You may have heard the disturbing story of Maddie de Garay, who in July 2020, aged 12, participated in Pfizer’s Covid vaccine trial of adolescents aged 12-15. Within 24 hours of receiving the second dose in early January 2021, Maddie experienced “zapping pain up and down her spine with severe abdominal pain… her toes and fingers turned white and were ice cold”. She now can barely see, suffers from tinnitus, mobility issues, vomiting, blood in her urine, numbness in her body and has at least 10-20 seizures a day. Yet her injury was recorded in the vaccine trial data as “abdominal pain” and it was asserted without investigation to be not related to the vaccine.
Another case, similarly disturbing, has now emerged of an adverse reaction during a Pfizer trial that was not recorded in the trial data, raising concerns about the integrity of the trial data and the possibility of fraud.
Augusto Roux is a 35-year old lawyer from Buenos Aires, Argentina who volunteered for Pfizer’s Covid vaccine phase 3 trial. He did so to protect his mother, who has emphysema.
On the way home after his second dose on September 9th 2020, he began feeling unwell, developed a high fever and felt very ill. He fainted on September 11th and went to the hospital on September 12th. The hospital ran tests, including a CAT scan of his chest, which showed an abnormal collection of fluid around the outside of the heart, indicating pericarditis (a form of heart inflammation).
On September 14th he was discharged, with the doctor writing in his discharge note that he had suffered an adverse reaction to the vaccine. Augusto was also told by hospital staff that there had been a considerable number of people from the clinical trial coming to the hospital – one nurse estimated staff had seen around 300 people – so his experience was not new to them. Around 3,000 trial participants had been enrolled before Augusto, so, if the nurse’s estimate is accurate, this would be a hospitalisation rate of 10%.
Following his adverse reaction, Augusto asked to see his trial clinical records, but those running the trial refused. Being a lawyer, Augusto went to law to get access to his records, which took over a year. Once he saw them, he could well imagine why someone might not want them to be released.
In hospital, Augusto had tested negative for Covid, and the doctor at the hospital had written that his condition was due to the vaccine. However, when Augusto contacted the trial site on September 14th to notify the investigators he had been in hospital, they wrote down in his clinical trial record that he had been admitted for a “bilateral pneumonia” that had nothing to do with the “investigational product” – the vaccine – even though that was not what he told them or what the doctor who examined him had stated.
For obvious reasons, Augusto was keen to know whether he’d had the vaccine or not. However, the principal investigator for the trial, Fernando Polack (pictured below), had inaccurately claimed that he could only be unblinded if his life were in danger. Augusto appealed to ANMAT, the Argentinian equivalent of the FDA, and following a formal hearing on October 9th 2020 it forced the trial investigators to tell Augusto that he had, indeed, received the vaccine.
The clinical trial notes reveal that two days prior to this hearing, on October 7th, “at the request of the sponsor” (Pfizer), the adverse event code was updated from pneumonia to “COVID-19 disease”. This is despite Augusto testing negative at the time of his admission. (Conveniently for Pfizer, the COVID-19 ‘diagnosis’ would not be included in the trial vaccine efficacy calculations due to the negative test.)

Even more disturbing, on October 8th, Polack wrote in Augusto’s clinical trial records that he had had an attack of “severe anxiety” starting on September 23rd (not caused by the vaccine, naturally). Polack added that Augusto suspected a conspiracy between the two hospitals, described his anxiety as “constitutional”, and noted that it was ongoing, evidenced by his pursuing his appeal to ANMAT. On October 11th, Polack had this mental health diagnosis added to his actual medical records.
Dr. David Healy, who has interviewed Augusto and seen the medical records in question, comments that “there is nothing in any record that indicates that Dr. Polack or any other doctor attempted on September 23rd to establish whether Augusto had a mental disorder”. He adds:
Augusto points to the notes of October 8th and 11th as evidence that this idea was invented just around the time the ANMAT hearing was about to happen. He states that it is in breach of Argentinian law for Dr. Polack to have diagnosed someone with a medical condition that the person does not have – and to have entered it into his medical record.
Note that Polack is a paediatrician so lacks qualification to make mental health diagnoses, especially without any formal assessment.
Polack is a key player in the Pfizer Covid vaccine trials. He was the lead author on the December 2020 NEJM paper on the safety and efficacy of the vaccine. Israeli academic Josh Guetzkow notes that he is also one of the directors of i-trials, the site management organisation “paid handsomely by Pfizer to run the trial in Argentina (the largest site of the trial by far)”. Guetzkow adds:
If he raised an alarm about the vaccine safety, his company would have lost a ton of money and would be an unlikely choice by any company to run any trials in the future. So to say that he had an interest in achieving a positive trial outcome would be quite an understatement. There may be other conflicts we’re not aware of.
The evidence of malpractice and possible fraud in the Pfizer Covid vaccine trials is certainly stacking up now. But very few people are aware of it as it is mostly only being reported in alternative media. When will mainstream outlets start following up properly on this potentially massive story?
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What complete idiot let that young girl take part in that trial?
Someone who belives the mainstream media.
There are billions of people like that.
We are the very rare exception.
Most working in the practical sector don’t believe the MSM agenda.
What on earth is the practical sector?
Agreed. Governments used high end programming techniques to brainwash people into being terrified and grasp at anything. One lady I used to work with who is now agoraphobic, my cousin-once-removed is the same, another lady who used to be on the road with her job working in sales no longer goes anywhere outside the local area. Her husband goes to the supermarket, masked, once a week and otherwise stays at home.
When someone has been brainwashed by a religious cult, ‘deprogrammers’ are employed to break the conditioning. For governments, large numbers of ‘programmed’ citizens are useful for the controls they now want to inflict on society. After all, Klaus Schwab’s pet ‘Dr Mengele’, Noah Yuval Harari, says humans can now be ‘hacked’ and free will can be abolished.
All I can see is that, even months after most restrictions have been loosened somewhat, I still see very few people walking up and down our street the way they used to do. Children used to wander around, going to each others’ houses or to play on the fields across the road. No more. The trauma is lingering and likely will do for years and people will continue to be easily manipulated.
The tactics used have been appalling. Even I – who never believed most of this from the start and certainly never isolated or stopped travelling because I have livestock and land to look after – now suffer from very bad anxiety, panic attacks and insomnia.
Indeed Dom; I still see far too many wearing masks.
And looking so self-righteous when ‘hygiening’ their hands.
Legacy media is losing its viewers one lie at a time.
What evil person lied to the family that it was safe, and she would be helping to save lives
Too many to count – most of them “officials” or “spokespersons” on the TV.
Who believe the lies they get from TPTB that they will get the saline jab and not the killer jab the rabble will get.
She was helping to save a life. How can the Head of Pfizer live without the latest Roller in his garage?
I heard a similar argument about the uncovered misuse of BLM funds to buy mansions for the organisers of the movement. Apparently the donors were overwhelmingly guilt-ridden left wing whites. The item I read stated that the whites wanted to give black people money to assuage their guilt, and it was up to the blacks what they wanted to spend it on…
We all know what the Head of Pfizer deserves.
And the blacks in charge of BLM now live in predominantly white, gated, residential areas far away from the black paradises they profess to love and care for.
Devi “100% safe” Sridhar. Liar.
And probably Times muppets.
That’s hardly the point. What sane person would hand over their precious child to be experimented upon, whether or not they were told it was ”safe” or ”would save lives”? I daresay greed had a lot to do with it.
Didn’t i read somewhere that her two brothers also took part in the trial? Fortunately they were okay. parents must be completely mad.
Maybe the family lives in a slum and they needed the money?
Or maybe not.
These companies don’t give a
flying fuckhoot about people, just profits. What motivates people to take part in these experiments is not the question here. What motivates governments to allow these companies to freely experiment on human beings is.Heart breaking isn’t it.
I imagine the family thought they were #beingkind, compassionate, furthering the common good for the collective benefit of all members of a social group, like any unselfish citizen would and should… and to be honest as part of the moralistic socialist, collectivist, rarefied intelligensia we all have to make sacrifices, painful sacrifices for the common good of the people, the party of human progress, and the beneficient technocrat leadership, heil Hydra!
What sane person cares about ”the common good” when it’s their own child they’re handing over for experimentation? Their responsibility is towards that child alone, not someone else’s.
However, every time you take a medication you are experimenting on yourself. I have seen patients who suddenly develop angio-oedema after taking a medication that they’ve taken for years.
Never take medication, don’t visit quacks, keep myself healthy, won’t be sacrificing my children, my grandchildren or myself. When it comes to doing the right thing, count me out!
Unfortunately not everyone is the same as you, autoimmune diseases such as Hashimoto, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, asthma etc. require medical intervention.
True, I hate that I have to inject a black box drug every week having barely taken a paracetamol before
Thankfully I haven’t seen a GP in over 20 years and never use the NHS. I studied medical herbalism many years ago and that is normally all I need to use. I remember a surgeon friend once saying to me that the best way to remain healthy was to stay out of hospitals and away from Pharma. He knew. Modern allopathic mainstream medicine is corrupt and these last two years have exposed Pharma for what they are.
So what happens one day when the pain you suffer is beyond anything that can be helped by ”natural remedies”? Will it be time to boil up some yew leaves?
You’re right. They were offered reassurance and vital information was withheld from them.
Who would have agreed to participate in the experiments, if they knew of Pfizer’s criminal record?
Governments must have known; and they not only allowed the experiments to take place, they actively encouraged them.
The question is why?What did all the governments get out of it? Don’t tell me it was for the greater good. They apparently spent or agreed to spend a fortune in return for what! Drugs which they themselves knew would cure anything, prevent infection from anything or stop recepients from passing on anything, although the jury’s still out on the last point. To top that off, the pernicious gene transfer technology is buggering up natural immune systems, making people sick and killing people. What the f**k is going on?
And now the plan is, to counteract the prospect of ‘food shortages’ to grow crops using gene edited technology – something which wasn’t to be in train for years and years, because the full trials had not been done, (you can see where this is headed and the parallels) but they are going ahead with it because of the “emergency situation” (all entirely of their own making BTW)
First they pollute the human body with the gene transfer technology – we doubt that will end well, and for those they couldn’t jab they will get it into them via the food chain. Mess with nature at your peril.
Do you think TPTB will be eating the gene edited food? No. Nothing but organic all the way for them.
Where are the ‘alternative societies’ going to get their carrots and turnips from when the seeds have to be bought every year from Monsanto?
Will growing your own food become illegal, like making your own moonshine?
Yes it will be mad ‘illegal’…in the pubic interest and for ‘Health and Safety’ reasons.
Gardens and Allotments will be needed for solar farming to try and keep the lights on.
Just being made illegal in Australia to grow your own food on the grounds of “food safety”. I have land on which I keep animals and grow organic fruit and vegetables for my own and friends’ use. I won’t be ceasing growing food whatever laws they come up with.
Sorry – just saw yours! So said the same thing.
I understand that Australia has introduced legislation restricting or preventing growing some crops or raising some animals in gardens.
I do believe plants make their own seeds?
Didn’t I read recently that Victoria, Australia, were going to try to stop people growing their own, with the excuse of ‘elf n safety’?
“What is going on?”
Read “the Great Reset” by Klaus Schwab and “The Real Antony Fauci” by RFKJ and all will be revealed.
The long term plan for us plebs and those respsonsible for it is old news now.
I’m finally reading The Real Anthony Fauci after having read only excerpts and summaries.
It is quite impressive. Kennedy pretty much calls Fauci and his minions crooks and liars. In fact, one wonders why Fauci hasn’t sued Kennedy for defamation and libel … if these charges are as false as Fauci might claim. The fact he hasn’t filed suit or demanded that this book be recalled makes me even more convinced that Kennedy is telling the truth; the last thing Fauci wants is a trial of fact.
Kennedy is probably like B’rer Rabbit. He’d love for Fauci to throw him into the briar patch and sue him.
Kennedy does want Fauci to sue. Fauci daren’t because even with a corrupt judge the evidence would be out for all to see and that would bring the whole corrupt edifice down.
Kennedy will get Arkanicided.
Its the Clinton way of disagreeing.
Simply looking at our own parliament as a microcosm, I wonder how it can be that there are so many of our representatives who are afraid to speak out against the party line, when its obviously unethical or corrupt, who will actively vote for things that they KNOW will bring harm to many people.
They can’t ALL be cowards – so what are they? Some squeak occasionally, then draw back into their burrows as if horrified at their own temerity. Is it greed, fear, blackmail, coercion, brainwashing?
It’s blackmail, 100%. Just look at what Epstein and Maxwell were doing – collecting blackmail on politicians and other powerful people on behalf of Israel.
“The Great Reset” is what’s going on. Also, the so-called “elites” are conducting a long-running agenda of depopulation:
“Who would have agreed to participate in the experiments, if they knew of Pfizer’s criminal record?”
People who need the money. What if you had a gambling debt and the ‘big boys’ were coming round to collect it on Thursday?
Ah, yes. I’d hand over my youngest and hope that would cover the debt. Wouldn’t you?
It IS the question when some of those people are children.
They don’t
I hadn’t heard any mention that the trial participants were being paid, do you have a link by chance?
In the case of Maddie DeGaray and her family, unfortunately they just believed the lies and “trusted the science”. Like the majority of people, they absolutely insist on learning the truth about our governments and their nefarious agendas the hard way.
Why do you consider the parents mad? Would I have volunteered my children for such a trial, to be honest I don’t know, possibly not for a viral infection that is so minor in children as CoViD19 is, but for Central African monkey pox with a case fatality rate of 10% then possibly yes.
If you want new medical treatments, animal models can only go so far, at some point humans have to be trialled.
Given what we now know, I would not volunteer a child, ANY CHILD, for a trial, given that these investigators wilfully ignore other avenues of treatment and prevention.
More so given that these diseases are man-made, and the researchers lie and obsfuscate, which mangles the normal boundaries of altruism and common sense.
Would that apply to a vaccine against measles for example? What about smallpox, which is known to cause myocarditis in young adult males?
I was in the regional clinical trials for the poliomyelitis oral vaccine in the early 1960’s. However, polio is an horrendous disease, with people living in iron lungs for decades.
The Covid vax causes myocarditis in young adults.
My point was that so does the smallpox vaccine.
These are the side effects of the 6 in 1 vaccine administered to neonates
UncommonAppetite increased; cough; extensive swelling of vaccinated limb; hyperhidrosis; increased risk of infection; neuromuscular dysfunction; pallor; sleep disorders
Rare or very rareAngioedema; apnoea; seizure; swelling; thrombocytopenia
Note that rare is 1 in 1000 to 1 in 10000 and very rare is less than 1 in 10000. Thus out of a neonate population of 50000 thrombocytopenia could occur in up to 50 babies. Apnoea (breathing stops) can occur in up to 50 babies.
The universal use of the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine can never be justified.
You should read ‘Virus Mania’ (Engelbrecht et al). On page 50 it states that in 1928 a paper published in the BMJ disclosed that the risk of dying from smallpox was five times higher for those vaccinated than from those who had not. History is repeating itself now.
My mother sent me to stay with a family for me to catch measles and get the immunity.
The big trouble now is that trust and n the NHS has been broken.
I do not trust my doctor to do the right thing for me because I know that he knows Covid is a scam. He has had shedloads of money thrown at him to keep quiet. He isn’t there for me.
Ditto. Same with chickenpox and mumps, all helping to grow a robust immune system which will last lifelong.
And then.. along come the mad scientists with their vaccines
Measles was removed from the deadly disease list long ago.
Does smallpox cause as many cases of myocarditis in young adult males as the vaccine does?
So virtuous of you to offer your children as sacrifices to the Great God Pharma.
It’s actually the smallpox vaccine that is known to cause myocarditis. Measles is still on the notifiable disease list. It is known to cause encephalitis and other neurological disorders as well as death. Having said that I predate the measles vaccine and had both measles and rubella either pre school or just after starting school. I never had mumps, and should really have been vaccinated against it as it can cause serious problems in adult males. I didn’t catch chicken pox until I was in year 4 aged 8 or 9.
All vaccines are poison:
Have you learned nothing?
What do you mean? Not the monkey pox that is currently doing the rounds.
According to Dr Robert Malone and also the WHO, monkey pox case fatality rate is NOT 10%. The WHO estimate is 3.7% and even this, according to Malone, is likely to be an overestimate. The 10% figure looks distinctly like more Gates fear porn.
Fear porn willingly swallowed all over again by those who brought us the Covid Lockdown disaster.
Here we go again.
Not fear porn but evidence based, see my reply to Menckenitis
That’s the big point about our public health agencies going forward. We can’t trust them.
Something could be true and awful scary and people wouldn’t believe this because the CDC/WHO said it.
The Boy who cried wolf comes to mind.
Which clade?
Read which suggests the DRC( formerly Zaire) clade has a CFR of 10%, whereas the West African clade, found in Nigeria, has a CFR of 1%.
also see Jezek Z, Szczeniowski M, Paluku KM, Mutombo M. Human monkeypox: clinical features of 282 patients. J Infect Dis. (1987) 156:293–8.
If you watch Robert Malone on this YouTube from about 3:35 you will see the case fatality rates for the two clades. The 3.8% relates to the west African clade, which other sources suggest is 1%.
Why are you purveying fear porn about Monkey Pox, is it your job ?.
Monkey pox has upto a 1 in 10 fatality rate in Africa. There are 2 known strains and 1 is milder.
In the early 2000’s 70 people contracted monkey pox in the US (from prairie dogs maybe), none died.
Does monkey pox have a 100% fatality rate?
There’s a report of an outbreak in Kansas some tears ago with 70 cases and no deaths.
I never understand why anyone would volunteer a healthy child for a vaccine study. Let alone one for an untested mechanism of action, with excipients that have undergone no toxicology studies. That is surely bonkers.
But then they probably thought COVID was a deadly plague, which most of us always knew it wasn’t, because facts.
We can thank God that not all parents are like you, then. I daresay you’d think twice if it were your dog you’d have to give up, though.
How do you show whether a particular medical intervention is safe or not? Whether that is a vaccine or a drug or even a procedure.
You have to allow human trials at some point in the process, and that includes children. What is required is a robust system with comprehensive independent oversight, which is what appears to be lacking.
54 years ago a surgeon in South Africa performed the first successful heart transplant, should he not have done so?
How should Metformin have been tested? 30 years ago through genetic engineering a method of producing human insulin was devised, should that product not be tested?
60 years ago a drug was released onto the U.K. market that hadn’t been properly tested with catastrophic results. Ultimately there are no viable alternatives to testing in humans.
RIP your kids
My adult children all had the vaccines as did their partners. My daughter had her third Pfizer vaccination during her first trimester. The baby, although born 6 weeks premature, which was not associated with the vaccine, is thriving.
Yes. I have seen interviews with the mother. Obviously she bitterly regrets it.
She was/is a scientist so she thought she knew what she was doing.
I have a science degree (BSc) from Imperial (haha). Most of my fellow ‘scientists’ (those who went on to do PhDs….not me, I didn’t fancy the idea of 3 more years of poverty) had no critical thinking ability whatsoever. They had to study hard to learn all the material. It didn’t leave much, if any, time to think. People think because they scraped a first that they ‘get’ science. They don’t. They ‘get’ how to pass exams and do as they are told. And hence you get stupid decisions like this, and now her poor daughter will pay the price for the rest of her life.
I think the mother regrets it very very much. Have you seen her testimony to Ron Johnson’s committee?
Minor correction. Those panels were not part of any “committee’ in the U.S. Senate. The U.S. Senate or House would never allow such witnesses to testify. This was a panel the Senator organized on his own. He’s now organized and hosted at least two of them. As far as I know, no mainstream media reporter covered either one of them, which is a scandal in itself.
Maybe if Republicans take back control of the Senate in a few months, we will get some real Senate hearings?
Her parents, I believe…..
Her idiot parents encouraged it, they are both doctors!
Her mother!
Quite, but Augusto, being a lawyer, allowed himself to be gulled into being experimented upon by a pharmaceutical company with a Olympian criminal track record?
What on earth was he thinking when he signed up with these crooks?
Well it would appear that Augusto the lawyer incorrectly believed (as many do) that these injections would stop transmission/prevent infection, therefore protecting his mother who has emphysema. This is despite the fact that it had already been admitted that these injections would only reduce mild/moderate symptoms, and as we all know they don’t even do that. It’s been obvious to me since the beginning that these “trials” were nothing but a scam:
Glad to see your comment. I made the same point a few minutes ago, then noticed yours. Disgusting isn’t a strong enough word.
Doesn’t Polack look like Pantsdown? Scrawny, shifty old goats. Must go with the territory.
It’s David Baddiel surely?
Another damning indictment of Pfizer chicanery and the medical profession. Sooner or later these people will get their comeuppance. Not sure about the moronic public health and political camp followers who from the start have lacked critical thinking skills. Mind you there are just a few exceptions
If they have falsified their trial days there should be criminal prosecution and they should lose their indemnity against injury claims.
What kind of mother volunteers her young daughter to participate in a medical experiment? I don’t know how she can live with herself.
I agree but in July 2020 no one had any reason to not trust the trials of covid 19 “vaccines” from mega huge American pharmaceutical giants.
normally to get to human trial stage there would have been huge amounts of testing on animals and they would have had a huge amount of data to support that the trials would be safe.
I didn’t want the “vaccines” because all the trials where rushed and therefore had no time to reflect any long term problems.
if I had no idea that typically pharmaceuticals take years of development and further years of trials before general release, and I was being paid to participate, and I knew of many others who had participated in other trials with no adverse affects then I can see how people thought it would be safe.
from my keyboard it looks like abuse, but the realities of life and that these clinical trials companies should only ever be engaged when the product is safe enough for human trials show a different perspective.
clearly corruption is taking place with the trials.
all previous trials should be deemed corrupt to and all drugs reliant on them should be pulled until the trials can be rerun under more controlled settings.
in reality 1 company should recruit those for the trial, another run the trial, another collate the results and then yet another do the analysis. Separation of duties should help in reducing the temptation to cheat the results.
You took part in a trial?
“I agree but in July 2020 no one had any reason to not trust the trials of covid 19 “vaccines” from mega huge American pharmaceutical giants.”
I disagree. The evidence was already there that these companies would often lie and manipulate their trials to get drugs approved. They’d hid adverse events and use political muscle to do so. This was pre Covid now.
They were not to be trusted from the get go. A “wait and see” approach was always the very least you could do in my opinion. It was depressing to watch so many friends and family rush to get it.
no I didn’t participate in any trials.
just saying that from here in the UK we have our view especially as we are so far removed from the marketing going on in Argentina around clinical trials.
At uni a number of the kids participated in clinical trials, they tended to be the ones not doing sciences and wanted the easy money.
My parents were really concerned about the way the trials where aimed at uni kids despite how safe those in the trials and those running the trials claimed they where.
I think the point is that when public authorities give the go ahead, m we should be able to trust that they are safe.
we should not need to be double checking those we elect & pay taxes for to look after us.
The fact we do need to double check is the problem.
The reasons why we need to double check appears to be because a global movement has captured the narrative and infiltrated the systems & processes designed to stop this type of infiltration.
it started with Blair and his quango’s that Cameron, May & Borris should have dismantled.
‘The fact we do need to double check is the problem.’
No, it’s a fact of life. Never assume anyone cares about you.
‘we should not need to be double checking those we elect & pay taxes for to look after us.’
The fact that we pay taxes makes me want to check what I am getting in return, especially as we are forced to pay them.
They don’t look after us, let the past two years be a lesson to you.
As an old boss of mine, used to say:
‘In God we trust, everyone else needs to provide data’
Or, as Reagan put it:
‘Trust but verify’
Or Pompeo said:
‘Distrust but verify’
it started with Blair and…
….and – that’s all that’s required
…it started with Bliar.
Yes – the whole world was a massive trial and there is no control group (wonder why!!!) other than those of us who didn’t get it.
I too was bewildered at how my F+F unquestioningly took part in that trial, multiple times, some of them almost excited and celebratory after doing so.
“ one had any reason to not trust the trials…”
Er, speak for yourself, chris-ds. It was obvious to me in February-March 2020 that there was no pandemic. How? Checking whether daily All Cause Mortality rates, suddenly published daily by hyperactive MSM as if they were proof of a deadly pandemic, were anything unusual for the time of year. HINT: they weren’t!
Thirty seconds of internet research to get deaths per 100K per year and thirty seconds of primary school arithmetic told me this, chris-ds.
Sorry you were fooled. But well done for admitting it.
You may have reduced there was no pandemic but in that time frame China was locking cities other than Wuhan and the world was tracking the spreaders many originating from European ski resorts and links back to Chinese residents in Italy.
they locked down as the small numbers of infected where having very pronounced problems.
hindsight is a wonderful thing.
In March 2020 I was fully behind Borris letting herd immunity resolve this, which is where we effectively are today apart from the continued injections of vaccines that don’t work and likely aid the virus by weakening peoples immune systems.
claiming it’s not a pandemic is just hubris, arguments about how it should have been dealt with are valid.
I strongly disagree, there’s never been any reason TO trust these clowns. All vaccines are poison:
I doubt that she can… sacrificing your child for the greater good went out of style with the Incas, she must be devastated.
And she has to provide the ongoing care day after day for the rest of that poor child’s life. That will be her penance, having to watch what her child’s life has become compared with what it would and should have been if she hadn’t put her up for that trial. All that potential, turned into a non-life.
Old fashions return!
And to volunteer her daughter for a rushed medical experiment, with clear incentives to corrupt the normal clinical trial process.
But then, you’d need to have questioned the narrative from the beginning, and most people, well…
I think one of the parents works in healthcare, too
‘Most people’ just believed what they were told by politicians Health Regulators, Doctors and the Media…lessons to be learned there!
It is disgusting the way people have been medically abused by the likes of Pfizer and their stooges. They must face the consequences of their actions. They are downright evil and would not look out of place in Nazi uniforms.
Some will no doubt be dusting off the ones they have been keeping in the wardrobe!
The same alternative media that will be scrubbed from the internet in the UK when the Online Harms Bill becomes law. It’s a charter for covering their tracks.
“very few people are aware of it as it is mostly only being reported in alternative media. When will mainstream outlets start following up”
From what I’ve seen a lot of this ‘alternative media’ is run by fraudsters out to make a buck from gullible ‘conspiracy theorists’ who simply refuse to believe they’re being ‘had’.
It’s would appear that some ‘conspiracy theorists’ have ‘mental issues’ and would have others follow them down their ‘rabbit holes’ into the depths of outright lunacy.
I think people need to be aware that much of this ‘alternative media’ should be viewed with a healthy dose of scepticism. Some people just want to believe in horror-shock stories. The truth usually emerges when the details are examined.
“Sooner or later these people will get their comeuppance.” – yes, I expect they’re shaking in their wellies right now. Boris got a £50 fine.
Agreed. Given the technical nature of much of this, sorting the wheat from the chaff is difficult, if not impossible, for most laymen and many will be happy simply to find something that supports their thinking.
I’m not sure how to redress this, to be honest, but one should endeavour not to accept what one reads without some caution, I think?
A lot is conjecture, but some things from ‘Covid’ have certainly been true, such as the borders of countries being ‘closed’ to travellers. Either completely or mostly closed (eg. residents of their countries were usually allowed to re-enter)… and then came the requirements to show ‘proof of vaccination’, ‘proof of recovery from Covid’, or ‘proof of a negative result from a test’.
Such restrictions are ongoing for many countries.
Face masks being encouraged/mandated, and coercion to take the ‘Covid vaccines’ – no doubts about those! Freedoms have been curtailed, and a lot of money has been made, with Governments handing out contracts to their mates, and causing general misery all round.
It seems to all boil down to this nowadays: the vaccine programme continues, and in the European Union this is unlikely to stop as people must have a jab to keep their Vaxx Passes valid – valid for 270 days (9 months) after the last jab.
The EU Vaxx Pass is a fact, not a fantasy. Extended to June 2023. Whether it will be extended after that is anybody’s guess but, if true that Test & Trace have had their contract extended to 2025, my guess would be yes, the EU Vaxx Pass will continue after June 2023.
Your last paragraph is not accurate, as I have continued to point out to you.
The 9 month expiry applies to double vaccinated only. Once the first ‘so called’ booster is applied the QR code is updated and has no expiry date.
Things are bad enough without you inventing problems.
Enlighten us. Who do you trust?
I agree it’s full of noise and difficult to navigate. However, you have to develop some criteria of your own and back your own sensibilities on these matters. Unless you are waiting for someone to tell you what to do? Never mind the fact this case in discussion is based on medical records, the testimony of the patient themselves and some small leaps of deduction to suggest fraud. And yet, you want to claim anyone discussing things in such ways have mental issues? You have lost the plot just the same it you ask me.
“And yet, you want to claim anyone discussing things in such ways have mental issues?”
“It would appear that some ‘conspiracy theorists’ have ‘mental issues’ “
“some”… not “anyone”.
some blind faith MSM researchers have mental issues, what’s you’re point?
Who do you trust in seeking answers on these things?
Myself, mainly. I think I have a good nose for sniffing out what’s likely to be true, and what is suspiciously suspicious.
Very basically, I have regarded the ‘Covid vaccines’ as not needed, as I have seen no real evidence of any ‘pandemic’.
I’ve no doubt the ‘Mainstream Media’ makes a lot of stuff up, but that doesn’t mean I should trust implicitly in ‘alternative’ websites, especially not when I see that they have something to sell such as the usual range of baseball caps, hoodies, and ‘magic vitamin pills’.
I certainly haven’t tried to sell anyone any ‘de-tox’ tablets. My advice for anyone concerned about their health is to try and eat properly – plenty of salads and fruits, and enough meats of different varieties – that’s really all you can do. Avoid smoking, avoid too much alcohol, avoid ‘recreational drugs’, and try to avoid accidents. What else can you do?
I would certainly rather have had that £450 billion pumped into a decent health system rather than seen it squandered on crappy plastic LFT kits Made in China, and billions of face masks that have ended up in landfill and in the oceans (as well as all over the streets).
No money for housing or other social welfare, but all of a sudden unlimited cash up for grabs when it comes to ‘Covid’.
And “some” don’t!
It’s not hard to find out which is reliable alt media, which is patrion farmer/outright crook, but it is extremely time consuming, after a few years the pearls stand out head and shoulders above the swine.
Treat it as any anon comment on any site, go to the source, cross check with multiple sources, for technical or medical topics find a PhD blogging/streaming on the subject, it can get difficult, but you can tell the difference between someone trying to teach the material, and someone preaching it, the trick is to remain open minded, and to revisit the subject when contradictory evidence surfaces.
The shysters are often linked together in small circle jerk groups, interviewing eachother, pushing each others books etc.
If you denigrate everyone who researches alt media with the “conspiracy theorist” label you’re as bad as those who trust MSM.
Everyone has biases, even trustworthy sources.
Toddle off to the BBC then chap, that’s the place for the cattle. Every single thing you post is intended to be contradictory. Why? It’s healthy to raise questions, but unhealthy to be deliberately obtuse. If you don’t agree with most/all of what’s being reported and commented on then head off to the Guardian – you’ll find lots of like-minded people there. If you’re posting on here solely to get a reaction, which you always appear to be, then you desperately need to understand why you’re doing that; something in your life appears to be amiss.
“Every single thing you post is intended to be contradictory”
Yes, exactly ….”controlled opposition’ spreading confusion, comes to mind.
Please name ONE of your ‘fraaudsters’, while I watch the tumbleweed…
So you are a fan of the BBC truth machine after all?
Mainstream Media are censored by Ofcom on Government orders.
The layer upon layer of lies, invention and obsfuscation by those conducting the trial are entirely incompatible with professional conduct. That old “mental health” diagnosis was also favoured by the communists to discredit any other point of view!
These “doctors” need to be relieved of their medical license, and jailed for covering up adverse events which led to millions more suffering the same fate.
If the lawyers don’t grip this, then the legal system is also compromised and the only remedy will be violent overthrow of the “authorities”.
21 dies in the jabbed v 17 in the placebo. A statistically significant change!
That was the first crime.
And the placebo wasn’t one, it was another vaccine.
IIRC the AstraZeneca trials used a regular well known vaccine as the placebo, possibly tetanus.
One of the meningitis, MenACWY IIRC
You’re right, I knew it was an established vaccine, but forgot exactly which one.
Clarification is needed.
Del Bigtree stated that legal action in USA forced companies to use an inert placebo, possibly saline.
There was no such action in the UK, where AZ presumably used another vaccine as the placebo, or possibly aluminium adjuvant only.
Surely the only way you could have any idea of how a vaccine is working is if the control is given an inert saline placebo.
Anything else is comparing one vaccine with another vaccine and both could be equally harmful as each other.
So what did all the politicians and the elites get then?
The reason they used another vaccine instead of normal saline is the latter would not provoke an immune response such as swelling, redness or flu like symptoms. Thus the trial wouldn’t be blinded as those having the placebo would be identifiable. The MenCWY vaccine has the following reported side effects
“Common or very commonDrowsiness; irritability
UncommonCrying; dizziness; insomnia; numbness; pain in extremity
Frequency not knownExtensive swelling of vaccinated limb”
And that is the dirty secret of vaccine research, harmful adjuvants and other ingredients that have never been tested against a true placebo.
The main adjuvants are aluminium salts, and humans have a specific immune response to alum at least according to Brianne Barker in one of her lectures.
Which is peculiar, because aluminium has no function or role in the human body. We don’t need it, even in trace amounts. It’s a neurotoxin, that’s been known for decades. So why use a known neurotoxin for an adjuvant? Doesn’t make sense, doesn’t matter how much it “enhances immune response”, it’s bad for you, so why put it in a supposedly therapeutic treatment?
Perhaps because you are indifferent to any harm you might do and because the regulator has” looked the other way”?
The key to the operation was eliminating the placebo group.
Didn’t the Swiss also section a doctor who was telling inconvenient truths?
Yep, and I’m sure it happened in Canada too.
Yes classic Soviet/CCP technique with ‘dissenters’ – re-education and lobotomy next?
“violent overthrow of the “authorities”.”
‘Inciting insurrection’ and any mention of violence is not tolerated on this website.
Thank you.
That is my professional assessment of the likely outcome; I will not massage an assessment into something that isn’t true just because it will upset the customer.
Oh is this your website? I wasn’t aware, nice to meet you!
With the best will in the world, the lawyers can only do as much as the courts are prepared to take on.
Very few courts have shown themselves to be willing to so much as touch litigation of this nature (because it concerns “the nrarative”) with a barge pole.
Lawyers, good ones, principled ones with a conscience and integrity, are trying but if the courts are throwing their lawsuits out then it is the courts you should have a beef with. Not the lawyers.
Who directs the Courts on hw thy should procede?
Well, they don’t sit on the bench for free. They are employees of the state, their appointment and preferment comes from HMQ via the government – their direction would come from people like the Lord Chief Justice and the Master of the Rolls – they are also subject to the fact that they are state employees and are liable to have a quiet word had in their ear by someone like the solicitor general or minister for justice etc etc – old boys network supposed to be independent of government but, de facto, not really.
The lawyers don’t direct the courts on how they should proceed.
Most lawyers know which lawsuits they can’t file, just like most “journalists” know which stories they can’t write … or topics they can’t investigate.
But God Bless the few lawyers who are trying to bring personal injury and class-action lawsuits – which probably WILL be thrown out by our corrupt Court System.
The mainstream media are complying with OFCOM’s Orders.
Offcom = MinTruth
The jab is not a vaccine
The jab does not stop you catching SARS2
The jab does not stop you spreading SARS2
The jab does not stop you being ill with SARS2
The jab DOES kill and harm…
The question is not whether the press are telling black is white lies now, but how far back does it all go?How much of what we think is recent “history” is just blatant lies.
That’s a huge concern of mine too. Maybe the real crisis is that a small minority of us have realised that we have been treated like farm animals and are now awake.
There’s not ONE agency or large organization that has not been corrupted by now. Not one. At least in the United States. If you can cite one, let me know.
That is a very good point. I started off, in March 2020 believing what I was being told. More fool me, I know, but I began to question what I was being told and soon decided it was mostly obfuscation and poppycock. Now I look at other events that have happened during my lifetime and really doubt the accepted truth about so many things. It is very unsettling – I almost feel as though my whole life has been a lie. However, all the reading I do keeps me busy at least. I think though I am now perennially confused and will remain that way until I die!
9/11 did it for me, then I watched “Everything is a rich Mans trick” narrated by Francis Connolly, on YouTube. worth a watch if it’s still on there. Been down ever increasing Rabbit holes ever since!
All of it. It’s all lies.
“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” William Casey, CIA Director 1981-1987
There must also be a sense of complete denial, in that the MSM, Public Health, Government, actors, pop stars, fast food chains, teachers Unions, churches, hell most people breathing promulgated the idea that these injections were 100% safe and effective.
No one wants to see this.
The answer to Toby’s question about the Lugen Presse covering this is –
Never. Just as the other great fraud of the Donald Trump stitch up will never be covered.
Anyone who tries is vilified and ostracised.
See Matt Le Tissier trying to do so at
Hillary Clinton.
Do you think that accepting the alternative is just too much for many people to contemplate? It is far easier to be cosy and reassured by knowing you are in the acceptable group who believes ‘vaccines’ are wonderful, and to stifle your doubts, rather than think governments worldwide have colluded in poisoning the majority of their citizens, I mean, it does sound utterly bonkers, doesn’t it? (Although it’s what I believe)
A way of soothing/tamping down the cognitive dissonance you mean?
Yeah, poisoning themselves and then actively pushing it onto their family members, work colleagues, etc. Us unvaccinated were constantly being told to just get the jab, the pressure was relentless from across all parts of society.
So I imagine if you were one of those vaccinated individuals who engaged in pushing this onto others, you might not want to think that you were a bad actor in a massive fraud that has killed and injured many otherwise healthy people. You might not want to think that you swallowed all the lies and actively spread the BS yourself, never mind the worry of what it might be doing inside of you.
I still struggle to comprehend how anyone could have willingly taken these dodgy gene therapy injections, I still find it mind boggling.
I checked myself for being aghast at the sheer contemptuous fraud elicited on this young man. But then I thought, no it shows I still have some sense of moral outrage and expectation of fairness and justice.
Optimism for the future is wearing very thin.
Why would they. They are part of the bio security mafia, the communications branch specifically.
Despite yesterday’s surprise hit piece on Delingpole, the guys is essentially right. The system and most of its institutions are completely corrupted and to expect them to be the ones to right the colossal wrongs that we’ve experienced over the last couple of years is delusional.
Sadly, most of the population can only digest what comes out of the magic box in their living room which only shows BBC,Sly News etc.Critical thinking is a skill that only a fraction of the country seem to possess.
Gullible people required to lay down their lives
to help the rich live more comfortablyfor the greater good. Next time you’re asked just sayfuck offno.Fraud? … what’s it called when you use incorrect punctuation… a typo?
You say Fraudi I say Fauchi
Fraudi, Fauchi
Lets sort the whole thing out
‘Swedenborg’ has posted some interesting stuff about the trials in Argentina
1 Argentina accounted for 13%? of the trial participants world wide
2 The huge numbers of trial participants recruited in short time frames
3 Four hundred doctors used in Argentina to administer the scheme. Where did they find 400 doctors in Buenos Aires at short notice?
4 The unusually high number of ‘dropouts’ from the non placebo group
Audits were carried out by Pfizer themselves
During the audit period the number of trial recruits reduced dramatically and then the trials stopped for 21 days before resuming again with high numbers
Where is the paperwork for the audits? Is the audit paperwork include in the document dumps?
We know from another whistle blower that trials were unblinded
I suspect those that had adverse reactions were ‘dropped out’ for ‘breaches of protocol’
It also suspect that those who were ‘dropped out’ cannot report it because they were never informed that they had been ‘dropped out’
Posted by Swedenborg fives minutes ago in ‘todays update’
The Pfizer fraud in Argentina
The first article is an update where we are regarding the fraud in the Pfizer trial in Buenos Aires. The main person is Augusto Roux,lawyer is his profession, who was one of the volunteers going for the vaccine trial.
In the second link you can see and hear him with a zoom call at18-19 min.The quality is sometimes bad but the interviewer will fill in. This is a real person and not a fake. He is well articulated and must be a prime witness in any trial.
He received the Pfizer (did not know it himself in the blinded study) and after the second dose a few days after he was admitted to hospital with pericarditis. Then Dr Polack, the main villain and main author in the New Eng J Med article which is the foundation of the EAU for the vaccine, made everything possible so that this side effect should disappear.
Pfizer feigned surprise that peri/myocarditis appeared when the vaccine was lounged as the trials with 35 000 participants did not show it. Thus, according to them, it must be a very rare side effect.
There is more to it. Strange drop outs from the Buenos Aires giga trial site and much more. Roux is said to have audio recorded telephone calls with the investigator where more cases with side effects and even a death alluded.
There are so many impossibilities in the Argentina trial, the scale, the speed and the sheer volume of paper works to fill in in a short time. Local nurses have spoken abut 300 participants attending hospitals which perhaps is not surprising considering 5000 patients at that site .But do we think they are recorded correctly? Were patients shifted to placebo groups? Were they dropped out?
Why is this so important? The EAU and the whole mass vaccination campaign rests upon this New Eng J Med article written and with its first name Polack. This is the biggest site. Fraud here and the house of cards collapses. If fraud is evident the article must be retracted and Pfizer is open for fraud hence the vaccine contracts need not to be honoured.
In normal times these would be headlines and all investigative journalists would be in this mess.Not now and Roux risks many things including his life.
Wonder if Mark Steyn will risk covering it on GB News?
If they had the cojones they would be all over this like a rash.
Come on GB News, time to show us what you are made of.
Haven’t they cancelled Mark Steyn yet?
Just a matter of time ( “In ‘the public interest ‘to keep us all ‘safe’ “)
I hope not.
The reich has had 75 years to breed them.
No …they just gave out 400 White Coats and masks!
467 to be precise
That’s perfectly okay, Pfizer. I’ll be delighted to have your new monkeypox jabs.
New? They have been ready since the Monkeypox hit was ‘gamed’ to the very day, last year.
All you need to do this is total control of the Corporate Media …which they have bought.
The regime is positioning Pfizer for all blame when the bottom line none of these pharmaceutical companies are bringing a novel cell therapy to market in six months without pressure from the regime and with its full knowledge of how they were rushed.
Any Western leader who imposed any kind of mandate or indirect pressure on citizens to take these drugs is guilty of crimes against humanity. They’re the engine drivers. Pfizer et al are just the oily rags.
There is a view that it might be the other way around. The giant drug companies are owned/controlled by oligarchs that also happen to own/control tech companies and media companies and pretty much everything and THEY control the “governing class” of political leaders who are just really stooges.
Always remember this: Pfizer didn’t make you take that cell therapy. Boris Johnson did.
These two cases are clear proof of fraud in the ‘vaccines’ trials
Suggest someone writes to the Department of Health and UKHSA with this information
(Otherwise it leaves it open to them to say they didn’t know
Just posted this in the generl BTL
The Pfizer fraud in Argentina
The first article is an update where we are regarding the fraud in the Pfizer trial in Buenos Aires. The main person is Augusto Roux,lawyer is his profession, who was one of the volunteers going for the vaccine trial.
In the second link you can see and hear him with a zoom call at18-19 min.The quality is sometimes bad but the interviewer will fill in. This is a real person and not a fake. He is well articulated and must be a prime witness in any trial.
He received the Pfizer (did not know it himself in the blinded study) and after the second dose a few days after he was admitted to hospital with pericarditis. Then Dr Polack, the main villain and main author in the New Eng J Med article which is the foundation of the EAU for the vaccine, made everything possible so that this side effect should disappear.
Pfizer feigned surprise that peri/myocarditis appeared when the vaccine was lounged as the trials with 35 000 participants did not show it. Thus, according to them, it must be a very rare side effect.
There is more to it. Strange drop outs from the Buenos Aires giga trial site and much more. Roux is said to have audio recorded telephone calls with the investigator where more cases with side effects and even a death alluded.
There are so many impossibilities in the Argentina trial, the scale, the speed and the sheer volume of paper works to fill in in a short time. Local nurses have spoken abut 300 participants attending hospitals which perhaps is not surprising considering 5000 patients at that site .But do we think they are recorded correctly? Were patients shifted to placebo groups? Were they dropped out?
Why is this so important? The EAU and the whole mass vaccination campaign rests upon this New Eng J Med article written and with its first name Polack. This is the biggest site. Fraud here and the house of cards collapses. If fraud is evident the article must be retracted and Pfizer is open for fraud hence the vaccine contracts need not to be honoured.
In normal times these would be headlines and all investigative journalists would be in this mess.Not now and Roux risks many things including his life.
The impossible Argentina trial.
In this busy picture below are persons recruited and vaccinated per week. Buenos Aires Site,Military Hospital, is in dark blue and orange. They manage over 5000 persons in 3 weeks in August and a single week in September. All other sites incl. John Hopkins etc has a normal flow of patients recruited over longer time period.
Dr Polack had 467 doctors under him to fill in a more than hundreds pages test protocol for each person. Somebody spotted that every person was required to have his/her length measured and even that is suspicious noted in the protocol with some bizarre statistics.
We have no idea if all doctors understood English as this was the protocol language and they should all be supervised by Super Fernando. Anybody taking part in a clinical trial knows that it is extremely burdensome all the things to fill in such a protocol.
Polack must be super human, overseeing this enormous operation, he was at the same time registering a company in Buenos Aires together with his son with 100 000 US $ share value. A company which imports food, drinks to restaurants and pubs.
The whole thing stinks of corruption and impossible agenda.
I could imagine in earlier times Alex Berenson being sent from his earlier employer New York Times to Buenos Aires and with his crisp and funny writing style destroying the Pfizer fraud trial in just one article.
Instead, we have New York Times editorial board attending as guests at WEF in Davos.
So Pfizers trial data is revealing all kinds of trial ‘inconsistencies’, backed with numerous additional sources.
Then we have the Ventavia trial whistleblowers sworn testomony revealling all kinds of trial inconsistencies.
One might conclude theres some fire with all this smoke, and wonder how much more is required before something is done about it?
The last rushed, harmful vaccine for the last pseudopandemic of Swine flu a decade ago took 5 years to be accepted. It would befit our faster digital age to usher in acceptance faster.
>Then we have the Ventavia trial whistleblowers sworn testomony revealling all kinds of trial inconsistencies.
Is there a link please?
I’m collecting and collating all the links.
Why is MSM not all over this all day and all night?
At any other time in history a scandal of this nature would have been the only show in town.
Total censorship.
Look at what has happened over the last 2 years and the speed at which it has been done. We are far too far down the track now for backtracking or apologies, or admissions of liability or wrong doing.
We are seemingly at the doubling down stage.
Don’t lie for me Argentina
The question is why?
What were participating governments around the world promised? Don’t tell me it was done for the greater good, I don’t believe it. They apparently spent or agreed to spend a fortune in return for what! Drugs which they themselves knew wouldn’t cure anything, prevent infection or stop recepients from passing on anything, although the jury’s out on the last point. On top that, the pernicious gene transfer technology is buggering up natural immune systems, not to mention slowly determining their fate. What hold have these businesses got over governments to make them act as if everything is absolutely fine and dandy?
Indeed – drugs they were most likely not intending to be taking themselves, because they knew full well that there was no deadly disease out there that justified taking a dodgy jab.
Partygate shows us that.
Lessons will be learnt. The primary lesson being we really do need a Ministry of Truth to ensure this sort of dis/misinformation doesn’t get out.
What, fraud in the Pfizer vaccine trial ? Surely not!
I understand that the Pharmaceutical Industry has negotiated a deal which states that they are immune from prosecution concerning any aspect of the Covid Vaccine.
So as far as I can see, we haven’t got a (legal) leg to stand on….
Thank you, Will for reporting on this at The Daily Skeptic. This seems to meet all of the criteria for a “massive” story/scandal … which of course means it will be ignored by the mainstream press.
There are several eye-opening revelations in this news brief, perhaps the greatest being that hospital staffers were well acquainted with trial participants coming to the hospital with medical conditions.
I would only differ with one point implied in the story: “But very few people are aware of it as it is mostly only being reported in alternative media.” Let’s understand the media landscape properly: there is a vanishingly small amount of news and most of that is in the “alternative media”. In my view, the “mainstream media” is in the fiction section.
Why is this drug still on the market? Why aren’t those responsible for the lies and deceit being brought to trial? I have known for many years that drug companies use reprehensible selling tactics but I never realised just how deep the lies and deceit run.
Pfizer employees and hundreds, or thousands, of their fellow co-conspirators are the kind of arseholes who belong in jail for 99 years.
I’m an Anti-Vaxxer now.
I never was until I saw the lies, fraud and propaganda that has accompanied the Covid mass hysteria and forceful cajoling to get jabbed.
I shall refuse all vaccines for the rest of my life.
Evil is as evil does. That evil resides in government where Boris in particular is an enthusiast of the globalists’ policies including a massive population reduction.
All those in the Civil Service who are too ready to implement his plans need to go too.
Just attended the Better Way Conference in Bath England. Dr. Robert Malone was a speaker. He had security with him the entire time. Now why would a world renowned doctor need security? What did he do wrong? He simply let the world know the mRNA are…..
These people need to be jailed or the world cannot move on.
Meanwhile, it turns out that US funded research at Wuhan included both the Covid-19 pandemic and also the monkey pox upcoming pandemic by turning a contagious pathogen with weak transmission and disease into a highly transmissible and deadly pathogen.
How can it be appearing at so many scattered global locations at the same time?
Maybe the greatest criminal warmongering organisation the world has ever seen engineered them through their network of ca 300 bioweapons laboratories in vassal states around the world?
Not only fraud in the process but fraudulent misrepresentation – UK Govt had sold these injections as “safe and effective” although June Raine, the creature at the head of MHRA has come to qualify that fraudulent misrepresentation with “…for most / majority of people…” These people have deliberately and cruelly forced ( in many cases to retain a job or travel) a harmful medical intervention on millions…Johnson said last year getting the booster “would make things easier for you…”but nothing about how detrimental it could be to health. That statement alone perpetuates the fraud by misrepresentation.
“When will mainstream outlets start following up properly on this potentially massive story?”
When they no longer need government and Big Pharma sponsorship and advertising revenue to survive.
The way things are shaping up, that means never.
Pfizer is mafia. The drug regulatory authorities are not captives of Pfizer as is often alleged; they are part of Pfizer. Like the police and judiciary in Sicily, they have two choices. Take the money and be part of things, or…
I haven’t noticed anyone make the point that, at 12 years of age, a child is not going to be making any balanced executive decision about what’s good for his/her health. Surely the parent should have been PROTECTING this child, not pushing it forward to be a guinea pig? Or was the money too tempting?
All vaccines are poison, and they’re all part of their depopulation agenda. I have provided extensive evidence for my claim here: The only difference now is that they’re becoming more desperate, and as a result more obvious. Clearly there is somewhat of a script that they’re following, which I would guess is very much related to The World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset” agenda. We are never going to “fix” this situation through political means, they’re all compromised. Violent revolution would cause even more death and may not even work. Our only logical choice is united noncompliance – we must flat out refuse to comply with any of their mandates or “laws”. The only reason they’ve gotten away with as much as they already have is because so many people complied. Do not let them scare you, if their mouths are moving THEN THEY ARE LYING. “Monkey pox” is yet another one of their illusions, brought to you by fake PCR tests and misdiagnosis. I would be more than willing to bet that most (if not all) of the people “diagnosed” with “monkey pox” have previously received the covid vaccine. Don’t believe their lies and DO NOT COMPLY!
And you wonder why people don’t take you seriously.
You are wrong, obviously.
There is 100% correlation between drinking water and death. So water must cause it and everything else is safe.
I have a question for everyone, how should new drugs be tested? Should children be excluded from such tests? If so then why?
That’s a hard one for “sceptics” to answer. One of their lines is that vaccines have not been tested. (Obviously this is wrong BTW). But then they say vaccines should not be tested.
If children were banned from receiving vaccines, they would have been up in arms.
Had vaccines not been free, so only available to richer people, they would have been up in arms.