Amid threats of unvaccinated Brits being barred from certain jobs and events, genuine NHS vaccine passports are being sold to those who have chosen not to get ‘jabbed’ on the messaging app Telegram. The Mail on Sunday has the story.
The certificates – which are uploaded on to the NHS’s mobile phone app – should only be available to those who have been fully inoculated.
They can be used for foreign travel and to gain access to nightclubs, stadiums and other venues for big events. They will also be used to ensure that care home staff have been fully vaccinated when it becomes mandatory next month.
But [the Mail on Sunday’s] investigation exposes the fraudsters who are selling genuine passes for up to £750 each on the messaging app Telegram to people who won’t have the jab.
An undercover reporter bought an NHS vaccine pass, including a unique digital QR code, on behalf of someone who has not yet been vaccinated. It was uploaded on to the official NHS app four days after the order was taken.
After verifying the pass was genuine, the QR code was used to gain access to a nightclub in London and the Louvre Museum in Paris. It was also used to successfully fill in the Government’s passenger locator form, which is intended to protect Britain’s borders by ensuring that those entering the U.K. have been double-jabbed.
After being alerted by the MoS, NHS England said it had launched an investigation and had passed our dossier of evidence to the relevant authorities. …
The illicit trade also throws into doubt strict new rules in Scotland and Wales. Since Friday people in Scotland have had to prove they are doubled-jabbed before entering certain venues and events. Proof of vaccination, or a negative Covid test, will be mandatory for some venues in Wales from October 11th.
Worth reading in full.
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Inevitable. Where can I get one – that doesn’t cost £750! In time our digitalised health pass with be integrated with other aspects of our lives (relating no doubt to ‘saving the planet’) and blockchained and unlikely to be able to be broken into this way. It will be ‘oops… you’ve done your 10 miles for the day … your car is going to drive to you home now and the ignition disabled until next Tuesday ,,. ‘ The thing I like least about forged passes are that they encourage collusion with the problem, and I see no solution there but more of the problem.
Some cognitive dissonance there. ‘Where can I get one’ and ‘they encourage collusion’ (I’m not ragging you on it – understand it’s a tricky one for some people).
That said – as you point out, if you normalise it by using a fake version, you’re just as complicit in bringing them in to our (ahem) ‘free’ society.
As with anything – if you aren’t a customer, there’s no business model. Refuse and resist them, fake or otherwise.
I don’t want one, although I have heard they can be had for around £100. This time next year Rodney, we’ll be millionaires …
Ha Ha…I agree, I won’t be getting one anytime soon….but never say never…who knows what is going to happen down the line? The obverse of that coin is to get one and subvert from the inside?
Another business opportunity for Faisal of Halifax!
I was having this same discussion with a fellow unvaccinated person who was considering getting a fake pass. I would definitely not as I would feel by doing so I was justifying their existence as you say. More importantly can you imagine what would happen if they caught someone with a fake pass? Front page of newspapers would be something like ‘Anti-vaxxers jailed for 6 months for putting 1000s of lives at risk by using fake pass’. They would be desperate to make an example of someone.
Its a difficult one. I think all the unvaccinated know what is coming for them, the market driven by the media, big tech and politicians is following the playbook of othering, the unvaccinated are being vilified, presented as a danger to the good people, they are teaching hatred to the vaccinated, and making the unvaccinated the focus of a lees human, less worthy species. We see that the segregation has started, exemplified by Italy, France and following in its wake America, such that people who are not vaccinated are being deprived of a livelihood, the right to medical care, schooling, they are being segregated from social activities where the vaccinated are. We all know where this leads, but we don’t want to accept it could happen here, but it is,
Next will be ghettoisation and appropriation of the unvaccinated wealth and homes.
So in short, would I have blamed the Jews who escaped Nazi Germany when this started happening? I think solidarity when you know you and your family is about to be treated worse than an animal comes into focus, and self protection is an understandable trait, So those who bought a passport good luck to them.
At least there was somewhere to escape to from Nazi Germany. This time round they’ve sewn up the whole world so (they think) all escape is futile. Another year of doing nothing would work for me but not if they cut off access to food but by that point it will be so obvious what they’re doing and if no one stands up to it it isn’t a world I want to be living in anyway.
Why all the minus votes

Who cares Freddy, we know it’s not us…possibly people who get downvoted regularly and just want a bit of payback!! As an old bird I kinda like it…means I’m annoying some misery who doesn’t want to put their money where their mouth is…..!
Guarantee you’re encouraging it by talking about it, some people probably think it’s funny or whatever to do it if they know someone is going to react strongly. I never refer directly to my down votes. In any case, people who disagree strongly enough will probably post their reasons sooner or later.
By buying it on the black market you not only justifying the existence of vaccination passports, you are also filling the pockets of true criminals who are running the forgery business. Don’t delude yourself, people who sell this for 750 are not your “political friends”. More likely, they are Russian mobsters, scum bribed by them, or the like.
I think they are as likely to be British as Russian…
Or the new ‘British’, even more likely.
The true criminals are the people who are bringing in the vaccine passports. I view the forgers as freedom fighters, although they do charge for their services.
I see your point, but worthy preaching isn’t going to get you anywhere. You’ll just be ignored.
On the other hand, a genuinely affordable attack on the big scam could do it real damage.
So, just give in then? Not this individual.
What is the ‘affordable attack’ you speak of? Genuine question – not being arsey.
It means so flooding the poison market with bogus Nazipapiere that nobody believes in them any more, and the whole scheme collapses.
This will only give excuse to the oppressors to make their electronic cuffs more fool-proof (and believe me, they can).
Probably Rishi selling these fake passes – £400,000 swimming pool to pay for! Does this do enough for free?
Apparently just £50 my way
I wad talking about this to my brother. I did say that as it was a government computer system it could be hacked. He had his doubts. Nice to be right if it’s true.
There is no “hacking” really involved in it, just bribing people with access to input fake data into the system.
you only need a little shit in the information ice-cream to make it useless.
I don’t think cars will be driving anyone home, but I do believe that bank cards will be linked to ‘vaccine status’ and if you have skipped the latest ‘booster’ you’ll find access to your money stopped. You won’t be able to pay bills. And, remember, there’ll be no cash as a back up. And even if there were still cash, you won’t be able to withdraw any from an ATM.
I’m sure people on this forum will laugh at this ‘conspiracy theory’, but to get access to my ‘Vaccine Pass’ I have to go through my bank account using key codes and codes sent to my phone. Yes, even though I have avoided being jabbed so far, I have a ‘Vaccine Pass’ up there in ‘The Cloud’ (state health service system). Currently it reads 0 Covid vaccinations, but it is there ready to read 1/2 and then 2/2.
I think everything is heading to a digital currency and banning cash, which means our masters will control our money … which is not really going to be “our” money. This will be checkmate. We are probably in the endgame right now.
Well put. I see no meaningful resistance in terms of numbers, but just people sleepwalking into slavery.
Cash will never disappear – how could you hold a car-boot sale without cash?
I agree the linking of personal assets to vaccine status is due to come, and not too far off. I don’t see how people will retain any choice about vaccination. Central digitalised currency is on the way, that can be switched on and off according to our behaviour and medical compliance. Very, very dangerous waters.
Then 2/8, etc
Israel has said its at least four.
No, it’s 1/2, 2/2, 2/3, 3/3, 3/4, etc.
That’s when the riots will start, we have seen what happens in the petrol panic when the precious car is threatened.
As in all Totalitarian regimes, the stupid rules breed corruption.
It just goes with the territory.
Jerm Warfare has a great podcast up that is an interview with a Belgian psychologist.
He analyses the nonsense as a Mass Formation, which apparently is a type of mass hypnosis. It is one of the most insightful pieces I have seen.
Everyone should watch the Prof Desmet interview.
He’s been interviewed by the German Corona Committee and was also on the Pandemic Podcast recently. Really important and interesting stuff to say.
Well I never.
Wear facepants like they tell you to.
This only creates the problem for which they have a ready made solution. Integrated face recognition perhaps?
In any case, what it also does is provide an excuse for outbreaks in fully vaxxed venues.
Oops – hadn’t thought of that .. Oh geez, it’s probably the government selling them.
I prefer the Romanian solution, where the doctors ask you whether you want it in the arm or in the air around it.
Too bad in some other countries doctors risk losing their job for doing just that (and trust me, there are many assholes who would rat out the doctor and feel proud about it when offered prizes).
Snitch culture. It’s here already and one suspects will become more common place.
I thought the NHS system was extremely secure, would appear not to be the case, its a pity the Mail didn’t draw that conclusion that the NHS system is seemingly so porous that outside agencies can infiltrate our records, and presumably have full access to our data.
This just demonstrates reporters and their newspapers are not interested in exposing the weakness of Government systems, are not interested in protecting the privacy of citizens, its all about the “refusniks”, and vilification and dehumanising a section of society, inciting hatred,
NHS is like every public sector IT system. Useless. Brain dead middle managers pay over the odds for systems which take years to deliver and are out of date before they are rolled out. Absolute gravy train for those lucky enough to win these procurement contracts.
Since when has a government backed system ever worked? The recent Trick and Trap system is a classic of governmental incompetence. If you didn’t download the “world beating” app then you could use it and if you blocked the phone number (note the singular) they couldn’t contact you. All this for a mere £37 billion.
My faith is in the incompetence of politicians.
Yes, even extremely secure
Just like the Canadian system:
Portpass app may have exposed hundreds of thousands of users’ personal data
Just do what you’re told and you will be happy. /s
The first version has deliberately lax security so as to provide rationale for making it more fascist in the next upgrade. “We tried to be reasonable, but you see, those vaccine haters cheated everybody else, so now we are forced to take additional measures to fight them.”
Or it is the government themselves making it look like people are doing this, so they can plant people in nightclubs and blame them for horrific outbreaks… This is the problem with this utterly bizarre situation: I could believe absolutely anything now…
It’s called a’ honey trap’ isn’t it. I’d be extremely worried about that. I’m just resigned to only going to illegal raves from now on, 90s style!
This just illstrates how useless our media is. These passes have been on telegram for months!
Anybody with a functioning brain – which rules out all our government – could see this coming.
They are not 750 either!
That’s the biggest problem – the “watchdog” press (at least at mainstream “news” organizations) is completely coopted. Groupthink in news rooms is nearing 100 percent. There is no diversity of thought. No one conceives the stories that need to be investigated, much less authorizes these lines of inquiry.
Just to fast forward. The only solution to the above problem at the end of the road is to implant the digital ID in the body itself. The state has already opened up access to the body via the vaccine mandate, so it is inevitable that the two technologies converge. Indeed, that’s all the vaccine really is, the pathway to colonisation of the bodies of the population with the digital identity. And this is the mark of the beast, without which no one rich or poor, free or slave will be able to buy and sell. They laughed. No one’s laughing now.
Sorry- I wrote mine before I read yours. But great minds do think alike!
Not really necessary, it’s enough when your smartphone knows your identity and it can be read by sensors. You wouldn’t lend your smartphone to anyone else to take loans and commit crimes under your name. You will carry it around and protect it as if your life depended on it (as it will).
When they completely control your money, they have you. I don’t think a digital chip is required to control your money. Just digital currency and the abolition and/or control of one’s access to cash.
They have already limited the amount of cash one can withdraw from one’s account. If this amount is over a set figure, a report has to be filed. The amount of cash you can take with you out of the country has been limited.
They are conditioning people to like digital currencies by depositing “stimulus” money directly into people’s accounts.
I’ve been trying to warn people this was coming for years and my little posts get ignored. Either people think “they” will never do this, or they think it’s no big deal if they do do this.
I’m sure this story is fake just like most of the stories in the mainstream media. They started with this nonsense as soon as the ‘vaccines’ came out. It’s a way of grouping the jabbed as the virtuous against the criminal unjabbed all desperate to get their grubby hands on the pass. It’s to encourage the passport-hesitant to get what is rightfully theirs. I don’t think it’s about facial recognition which already exists. It’s to necessitate the only truly secure method – insert a chip – and we’ll be theirs forever (well I won’t because I’m not going down with the chip
Agree. Chipping is the logical (final) solution for the totalitarian technocrats to mandate. How early can the new born be jabbed, I wonder.
What drives me absolutely crazy is that there is so much evidence that Bill Gates wants to microchip everyone… and yet the microchip “theory” gets ridiculed by absolutely anyone I talk to. I show them the various initiatives that he is part of. I show them the websites, connected to his foundation, that detail the technology and it’s uses. I show them the Microsoft patents that will use human biometrics to mine cryptocurrency for him… and my family think it’s ME who is the psycho!
You don’t need a chip under your skin – you already have a chip on your bank card. Linking vaccine status to that is all that’s required.
Or a special ‘vaccine card’ with its own chip which you’ll need to carry around.
You are overthinking it. The smartphone is your chip. All you need is a new government app on it which carries your personal ID and divulges it to anyone authorized to check (e.g. the nightclub bouncer, according to the current plan).
same here – there is none so blind as he who cannot see
Am sure that it won’t be long before they chip them at birth when they do the heel prick test – like microchipping puppies
The NHS “app” doesn’t seem to be up to much anyway; both for the NHS/GP stuff it was originally produced for, and now for the Innoculation spying. A brief look at the reviews for it at Apple, shows a goodly number of critical reviews.
Ha ha! The idea of voluntarily signing up for your own subjugation and then giving it a bad review on the App Store. You couldn’t make it up!
According to Russia Today there are big protests against vaccine passports this week end in Romania. New measures have been introduced with weekend curfews for the un vaccinated….
I have a different take. I have had the vaccines for MY benefit. I will not be providing any proof to anyone (including my NHS employer) and if that means dismissal or inability to partake then so be it.
This winter I will be mostly identifying as Amish
I’m sure the price will come down once the systems get up and running effectively. I’ll buy mine when it reaches £5.
No – legitimate resistance to the real fraud.
How much did the government pay for this fine bit of security? Anyway, people should refuse to play the game.
Well…F*ck the DM for reporting on it. Why don’t they go do some mud-raking journalism on the political class. There has to be an armoury of material they can use. No, they go after unjabbed Brits trying to work around fascism.
Bunch of c*nts.
Why would I even want to pretend I’ve taken the kill shot?
Take one knee for evil instead of both and pretend you’re okay with it? Fuck that, it’s wrong and I won’t be participating in anymore of it, regardless of consequences to my livelihood.
Think of all the people, young and old, who have been killed or crippled by the shots already, think of them when you flash your fake pass to get into the pub you cowards.
Where can I get one too?
How do I get one? Ooops sorry just asking for a friend I mean

False passes wouldn’t be available if market for them wasn’t big enough to be profitable. Their existence suggests there’re more un-jabbed than government lets on about.
The psychopathic brass tops wouldn’t do ‘no jab, no job’ (yet more terrorism, enslavement and division) if number un-jabbed was negligible.
Tempting someone to do wrong when they’re desperate is a vile trick.
In my view, the tempters should be the most severely reprimanded, but they often get away scot-free and only the tempted reprimanded.
That imbalance adds insult to injury, tars all un-jabbed with same brush and leaves trouble-makers un-tackled. That pit-fall needs avoiding, somehow.
Sceptics seem targeted from every direction in multiple ways this autumn; presumably because we’re more significant than we realise.
Surely it can’t be that easy to fake. I mean isn’t it cross checking against biometric id?
I think most of these stories about fake vaxx passes are fake in themselves.
I know in France they were medical practitioners that were offering the jab, recording the vaccination, but squirting the dose down the drain. It was 350 euros So it was 100% legit. I’d imagine this is something similar
“After verifying the pass was genuine, the QR code was used to gain access to a nightclub in London and the Louvre Museum in Paris. It was also used to successfully fill in the Government’s passenger locator form, which is intended to protect Britain’s borders by ensuring that those entering the U.K. have been double-jabbed.”
Well, that person will be caught very easily – all you need to do is see which mobile phone went to that nightclub, and the Louvre, and to match the Passenger Locator Form with the other details (name, address, e-mail, flight number, flight list of passengers).
I think it’s obvious that whilst systems can be fiddled for a while, it will only be rare cases that slip through the net. Most people will have the ‘official’ version. The computers will catch up with you eventually. Enjoy your prison food.
I’m under the impression that it was a journalist this did this just to prove that they could?
You appear to have a rather optimistic view of UK government IT systems which isn’t borne out by the reality of most other UK government IT systems…
Not the first time when government’s motions to criminalize harmless behavior give rise to more/harder sorts of (real) crime.
Heavy demand should soon increase the supply and bring the price down, hooray.
Who’d thunk it?…and here come the memes:
“No – I’m Sparticus!”
the one with the two men dressed as Spider-man pointing at eachother.
Great news , for now , the whole thing stinks more every day

Throughout all of this bullshit, the restrictions in the UK have been for show. “You must wear a muzzle by law” unless you say the magic word “exempt”. “You must carry your border-force issued unique paper QR-coded docket on the Eurostar or you will be fined”, except all the QR codes are photocopied and cut out (badly) with scissors. “You must scan a track and trace QR code or write your contact details to enter a pub”, but we are not going to check that you haven’t given fake details of your local traitorous MP. Now we have “you must carry a vaccine passport to enjoy basic human rights” unless you self-declare as exempt and have the intelligence to print off the government’s own guidelines.
I am hoping this will be for show for some time. Unlike in Australia, the UK police, civil service and military are not capable of enforcing their totalitarianism for real just yet. For now, they don’t seem to care about the tiny minority who see through all the lies and ignore everything the government tries to enforce.
We are in Wales , last visit in early August pretty relaxed , now masks in all shops , WTF !!!
It wouldn’t be there unless there were enough people seeking it. If / when being sans ‘corronie’ jab becomes an illegal status, for those not willing to take the snake oil, this is an option and as they shut one operator down, another will crop up. Nothing has value without a market for it. Good on em I say, our goverments have forced many into very difficult positions, it’s an excellent tactic to render the very idea of a VP useless
if one is genuine and the next person’s is fake then they “protect” no one – and “protecting people” is the spurious reason for their introduction
Spurious it is. People who were given placebos in snake oil trials get the same luxury rights to an existence as people who got the actual snake oil.
There’s a silly little bleeder
Who’s so dim
That s/he downvotes every post,
Even those that we like most,
Just to get the little tick.
What a prick.
We don’t need ‘er
Or maybe him.
“I’m in a wheel barrow & this time it’s serious” There is so much Bullshit on show ……. Fuck ..

Computer generated research papers, fake passports that computers recognise. Is there any sanity left in the world?
I think this is a trap. The goal of the state is to get everyone on the system and used to “showing your papers” in order to do anything. Using a fake pass still achieves this goal, so I’m sure they are happy to let some people use a fake pass to get them onto the system. Same idea as allowing a certain amount of counterfeit goods in order to promote your brand.
I would not be at all surprised if the fake pass was actually created by agents of the state in order to further this agenda, and at the same time compile a list of people interested in the fake pass (they’ll get your details if you order this).
And of course, this then creates a “problem” that will justify the “solution” of a more secure bio-implate identity that is harder to fake.
I’m a bit conflicted about this. Yes, it would be good to have the ability to travel and socialise normally here when they bring them in ….. but I have a real problem complying with their theft of our Civil Liberties and Vaccine Apartheid.
So I probably won’t go down that route.
I think I would have liked an article about the total lack of proof that an experimental biological still in trial passport is useless rather than an article about snitching. Thanks.
The sheep should not worry, possession of said passports and or possession thereof with intent to supply will soon become a capital offence – maybe those caught will be offered the choice of death, or Australia – and if history repeats itself many would choose the former, albeit for different, although still good, reasons.
This is a hit piece on Telegram. Normally they would use the term, “online” to prevent people trying to get one or find out more. They named the site/platform as they want to take it down as it is one of the last bastions of free speech left.
Inevitable. would have even been a better article with a link!