I’ve already covered three studies that found natural immunity protects better against infection than the vaccines. These comprise two from Israel, and one from Denmark. In each case, individuals who’d already had Covid were much less likely to become infected than those who’d been vaccinated.
Now a fourth study has come to my attention; this time from India. (The study was published as a preprint back in August.)
Malathi Murugesan and colleagues monitored infections in a cohort of healthcare workers between April and June of this year, during the country’s second wave. They compared four groups, corresponding to the different combinations of previously infected or not, and vaccinated or not.
Note: the vast majority of participants had received the AstraZeneca vaccine. This is in contrast to the Israeli and Danish studies, where most individuals had received another vaccine (mainly Pfizer).
Among those who hadn’t been previously infected or vaccinated, the cumulative infection rate was 14.9%. It was slightly lower among those’d been vaccinated but not previously infected, namely 11.1%. And it was dramatically lower among those who’d been previously infected: 2.1% among those who hadn’t been vaccinated, and 1.4% among those who had.
To check these results were robust, the authors ran a statistical model controlling for age, sex, type of work, and the daily incidence of Covid in the surrounding area (the city of Vellore in Southern India).
They estimated the protective effect of natural immunity to be 86% (which is consistent with a recent systematic review). By contrast, vaccine effectiveness was only 32%. As expected, the protective effect of hybrid immunity was 91% – slightly better than that of natural immunity alone.
There are now four separate studies all showing the same thing: several months after the corresponding event, natural immunity provides substantially better protection against infection than the vaccines.
“Vaccination efforts,” the Indian researchers note, “should be optimised by directing vaccination towards the areas where individuals are non-immune.” In other words, there was no need to vaccinate healthy people who’d already had Covid; those vaccines should have gone to the clinically vulnerable in poor countries.
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Unfortunately, the entire team of researchers had a freak kayaking accident on the Ganges which killed them all and destroyed all their research, so further research cannot be undertaken.
This used to be funny – now it isn’t.
In other news: a team of researchers find that the sun can cause sunburn. For heaven’s sake, it’s a sorry state of affairs when we need research to tell us the blindingly bloody obvious
That was going to be my point. FFS, this result is so obvious. It doesn’t take 4 papers to prove. what is wrong with people? No, I mean it. What has happened to people’s intelligence? It’s like everybody, except me and you reading this, has lost their freaking mind and is living in the upside down universe.
Facebook and Love Island happened. Devolution completed in two decades.
Let me help you understand, if it seems so questionable. Love Island and Facebook are like blenders, for your brain. You put your brain in, press the button, and a couple of seconds later, your brain is like a frothy milkshake. Oh, I realise FB is terrific for staying in touch with your family and friends, but on the other hand, they’re all vaxxed so who cares what they had for breakfast. Love Island is what happens when the devil is given his own tv show. So yeah, BluePill is right on the money: between FB and LI, your brain is now the mush of satan. Oh, did I go too far?
Thanks Loop, you summarised it so much better than I could have. There are a few posters on here who are beautifully expressive, clearly having not had their brains scrambled by Love Island etc.
And bfbf334 if you haven’t ever been subjected to Love Island here is a nice review https://youtu.be/VSPXzShsFT8
Great reply…
Those in charge are working to a different agenda from the one you imagine.
Why else would they be coercing the vaccination of small children with an untested ‘gene therapy’ never before used on a human population with no long term data on its effects and no fully completed trials until 2023 – now to be given in large multiple repeat doses, projected into the future for the whole world, with coercive threats (illegal) for those refusing it of losing their livelihoods?
The casualty figures globally from these ‘vaccine’ products are greater by far than any other vaccine trial in medical history
And there will be no “fully completed trials” because the placebo groups were injected shortly after the trials started in order to “protect them.”
Have you got that data? It would be interesting to see the follow up as I have not seen the publication?
Plus Pfizer safety trials excluded children with previous infection. How can their be any ethical reason to use an Pfizer RNA vaccine on a child?
100% with you. I keep on questioning whether it’s me that’s lost my mind! Suppose that’s what 2 years worth of 24/7 propaganda does, and watching the brainless morons fall for it all – including many people I’d never ever have described before as brainless. I’m sticking with Rudyard Kipling’s ‘If’ to keep me sane though.
That’s the key indicator that you are sane. This is what TPTB fear most because if everyone did it there would be revolution.
Sorry, not too hot on my acronyms – TPTB?
The Powers That Be
Sadly the vested interest in vaccination as the ‘sine qua non’ philosophy has become the rhetoric of the media politicians and many scientists world leaders. It is not the readers of this journal but the frightened population who hide behind cloth masks ,washing trollleys, rushing to have their arms impaled with the next available genetic material while demanding those of us who want freedom succumb to their diktats : that cause me concern. It is now a pandemic of irrationally.
We need it because “real science” and our most qualified virologists have been silenced during this ’emergency’.
Back in time before “the science” we were told that it was basically impossible to be infected by the same thing twice, so what exactly is happening here?
“what exactly is happening here?”
Variants….Like the common cold only turbo charged by the clot shot gene jab.
Do not expect this “news” to appear anywhere in the MSM as their owners have toxic pharmaceuticals to flog.
Just the same as those pesky top research doctors never get publicity when pointing out how many (10s of thousands from official stats alone) have been killed and maimed (so far) and how and why they expect those figures to go literally exponential in the coming months and years.
Indeed! It is getting very late for something to be done to halt the madness..
There is no madness, just cold calculated planning.
They are ‘cancelling’ both objective science and ‘Common Sense’ along with ‘culture’.
Anti-body Dependent Enhancement.
ADE, that’s what’s happening.
Depends on the antigenic stimulus and complex immune response. Most DNA viruses eg Smallpox have strong immunity but RNA viruses eg flu changes and the vaccine needs to change but is never fully effective.
This pandemic has been notable for the emergence of “experts” , epidemiologists. virologists , intensive care physicians and scientific journalist without recognising that it Covid19 is ultimately a medical problem. If you happen upon a medical emergency: how often will you hear the cry”Is there an epidemiologist in the house?”
The people who write articles on here keep saying the jabs are working but are they really and at what cost to the future health of the jabbed?
The jabs briefly increase anti-bodies to the spike protein but NOT to other parts of the virus.
Soon after being jabbed people’s immune systems are compromised and they are more susceptible to the virus for a couple of weeks.
Long term, due to Original Antigenic Sin, Antibody Dependent Enhancement, etc. plus all the possible side effects from the experimental jab people will be potentially more ill from the jab than they would be from Covid.
There are rogue batches of the jabs which are causing the most harm. People are playing Russian roulette with their lives depending on which batch they are jabbed with.
Many studies show natural immunity is better than jab induced immunity.
Many of the contributors on here have been jabbed themselves and we really need to challenge the notion that these experimental jabs are helping to curb hospitalisations and death from Covid even in the vulnerable.
‘Challenge the notion’? The claim is surely by now palpably untrue that the ‘Gene Therapy’ spike protein jabs are a ‘vaccine’ which protects against Sars Covid ( 2019) infection and transmission.
However, we see increasingly what it can do in the daily reports to the Yellow Card system of vaccine damage incidence and other similar reporting systems around the world and in the increasingly desperate urgency of the alarm calls from independent ( non- Big Pharma / Gates employees and beneficiaries) prize winning Senior Virologists internationally, trying to protect us from the vast harm and irreparable damage to our immune system they now see coming with the vaccine roll-out- albeit in the face of censorship, smears, abuse, state organised trolling and Big Tech no “platforming”.
Curiously our Government ( which has a basic ‘duty of care’ to its citizens under Tort Law) has no interest in vaccine damage reports and reputable scientific prognosis whatever, other than to dismiss them as insignificant and irrelevant as they continue to push the ‘vaccines’ on even our youngest children.
People should begin at last to draw their own conclusions on what this is really all about.
They had to change the definition of a vaccine to permit these mRNA materials to be termed “vaccines”.
Agree 100%.
I would only add that the long and evidentially recognised phenomenon that one hardly ever suffers from two viral infections at the same time, has been trashed.
If memory serves me correctly this is primarily due to the existence of things called Interferons in the normal working immune system.
This seems to have been overlooked by the esteemed experts advising our even more esteemed health secretary (sic), who are advising nay mandating a combined covid booster flu jab!
Yet more insults for the still hardly understood immune system to deal with.
How can you assert that “many of the contributors on here have been jabbed themselves?”
Because they have said so.
Very good – but this is not news. Were it not for the unprecedented censorship and ‘no platforming’ of real science, imposed by the Globalist Billionaire Cabal around the world, we would all have known this at least six months ago. Yeadon said that herd immunity and our immune system was the answer to the ‘virus’ 18 months ago.
I suggest that the most important book anyone can read in the new year is ” ‘Pseudo Pandemic’ New Normal Technocracy “by Iain Davis – it will change your life.
A factor that isn’t considered here is that of vaccine injury.
I’m not a medical Docotr or a vaccine experty expert but I’m going to go out on a limb and declare that the unvaccinated have a 0% chance of suffering vaccine injury.
Brilliant but shame about the spelling mistake!
I presume that headline was from the department of stating the bl**ding obvious.
Now there’s a surprise!!