- “England’s Covid care home deaths could be thousands higher than official figures, say providers” – Care homes have voiced concerns that the watchdog may not have registered a significant number of cases, says the SundayTelegraph.
- “The Delta variant has been caged. Whisper it, but this may all be over soon” – Covid cases are falling, herd immunity is approaching and even gloomy epidemiologists believe the worst of the crisis may soon be behind us, according to the Sunday Times.
- “Clubbers shun reopened venues in England amid confusion over Covid safety” – Owners blame ‘low consumer confidence’ and confused government messages for poor post-‘freedom day’ attendances, reports the Guardian.
- “How drugs dished out by GPs for everything from head lice to diabetes could be the future of fighting Covid” – A time may be approaching where the majority of patients never need hospital treatment, says the Sunday Telegraph.
- “Popular German Newspaper Issues Apology on Covid Deception” – Bild apologises to children for being complicit in their unjust treatment over the past 16 months.
- “Vaccine passports are the first steps to a biosurveillance state” – Joanna Blythman in the Herald warns against the introduction of a British version of China’s social credit system.
- “Mexico won’t be ‘hostage’ to Big Pharma, President says, as internet predicts trouble after country rejects Covid jabs for kids” – Social media users have theorised that the Mexican President could face severe repercussions after he refused to purchase Covid vaccines for children, according to RT.
- “In attack on CDC’s new school guidance, Florida Governor signs order allowing parents to decide whether children mask up” – Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed an executive order to ensure that parents – and not officials – will decide whether pupils don masks at public schools, reports RT.
- “Discounts from Uber and Deliveroo will lure young people in UK to get Covid jab” – Companies will offer credit and price reductions in government push to boost vaccination rates, says the Guardian.
- “Revealed: the eight Test and Trace ‘fat cats’ earning more than the Prime Minister” – MPs criticise exorbitant pay for civil servants running the system, which has cost the taxpayer vast sums, according to the Sunday Telegraph.
- “Sunak: Dump travel rules to save holidays” – Rishi Sunak has written to Boris Johnson calling for the urgent easing of travel restrictions as the holiday hopes of millions hang in the balance this week, reports the Sunday Times.
- “MPs assure UK tourists ‘traffic lights’ won’t change while abroad” – MPs have called on the Government to reassure tourists the status of their holiday destinations won’t change while they’re abroad, according to the Mail on Sunday.
- “Spare us from the mental torture of crazy travel rules” – It sometimes seems as if someone wants to punish us for wanting to live normally again, says this leader for the Mail on Sunday.
- “Boris Johnson to welcome thousands of delegates with unregulated jabs” – The PM has given the green light for officials and leaders to attend the COP26 climate change summit in Glasgow later this year, even though many have only received vaccines not recognised by British or European regulators, says MailOnline.
- “U.K. can expect thousands of Covid deaths every year, warn scientists” – Disease will circulate alongside flu and other seasonal viruses and become part of accepted winter illness, says the Guardian.
- “Anti-vaxxers march through London to protest children’s Covid jabs” – Hundreds of protestors, young and old, marched along the banks of the River Thames before arriving at Downing Street where they chanted “save our children”, reports MailOnline.
- “Israel and Covid: Is the drug deadlier than the disease?” – Nevile Hodgkinson in the Conservative Woman looks at the impact of Israel’s vaccination programme.
- “Let It Rip” – Andrew Sullivan in his weekly Substack newsletter explains how he learnt to stop worrying about the virus.
- “We know that the NHS had a woeful crisis. But we’re choosing to keep it just as it is” – The appointment of Amanda Pritchard proves the NHS is change averse, says Danial Hannan in the Sunday Telegraph.
- “Sky News Australia SUSPENDED from YouTube” – Rebel News reports that YouTube has banned Sky News Australia over concerns that some of its reporters are breaching its community standards on Covid. The suspension follows the Australian Daily Telegraph cancelling Sky News presenter Alan Jones’s column.
- “CDC Still Baffled People Are Paying Attention To Them” – The Babylon Bee takes aim at the CDC in its latest squib.
- “Sniffer dogs inherit unconscious bias” – The ability of animals to recognise human feelings has become a concern for the prison service, reports the Sunday Times, which is worried that handlers of sniffer dogs may be communicating “unconscious bias” to their canine charges.
- “I called it” – Andrew Doyle highlights how his satirical creation Titania McGrath correctly predicted that the sex of babies would soon no longer be recorded on birth certificates.
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Andrew Sullivan says he has been double-prrforated.
Andrew Sullivan says he is completely safe from Covvideath.
So is everybody who has had the magic snake oil, he says.
Everybody who hasn’t will die, he says.
That will teach them not to refuse the magic snake oil, he says.
Andrew Sullivan is a nasty little git.
Oh dear, Mr Sullivan seems to be in denial about the Newly Settled Science from the Newly Settled Scienticians at Sage and the CDC.
Is he unaware that his double-prick no longer protects him? Does he not agree that we must return to muzzles? Is he denying Antibody-Dependent Enhancement now that Settled Sage has declared it to be no longer a crazy conspiracy theory but terrifying truth?
To the e-gulag with him!
Off with his head!
Fortunately whether I live or die is not up to Andrew Sullivan, whoever he is.
He’s correct we’re all going to die vaccinated and unvaccinated but not necessarily of/with Covid. Currently he’s actually more likely to die from Covid or the vaccine or both than we are. That should cheer you up!
The spite protein is the deadliest.
Yes they took it too far for some of the masses when they went for the children. More people are now pushing back, it feels like.
‘In Germany,with a circulation of currently about 1.37 million copies daily, the BILD newspaper published by the Axel-Springer Publishing Company is Germany’s largest and most popular tabloid’:
‘To the millions of children in this country, for whom our society is responsible, I want to express here what neither our government nor our Chancellor dares to tell you. We ask you to forgive us. Forgive us for this policy which, for a year and a half, has made you victims of violence, neglect, isolation and loneliness. Sorry for this policy and media coverage which, like poison, made you feel like you were a mortal danger to society. You are not a danger to society, don’t believe this lie. It’s up to us to protect you. What happened to our children, many people and Bild denounced it. Nothing happened. Merkel organized a summit for children? No ! Instead, we persuaded our children that they were going to murder their grandma if they dared to be what they are, children. Or if they met their friends. None of this has been scientifically proven. It was easy to force that on the kids, they can’t defend themselves and they don’t vote. When a state steals the rights of a child, it must prove that by doing so it protects him against concrete and imminent danger. This proof has never been provided. It has been replaced by propaganda presenting the child as a vector of the pandemic. Those who wanted to contradict this propaganda were never invited to the expert table.’
In Britain?
Well, some cool dude has painted a bridge over the A 59 near Shackleton’s house; on one side: ‘Realise Covid lies’; on the other side: ‘Covid 1984’
Whoever you were, I salute you!
Things have come to this, that Germany’s press has more candour than our own and the alternative view in Britain is so suppressed that it must resort to painting slogans on bridges!
Nevertheless this is a long game.
The judgement of history awaits.
It will not be kind to you, Mr Johnson.
The issue is not in doubt.
People will use Wankok, Witless, Johnson and the rest as set standards of evil, like Hitler.
Bild must have known this to be true for a very long time. It is expedient for there to be some easing of the pressure on the German working classes. It is, after all, not the people in the middle who will throw off this tyranny. The man daubing the bridge, the French refuseniks and their ilk, and plain common sense will see us through.
Forgotten what a load of sh*t Bild is.
However I too can find no podcast, video or transcript of it on the Bild site or the Bild Live site.
Either its been quickly taken down, or it was a fake. I suspect the later.
In fact, the earlier.
It’s on youtube and it’s definitely Julian Reichelt, but dated 28 May 2021:
Is there something I’m not not understanding here. The link below provides a list of patents related to Covid-19. Can anyone explain this one:
The US operates a daft “First Inventor To File” system where if you’ve made any mention that you are working on an invention or process, you can later backdate the patent claim to then, even if the filed invention is substantially different or the use of that invention or process isn’t part of the original disclosure.
It results in crazy looking filings like that, and legal wrangles over “nuh huh, I thought of that first”. Almost like the system is set up to enrich lawyers rather than inventors.
I’m surprised it’s taken youtube this long to cancel SkyNews but the knives really came out in the past few weeks with Jones speaking the truth about the vaccines.
Meanwhile Sydney is locked down for another month with the army on the streets to enforce it. Way to go Australia!
I – half seriously – wonder when the jackboots will just put in the studio doors at SkyNews.au, live on air.
Morning, rational extremists.
I missed it, but the Limp Dems (remember them?) have been making weak growling noises about recalling Parliament to vote on Our Social Credit Score Apps.
It’s nice to see one (tiny, irrelevant) party put aside its recent policies on despotically dictating on gender-bending and eco-communism and say “Wait… does anyone here remember what ‘liberal’ actually means?”
Not that it matters now that Sir Forensic has dripped off the fence and oozed down on the side of biotyranny – his only demand seems to be to also add a public record of whether we have recently “tested” “negative” for the Chinese Virus.
What is happening to Round Up? A large majority of citations are now to articles in the Trash Press – from the Mail to the Guardian. Genuinely informative analysis has shrunk.
Thus we have innumerable ATL articles built on trash from those sources, dealing in the deceptive language of ‘cases’ and deliberate misunderstanding of the term ‘Covid’.
A good example today is the Telegraph article on ‘excess’ ‘Covid’ deaths in care homes.
Superficially, this may appeal to sceptics. But look carefully at it, and recognize it for what it is – a typical sloppy trash MSM piece, full of highly questionable assumptions and partial explanations that do nothing to clarify, and ultimately reinforces the terror meme without substance.
Yes indeed
It’s easy for us to criticise but I wish they’d do more original stuff and stick to the core message
I am sure resources are an issue but I think it’s also a matter of direction and DS having a clear idea what its objectives are
It’s just a façade to provoke/allow comments below.
I’ve tried, but cannot find a link on the BILD site for that so-called ‘apology’.
“Israel and Covid: Is the drug deadlier than the disease?”
This article is worth a read.
Absolute must watch and share presentations from some of our finest representatives at the Doctors for Covid Ethics/UK Column Symposium – panels of some of the very best from medicine and law and finance giving you all the best information to share. Some really brilliant stuff in here:
Some excellent inputs. For those wanting a detailed examination of PCR – see the slot by Prof Ulrike Kämmerer. Strong German accent – but worth listening to carefully.