Face masks will no longer be mandatory in airports and on flights in Europe from May 16th amid the easing of coronavirus restrictions in European countries. MailOnline has more.
The European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) said it hoped the joint decision, made with the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), would mark “a big step forward in the normalisation of air travel” for passengers and crews.
The agencies said the levels of vaccination, naturally acquired immunity and the lifting of Covid restrictions in many European countries were behind the decision to lift the mandatory mask recommendation, which has been in place since 2020.
“From next week, face masks will no longer need to be mandatory in air travel in all cases, broadly aligning with the changing requirements of national authorities across Europe for public transport,” the EASA Executive Director Patrick Ky said.
Italy, France, Bulgaria and other European countries have been relaxing or ending many or all of their measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.
Slowly but surely… Though will masks return in winter? Some American cities have already brought back their mask mandate.
And when will America let the unvaccinated back in and drop its tourism-killing testing requirements?
Worth reading in full.
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Oh no!!!!!, people will die.
Good. Now we can all go back to worrying about how many people on the plane will die if someone dares eat a peanut.
Or if the pilot will have a heart attack or stroke because of the mandatory jabs….
You can spend all your life worrying about things that are not going to happen. A glance at flightradar24.com will show you people flying all round Europe at this very moment – probably mostly jabbed, all still alive. No commercial airline crashes reported since… well, who can remember?
How many car, lorry, bus crashes in the UK in recent times due to “the driver having been jabbed” ?
“What pilot duties or activities are specifically prohibited during the post-vaccination 48-hour observation period?
So they are deemed as not fit to fly/grounded.
Only for 48 hours. How about lorry drivers? Forbidden to drive for 48 hours after a jab? Eastern European drivers are more of a hazard, continuously crashing into low bridges, and hanging onto your rear bumper.
It clearly says –
“In the event that an FAA medical certificate holder experiences side effects after the 48-hour period has elapsed, the medical certificate holder may not act as pilot in command, or in any other capacity as a required flightcrew member”
So no, they are still deemed unfit to fly.
As for lorry drivers, any health problems need to be reported to the DVLA, which results in their driving licence being revoked.
Only for 48 hours. After which they are deemed fit to fly. And are indeed at work right now.
If you are worried about flying because your pilot is going to have a heart attack “because of the vaccines”, then don’t fly.
We’re planning a trip now and the last thing that concerns me is that the plane will ‘drop out of the sky’ because the pilots have been jabbed.
We know many people who have been jabbed 3 times and are still alive and seemingly well – I know that’s an inconvenient truth for some, but there you go.
So what happened to the pilot who collapsed when flying a plane somewhere in the USA in the last 48 hours and the plane had to be landed by a passenger – w no flight qualifications – guided by an air traffic controller???
Maybe so, but I am more concerned with the amount of cancelled flights & driver shortages, including ambulance drivers, which just happens to coincide with jab uptake.
Fun fact, the Royal Mail has the largest fleet in the UK, they have been using agency drivers (mostly manpower) more than ever over the last year or so, many of which are from EU countries, due to RM drivers being unfit to drive, post jab.
“due to RM drivers being unfit to drive, post jab.”
Your source for this is…… ?
Eastern European citizens flooded into the UK after their countries joined the EU and they were free to run away from their slums and depressing way of life in their ex-Soviet homelands, that’s why they are replacing ‘British workers’.
Wasn’t that a little plane with one pilot and one passenger? Not a commercial jet with a couple of hundred on board.
People do become ill at inconvenient times and places. Do you know for sure that this pilot you mention became ill as a result of the Covid vaccines?
Do you even know if he was ‘vaccinated’? No, you don’t. You’re just using any old illness or death as ‘proof’ people are dying of ‘the vaccines’.
Get the facts first.
wonder if wearing a mask on a flight protects against that?
Forget the Diamond Princess. Has there ever been a single report of a mass outbreak of the deadliest most virulent virus ever, in the best possible space for it to occur: Inside the crammed cabin of an airliner carrying hundreds of humans in intimate distance of each other?
Yes. ‘Airport officials’ in India have this trick: everyone boards a plane in Europe having tested ‘negative for Covid’. When the plane arrives in India a quarter of the passengers have become ‘positive’ and must quarantine in a ‘hotel’. Baksheesh all round.
I still won’t fly anywhere until they drop the requirements to wear them in airports
According to the article airports are included.
Good spot! I didn’t read it properly, maybe I’m so used to everything coming with a catch!
Oh well, summer hols back on.
Now all you need to worry about is whether or not your triple-jabbed captain has a medical episode resulting in your plane crashing.
Why would a plane crash? There’s a co-pilot, and a plane will carry on flying on autopilot until somebody turns that off, or the plane runs out of fuel. Here are instructions on what to do if both pilots have eaten the fish:
Or you could get the passenger to land it like that guy in Miami whose pilot collapsed.
Story was a plant, sceptics likely say. This kind of “story” could very well be part of the nudge propaganda to reassure the sheeple that should more of this happens [because your pilots is vax-damaged] it’s not a big deal as virtually anyone can land the thing. Another fictional narrative, like the heart attack and stroke softening up stories of late, nothing unusual, nothing rare…Wink Wink Nudge Nudge
Half my team is based in the US and they’re all moaning that nobody is “taking this thing seriously anymore and OMG, they’re not wearing maaaaaaaaasks in the office”.
I have a friend returning from Oz for the first time in two years. She too is angry that Boris isn’t taking it seriously enough, she doesn’t trust him! So she’ll be wearing her mask throughout when we meet up. It could be the last time….
You’d think that the fact that we’re not all dropping like flies might register something in their tiny minds! But no
They seem to think the corpses are piled up in the street here.
Found one!
Then they took him to the shopping centre.
And then they took him to lay in front of a shop.
And then they smashed them all to bits.
For a dead person, he certainly got around a bit!
Laid out very neatly, I note, flat on the back, feet together, hands to the sides. Very tidy.
You could say the same about the people who claim ‘the vaccines’ are Killer Jabs. Shoppers in Asda simply refuse to keel over whilst clutching their celery.
they were doing it at football matches instead.
Clutching celery at a football match?
been travelling with work to Norway since Feb – no restrictions on any forms of transport, none. Not a face nappy in sight.
Was in The Toon over the weekend, same.
Apart from the odd virtue signaller hardly anyone is wearing masks in Newcastle anymore. That is despite The awful ‘mask up and get vaxxed to the max’ advert that is currently running on local TV.
Even for the unjabbed? Next countries like Spain will be allowing the health hazards into their countries but will probably have to quarantine for 2 weeks.
That’s good news – I’m flying next Friday.
Me too. Flying to Germany on business on Monday. Downside is a FFP2 mask is still needed on the train.
According to a source in Germany, as Germany still requires masks on public transport, this applies to all planes landing in Germany. From the moment you step into the plane.
Makes absolutely no sense, but hey, Germany, once known for their intellectuals, have totally lost the plot and constant mask wearing for 2 years has not helped.
Off topic, but does anybody else think that the majority of people are lacking joined up thinking (I would say totally stupid but I know some intelligent people who believe everything they are told)?
The whole world should shut down, wear a mask, get jabbed with experimental drugs and imprison themselves because it’ll save lives, but very keen to get involved in a war that’ll kill young fit health people!
It’s a funny old world. A topsy turvy world. Best not think too logically or rationally or it will drive you mad.
‘The agencies said the levels of vaccination, naturally acquired immunity and the lifting of Covid restrictions in many European countries were behind the decision to lift the mandatory mask recommendation….’
So nothing to do with they’re ineffective and may cause more harm than good, just more of the same crap!!
Good. Now do hospitals.
Looks like Finland has decided to join NATO without any sort of ‘referendum’. So much for ‘democracy’.
“Britain pledged yesterday to come to Sweden and Finland’s aid should either of the countries come under Russian attack.”
A pledge from Boris Johnson? The man who aided in an attempt to have a journalist beaten up?
“A journalist has demanded that Boris Johnson apologise for plot to beat him up
Stuart Collier said it showed the Tory front runner was not fit to be the new PM
Mr Johnson has dismissed the notorious incident three decades ago as a joke”
I thought that Sweden was a neutral country, so isn’t joining a military organisation like NATO breaking their neutrality status? But then I’m just a Covid idiot.
Masks don’t do anything. Pass it on.
I try my best, and have been doing so for ages.
But people just don’t believe it and clutch those face muzzles ever closer to their noses.
The brainwashing has been too effective.
But the agencies say that wearing a face mask is ‘still one of the best protections against the transmission of COVID-19.’
Even better than a sprig of lucky heather? Where do they get this crap from?
Rabbit’s foot. That’s lucky. Well, not for the rabbit, obviously.
About as effective as a face muzzle.
I find that sucking on a Fisherman’s Friend helps
Which body part?
About time! But they wouldn’t have done this earlier so as not to lose face.
But isn’t this being rather naive? ”They” don’t WANT people travelling – anything that puts them off is a good thing, surely. No doubt ”requirements” will return, and then bans, except for ”certain people”.
Yes, the same masks that cause a dangerous build up of CO2 in the user finally (Andrew Bostom MD Gold standard CO2 Monitoring Study) dropped. It only took two years to figure this one out.
Weiterhin Maskenpflicht auf Flügen in 15 europäische Staaten – airliners.de
According to this professional aviation business magazine, countries which still have a mask mandate for public transport require airline passengers to mask up the moment they step onto the steps of the plane, either leaving the country or arriving. Does not make sense at all. It is 15 countries in Europe.
It is expected that these countries drop it soon.
”Will masks return in winter?” Not on MY face they won’t.