- “The time has come to declare an official end to the Covid crisis” – The lack of an official moment-of-ending has had a consequence: the Government has never told us that the time of sacrifice is over, writes Andrew Lilico in the Sunday Telegraph.
- “Jurgen Klopp says refusing vaccine is like drink-driving as it endangers others” – Vaccinations among footballers has become a more pressing issue after reports that only seven of the 20 Premier League clubs have fully vaccinated more than 50% of their players, reports Sky News.
- “Covid cases fall by 6% in a week to 30,439 with 43 new deaths recorded” – Department of Health figures show that 43 deaths from coronavirus (that is, 28 days after a positive Covid test) were recorded in the last 24 hours, down 15 from the week before.
- “Man arrested after police alerted to fake vaccine passports being sold for £750” – Hampshire Constabulary were alerted to counterfeits being produced in the Basingstoke area, reports the Telegraph.
- “Pandexit, please: The need for a Covid end date – Issue XXIII” – “The rolling Covid mandates and restrictions sidestep the most important question: what is the end-game,” writes award winning health journalist Gabrielle Bauer in the latest print issue of Bournbrook Magazine.
- “It Was Always a Con: The Covid Debacle” – “We are precariously on the crossroads between recurring paralysis and breaking free of the tripe we’ve been fed,” writes Omar Khan in Uncommon Wisdom.
- “The Postpandemic World Is One of Widespread Dependence on Government” – The state is making people dependent on it, both as means for control and as an outcome of many policies intended to provide relief, writes Per Bylund in Mises Wire.
- “Are Covid Vaccines Adversely Impacting Women’s Menstrual Cycles?” – A new Israeli study seeks to answer this question as mounting real-world data points to a phenomenon observed in women worldwide after receiving the second vaccine dose, reports Trial Site.
- “After sharing his opinions on pandemic rules, a university professor worries for his safety” – Professor Jay Bhattacharya says he feels terrified to stroll freely on university grounds for the first time in 35 years of studying and teaching at Stanford.
- “Fauci: ‘Too Soon to Tell’ If Americans Can Get Together for Christmas” – It’s not clear if Americans should have Christmas gatherings, says Anthony Fauci.
- “Booster jab every 6 months? 1.5 million double-dosed and recovered Israelis lose Green Pass privileges as stricter Covid rules kick in” – Israel has revoked all Green Passes issued to date, with the new guidelines limiting Covid immunity status only to those who naturally recovered or received their latest vaccine shot within the past six months, reports Russia Today.
- “Secret offshore wealth of world leaders revealed in huge data leak” – Dubbed the Pandora Papers, the documents show how 35 current and former world leaders used accounts in tax havens to accrue huge amounts of wealth and carry out transactions.
- “No, Zac Goldsmith, Teslas are not the solution to the fuel crisis” – “No, the petrol crisis is not a lesson in the delights of electric cars,” writes Ross Clark in the Spectator.
- “Homes may have gas cut off if they refuse to take part in hydrogen trial” – Powers to enter people’s homes and switch off their gas will only be used as a “last resort”, say ministers.
- “It’s Greta Thunberg who seems to be at the helm in Germany. But that just signifies utopian promises, not real green progress” – German politics, in its entirety, appears to be a kind of frontispiece. A strange and largely nonsensical virtue signal that goes beyond even the normal politicking of other nations, writes Brendan Heard in Russia Today.
- “Why woke is a spin-off from Christianity – minus the mercy and hope” – Woke has a Calvinist pessimism about our Total Depravity. You cannot escape your Original Sin, the best you can do is confess it, writes Tim Stanley in the Sunday Telegraph.
- “‘You think of universities as somewhere you’re going to learn how to think, but here… people are told what to think’” – Fraser Myers from Spiked talks to Andrew Doyle on GB News after it emerged that St Andrews University are making their students take diversity courses in order to study.
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