This is the 22nd of the round-ups of Covid vaccine safety reports and news compiled by a group of medical doctors who are monitoring developments but prefer to remain anonymous in the current climate (find the 21st one here). By no means is this part of an effort to generate alarm about the vaccines or dissuade anyone from getting inoculated. It should be read in conjunction with the Daily Sceptic‘s other posts on vaccines, which include both encouraging and not so encouraging developments. At the Daily Sceptic we report all the news about the vaccines whether positive or negative and give no one advice about whether they should or should not take them. Unlike with lockdowns, we are neither pro-vaccine nor anti-vaccine; we see our job as reporting the facts, not advocating for or against a particular policy. The vaccine technology is novel and the vaccines have not yet fully completed their trials, which is why they’re in use under temporary and not full market authorisation. This has been done on account of the emergency situation and the trial data was largely encouraging on both efficacy and safety. For a summary of that data, see this preamble to the Government’s page on the Yellow Card reporting system. (Dr Tess Lawrie in June wrote an open letter to Dr June Raine, head of the MHRA, arguing that: “The MHRA now has more than enough evidence on the Yellow Card system to declare the COVID-19 vaccines unsafe for use in humans,” a claim that has been ‘fact checked’ here.) Boris Johnson said in October that being double vaccinated “doesn’t protect you against catching the disease, and it doesn’t protect you against passing it on”. We publish information and opinion to inform public debate and help readers reach their own conclusions about what is best for them, based on the available data.
- A major study at the University of Oxford has shown high risks of myocarditis in males under 40 years of age following the vaccine compared with following Covid infection.
- Japan has put a warning on Covid vaccines regarding the danger of myocarditis.
- “A wide spectrum of neurological complications is continuously being reported following COVID-19 vaccination,” says an article in Neurological Sciences which reviews the reports.
- An article in the BMJ “SARS-CoV-2 vaccination and myocarditis or myopericarditis: population based cohort study” concludes: “Vaccination with mRNA-1273 was associated with a significantly increased risk of myocarditis or myopericarditis in the Danish population, primarily driven by an increased risk among individuals aged 12-39 years, while BNT162b2 vaccination was only associated with a significantly increased risk among women.”
- Case reports:
- Case study in Journal of Korean Medical Science: “We present autopsy findings of a 22-year-old man who developed chest pain five days after the first dose of the BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine and died seven hours later… The primary cause of death was determined to be myocarditis, causally-associated with the BNT162b2 vaccine.”
- Case report in Medicine: “Acute autoimmune transverse myelitis following COVID-19 vaccination”.
- Case report in Respiratory Medicine Case Reports: “Acute liver failure after vaccination against of COVID-19”.
- Report from Kent Live on radio host Jules Serkin’s “harrowing ordeal with side effects from AstraZeneca Covid jab”.
- An article in the Journal of Neuroimmunology concludes: “Acute neurological deficits in the setting of recent mRNA COVID-19 vaccine administration may represent new onset multiple sclerosis.”
- Watch Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi explain how the organs of some deceased vaccinated people demonstrate autoimmune attack.
- Evidence of heart inflammation caused by the vaccines has been presented from 15 post mortem examinations undertaken by German pathologists.
- Nurses in California are reporting high numbers of heart attacks and blood clots in vaccinated patients.
- A study in the Faroe Islands reports that the Omicron variant evades vaccine immune response, infecting 21 of 33 triple-vaccinated healthcare workers.
- An updated list of athletes who have collapsed and/or died following Covid vaccination.
- A study (funded by the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative) has shown that children have an innate immune response that protects them against severe Covid infection.
- From 6,703 serious Covid vaccine injuries reported in Canada and 400 claims, fewer than five have been financially compensated to date.
- An app has been created to help vaccinated people find out how many adverse events are associated with the batches that their vaccine doses came from. Dr. Robert W. Malone describes his use of the app following a near-fatal reaction to the second Moderna dose.
- Information and animal studies on the new Covid vaccine (Army vax) being developed by the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR):
- Mouse trial.
- Trial in non-human primates.
- Study design for first-in-human study of the safety, tolerability, and immunogenicity.
- US Army article summarising studies.
- Claims that the single vaccine will be effective against all Covid variants.
- Eudravigilance – the European version of the Yellow Card Reporting system – as of January 1st has reported 3,207,785 reactions from 1,327,876 reports with 36,267 fatalities.
- VAERS – the American version of the Yellow Card reporting system – released new data on January 6th bringing the total to 1,017,001 reports of adverse events following Covid vaccines, including 21,382 deaths and 166,606 serious injuries.
- DAEN Australia – the equivalent of the Yellow Card reporting system – has logged (up to December 28th) 98,195 reports of adverse events, including 726 deaths.
- Children (Under 18) Adverse Events UK – up to December 22nd, the MHRA reports a total of 2,546 adverse event reports, comprising 2,275 Pfizer, 246 AstraZeneca (with a reporting rate of one yellow card per 47 doses), 15 Moderna and 10 unspecified from 3,702,000 doses given. This includes 44 reported cases with Pfizer and one with Moderna of myocarditis/pericarditis, suggesting a current risk of 12 cases per million doses for this age group.
- Booster Doses – up to 30,500 adverse events have been reported across all vaccines up to December 22nd, suggesting a reporting rate of one adverse event per 1,000 doses.
Summary of Adverse Events in the U.K.
According to an updated report, the MHRA Yellow Card reporting system has recorded a total of 1,382,846 events based on 421,155 reports. The total number of fatalities reported is 1,913.
- Pfizer (25.1 million first doses, 21.6 million second doses) now has one Yellow Card in 167 people vaccinated. Deaths: 1 in 38,735 people vaccinated (684).
- AstraZeneca (24.9 million first doses, 24.2 million second doses) has one Yellow Card in 103 people vaccinated. Deaths: 1 in 21,066 people vaccinated (1,182).
- Moderna (1.6 million first doses, 1.4 million second doses) has one Yellow Card in 56 people vaccinated. Deaths: 1 in 55,172 people vaccinated (29).
Overall, one in every 123 people vaccinated (0.81%) have experienced a Yellow Card adverse event. The MHRA has previously estimated that the Yellow Card reporting rate may be approximately 10% of actual figures. Note that sometimes in Yellow Card reporting, the numbers of adverse events (including fatalities) will be lower than the previous week. The Yellow Card system is a passive reporting system, so in theory this should not happen as all reports should be cumulative. However, the MHRA say they analyse the data prior to publication, with deaths and pregnancy conditions being notably investigated. They do not state criteria by which reports would be removed and to date have not clarified why this data varies. It is therefore unclear how many reported adverse events have been removed from the reports since reporting began in February 2021.
Further analysis can be found via the U.K. Freedom Project.

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