In what was presented as a relaxation of testing requirements, but is in fact a withdrawal of service, the UKHSA has announced that as of January 11th confirmatory PCR tests will no longer be recommended – and thus unavailable – for those who test positive on a lateral flow test (LFT) without symptoms. MailOnline has more.
Confirmatory PCR tests will no longer be needed for people testing positive for Covid on a lateral flow test, health chiefs confirmed today.
Previous guidance to back up positive rapid tests with more accurate lab results will be removed from January 11th.
The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) announced the move amid sky-high case numbers across England.
The move will free up capacity in laboratories for PCR tests for those who have Covid symptoms.
People who receive a positive result on a lateral flow device (LFD) will be required to self-isolate immediately for seven days, without requiring PCR confirmation.
UKHSA said this is a temporary measure while Covid rates remain high across the UK.
Officials said that while levels of Covid are high, the “vast majority” of people with positive LFD results can be confident they have the virus.
They estimated the number of “false positives” results, where people without the virus get a positive LFD result, are as low as three in 10,000.
However with just under 1.5 million of LFD tests being conducted across the UK every day this could lead to thousands of people who don’t have Covid having to isolate.
People who have Covid symptoms, such as a high temperature, a new, continuous cough, or change in sense of taste and/or smell should still get a PCR test, UKHSA said.
UKHSA has said that LFTs are 80% effective at finding people with high viral loads of Covid. However, Professor Sheila Bird, a former programme leader of the MRC Biostatistics Unit at the University of Cambridge, said the 80% figure is based on data from the Alpha and Delta waves. “For transparency, results for these Omicron-era dual-testing evaluations should be placed in the public domain at the earliest opportunity,” she said.
Anecdotally I have been told by several people that they tested positive on LFT but then subsequently tested negative on PCR. Some of them were symptomatic. They said the person on the phone at Test and Trace told them this was very common at the moment as the LFTs were cross-reacting with other viruses and producing false positives that the PCR test then overruled.
If this is the case – and I have no reason to doubt it – then despite the change being billed as a solution to the staffing crisis it will only make it worse as thousands of people have to isolate from LFT false positives for which no confirmatory PCR test is available.
Since mass testing of the healthy has clearly failed to contain the virus – with new figures from the ONS today showing that an estimated 6% of the country was infected at the end of December – and with so many protected via natural immunity and vaccination, and with Omicron so mild, the Government needs to end all mass testing without delay and limit testing to contexts, such as hospitals and care homes, where it is needed to diagnose illness and protect the vulnerable.
Stop Press: The Mail is reporting that the Government is set to scrap all pre-departure Covid traveller tests today in a boost for the tourism industry, while the airline industry is demanding the Government goes a step further and axes all travel tests. Good news – but is it not time to accept that mass testing no longer serves any useful purpose (if it ever did) and we need to end this expensive drag on our economy and lives?
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For goodness’ sake, just stop this testing insanity now! All of it!
Exactly Mark…
As the economic toll of long COVID restrictions continue to wreak havoc… tis clear for all to see that Bozo’s swiftly losing control of this bullshit NEW NORMAL narrative.
We all know the booster campaigns failing, as old normal loving Brits refuse to be walking pin-cushions relentlessly jabbed. Dial in anymore threats of illogical lockdowns will be equally met with firm mass non-compliance.
This obsessive unscientific masking of kids in schools is yet another backfiring policy rule.
In certain specific circumstance perhaps the globalists are right though? Too many useless eaters are roaming our MSM TV studio sofas… so yes I’d be delighted if these gutless, brain dead flabby individuals would go get their 27th booster jabs ASAP.
What’s key now is that Boris continues to dither and doesn’t follow in the footsteps of other WEF captured prime sinsiters such as Micron or Turdeau, the Covidian cult insanity destroying Canada currently has to be seen to be believed.
Afternoon merriment? Neil Oliver’s Starmer limerick…
There once was an MP called Keir
Whom the electorate wouldn’t go near
He was loathed more than Boris
Did bollocks-all for us
But no doubt he’ll end up a peer.
Where’s that from?
“Dial in anymore threats of illogical lockdowns will be equally met with firm mass non-compliance.”
We’ve seen this ‘non-compliance’ – remember when Boris and pals told everyone to put their face masks back on? Guess what happened… what needs to be stopped is these masks getting into the country in the first place, and for someone to pull Javid’s hand away from our money and stop buying them!
Excellent idea, just like the pulling of a plug in London at a Vax site! Irregular yet logical.
You use the word ”backfire”. What if it’s all part of the psyop and therefore going according to plan?
To suggest”backfiring” seems to be giving ‘them” far too much credit for being bumbling nincompoops and not the evil b*ggers they are.
I know of a family of five who all self isolated over the Christmas period because one of them tested positive for covid/omnicron (whatever) – I asked which one had the symptoms and the reply I got was that none of them had any symptoms at all – in fact they all felt very well and continued to have a fairly normal Christmas as always but decided to self isolate when the eldest daughter bought herself a testing kit and when she tested herself it came out positive so they all decided to self-isolate.
I find it incredible that people without any symptoms at all are self-isolating – can you imagine back in the winter of 2018/19 phoning into work and telling your boss that you won’t be in for a few days because you might have a cold virus and when they asked how you felt – you told them that you felt absolutely fine in fact never better – you were eating and drinking as normal, watching daytime TV etc but you were not coming into work just in case you might have a cold virus and you didn’t want to spread it around even though you had absolutely no symptoms at all.
They would probably think you were completely mad.
I was once forced to go through an 8 hour customer support call while I had serious fever and a very painful tonsilitis because the idea that employees could get sick didn’t sit well with my boss. But that was probably just because I had the wrong kind of respiratory disease.
Your comment about tonsilitis reminded me of an incident that I was involved in half a century ago. When I was growing up I obviously had some kind of illness which resulted in my GP referring me to the local hospital and was taken in to see the guy, who had a look at it and decided to do nothing. In retrospect I think we were going through a phase during which it was becoming less fashionable in some parts of the trade to do procedures like that (tonsilectomy) for no real benefit. Fashions come and they go, for no obvious reason. Maybe we are witnessing that all over again.
Imagine turning up at the hospital saying the same – youve come in because you think you have the deadliest virus ever, but it doesnt have any symptoms and you feel fine, but youre sure youve caught it and you demand to be tested with the most expensive form of molecular testing known to mankind and be quarantined on a special ward and denied all forms of productive treatment and you want to be fast tracked to a mechanical ventilator otherwise you might be a hospital super spreader and end up asymptomatically spreading the worlds deadliest ever virus which has NO SYMPTOMS other than those associated with the common flu. You would be wheeled out of there into a padded cell before you could say “lateral flow test”. They would have laughed in your face. Its like the old Bob Monkhouse punchline – “theyre not laughing any more”.
Your account is the reason we are in some deep, deep trouble.
There’s a small testing facility (portable building) that has been set up for at least a few months in a parking lot in the city where my job is located. It had been at least a couple of weeks since I had driven past it. Normally, the only vehicle I would see there was the car of whoever was operating it.
Today, there was at least 15-20 cars there. I’ve never seen anyone there until after the moronic scariant debuted.
Consigning people to their homes might be better than consigning them to hospitals as a direct result of giving them experimental vaccines.
Figures from the UK Health Security Agency showing the number of people admitted to hospital with the COVID-19 Omicron variant for the period 27 November to 29 December, 2021 gives pause for thought.
In this period 815 people were admitted to hospital with the Omicron variant after they had presented to emergency care.
Of these people admitted to hospital:
From 27 November to 24 December, 2021:
From the government’s own figures, over a 33-day period the “vaccinated” accounted for 3 out of every 4 people that were hospitalised suffering from the Omicron variant.
In the least-case scenario, this real-life/real-time clinical trial proves the “vaccines” to be worthless at protecting people from COVID-19 and its variants.
In the worst-case scenario, it informs that the “vaccines” may well be compromising and damaging people’s immune systems, which leaves them more susceptible to COVID-19 and its variants.
Yes, the damage to the immune system – in effect an acquired, immune deficiency syndrome as the direct result of the working of the injections.
The implications of this are simply beyond frightening and there are no words to describe those directly responsible – who acted deliberately, in the face of continual warnings about exactly what they were forcing on the population.
I was with my Dad tonight and the C1984 came up, I try to avoid it, but anyway I read the figures to him from FW’s excellent post.
My Dad went quiet. Not a word. I summarised it thus – 75% of hospital C1984 cases have been injected. My owd fella was stunned.
‘Asymptomatic LFT positives’
No such thing
Unless you believe in fairies?
Plenty about in Soho
Ah no, my daughter got one at school. One positive LFT, one negative LFT, one night in the sanatorium waiting for the PCR all clear (it was negative, she never had it).
And Right Said Fred had some LFT positive tap water the other day.
The Chinese spit on every third LFT before it leaves their factory.
Bottle it. Sell it. Make a fortune.
Why even allow her to be tested? That’s appalling.
How about ‘pre-symptomatic’? I still get confused over this. Some people say you can have a virus before having symptoms, and be able to infect others before you know there’s anything wrong with you?
And can’t you be ‘asymptomatic’? How about ‘Typhoid Mary’? She didn’t know she was ill, yet infected others…
“Authorities suggested removing her gallbladder, but she refused because she did not believe she carried the disease.”
Pre-symptomatic = “Not ill!”
Dr Mike Yeadon puts a grenade under all this “asymptomatic” shite.
Two great essays on TCW.
Different diseases transmit differently. To transmit a respiritory infection you have to be shedding virus via the airways and you will have symptoms.
Except that we don’t sterilise the air we breath in – mostly not adding extra viruses to it, but it’s not our problem to transmit what is already there, unless we are working in a specific environment (such as a room full of obvious sufferers).
O/T but still health-related: It’s just been announced that, from April, English over-60s won’t be getting free prescriptions any more.
Obviously, Wu-flu hasn’t finished off enough oldies to suit Boris and Co.
I suspect, though, they’ll still dish out free prescriptions of Midazolam.
Cyanide capsules are much quicker!
But designed to impoverish and ruin the health even further of the older members of the population just in case the jabs don’t do it. Between paying for their TV licence, paying for their carrier bags of prescription medications, and trying to heat their homes there will be some older people unable to continue to feed themselves come the summer.
Then they will be told they cannot live in their homes because they don’t meet the new EPC Green Fascist impossible regulations – perhaps they will be fined £ 3,700 for living in their own homes to force then to be sold to the Banks?
All this with a miserable pension getting lower by the week with inflation – they will be unable to sustain themselves.
Johnson is taking us back to the Dickens “Workhouse”- 1840 was last year the UK population was15 million- the future suggested by Stanley Johnson as ideal for the UK
Comforting to know how very much richer Gates and his Billionaire friends have become during this engineered global nightmare.
I knew they were consulting on this, has it been finally decided then?
I think it’s still under discussion and involves raising the age for free prescriptions to 66.
The boombabies are generally not very fond of the idea that anybody but themselves deserves any kind of retirement or – as we know since Corona – any kind of private life before retirerment. It’s all just too expensive and too risky when it would only benefit those suckers covering their pensions.
Those face masks, LFTs and PCRs have to be paid for somehow! Oh, and Serco’s Test & Trace also!
Robbing the poor to pay the rich.
Based on modelling that predicts there’ll be nobody left at age 66.
I suppose I can take comfort in knowing that their models are always wrong and out by a factor of some degrees.
TBH this makes sense as the retirement age is 66
“Consulting’ – so that’s decided then!
Is Rishi having another extension to his house?
Why don’t they just send Hit Teams out asking your age?
Djokovic having problems with his visa. The interesting bit is where the tour director admits that 26 tennis players had applied for medical exemption for travel to Australia, but only a handful including Djokovic had been given it.
There are more pure blooded sports players than we realise.
Do we know how many enter the open? If it’s 50, that’s reassuring. If it’s 500, somewhat less so. I am not a tennis follower, as I am sure you can tell.
Some good news at last
All I have ever understood is this is total bollocks!
No one has ever given a logical argument/explanation for testing.
I shall remain unvaxxed and sane.
But, but, but… don’t you want to be one of the …….. (fill in the blank).
words fail me
And untested?
Taking the official guess at face value, 3 false positives in 10,000 tests and 1,500,000 tests per day would mean entirely unjustified (home-)incarceration of 1050 people per week. But in the country of habeas corpus, such minor issues obviously don’t matter when the government must fight a dreadful pandemic of people who aren’t sick.
The Innova Lateral Flow Test (LFT), which the government is using to supposedly detect
Covid 19 in asymptomatic people, was subjected to trials undertaken by the US Food and
Drug Agency (FDA). In a scathing review, the FDA concluded that the test did not perform thetask asked of it, it presented a risk to health and the tests “should be thrown in the bin”.
The manufactures instructions supplied with the Innova test kit states that the devices are not to be used on asymptomatic people and, “Positive results do not rule out bacterial infection or co-infection with other viruses. The agent detected may not be the cause of the disease”.
The BBC and Guardian newspaper have reported how social media sites like Tiktok and
Instagram carry many videos of schoolchildren demonstrating how the test can be tricked into a false positive result by using everyday substances like orange juice. These posts have been viewed millions of times and the methods described in them have been used by thousands of children to avoid attending school.
The British Medical Journal reports that: “As things stand, a person who tests positive with any kind of test may or may not have an active infection with live virus, and may or may not be infectious”(21/12/20).
Both the RT PCR and LFT tests are clearly unfit for purpose, but what they do manage to do is grossly inflate the numbers of covid cases and deaths.
Yep, if they did daily IQ testing there’d be a huge surge in idiots. They’re always around but until they’ve been tested we can’t be sure where they are!
Everyone who’s willing to do a daily IQ test must be one, regardless of the outcome.
I needed that laugh. Thank you!
This is a better one. Anyone care to explain?
proof if proof were ever needed that these are nothing more than rules, for the sake of having rules.
Would be good if people reading this news item might think to themselves, “if they can change them now, just because it is inconvenient to have them, then maybe we don’t really need them at all.”
Here’s hoping.
With combined news items on BBC news today my overriding thought was “if you can’t see it now you are never going to see it.”
Stop fucking testing yourselves, for a cold, you fucking twats!!!
I know people who have stopped testing themselves, even when it’s required. They are just using the number from the lateral flow devices but not actually testing themselves. Or something like that – I don’t know how it works ‘cos I have never used one.
The plastic test strip has a serial number on it. You go on the the NHS covid site, report the serial number and whether positive or negative and you get a SMS or email back with your result on. You can then show this SMS/email to anyone who asks for it. That might be a sports stadium or other venue.
I frequently attend a ‘lifestyle’ club (the sort where clothing is very optional and extremely close physical contact is the aim) and a clear LFT is a requirement of entry. I’ve never taken one; just enter the serial number and tick the ‘Negative’ box.
How to do a LFT and what they have inside them:
You took the words right out of my mouth. On the other hand let the idiots keeping shoving sticks into their faces and locking themselves down. Meanwhile let the rest of us just to try to get on with life!
I belong to a Recorder group in Wales and the group leader has just canvassed our views on whether we should continue meeting. One of the newest members of the group has said she is happy to continue as long as everyone takes regular lateral flow tests because her dad is in a Care Home.
I have suggested (as bluntly as I dare) that anyone frightened of mixing should stay at home rather than trying to impose conditions on other members of the group. I’m fully expecting to be booted out any day now….
It’s the right thing to do. If she’s afraid she might infect her dad (and if these tests would work as people believe they do) she’d need to take a test before visiting him. There’s no reason why anybody who won’t ever do that would need to do it unless it’s not about her dad at all but about her.
Don’t forget that the Covid virus can get into your coat pockets, and travel round with you. Not to mention getting entangled in your hair. And, of course, it can get into your bloodstream through your eyes! Remember that?
We are at the other end of the country, otherwise you should join our group. We formed a recorder group from a STIP and recently did our first set of concerts. No masks, no testing or other hang ups. Liberating! United in music.
If she’s so concerned about her dad I suggest she removes herself from the group, and avoids going into all shops. And she stays at home and wraps herself in clingfilm from head to toe.
What a selfish cow. Tell her to stay at home to “stay safe.”
From the boating forum just now:
“Flying around now is covid19 in my area (Nuneaton). Daughter and her BF both just recovering after having it over Christmas. Also 2 of my snooker team missing for tomorrow nights match. That’s a pain because it’s an important match.”
The absolute stupidity and belief in ‘Covid’ just never stops.
Has anyone reverse engineered this home kits to see what they actually do? I’m still confused what they actually look for. I assume it’s like a pregnancy kit and reacts to specific genetic material. I’m aware of the methods used to fool the test with orange juice or whatnot, but it’s all so very vague. Exactly what are these tests doing in a scientific sense?
They’re looking for a protein that is meant to be specific to the virus. Supposedly. It will react with something impregnated in the strip and make a coloured stripe. Then whatever the solvent is will continue up the strip and react with control strip to colour that too.
Made in China. 100% guaranteed to work.
Thanks for that Sophie.
Why would anyone admit to an asymptomatic positive if they were automatically locked down for a week with no get out?
If they are idle. This actually sorts the wheat from the chaff because the workers will stop testing themselves, unless they actually have a cold, but even then they might think better of taking the test.
Why are mysophobes obsessed with disinfecting everything they can lay their hands on?
Why are mysophobes obsessed with disinfecting everything? Because they are also mys-anthropes.
And what about the 2 kilogrammes of bacteria within their bodies, and all the mites crawling over them and eating the flakes of their skin?
There are more bacterial cells in a human body than human cells.
God knows. My local gym is full of the nutters.
If they’re public sector workers such as NHS staff, the prize is as week on full pay for daying jack all. Netflix days
Not really going to help if the countries UK citizens want to travel to still require tests, which they all do. Just managed to go skiing in Italy over new year. It will be the last time I take a flight anywhere until the madness of testing comes to an end – cost me over £1k for 5 of us to get tests on the way out and then in the way back. Plus the 2 day test on the return to the UK which has to be booked to get boarding passes and to complete the travel locator form. Stansted was like a ghost town both ways. This infrastructure is simply not viable for much longer but maybe that’s the point. A deliberate ploy to restrict travel. The legacy of this pandemic is already looking like it will cripple society and yet the majority of the public still live in fear. I feel like I’m living in a Kafka story – although not sure even he could have thought this one up.
Loxckdowns are the pathway to Net Zero full economic collapse. Government commissioned reports have already said that by 2050 EVERY airport will be closed apart from Heathrow so that it can be used for cargo and the elite. Its time to wake up folks.
Link please? Last govt report I read was all out for adding a second runway to Heathrow.
The plan is to have only three function airports for mass travel in the UK come 2030 – HRW, BHD and GLA. Yes the plan is to destroy aviation as a mass hospitality entertainment….distraction.
Private jets go through Farnborough mostly… which is why so much investment has flowed there…
Its the new normal folks… as Greta falls to her knees and weeps in thanks…blah… blah blah.
Oh… and go to Google Maps now, switch to terrain mode… and check out what’s parked up at BOH…. scrap values of titanium anyone?
PS: black boxes for real time car track-n-trace is also becoming mandatory….
So you see… linked to a social credit score you know what’s coming…
a thoroughly joyless, low protein, draconian techno Orwellian snooping society….
We wont be allowed to own cars….
People havent the faintest idea whats planned, nor who is behind it all. As for Greta, she says the world will end in 9 years while patenting her name and starting a Clinton style slush fund to protect her long term economic interests.
I wonder if Greta will be bringing out her own collection of perfumes and accessories… don’t buy the ‘scented’ candles!!! (in case Gwyneth Paltrow has given her ideas)
3rd runway, don’t think it will ever be built now.
5 regional airports in Finland closed in March 2020 “because of Covid”. Still closed.
Group think being what has been driving this insanity since March 2020, if someone in the group steps out of line, and it works, it is highly likely the rest of the group will follow suit.
When you turn into a beetle, that’s the time to worry.
When Whitless turns into a beetle, that’s the time to cheer.
When Dungford turns into a dung beetle, nobody will even notice.
This is exactly what it is – to imprison people in their own countries, and strip them of everything they own, including their dignity.
Bring in the anal swabs, say I. I should like to see Dido Harding stood outside Tesco with a ‘Covid marshall’ poking her bum with a large cotton bud.
Agenda 2030.
A little O/T but relating to ‘cases’. I remember looking at the definition of ‘cases’ early on, and it read something like; “The NHS defines a COVID case as someone with the following symptoms…[removed as not to bore you]. A case does not require a positive test, nor clinical observation. Call 111 if you suspect you are infected with CONVID”.
This raised my eyebrows more than a little at the time, but I can’t seem to find it now. Buried under the shite therein I suspect.
But, does anyone know if this is still what is happening? Are ‘case figures’ now more robust and actually useful?
Because even the most reasonable doctors seem to be using this data as if it’s absolute (thinking about that Dr John Cambell on youtube), and no-one seems to be bothered that the actual figure must be off by a huge margin, surely…
John Campbell, the last time I looked (about three weeks ago) was still a blithering idiot – “our amazing vaccines.”
Testing, testing, testing!
I doubt The Twilight Zone would have made such an episode… it’s simply too bizarre.
Won’t be confining me anywhere because I simply refuse to take any tests. Same with the vaccines, they can stick that up their arses cos it’s not going in mine
Useless and double useless. Take your pick.
No symptoms?
Carry on working.
“… they tested positive on LFT but then subsequently tested negative on PCR… C
Could it be that some were, in fact, false positives?
Mean while in Spain:(Both links are in Spanish.
A woman who did not want her two boys to be vaccinated went into hiding An official complaint for the abduction of “minors” was issued on December 16, although the father had not heard from the whereabouts of his children since November 9.
It would appear that a Judge ruled the father could have the boys vaccinated.
She has now given back the children to the courts where the father has collected them.
The mother is being branded as an anti-vaxxer. She is worried that these vaccines will be harmful to her children.
In Madrid, any child up 12 years old, who have been in close contact with a Covid positive person will not have to be quarantined
Of course, this has nothing to do with the US FDA withdrawing permission to use the PCR test (reason; unselective, cannot differentiate flu or Covid). The FDA announced this in July 2021, as a Class1 recall (strongest recall), with an effective end date of the 31st December 2021.
All of a sudden, PCR is not good enough? or was it just there to control the emerging narrative by over-amplification of the replication cycles?
Isn’t it remarkable how the ‘gold standard’ test turns out to be shit! Not like anyone pointed this out right at the beginning, of course…
It can’t differentiate between ‘covid’ and the flu because it is the flu.
PCR “the gold standard”. That’s up there with ‘stay safe’ for propaganda slogans of the last two years.
There’s a montage somewhere, similar to the “brought to you by Pfizer” one, of all the news channels using the phrase. It could of course be just innocently repeating Fauci, who used it.
And correct me if I’m wrong, but never before have medical professionals relied on a test for a disease when there’s no symptoms, particularly with the settings that have been used.
Dr Simon Goddek goes into details in the Delingpod, from the Dutch and German perspective at least.
Correction.HIV test for AIDS. Asymptomatic plus positive test for HIV antibodies, congrats you’ve got AIDS.
Exactly, but the weird thing about the HIV antibody test is that positive testing for antibodies is normally confirmation that you have fought it off. For HIV they flipped it on its head so positive antibody test means the opposite and they didn’t bother to justify why. The Fauci book goes into detail on this. It does appear from the information in that book that HIV is a total fraud and the HIV virus alone does not cause AIDS. What is guaranteed to give you AIDS is the AZT treatment that is given to people with HIV antibodies. More than a little fishy, eh? There are so many parallels between the HIV scam and Covid.
Hasn’t Bliar patented “gold standard PCR?”
No. Mass testing never did serve any purpose – except to ramp up fear. Which is why it was never recommended in any coherent evidence-based strategy.
PCR = confirmatory? Dream on. And why the inaccurate use of the term “infection” in this piece?
Canting Covidian Scholasticism.
Doubling down on the fraud while making it look like they’re easing off.
If this were a real thing, they’d be requiring those who tested positive without symptoms to do an additional test, not those who already show symptoms. The symptoms should be confirmation!
Should be good for a laugh! Everyone test yourself now, with a piece of plastic tat Made in China! Plenty more coming – Javid has just ordered another 250,000,000 of the items destined for landfill – with your money!!
I have a sneaking suspicion that Javid’s bodyguards never test themselves – where would he be if they had to stay at home and isolate for 10 days each time?
Being as the PCR test has never been fit for purpose who the fuck cares.
If you take an LFT can you lie about the result and how do you notify the relevant authority, never taken one so haven’t a clue how they work, ie can you decide to have a positive test if you want time off work.
Just a few weeks ago I asked if this is the case. Looks like I was on to something.
Well, you have to introduce some measure to keep the “case counts” high, don’t you?
The problem with failing to require a confirmatory PCR test for “lateral flow” positives, is that a positive now gets to bypass the crucial layer of quality control, and “cases” will appear to skyrocket, leading to a case-demic beyond anything we’ve seen.
Not only that, but this move will lead to the appearance of higher covid “hospitalizations” as the inclusion of a hospitalization in the official count is dependent upon a test on admission. If all this requires is a lateral flow test, then we’ll be looking at essentially a mirage of a pandemic, which unfortunately people will believe.
Absolutely no surprise here – what took them so long? Can people claim compensation for the damage done to them?
I do hope so.
But all they’re doing is surreptitiously giving us a way out.
Allow me to explain: if it’s a case of needing this to end then if forced to take a LFT for work or other purposes a person can just lie and say it’s negative.
Or don’t take it and just say it’s negative.
The government want this madness to end and are relying on the public to take the hint.
That way they can’t be blamed for being negligent and those that are smart enough will take the hint and lie/or simply not take it and say it’s negative.
Is this immoral? Not in my view.
Immorality is letting this madness continue out of some pious idea of the greater good.
Bozo is the successor to Sir Winston Churchill?
Surely that is conspiracy theory.
I never mentioned Churchill, though (?)
They test for the flu since they’ve never isolated Covid-19. Which makes me wonder how they can tell there is a delta variant. They never isolated the virus but they use a test to show the damage of a solution does on monkey kidney cells then show the cellular debris as proof of the virus. So, they can use this method to claim an UNENDING! amount of variants. A lot of cancers and “viruses” are probably just different forms of parasites. Since the tests can’t differentiate between cold and flu and covid then doesn’t that mean ivermectin cures both the cold and the flu? Welcome to “they’ve been lying to us our entire lives about everything”. Get your Ivermectin while you still can!
They are now claiming that the flu and COVID-19 have hybridised. Some “scientist” somewhere has claimed s/he has found a variant of Coronavirus that has a flu variant embedded in it.
This is their way of explaining where the regular head colds and flu disappeared to in the last two years. Flu’s and cold’s had to have hybridised with COVID-19, because it’s not as if they could have simply flown away to some sunny climes for a holiday; after all, the airports were shut and planes grounded – except for Davos’ get-togethers.
Yep, you couldn’t make it up.
Roll on Nuremberg II. I want first dabs at being the hangman. I’ll spare them the expense of a mask, because I’ll want everyone to see the wide smile on my face as I eagerly yank the lever.
Can you picture me playfully ruffling Boris Johnson’s hair just before I drop him? Oh, sweet dreams.
But they have made it all up – that’s the problem- ask Fauci and Gates. after all, “You can fool some of the people all the time”!
Can you picture me playfully ruffling Boris Johnson’s hair just before I drop him? Oh, sweet dreams.
Sweet dreams indeed.
Don’t test if you don’t have symptoms then, and if you have to do a test just dump the transfer fluid on the test without swabbing, easy.
If you can’t figure that out you deserve to imprison yourself.
All of this happens because we do it too ourselfs, including going along with the clearly absurd asymptomatic transmission superstition.
I agree. Nobody watches you take the test! The government are (for whatever reason) giving us a way out here. We’d be dumb not to take it.
In a sense this is a test of the country: are we too dumb enough see it? It’s also a sense of true public spirit because 28 days off without certification will tempt many to declare they’re positive when they’re not.
The very best thing is to simply not test and say it’s negative.
If we’re too dumb and lazy not to realise that life must return to normal you’re right:we don’t deserve to survive.
This guy won’t be getting invited back on the BBC anytime soon.
Govt covering their arses, now realizing that their ‘following the science’ is a load of junk?
I’ve had enough of this ‘asymptomatic’ nonsense. If you’ve no symptoms then you’re not ill. I had a cold recently and didn’t need to swab my nose or throat with glass and mercury to find out that I had viral rhinopharyngitis.