find something for the British curtain-twitchers to do, now that there are fewer roolz about which they can “snitch” on their fellow countrymen. Still, here is an admission that the illegal raves and parties are happening somewhere, as a DIRECT RESULT of banning gatherings, whereas our government is peddling the myth “no, there are no illegal raves here, no protests, public obedience is very high indeed…” I’m sure there are illegal raves and parties here in Britain, but the government is hushing this up, like the enormous protests.
When nothing make sense almost anything is believable
Globalists flee to private islands, underground bunkers, as they unleash bioweapons “nuke from orbit” plan to decimate the human race with spike protein vaccine injections
Stand in South Hill Park Bracknell every Sunday from 10am meet fellow anti lockdown freedom lovers, keep yourself sane, make new friends and have a laugh.
Join our Stand in the Park – Bracknell – Telegram Group
Police around the world (including here) generating a lot of bitter hostility towards themselves amongst people who, in many cases, would have been their natural supporters. Storing it up for the future.
And no, they aren’t “forced” to do it because “it’s their job” or “it’s the law”. Try that one next time they are making excuses for not bothering to deal with a robbery or theft report. Or just watch how they deal with a BLM or similar elite-approved “protest”.
One of the most depressing revelations of the new normal Corona fascism, for me, has been the willingness of the underground dance music community to embrace, endorse and promote the agenda. House, tech house, techno, drum n bass, psy trance, off beats and jazz etc – the whole rotten lot of them.From encouraging people to be jabbed to sporting their own branded masks, and all the photo ops that presents, to going along with covid passes and just openly and blatantly asking zero questions, I have to say, this scene is a piece of shit and this snitching in Ibiza is an extension of that.
I had an online debate with a Brit DJ who lives in Ibiza and he was totally hypnotised by the Guardian, viewed me trying to present him with counter info as a nutjob and was very fascist and bigoted in his nature. These people who look like freedom loving people of the Earth often turn out to be some of the biggest fascists.
What makes me really angry about this is the fact that these people have spent their whole lives living the most exorbitant and free existences, travelling the world, going to all the best parties, taking all the best drugs, in all the best venues – their whole scene emerged from the true spirit of freedom and a form of consciousness that truly embraces all people for the love of being alive and celebrating the gift of life. Well, turns out that most of the known DJs, especially the old guard, are a bunch of fascism loving lickspittle government cocksuckers, queueing up to get their jabs, announcing it to their followers and encouraging them to be as dumb as they are. Now they are all jabbed, they all congregate like they are safe, totally unaware that they are now potentially harbours for bio-weapons which can be transmitted to their fellow dancers – we don’t know this 100% for sure, but the bottom line is these jabs turn you into a virus making factory, and your body will seek to expel these toxins – plus all the unknown nano particles, whatever is causing magentism, the graphene oxide – we are in unchartered waters and these people are acting like it’s a long approved 100% safe and tested medicine.
Love this description – ‘a bunch of fascism loving lickspittle government cocksuckers’.
I really do!
A familiar pattern: $authority which always did its best to persecute people doing X now claims persecution of people doing X somehow “helps” “against Corona”.
why are they testing people there anyway? Do the “vaccines” not work or something?
That worked for PolPot until the Vietnamese came in to rescue the Cambodians. Who’s going to rescue the party goers?
Wow who threatened or bought the authorities in Ibiza?