Researchers have uncovered “notable, significant and abnormal” purchases of PCR lab equipment in Wuhan in the summer of 2019, suggesting that Covid was spreading “virulently” in the city far earlier than was previously believed. The Telegraph has the story.
Analysts trawled through PCR procurement contracts in Hubei Province, of which Wuhan is the capital, and found spending had almost doubled on the previous year.
The study by Internet 2.0, a cyber security consultancy that specialises in examining data from China, says: “We have come to the conclusion that, based on the data analysed, it suggests the virus was highly likely to be spreading virulently in Wuhan, China, as early as the summer of 2019 and definitely by the autumn.”
The data and findings have been passed to U.S. Government officials amid growing speculation that the virus escaped from a lab in Wuhan and its existence was covered up for months.
According to the more accepted version of events, Covid originated in a “wet market” selling live animals in Wuhan at the beginning of December.
But the new report claims spending on PCR equipment – standard kit in laboratories for amplifying small amounts of DNA and critical in tracking Covid – in Hubei Province increased to £7.8 million in 2019 from £4 million the year before and £3.3 million in 2017.
The total 2019 contract value, according to Internet 2.0, was higher than the previous two years put together. The report also found the number of PCR contracts increased from 89 in 2018 to 135.
The report’s authors claim the growth in spending was accounted for by contracts at four main institutions – the Chinese Centres for Disease Control (CDC) in Hubei province, the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the Wuhan University of Science and Technology and a military hospital in Wuhan. The report says this is of huge importance because of the bodies’ roles in disease control and prevention.
The report alleges that the “significant increase in spending” was noticed from the summer of 2019, beginning as early as May – seven months before public health officials in China notified the World Health Organisation (WHO) that a mysterious illness was spreading through Wuhan.
The report concludes: “We assess with high confidence that the pandemic began much earlier than China informed the WHO about Covid.”
Worth reading in full.
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Every word you have been told about this “pandemic” is a lie. Any sane and informed person can now see this
Now, figure out who is lying to you, and why.
War makes people without ethics and morality rich. The public should inform themselves of the names running Big Pharma, Big State and the Technocrats. Legacy media won’t do it.
I see CCP China collapsing before States leave the Union. Lots of information drops will occur this red October.
Who knew what and when?
The “who” and the “why” are also obvious at this point. But the media won’t go there. We know why.
There was curiosity about how Drosten knew about Covid and produced the PCR protocol, so quickly. And his mate to have the kits ready the same day. Now perhaps we know. There has clearly been a lot of information sharing, by the people doing the harm, way ahead of any admission. And of course “hands up, we were doing experiments to make a disease easier for people to catch and it’s escaped the lab” was never likely to happen, even if it hadn’t happened in super secret China. I worry too that the US was developing something that clearly has biological warfare potential, IN CHINA!!
The group at the centre on the public health/Pharma side, Fauci, Farrar, Danszak, Vallance etc, I’d is a somewhat select one and they must have had back way comms with the CCP to make this work.
It’s clear from the Fauci email leaks that many of the top experts when consulted in January 2020, were new to the whole thing. They were suprised by genome sequence and suggested a man made virus. They were then shut down by the cabal.
This is top level corruption of an order we have never seen out in the open like this before.
See the mercola article:
Fauci WAS and is working with China.
This article blows it wide open.
The ILLA publication from Germany spells it all out about Cormen Drosten RT PCR mass testing scam; the MHRA personnel involved who wrote the WHO mass testing specification, colluded with them and then signed off the WHO approved mass testing Gold Standard protocol with most indecent haste; the MHRA then colluded with Big Pharma to rush through massively under tested EUA drugs which are so defective it creates a worse health situation amongst a significant proportion of the jabbed – because it causes clotting (I understand a previously known but avoidable issue with the techniques involved with mRNA jabs ) and harms the innate immune system of people affected. Dr David Martin/Del Bigtree et al should get medals for documenting the corruption surrounding this stemming back to the late 1990’s at the earliest.
At the very very least ,Gates, Schwab, Fauci, Baric, Daszak, Drosten, Cormen, Farrar, Vallance, Ferguson, all SAGE and the laughable :”independent” SAGE members should be dragged before the ICC indicted with breaching Nuremburg Code and Geneva protocols, along with the CEOs current and past of those Big Pharma Co’s involved; their assets to be frozen and if guilty used as “pan Sovereign” fund to help affected individuals…trouble is where are the people to see this through…?
Maybe Steven Bochco could resurrect the X Files because “the truth is out there”..
I’m starting to think the US did this to China and it massively backfired as China acted so quickly to contain it and they never thought it would spread to the West
Lol. Why would the US do this to China, when Trump was already pushing them into a corner? Furthermore, had the US done this, they would have been way more prepared.
Why would the US do this to China? Are you serious? He wasn’t pushing them into a corner at all. China are on course to overtake the US economical and militarily. I think this was an attack that backfired.
I have no idea, just my opinion.
He was. China was concerned with Trump’s policy on them. He was already heavily taxing Chinese imports and was lobbying for other countries to do the same. We have Chinese officials admitting this. Trump’s America First policy, along with a big push to revitalize the American private sector was a substantial blow to China.
It really wasn’t, I think you are overestimating the impact. Of course it was not good, but China was always just going to sit it out and wait for Trump to leave office. Just like the rest of the world was.
There are only two possible scenarios IMO – an accident, or an attack.
You are really naive if you think China was just sitting around waiting for Trump to leave. Trump was pretty much assured to have another term. His ratings were high despite the massive disinformation campaign against him. Even now his ratings are way higher. Joe Biden had no chance against him, and you can see it from the fact that almost no one was attending his rallies. China was definitely involved in corrupting the last US election, and they had to do it because it was costing them a lot. They will never admit to just how much it was costing them.
There are only two possibilities: an accident or a deliberate release orchestrated by the Chinese government. If China was attacked, they would have made a lot of noise about it. Keeping it quiet for 6 months makes absolutely no sense if they were attacked with this thing. Remember that they tried blaming this on US soldiers bringing it over from the US in late 2019. Why invent this scenario if the US attacked them with this in the summer of 2019?
I can only conclude that you are either incredibly naive about this, or you have something to gain by trying to make China look better than they do.
Please don’t act like you know what happened. None of us do. We just have opinions. That’s mine.
The difference is that my opinion is in agreement with reality, whilst yours is full of inconsistencies. We might not know what is true, but we can definitely know what cannot be true.
China may be some small part of the problem, but the much bigger part can be found much much closer to home.
The futile China did it line is trotted out time and again, simply to distract attention away from the massive program of ‘genocide by vaccine’, which is now well under way in the US and also in its servile acolytes, that pretend to be independent nations.
China didn’t develop any of the highly lethal vaccines that are now being malevolently foisted on the grossly uninformed western public.
No, there are more than two possibilities. You write:
“There are only two possibilities: an accident or a deliberate release orchestrated by the Chinese government.”
Maybe the virus did originate in China, but there are other possibilities that have never been investigated.
Such as?
Such as the virus originated in America or any number of other nations, perhaps nations where virus research was being conducted.
It is beyond strange to me that 16 known Americans had COVID in November or December 2019 (antibody results prove this). And yet the CDC has not investigated or questioned a single one of these likely or possible early cases in America.
My theory is that these claims have never been investigated because officials KNOW these people did have COVID and they did not get it from trips to China. Legit investigations would, thus, confirm early spread in America – at a time when the CDC says the virus was not in this country.
How would they explain this? Better to not investigate and not have to explain this.
Then we would have seen the outbreak start there, not in China. In light of this recent news about China’s purchases of PCR tests it is even clearer that they knew all the way in summer 2019 that this was a serious viral outbreak, and they did absolutely nothing to warn or accuse anyone else. They kept it under cover, and the bogus explanation that they came up with later (US soldiers infecting China) not only makes no sense, but doesn’t even align with a timeline where this virus appeared somewhere else in early 2019 then was carried to China in early summer. There is absolutely nothing to suggest this scenario.
Could it maybe be because the outbreak started in the early summer of 2019 and China did not close down borders or told anyone about this, thus allowing infected people to travel from China to the US? If that seems strange to you, I don’t know what to tell you.
Considering travel out of China was never banned, they did not need to get the virus from trips to China. Someone else coming from China could have given it to them.
And this does not necessarily support your hypothesis.
Read my posts more closely. I’ve never said the virus did not originate in China. All I have said is that if it did originate in China it had to originate earlier than previous reports suggest. (Previous reports suggest it originated at a lab leak in November 2019 – which would not have given the virus time to spread to Washington, Oregon, California, NJ and Florida by November).
There IS evidence of wide spread in America in November 2019. Do you have a theory on why no CDC contact tracers ever questioned a single one of the 16 Americans who had the virus in November or December?
These people could still be questioned today. They could still be tested for antibodies today (some probably still have them). One of these people almost died and was in a hospital for 28 days. It’s distinctly possible that tissue samples or blood samples were taken in his hospital stay that could still be tested. None of this has happened.
But if the virus did originate in China in September of the summer of 2019 this might/could have given the virus time to spread to all these geographically-dispersed states in America (and other countries) by November 2019.
However, if the virus existed in China in the summer or September of 2019, it would seem there would be a lot more evidence of wide spread in China before the Wuhan outbreak. Of course, maybe there was. But there definitely is copious evidence that this virus was spreading all across America by November and December 2019.
My main point is that there has been no serious investigation into the possibility the virus was spreading widely in America by November 2019. In fact, the CDC and almost all health officials say this is simply impossible. Most people accept these pronouncements as gospel. Not me.
You said the following:
That to me indicates that you believe that there is a reasonable argument for the virus appearing somewhere other than China. That is what I was responding to.
Right. I do believe there is a reasonable argument that that virus originated somewhere other than China. I think it’s quite possible it DID originate in China, but I also think it’s quite possible it did NOT. What bothers me is that it’s okay to investigate early spread in China, but not in any other country.
Trust me. American officials are NOT doing legitimate investigations into early spread in America. I’ve interviewed and become friends with two people who are certain they had this virus in December 2019. The husband nearly died. His wife has contacted state health officials multiple times, begging for them to investigate their possible/likely early cases. The Alabama Department of Public Health has completely ignored her.
I’ve contacted the CDC and given them all of the evidence that confirms this couple almost certainly had COVID. I was blown off by the CDC as well.
You can read this story (I wrote it) and then tell me if you think public health officials are sincerely interested in investigating possible early cases of COVID.
Remember in the (alleged) early days of the pandemic when “contact tracing” was the big effort? In the above story, I briefly recount the story of Michael Melham, the mayor of Belleville, NJ. Mayor Melham is the first KNOWN likely COVID case in America if not the world.
He remains “steadfast” he had COVID symptoms around November 20th, 2019. He thinks he got it at conference in Atlantic City. Interestingly, Mayor Melham says he heard from several other people who also attended the same conference and also got sick at the same time. He has exchanged emails with many of these people.
Well, think about that. Contact tracers with the CDC could not only interview Mayor Melham, they could also interview and contact all the other people who think they were sick with the same virus at the same time.
They could still do this today. Have they done this? Why haven’t they?
If they thought these antibody tests (he had two positive tests) were “false positives,” they could have tested him again with tests they trust.
They could have interviewed his doctor.
It’s not the “investigations” the CDC did conduct into possible early spread cases, it’s all the ones they could have and should have conducted that tell us everything we need to know about the sincerity of their efforts to identify early cases in America.
BTW, I am the only reporter who asked Mayor Melham why no public health officials never contacted him.
My take-away is that these officials KNOW he (and others) did have this virus months before this virus was even supposed to have existed in this country.
I don’t believe that at all. Not even China believes that.
That’s kinda off topic.
Okay. At least 16 Americans were sick with COVID-type symptoms in November or December 2019. All 16 later tested positive for COVID antibodies. They weren’t sick at any other time. Brandie McCain has had three positive antibody tests. Michael Melham has had two positive antibody tests.
How do you explain the combination of these positive antibody results matched with the fact these people were sick with COVID symptoms?
Per the Seattle Times, a retired nurse in Washington (and one other unnamed person) also had symptoms in December and later tested positive for antibodies. This is the one case (of the 16) that state health officials did research or investigate. Public health officials in Washington admit that she is/was a “likely” case. Her antibody test was done by the “gold standard” assay.
…. China officials DO know of these likely early cases in America. They’ve talked about them repeatedly. Their statements are simply discounted. So the government of China DOES believe there were many cases around the world outside of Wuhan before the Wuhan outbreak of late December 2019. These officials believe this for good reason (because there obviously were such cases).
Off topic or not, it is troubling (at least to me) that any investigation into the origins of this virus does not even look into compelling evidence of early cases outside of China.
Yes, I guess, one can rule out “early spread” in America … if one completely ignores all of the evidence that shows this was happening. Which is what’s happened.
I really don’t understand why you’re telling me these things and what does this have to do with the fact that the virus was either released or escaped from Wuhan during the summer of 2019.
For starters, the story that the “virus was released from Wuhan in the summer of 2019” is completely new.
Let’s go back and look at the changing timeline/narrative:
1) Original narrative: Virus appears in Wuhan on Dec. 30, 2019.
2) Later narrative: Virus “escaped” from a lab in Wuhan in November 2019 (per WSJ blockbuster report, citing intelligence reports of three lab workers who allegedly got sick).
3) Today’s story: The virus was already spreading in China in the summer or September 2019.
My interest in this story comes from my conviction that the spread of the virus in America in November and December 2019 has been completely discounted. Basically, timelines 1 and 2 could not be the genesis of this virus’s spread if the virus was already spreading in America prior to these events. Evidence of wide spread in America in November, makes events 1 and 2 moot or irrelevant. That is, these events couldn’t have had anything to do with the origination of virus spread.
I’m saying the “narrative” – based on my research – must be/is completely wrong.
Today’s story is noteworthy as it would at least explain how the virus might have spread to a dozen or so American states by November and December 2019.
But it raises more questions. If a virus this contagious originated in China in the summer of 2019, why hadn’t it spread all over China by December 2019?
This is THE most important COVID question if you simply believe it’s important to know how, where, why and when the virus originated and was unleashed on the world.
It also goes to the question if we should trust the pronouncements of government officials and public health officials. Don’t forget, U.S. officials have repeatedly said this virus did not exist in America anywhere prior to January 2020. I happen to think they are not being truthful. If they are lying about such important details, would they lie about other details?
Like everyone, I’d like to solve the mystery of where this virus originated and how (or who was responsible). But I don’t know how you answer this question definitively if you discount all the evidence of early and wide spread in America. I don’t think a “search for the truth” is occurring. Which, as you can no doubt tell, bothers me.
The US was on the back foot, but Trump had no idea of the way in which things work. Well he had no idea …what’s new?
The ceding of economic power to China is yet another example of global capital rendering individual states impotent, and, of course, the one thing you can say about the Party’s role in China is that it is a massively more intelligent, powerful and cunning operator than the mass bands of the US (or UK) state, which has aided and abetted China’s assumption of power – as we are now seeing more clearly in the murky world of gain of function research..
China is intelligent. They knew they could just play Trump like a dim fish on a line.
An attack, almost certainly, but by who?
It’s not just your opinion, Ron Unz has been making the same accusation from the very start which is quite believable.
The UNZ Review
(1) Rogue elements within our large national security apparatus probably affiliated with the Deep State Neocons decided to inflict severe damage upon the huge Chinese economy using biowarfare. The plan was to infect the key transport hub of Wuhan with Covid-19 so that the disease would invisibly spread throughout the entire country during the annual Lunar New Year travels, and they used the cover of the Wuhan International Military Games to slip a couple of operatives into the city to release the virus. My guess is that only a relatively small number of individuals were involved in this plot.
(2) The biological agent they released was designed primarily as an anti-economy rather than an anti-personnel weapon. Although Covid-19 has rather low fatality rates, it is extremely contagious, has a long pre-symptomatic infectious period, and can even spread by asymptomatic carriers, making it ideally suited for that purpose. Thus, once it established itself throughout most of China, it would be extremely difficult to eradicate and the resulting efforts to control it would inflict enormous damage upon China’s economy and society.
(3) As a secondary operation, they decided to target Iran’s political elites, possibly deploying a somewhat more deadly variant of the virus. Since political elites generally tend to be elderly, they would anyway suffer far greater fatalities.
(4) The deadly SARS and MERS outbreaks in East Asia and the Near East had never significantly spread back to America (or Europe), so the plotters wrongly assumed that the same would be the case with Covid-19. Anyway, since international organizations always ranked the US and Europe as having the best and most effective public health systems for combating any disease epidemic, they believed that any possible blowback damage would be very minor.
(5) Only a small number of individuals were directly involved in this plot, and soon after the disease was successfully released in Wuhan, they decided to further safeguard America’s own interests by alerting the appropriate units with the Defense Intelligence Agency, probably by fabricating some sort of supposed “intelligence leak.” Basically, they arranged for the DIA to hear that Wuhan was apparently suffering a “cataclysmic” disease outbreak, thereby leading the DIA to prepare and distribute a secret report warning our own forces and allies to take appropriate precautions.
(6) Unfortunately for these plans, the Chinese government reacted with astonishing determination and effectiveness, and soon stamped out the disease. Meanwhile, the lackadaisical and incompetent American government largely ignored the problem, only reacting after the massive outbreak in Northern Italy had gotten media attention. Since the CDC had botched production of a testing kit, we had no means of recognizing that the disease was already spreading in our country, and the result was massive damage to America’s economy and society. In effect, America suffered exactly the fate that had originally been intended for its Chinese rival.
(7) Again, this is my own hypothetical reconstruction, and people are free to dispute individual elements. But I think it best fits with the very limited amount of solid evidence. My long article from April fleshes out the China/America background in much greater detail:
Interesting site
“the Chinese government reacted with astonishing determination and effectiveness, and soon stamped out the disease”
They reacted with astonishing determination and effectiveness in making people believe what they wanted people to believe.
Quite – those fake videos of people collapsing in the street were very effective at stimulating worldwide panic.
That’s something I still can’t quite work out… Wtf was that all about?
All I (think) I know is that this virus was spreading – and spreading widely – much earlier than November 2019. It’s almost impossible to believe that health officials in China (and the USA) did NOT know this.
The (government) trolls are marking you down, so you must be directly over the target.
Kid F. see this:
IOW, Lockdowns must work ! The Chinese are just magically better at doing them !!
I suggest an alternate interpretation: As opposed to western Dummokrats[*] the Chinese Government never tried anything like that beyond a staged TV show and is probably still chuckling that all these brainless Western politicians actually fell for that.
[*] a wordplay combining the German adjective for stupid – dumm – with Demokrat (democrat).
There is no way they could not have realised that it would most probably spread wordwide.
Other epidemics didn’t…
I think there’s no way that at least some public health officials didn’t know that the virus already WAS spreading world-wide or in many communities. It’s hard for me to believe the CDC wasn’t getting reports of a flu-like illness where hundreds of thousands of people were testing negative for the flu.
Some doctors or health clinics must have reported this to public health agencies.
There are countless Americans who were treated at hospitals (Tim McCain of Sylacauga, Alabama being one) who had all the COVID symptoms and clinical progression, lab results, etc. that matched perfectly with COVID. Maybe in January 2020 these docs and nurses didn’t know they were treating possible COVID patients, but by February or early March this must have occurred to some of them.
The director of ICU nursing at Grandview Medical Center in Birmingham, Alabama told Brandie McCain she had “no doubt” her husband had COVID when he was treated at this hospital for 24 days in January. When the couple both later got positive antibody tests, this nurse sent a Facebook message to Brandie: “I knew you would. He definitely had it!!!”
I’m sure that hospital destroyed all his lab results. I tried to interview those who treated Tim and they wouldn’t talk to me.There’s no way this man was the only COVID patient in America in January 2020 (or December 2019).
I think the cover-up of early cases in America is pretty extensive.
A few weeks ago, one story was published that said the CDC had retroactively identified four “early deaths” of COVID from January 2020. Interestingly, the story didn’t give names of these four people or any pertinent details.
The authors of the story requested more information from readers on possible other early deaths. I emailed these authors and sent them a link to my story on Tim McCain. Tim did not die on January 4th, 2020 but he came as close to death as one could come. He later tested positive for antibodies (as did his wife, who has now tested positive for antibodies at least THREE times). There must be a thousand pages of medical records dealing with his hospital stay. His wife gave me 50 pages of his medical records from his first visits to doctors. I offered to share these with the reporter and opined that this hospital still might have saved tissues or blood samples that would confirm that Tim had COVID in late December, early January 2020.
If journalists were looking for compelling evidence of early spread, here it was. I didn’t hear back from these reporters.
I’ve also shared this same info with reporters for the Wall Street Journal. One reporter even interviewed Brandie McCain. I mailed this reporter a copy of those 50 pages of medical records (which show obvious COVID markers like extremely high D-Dimer lab results). This was months ago.
Crickets. No story.
Not only do health officials want to cover-up evidence of early spread, reporters are also covering this up. Or at least they are unwilling to run stories that would provide compelling evidence that Americans definitely had the virus in December and November 2019.
I can’t think of anything more chilling. The “watchdog” press is helping cover-up a story that would make the scandal of Watergate seem like an effort to fix parking tickets.
Not sure about that. This feels much more like something that’s happening on a supranational level, where countries are just pawns to play off against each other. I’m sure there’s an underlying economic reason for it, about which both countries can do nothing but play along because their financial masters have decreed it.
Possibly, but the idea that there is some entity outside the US spehere of influence is hard to believe
To understand what’s going on we have to think outside usual national boundaries. The group behind the coronascam is a transnational cult. This transcends national or party politics. It’s an attempt by the global elite to radically reshape society and ultimately humans (at least the great unwashed).
As we have all known, China knew about this virus for a very long time, and it still allowed Chinese nationals to travel and spread this thing all over the planet. Had we been warned of this the day it happened and China had acted like a normal country and shut down international travel, none of the events of 2020/2021 would have happened! This means that China is to blame for the vast loss of life, quality of life, human rights, economic freedom, etc the world has experienced.
“This means that China is to blame for the vast loss of life, quality of life, human rights, economic freedom, etc the world has experienced.”
They may share a portion of the blame, but a lot of the blame must go to the political leaders of most countries in the world, and every other institution. They went along with it unquestioningly.
China has been by far the most intelligent and ruthless operator in the international power game whilst the broad western alliance, from Afghanistan onwards (and before), has been busy shooting itself in its collective foot.
That’s not admiration – just a fact. Look at the quiet growth of Chinese influence internationally whilst the west concentrates on picking aimless fights with all and sundry and then bellyaching about ‘terrorism’.
Oh yes, I am in no doubt that whatever the truth is about the origins of covid, they have played a blinder. One of the things that baffles me is how people are happy to believe everything China says about how they contained covid. Why on earth would we believe them?
I guess they are believed via the same mechanisms that have driven every other illusory belief.
I still think it plausible that Chinese Covid ‘theatre’ (people keeling over in the streets etc.) helped drive secret intelligence that this was a lab leak, thus seeding panic among the puppet politicians.
Never underestimate the role of intelligence services as operatives of the shadow state (UK Column has been good at putting the Cabinet Office intelligence network together)
An old-style senior member of the Wilson and Callaghan governments who was a friend (and on the traditionalist right of the Party) told me some details about intelligence service shenanigans in the 70s.
As said -never underestimate.
Indeed, but somehow people who would not trust China in any other regard assume they are telling the whole truth about covid.
That is certainly true.
All of those were things that those countries decided to do to themselves.
It was already clear from the Diamond Princess in February 2020 that all of those things were not necessary.
The excess mortality in 2020 was a result of lockdowns and inappropriate medical measures – expulsions, ventilators et al.
See also my comment from a few minutes ago. Antibodies to Sars-Cov-2 were found in Italian blood samples from September 2019.
Given how infectious it is, it’s quite likely that (asuming it was released due to incompetence rather than deliberately), it was already too late to stop it spreading before anyone realised. Once it got hold in a city the size of Wuhan it would be impossible to contain it, and only a matter of time before it made its way round the world.
Yes, but:
Here’s one of the main points to me (someone who has spent a lot of time researching the “early spread” hypothesis): The virus had already spread around the world MONTHS before the lockdowns of mid-March 2020. The lockdowns were thus NEVER going to “slow” or “stop” the spread of this virus. All the economic carnage associated with lockdowns (and the heath consequences) did not need to take place.
And at least some officials had to have known this.
Fauci is to blame, along with his mates.
Still no sign of the latest PHE Variants of Concern Technical Briefing. It should have been released Friday but no sign of it yet ! Everything was going in one direction from 17 to 23 so I was expecting 24 to be a real doozey !!!!
Right in time for Event 201.
“The U.S. Defense Dept developed SARS-CoV-2 in North Carolina. The 4th Branch (Intelligence Community) wanted to use it. The Pentagon restarts funding for development of SARS-CoV-2 in partnership with Wuhan, China – setting up the cover story. The 4th Branch (Intelligence Community) then uses the virus by releasing it in/around Wuhan. Everything after that is simply part of the 4th Branch covering their tracks. Wuhan, China becomes the patsy.”
Sars-Cov-2 antibodies were found in 14% of blood samples in Lombardy, Italy from September 2019:
…and traces of ‘the virus’ in sewage water in Spain from March 2019
..and in the US antibodies to Sars-Cov-2 from December 2019 at the latest
Nobody noticed covid in 2019.
It was waiting for lockdowns, masks and SD to begin before causing excess mortality.
Here are 16 “confirmed” cases in the USA (in four states) where people were infected in November or December 2019. All 16 later tested positive for antibodies; several of these people have now had multiple positive antibody tests.
None of these Americans had been to China or had a close contact with anyone from Wuhan.
And this number doesn’t include the unknown people who infected these people.
How did they all get COVID? Is it possible spread was “isolated” if there were cases in New Jersey, Florida, Washington and Alabama?
Most importantly, why hasn’t the CDC interviewed or investigated a single one of these cases?
they didn’t have a close contact that they know of – consider this, the oro faecal transmission route. Very few people using public bathroom facilities seem to appreciate the importance of closing the toilet lid before flushing a toilet, the flush of which will launch faecal particles up to 7 ft in the air. The virus can be spread by those faecal particles (gross I know). It never ceases to amaze me how many toilets in hospital or other clinical settings are not actually fitted with lids.
Interesting point. I’ve done a detailed study of these 16 “likely” early cases. At least seven of these cases were among spouses and children – so they obviously gave the virus to each other.
Mayor Melham reports that several or many people at the same conference where he got sick also got sick.
Tim and Brandie McCain were both sick at the same time, but so was their roommate at the time as well as Brandie’s boss.
This is more evidence of “community transmission” – something one would assume that “contact tracers” would be very interested in investigating. That is, these weren’t the only people getting sick with the identical symptoms at the same time.
Still, no such case investigations ever occurred. It’s like someone didn’t want to look into these likely/possible cases.
Tim McCain was in a hospital for 24 days. Every blood sample or tissue sample that could be done on him was done on him. These results could have been tested (and had to be saved for some period of time), but these samples were never tested for COVID.
Still, they all tested positive for antibodies. Brandie McCain’s titer levels were still “high” 16 months after she was sick. She’s probably had detectable antibodies longer than any (known) person in the world and still nobody with the CDC will contact her.
Just because this still bothers me so much, I’ll post even more info about Tim and Brandie McCain’s almost certain COVID cases (dating to mid-December or late December 2019).
* Both Tim and Brandie McCain test positive for antibodies in late April 2020. Tim got just one antibody test, his wife has now had at least 3 positive tests. Their first test was the IgG Abbott assay, said to be the “gold standard” of assay tests. Brandie probably STILL has detectable antibodies today.
Answer: Yes, you would. In fact, you would race to their house.
Also, if you worked at the hospital that treated Tim, you would also contact the CDC and give them every bit of information you could on this possible case. After all, this was only the possible “Case Zero” in the entire world. This person was this close to being the fist known COVID fatality in the world. Details of his case and treatment protocols could help others.
Given that this none of the above happened, what conclusion would one make about our public health agencies?
It’s like detectives being unwilling to question OJ Simpson after his wife was brutally murdered.
Also, the press has absolutely no interest in these cases or this story.
But I’m still trying to bring some attention to these cases.
And there’s this question: How did a couple in a small, rural Alabama town (population 13,000) actually get COVID in December? If they got it, wasn’t it probably spreading through the entire country?
Here’s the antibody survey that should have been front-page news then and now. It shows that 106 blood donors of the American Red Cross tested positive for antibodies after donating blood in mid-December 2019 and mid-January 2020 (Positives were found in donors in about nine different states).
39 of these blood donor were from Washington, California and Oregon. All of these people donated blood to the American Red Cross between Dec. 13-16, 2019. As it takes at least two weeks for antibodies to develop, the assumption is most if not all of these people had contracted the virus that causes COVID by some point in November 2019 (if not earlier).
It is very strange to me that this was the ONLY serological study of archived blood collected by the Red Cross (or any blood-collecting organization).
I’ve also never understood why it took so long to publish this study or tests these samples. In a “national emergency,” testing 7,000 units of blood could have been done in one week.
Been saying that since last summer – am more convinced now than ever that awful virus I had in summer 2019 (picked up in transit in Paris – all it took was Chinese virus carrier to share same airspace) was in fact covid. Remember going to see GP at time to be told there was “a virus going around – it lasts for 3 weeks”. No testing offered – no panicking on her part. If so I have natural immunity and antibodies – why then will governments all around the world not facilitate antibody testing and include that as part of any vaxx passport they insist everyone has to have????? they must know a lot of people have natural immnunity AND that forcing them to be vaxxed when they have same could be harmful to them.
My guess is that you have not subsequently tested positive for COVID (after your presumed early case). I’m in the same category, but I had my symptoms in January 2020. I haven’t had COVID since either. This is not “proof” that I did have COVID, but it certainly supports this possibility.
I actually did a Facebook survey of people who thought they had COVID before the virus was supposed to be here. About 40 people responded and said they think they did or might have. I paid particular attention to those who went to the doctor and got a negative influenza test.
I later followed up with most of these people. Except for one or two, none of these people later tested positive for COVID. Of the ones I thought were the best candidates of really having COVID, none later tested positive for COVID (Several of these people reported that family members close to them had tested positive and they never did despite their close contacts). Granted, this is about as amateur a “study” as one can do, but it still fits my hypothesis.
I’d love to see a real study to test this hypothesis, but I don’t think this study will ever be done. Which is kind of revealing in itself.
Cases beginning in summer or early fall 2019 in China would better explain multiple cases “spreading” around the world – including the USA – in November 2019 if not earlier.
The question is what agencies and officials knew this … and when and why did they keep this information from the public? And stilll are.
Also, much press has been devoted to PCR tests. Omitted from press coverage is how antibody tests might have been modified or suppressed to prevent evidence of early spread.
and are still being supressed – MSM and governments are acting like they really aren’t “a thing”
Assuming that was the case, which is certainly possible, although why assume that it spread from China?
Then obviously ‘covid’ can’t be that serious, or we would have noticed it in 2019.
I’m neutral on the question of where CASE ZERO occurred. I just know there is copious evidence the virus was spreading in countries around the world probably in October 2019.
As to why “COVID” wasn’t noticed in 2019, my hypothesis is that it was everywhere. It was just misdiagnosed as flu or “influenza like illness.” Check the ILI reports of the CDC from multiple states in November, December and January. “Flu” WAS “widespread.” Check all the media reports of school closings. Check all the taxed hospitals.
Deaths were no doubt occurring as well. Look at deaths in the 75-plus age demos before February 2020. They were up significantly in many states in the USA. Maybe not a huge “spike,” but a spike beyond the historical norm.
If honest, plenty of doctors and nurses would report they were seeing a big increase in “flu like illnesses” where patients were testing negative for influenza.
Millions of citizens in the world still think they might have had COVID before February 2020. Many of these people might be wrong, but plenty are not wrong imo.
This is why the absence of antibody tests early on in the pandemic is so important. If antibody tests were being administered widely in, say, February and March 2020, the world would have the evidence of “early spread.” This did NOT happen (by design probably).
Plus, it’s important to remember that antibody tests only detect a small percentage of the people who were infected previously. In most people, antibodies fade to undetectable levels within 2 or 3 months of infection. So even the antibody tests that were administered in March or April 2020 were picking up only a small fraction of the people who were infected in November, December or January.
Points taken.
To which I have to say that since 2019 was a very low year for mortality everywhere in Europe and elsewhere, and since covid can be so easily diagnosed with flu, then who the heck cares. Let’s treat it as if it’s flu.
There is absolutely nothing special about it.
But if trusted government health officials KNEW the virus was spreading – and spreading widely – MONTHS before the lockdowns and before these same officials claim it even existed, then you have a massive scandal. Or should.
Blaming China.
So, if I see my neighbour on a summer’s day chasing a wasp around the house, smashing his porcelain and the furniture in an attempt to kill the insect, do I do the same even after I realize that it is only a wasp?
(The Diamond Princess told us it was only a wasp)
Of course not.
No Significant Difference in Viral Load Between Vaccinated and Unvaccinated, Asymptomatic and Symptomatic Groups Infected with SARS-CoV-2 Delta Variant
We found no significant difference in cycle threshold values between vaccinated and unvaccinated, asymptomatic and symptomatic groups infected with SARS-CoV-2 Delta.
Which supports the reported findings from University of Barcelona that Covid was found in sewage samples in March 2019.
All it would take is a couple of visiting Chinese from.Wuhan.
This finding was scoffed at and denigrated by the various PTB & internet experts.
N ow it seems much more tenable.
This is from Brescia, Notrhern Italy in September 2018, 15 months before anyone had heard of covid. It sounds a lot like what some people have been describing:
“We would like however to report on the strange pneumonia epidemic that occurred in and around Brescia in Lombardy (Italy) between September and November 2018. As you may know, that is also the first epicenter of the current “Covid” epidemic in Europe. Only this one happened slightly more than a year before. It was extremely peculiar, and was extensively covered by the local press. Here were its main characteristics (references will be found below).
Local hospitals were overwhelmed: over 850 people were admitted in a short time span, among which at least 10 died. Astonishingly, the patients affected were 70% male (does that remind you of anything?). They were furthermore predominantly elderly, or with diseases that involve immunosuppression and/or other risk factors such as smoking. Children were barely affected (still nothing?). The patients that presented the most serious conditions suffered from respiratory distress and had to be put on ventilators.
Furthermore, health authorities at the time said this episode was unlike anything they had ever seen.”
Maybe. It sounds a bit more Circle of Life to me than “unprecedented times” though.
I’ve been compiling all of these links and studies of possible “early spread.” But I can also form conclusions based on my own experiences and those of many other people in my hometown (Troy, Alabama).
Some kind of “flu” was rampant in December 2019 and January 2020. What stands out to me is that many of these obviously sick people had many of the signature symptoms of COVID (loss of smell and taste, acute shortness of breath, terrible, lingering and “dry” cough, etc). Significantly, a big percentage of these sick people did go to their doctor and get tested for the flu. Many if not most tested negative for influenza.
A friend who works at a local medical clinic told me, “we thought something was wrong with the flu tests.”
My wife is a school teacher. During the week I was sick with what I believe to be COVID (in late January 2020), she came home and told me that “half” of the students in one of her classes were out with “the flu.” Schools throughout my state (and many other states) shut down because of “the flu.” I’ve saved links to about 30 of these stories. Most include statements that this was the “flu.” However, a few include quotes from authorities who noted that many people out sick had NOT tested positive for the flu.
True, this is all “anecdotal” evidence. But when millions of people around the world and in many different states are saying the same thing is it perhaps noteworthy?
I’d also add that many people who suspected they had COVID months before this virus was supposed to be in America did later get antibody tests to try to confirm this. However, almost all of these people got these antibody tests in May 2020 (when antibody tests belatedly became commonplace). Well, these people had experienced these COVID-like symptoms in November, December or January – four to six months before they finally got an antibody test. By this time, antibodies would have faded to undetectable levels in almost all of these cases (later studies proved that antibodies fade to undetectable levels within two to three months in 83 percent of cases).
That is, I don’t think one can say that a negative antibody tests five months after someone had symptoms can exclude the possibility you had COVID.
What we would really need was widespread antibody testing in February or March 2020 … and this did NOT happen. In fact, authorities seemed to go out of their way to create hurdles and obstacles for people to not be able to get antibody tests. And then the results from some labs or tests were labelled as unreliable or likely “false positives.” The government also licensed or endorsed certain tests and not others. I would also look at the “cutoff values” used to determine a “positive” or “negative” antibody result, which can be manipulated just like PCR cycles are arbitrarily established.
I’ve actually propose a study that might provide strong evidence of my “early spread” hypothesis. Simply poll everyone who had COVID-like symptoms in December 2019 through February 2020 – people who went to the doctor and tested negative for influenza (there would be medical records to confirm this) – and then see what percentage of these possible early cases later came down with PCR-confirmed COVID.
If my hypothesis is correct, many of these people did have COVID and so they did/do have natural immunity – they would not be as likely to test positive for COVID in the official first year of the pandemic (I never have). I also am confident that such a study will never be performed or commissioned (because this would be strong evidence that many Americans had been exposed to this virus months before the lockdowns).
I think most people would be stunned to learn how many people had already been exposed to this virus by March 2020.
The exact scenario happened here in Scotland. I have lost track of the number of people who were seriously unwell with flu between November 2019 and March 2020. The medical profession, schools, workplaces etc must be aware of that. I think it has been proven that it is man made but the second thread is the political capital that half the world’s governments have indulged in. Chicken and egg?
I have also saved reader comments from people stating they were sick with “something” in the fall and winter of 2019/2020 (and tested negative for flu). There are too many of these testimonials to simply dismiss all of them.
Again, if people in large numbers were getting antibody tests in February 2020 instead of May or June, the narrative about early spread would be completely different. It would be accepted as truth.
So it was very important for the State to delay wide-spread antibody testing as long as possible (which happened).
Even when people did start to get antibody tests, many epidemiologists would state that “prevalence” was much greater than had been thought. But even these later antibody tests were picking up only a fraction of the people who had actually been exposed to the virus.
I firmly believe this (based on my research and investigation): Virus prevalence was much higher than the early antibody tests showed. If a serological study in April showed, say, 10 percent or 5 percent “positives,” you could double or triple this figure to get the real prevalence imo.
For many who got these tests, detectable levels of antibodies had already faded by the time they got these tests.
Also, note the IgG positive results – which show exposure in the past instead of IgM positive results – which show more recent exposure.
Most if not all of the people I mention above, tested negative for the “recent” (IgM) antibody.
The first known case in America – Michael Melham, the mayor of Belleville, NJ – was sick beginning around November 19th 2019. He got his first antibody test in late April 2020. It was positive for IgG antibodies but negative for IgM antibodies.
This means he had NOT been infected more recently. He was infected when he was actually sick. In other words, all of these 16 early cases did not get sick of something (not Covid), then get better and then all 16 of them develop asymptomatic cases of COVID that presumably explained their positive antibody results in late April 2020.
This scenario is implausible in the extreme. But this is the explanation given for all 16 of these positive antibody results.
Plus, mild or asymptomatic cases produce smaller levels of antibodies or antibodies that fade even quicker. The people that had real cases tend to have antibodies that can be detected in a test longer. Most of these people had serious cases and were definitely sick. Brandie McCain was still testing positive for antibodies 16 months after she was sick. To say she had a mild or asymptomatic case that explains this is ridiculous.
This story has the distinct and powerful smell of bullshit.
Release the virus good an early, let it spread globally for a few months then announce a new virus has just been discovered. Within a few weeks other countries find cases and proclaim how fast it spread; no time at all. They say this proves how dangerous it is and thus rack up the fear locking everyone down. Job done.
Start an irrelevant blame game as a distraction.
Now move on to the next step of The Great Reset.
Alina Chan, who’s one of the most active lab leak researchers, has warned against jumping to conclusions too early, that this is evidence of anything…
Ultimately, it’s been known since at least April last year that their were cases in Europe in December (and likely earlier) 2019. The big question remains why it took off as it did months after it was circulating. That keeps being ignored and everyone points at March 2020.
Well it never really took off did it, there was some whistleblowing and disinformation from China followed by some mass hysteria in Italy where everyone was put on a ventilator. Other than that it’s just been a normal ‘flu bug and I don’t think we’d ever have noticed any different had it not supposedly been isolated for these damn PCRs.
Why it took off at all is probably a better questions than when.
Perfectly valid considerations. If we did not have the “cases” and the PCR scam we would not have a pandemic.
makes you wonder if certain people were just itching for a pandemic or possibly even agitating for one to check out their Agenda 21 plans against
The virus began to “take off” in December 2019 and January 2020 … when millions of people were sick with symptoms identical to COVID.
Just like today, 99.9 percent of these people survived. Most never knew they had the virus.
The “first wave” of this virus happened months before the lockdowns. The big spike in deaths – especially in nursing home residents and old people who were placed on ventilators obviously began in late March 2020 … but I suspect plenty of deaths were occurring even before then. These deaths would have simply been in the very old age cohorts and attributed to pneumonia or other common causes of death. In other words, a few extra deaths in the 75-plus sickly demo would not attract much attention.
Don’t necessarily look for huge numbers of “extra” deaths. Look for increased numbers of people who were sick with flu like illnesses … but people who survived with most never going to the hospital. That’s the first wave of COVID imo.
It took a while for the virus to achieve some kind of critical mass and really get heavy into nursing homes and hospitals, but some of these deaths were no doubt occurring before March 2020.
Here’s some of my analysis of “death by all causes” from one state – Michigan.
I looked at deaths where I would expect to find them if COVID was present before mid-March 2020 – in the age cohort 75 and over.
Question: Are at least some of these “extra” (above the norm) deaths COVID?
It’s not a major spike, but it’s a spike. And I think a few extra deaths in the elderly wouldn’t necessarily raise red flags when looking at mortality figures for all ages.
“Excess” deaths by week, Michigan, age cohort 75 to 84, expressed as percentage of the previous 5-year average for the same week:
Week 2 (ending January 11th 2020): + 12.2 percent
Week 4 (ending January 25th): + 9.9 percent
Week 5 (ending February 1): + 11.4 percent
Week 7 (ending February 15): + 15.1 percent
Week 8 (ending Feb 22): + 13.4 percent
Week 10 (ending March 7): + 10.1 percent
Week 11 (ending March 14): + 16.5 percent
Week 12 (ending March 21s): + 15.1 percent
Note: Michigan did not record its first “confirmed” Covid death until Week 12 (ending March 21st. 21 deaths (all ages) were reported by the end of the week March 21st). Any deaths before March 21st would NOT be recorded as “Covid deaths.”
Average weekly deaths Weeks 1 through 12 for Michigan residents aged 75 to 84, 2015 through 2019: 458.18
Average weekly deaths weeks 1 through 12 in 2020: 491.4
= Increase of 33.23 deaths/week – Increase of 7.25 percent above the five-year average
This data set also includes mortality figures from the flu season of 2017-2018, which was the worst (most deadly) in USA in decades. Even including death figures from the winter of 2017-2018, deaths were noticeably higher in the first weeks of 2020. The CDC later said the flu season of 2019-2020 was far lower than the previous 10-year-norm (which is a bizarre revision if you read their flu reports of this season).
One possible clue is that the (risible) Guardian is not covering this story – clearly deeming it un-newsworthy, which is absurd. This tells me they don’t want to upset one their funders, the Gates Foundation. Now – why would the Guardian publishing this story upset the Gates Foundation? Does this imply GF did not want this to come out? If not, why not?
My question in all of this, given what we know about the Gain for Function research that Fauci continued to fund.
Who is protecting Fauci, and allowing his to remain the highest paid government official in the US. Somebody has to be?
Biden’s puppet masters.
Amongst them, pharma.
As I commented to my brother along side the above:
This shit has been going on for years with Fauci working with China.
The whole story is unravelling quicker than bungee cord. Whether it will save us ?????
Russel Brand on a similar leak on the Wuhan studies.
It seems these leaks are not that uncommon. Also big pharma have tried regularly to pull scares off to improve vaxes as a profit centre. The interesting thing is how it was used in US politics when the impeachment failed. Suddenly it was a problem when before it was deemed a low risk. The weird thing is why Trump went along with it or at least seek wider opinion. What stopped him doing this? Surely he would have sensed how convenient all this was right before the election?
Just another silly story to lead you down the garden path of yet more speculation and conspiracy theory nonsense.
We are never, ever, going to hear any kind of truth come out of China. This one is up there with the 9/11 attacks – still going on about it after 20 years!
What needs to be concentrated on is which people exactly are forcing people to take the ‘Covid vaccines’ and having a look at who is paying them, and how to get back to a pre-March 2020 world where things weren’t so mad.
Otherwise we’ll be ending up with ‘Vaccine Passes’ and children in schools getting ‘vaccinated’ for ‘Covid’ – – – err……!!! Yes, that’s where we are now. The ‘vaccine passes’ are being widely used for travel now – fact, not ‘conspiracy theory’.