“Rip it up: the vaccine passport experiment needs to end” – Kate Andrews in the Spectator sounds the alarm about the arrival of the dystopian pass scheme: “The idea that anyone should be free to move within a country, and free to leave it, is hardly extreme. It’s something protected in Article 13 of the UN Declaration of Human Rights. But liberty, once ceded only in an emergency, is hard to win back.”
“The time has come to get on with our lives” – “It will soon become clear,” writes Douglas Murray in the Spectator, “that there are societies, states and whole countries that are successfully getting on with life, and others that are not. And as people in the countries that want to lock down for the rest of the decade look to those places like Florida which are successfully getting on with things, they will want their own lives to look like that too.”
“All the world’s a nudge” – And all the men and women merely cattle, writes ‘MyBodyThisPaperThisFire’ on their Substack page.
“My dog and the NHS have a lot in common” – Rod Liddle in the Spectator on the remarkable similarities between the health service and his pet: “She has become a hideously bloated, entitled creature who almost by herself determines how we live our lives. In winter she is particularly tyrannical.”
“P*** off the unvaccinated? Plus ca change!” – Mr Macron does not regard unjabbed Frenchies as full citizens, saying that an “irresponsible person” (aka those who have not yet submitted to government coercion) “is not a citizen”, writes Frederick Edward in Bournbrook.
“Defiant Djokovic faces deportation from Australia” – Unlike so many others, Novak Djokovic has prioritised liberty over fortune and status-quo social media symbolism and he needs all the support he can get, writes Luke Perry in Bournbrook.
“It’s time to end Covid mass testing” – What matters more is targeted interventions on those who are most vulnerable, and rebuilding staffing capacity in the NHS, writes Dr. Allyson Pollock in the Telegraph.
“Novak Djokovic is a useful distraction from Australia’s Zero Covid failure” – World leaders’ outlandish threats against the unvaccinated are no way to tackle this pressing issue, as Australia clocks up more reported infections in the past eight days than in the previous two years, writes Fraser Nelson in the Telegraph.
“The end is always nigh” – Lionel Shriver in the Spectator is not being taken in by the latest prophets of doom: “The stridency, the hyperbole, the whipping up of accelerating hysteria, the indisputable gospel and the evangelical, Speakers’ Corner cries that the end is nigh… I’ve been around a pretty long time now, and I’m afraid it’s all a little too familiar.”
“The second gender war” – At the end of 2021, the debate on sex and gender and the conflict with women’s rights feels very different, at least in the UK, from the way it felt at the end of 2019, writes Maya Forstater in the Critic.
“Beheading the hydra” – Will 2022 be the year when we begin to curtail the excesses, and reverse the growth, of the seemingly unstoppable “Equality, Diversity and Inclusion” industry, asks Caroline Ffiske in the Critic.
“Huge numbers” of pupils at 6 NW secondary schools are refusing to do LFTs and wear masks according to @NASUWT teaching union. It says one Lancashire school has only 67 children out of 1,300 willing to follow guidance. The union is calling for testing and masks to be compulsory pic.twitter.com/soxfEuVdvI
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