Journal Retracts Study Showing Masks Don’t Work Claiming Science “Clearly Shows” Masks Work, But Fails to Cite Any Evidence
The study on the harms of masks by Dr Baruch Vainshelboim has been retracted on the order of the Editor-in-Chief,...
The study on the harms of masks by Dr Baruch Vainshelboim has been retracted on the order of the Editor-in-Chief,...
Daily Covid deaths have been lower than the five-year average of deaths from influenza and pneumonia over the past month...
New SAGE modelling to be presented to ministers ahead of stage three of reopening on May 17th will show the...
Coronavirus deaths in the U.K. have fallen by three-quarters after just seven deaths were revealed today, with no sign of...
A member of SAGE has suggested that the Government should learn from the Black Lives Matter movement in how to...
The Government has backed down on forcing care home residents who go on outdoor visits to self-isolate for two weeks...
The Government is leaving its announcement of which countries will feature on its travel "green list" to the last minute,...
A summary of all the most interesting stories that have appeared about the virus in the past 24 hours –...
A study of 52,000 Covid hospital patients from the winter finds "an abundance admitted to hospital within seven days of...
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