Professor Neil Ferguson says that the spread of the Indian Covid variant could result in lockdown restrictions needing to be “tightened” – but as Britain recorded more than 3,000 Covid cases today for the first time in a month, deaths remained in the single figures. This follows Professor Sunetra Gupta’s recent warning regarding fear being drummed up about variants due to an increase in cases.
What we’re trying to do is prevent people from dying. Whether or not infections go up with a new variant is not relevant. It is important that people don’t die.
We have protected vulnerable people now… I’m sure that [vaccines] will protect vulnerable people against this new variant from death. Maybe not from infection, but that’s not relevant…
The MailOnline has more on the most recent Covid figures.
Daily infections today (3,180) spiked by 18% compared to last Wednesday’s figure, reaching their highest level since April 12th (3,568).

But deaths remained in single figures, with nine fatalities today up slightly on the three posted last Wednesday. Day-to-day counts can fluctuate – but the overall trend remains flat.
And Britain’s mammoth vaccine drive continued at full steam ahead, with 387,987 top-up jabs dished out across the country yesterday. It takes the U.K.’s number of fully vaccinated adults to more than 23.6 million…
It comes as “Professor Lockdown” Neil Ferguson today said it was impossible to say whether the June 21st date for England’s last stage of easing restrictions will go ahead because of the Indian variant.
He warned the B.1.617.2 strain – which is now spreading in almost half of England’s 300-plus authorities – could hinder Boris Johnson’s roadmap out of lockdown and lead to measures needing to be “tightened”, if data showed it was much more transmissible.
But the notoriously cautious academic struck a note of optimism, saying the huge vaccine roll-out means the U.K. is currently in a “much better place” than in December, when the Kent variant first began surging through the country before triggering a devastating second wave.
And Professor Ferguson… also suggested the nation could cope if the variant was proven to only be 20 to 30% more transmissible – which SAGE experts say is feasible.
Worth reading in full.
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Lockdown forever. And ever and ever and ever. Or. Just fuck off scaremongering ?
How many more times? A positive test result does not constitute a ‘case’.
Of course not.But the two have been so successfully conflated in the zombie mind that the lie works every time. Seems to work ATL as well.
It’s classic doublethink, because the same zombies would never say that you were a case of measles, or flu, or cancer, if you were perfectly well with no symptoms.
Yes – I’m getting sick of this loose employment/repetition of the PCR terms ‘case’ and infection’ here. I don’t want to listen to a broken Daily Mail gramophone relay.
The sheer idiocy of that second bar chart, with a minute spike in 2020 and a massive one in 2021 needs to be trodden on with vigour, not just floated without comment.
It’s beyond stupid.
The curve needs flattening!
And a ‘case’ does not mean illness.
Maybe Ferguson hasn’t got the memo?
Perhaps he also needs to be informed that Dr Fauci is on the skids. Shown to be lying since 2003 over numerous ‘outbreaks’ and the funding of the Wuhan Lab and Gain of Function. They have both been involved in Government propaganda since 2003 and The Gates Foundation seem to have their tentacles wrapped neatly around them.
Neil Ferguson and Sunetra Gupta – what a contrast! Why on earth doesn’t spineless Boris listen to the very sensible lady?
Gupta is just a vaccine pusher.
Gupta is, unlike Ferguson, a scientist
Gupta isn’t a criminal.
If someone can provide me with one authentic or validated instance of the charlatan Ferguson’s necromancy or soothsaying being anywhere close to true, I’d be grateful.
Ffs Ferguson again! He should be the first one to the cells.
Hard to disagree. How come he never lost his OBE for breaching lockdown ? How come the public was told he resigned and he didn’t. Lots of questions about this guy never answered correctly
He should have lost his OBE for innumerate balderdash
I think ‘honours’ are useful. They mark out the gong-chasers from the dependable scientists.
Because he is Gates’ man?
The figure of cases is meaningless unless we know how many tests were done.
The share of tests whcih are positive has been stuck at 0.4% or lower for approaching 3 months now.
I wouldn’t be at all surprised if the uptock in cases is entirely a function of an uptick in testing.
That’s even before we get onto talking about how few hospital admissions and deaths there are. Basically these are positive tests where hardly anyone is actually ill.
Weirdly less than 800,000 tests yesterday & a rise in positive PCR results. I also just checked my local region. We have had no cases since March. We have 4 recorded now. That’s Cambridge post code area. With Hancock’s half hour tonight we know where this is heading.
Still not much talk about the new Triple Mutant Yorkshire Variant. Or is that being saved for later on grown-up telly?
And we are chasing positives. Non of the numbers except perhaps the ONS survey are random testing so the numbers are not comparable at any time.
And the ONS numbers are either far too high or show that the IFR is now far below that of flu.
There was that crazy guy, Yeadon or something, who last year was banging on about how it’s critical to measure the operational false positive rate & subtract this from the gross “cases”.
I’m confident that SARS-COV-2 has long ago disappeared from the community,
This sites articles are basically the daily mail now.
Who the actual Fck cares about cases. Increase testing = more cases.
If you started increasing the number of IQ tests, you would find an increase in the number of morons
Thanks for making me smile this morning.
The world over, what’s been learnt is the importance of early treatment, and the fact that WHO and government health advice has consistently sabotaged it, leading to severe cases that often end in death. Think that’s impossible? Latest example is in the Journal of Influenza and other respiratory viruses:
“While the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) advise COVID-19 patients to seek medical attention if they have ‘trouble breathing’, there are no current guidelines to assess objective signs of respiratory insufficiency at home, such as oxygen saturation or respiratory rate”. Hypoxemic (low blood oxygen) patients frequently have no respiratory symptoms, and by the time they are showing symptoms, they face “markedly elevated mortality”.
The paper recommends “expanding guidelines to include at-home assessment of oxygen saturation and respiratory rate in order to expedite life-saving treatments patients to high-risk COVID-19 patients.” In other words, people should have at home one of those little gadgets that you stick your finger in to measure blood oxygen levels, and get help if they have “oxygen saturation <92%”.
Now, why isn’t that general knowledge? Shouldn’t that information – and information on all the other early treatments developed by doctors – be splashed on every TV screen and billboard when lockdowns are being eased and, like now, cases of infection increase? What are they spending that $1 billion on?
Anything that threatens the vaccine approach to Covid is to be rubbished, ignored or banned. They are spending untold sums of money on the planned Covid Event and virtually none of it is being put to worthwhile use, but of course no surprises there.
How many of these ‘cases’ have been jabbed? How many have been in contact with a ‘jabbed one’? I bet if they test the sewage, they will find ‘cases’ in the turds.
Turd meets turd, then?
I love “the notoriously cautious academic”.
Eden Times, exclusive.
Yesterday, after Eve’s conversation with a notoriously cautious snake, death has entered the world.
The snake broke lockdown in order to roger Eve, who was in an open marriage.
Because it’s all bullshit
Ivor Cummins and Real World Risk:
Bwaa- stop the world!
Gupta is right, in that it is important to keep hospitalisations and deaths low. This is why it was correct to vaccinate the vulnerable.
But Gupta is also wrong. Mild infection in the vaccinated is very important (whether symptomatic or asymptomatic), as it is this that drives vaccine escape.
Our eagerness to vaccinate everyone has led to the current partial vaccine escape. Soon enough it’ll be full escape.
They should have only vaccinated the most vulnerable.
It would have been best if the vaccinated had also been encouraged to keep self-isolating when the rest of society ended lockdown — this would have been unpopular, but it would have been the best chance to suppress vaccine escape.
Still, it’s too late now. The vulnerable will eventually become at risk again. I’d like to think that they could at least only boost the most vulnerable, but there seems to be rather a lot of reluctance to accept that the policy of universal vaccination is only going to make things worse.
Vaccinating the vulnerable is keeping them out of hospital by killing them.
“ This is why it was correct to vaccinate the vulnerable.”
I am so sick of dimwits here repeating this unevidenced non-sequitur.
What vaccine escape? Our immune systems are not that dumb. They have evolved for hundreds of millions of years with viruses.
With respect, utter cobblers.
There are no “escape mutants”.
On the contrary this is a slug of a virus where it comes to mutation rate.
After almost 18mo, all variants are at least 99.7% identical to the original virus.
As an immunologist, it’s obvious & confirmed that this miniature extent of difference is way too slight to evade immunity.
Deaths always lag cases. The indications from today’s cases will be reflected in hospitalisations in a week to 10 days, and deaths another week beyond that.
I hope the vaccines remain sufficiently efficacious to keep deaths low in the coming wave.
The comments on here seem straight out of 77th Brigade’s handbook.
They do indeed
Obviously correct and of course why we now have plumb normal overall all cause mortality for 2021.
2020? Cummings has given the game away about tens of thousands of unnecessary deaths caused by the NHS England hospital clearances. Without those clearances, 2020 mortality would have been unremarkable; even with them 2020 mortality was middling in a thirty year context.
Pandemic? No. Panic and incompetence at a senior level in government. Yes; of that, there can be no doubt.
Fuck off 77 cunt
There won’t be a wave if vaccines work. Which they do. So you can’t have a wave and working vaccines.
‘But deaths remained in single figures, with nine fatalities today up slightly on the three posted last Wednesday.’
For the millionth time, what does this mean? Deaths from any cause within 28 days of a positive PCR ‘test’? Deaths from chronic respiratory disease in an ICU? Deaths from other causes but where the individual showed symptoms consistent with ‘Covid’?
This shit-show is still on the road largely because of the media’s failure (almost certainly deliberate) to contextualise testing and mortality data. Just one day’s worth of honest reporting across all media would stop it in its tracks.
It is indeed a shit show when we shouldn’t be even using pcr tests. Disgusting all of it is. Disgusting.
More lies and propaganda by the very same criminals. This man seems to remain like a bad drain. He should have been sacked in 2003, he resigned in 2020. Why is he back spreading the Gates Propaganda. Those of us with contacts in India are being told nothing is happening out there but they are being fed a stream of news regarding the UK variant soon to hit hard. All to get the injection into wary citizens.
As Dr Clare Craig points out,
weekly testing increased four-fold in the under twenties in the two weeks leading up to the latest figures for 12th May..
More Test have now been done in Bolton, than there are people in Bolton!
319.073 tests v 287.706 population up to 21st May.
So just decide what you want to ‘prove’, do off the chart amounts of testing, et voila!
It is getting boring all of it we’ve a bunch of incompetents no 10 – I shan’t go on I’ll be here all morning!
Surely you don’t think that? It’s not incompetence but DELIBERATE.
It’s a battle between Boris who wants to open up and the others who do not. I have no doubt the data are being manipulated as much as possible by the lockdowners who are broadly in charge of what we do. You can increase cases rather easily by testing more of the people who are not vaccinated and who mingle more.
Does anyone genuinely give a toss what Ferguson says any more?
No we don’t and indeed why is Ferguson being hauled over the coals…….well I do know why!
It really doesn’t matter one iota how transmissible it is if nobody gets seriously ill or dies. Indeed if the problem is people being unwilling to be vaccinated then the more transmissible the better – they get immunity faster from getting infected.
Ferguson seems to be rowing back quite rapidly for him.