- “The time has come to declare an official end to the Covid crisis” – The lack of an official moment-of-ending has had a consequence: the Government has never told us that the time of sacrifice is over, writes Andrew Lilico in the Sunday Telegraph.
- “Jurgen Klopp says refusing vaccine is like drink-driving as it endangers others” – Vaccinations among footballers has become a more pressing issue after reports that only seven of the 20 Premier League clubs have fully vaccinated more than 50% of their players, reports Sky News.
- “Covid cases fall by 6% in a week to 30,439 with 43 new deaths recorded” – Department of Health figures show that 43 deaths from coronavirus (that is, 28 days after a positive Covid test) were recorded in the last 24 hours, down 15 from the week before.
- “Man arrested after police alerted to fake vaccine passports being sold for £750” – Hampshire Constabulary were alerted to counterfeits being produced in the Basingstoke area, reports the Telegraph.
- “Pandexit, please: The need for a Covid end date – Issue XXIII” – “The rolling Covid mandates and restrictions sidestep the most important question: what is the end-game,” writes award winning health journalist Gabrielle Bauer in the latest print issue of Bournbrook Magazine.
- “It Was Always a Con: The Covid Debacle” – “We are precariously on the crossroads between recurring paralysis and breaking free of the tripe we’ve been fed,” writes Omar Khan in Uncommon Wisdom.
- “The Postpandemic World Is One of Widespread Dependence on Government” – The state is making people dependent on it, both as means for control and as an outcome of many policies intended to provide relief, writes Per Bylund in Mises Wire.
- “Are Covid Vaccines Adversely Impacting Women’s Menstrual Cycles?” – A new Israeli study seeks to answer this question as mounting real-world data points to a phenomenon observed in women worldwide after receiving the second vaccine dose, reports Trial Site.
- “After sharing his opinions on pandemic rules, a university professor worries for his safety” – Professor Jay Bhattacharya says he feels terrified to stroll freely on university grounds for the first time in 35 years of studying and teaching at Stanford.
- “Fauci: ‘Too Soon to Tell’ If Americans Can Get Together for Christmas” – It’s not clear if Americans should have Christmas gatherings, says Anthony Fauci.
- “Booster jab every 6 months? 1.5 million double-dosed and recovered Israelis lose Green Pass privileges as stricter Covid rules kick in” – Israel has revoked all Green Passes issued to date, with the new guidelines limiting Covid immunity status only to those who naturally recovered or received their latest vaccine shot within the past six months, reports Russia Today.
- “Secret offshore wealth of world leaders revealed in huge data leak” – Dubbed the Pandora Papers, the documents show how 35 current and former world leaders used accounts in tax havens to accrue huge amounts of wealth and carry out transactions.
- “No, Zac Goldsmith, Teslas are not the solution to the fuel crisis” – “No, the petrol crisis is not a lesson in the delights of electric cars,” writes Ross Clark in the Spectator.
- “Homes may have gas cut off if they refuse to take part in hydrogen trial” – Powers to enter people’s homes and switch off their gas will only be used as a “last resort”, say ministers.
- “It’s Greta Thunberg who seems to be at the helm in Germany. But that just signifies utopian promises, not real green progress” – German politics, in its entirety, appears to be a kind of frontispiece. A strange and largely nonsensical virtue signal that goes beyond even the normal politicking of other nations, writes Brendan Heard in Russia Today.
- “Why woke is a spin-off from Christianity – minus the mercy and hope” – Woke has a Calvinist pessimism about our Total Depravity. You cannot escape your Original Sin, the best you can do is confess it, writes Tim Stanley in the Sunday Telegraph.
- “‘You think of universities as somewhere you’re going to learn how to think, but here… people are told what to think’” – Fraser Myers from Spiked talks to Andrew Doyle on GB News after it emerged that St Andrews University are making their students take diversity courses in order to study.
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“They’re about to sack 100,000 care workers, are you telling me they’re not setting us up for the very crisis that triggers vaccine passports?”
The government’s requirement for care home staff to be vaccinated will activate the PM’s ‘plan B’ for winter
This government has one goal: destroy the country
Saturday 16th October 1pm
MEGA Hold the Line Stand by the Road event
– followed by stroll to the Town Centre
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Saturday 30th October 2pm
Alexander Park (near Bandstand) Stand in the Park
Barry Rd/Goswell Rd
Stand in the Park 2pm followed by stroll to
Stand in the Town Centre around 3pm
About 2 hours in total.
Stand in the Park Make friends – keep sane – talk freedom and have a laugh
Wokingham Howard Palmer Gardens RG40 2BX
Sundays from 10am
Bracknell South Hill Park
Sundays 10am & Wednesdays 2pm
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I think they are gearing up for a major reform and cost cutting in the care sector. I suspect we will end uo with just a few big players running mega-‘care’ homes which is where all state funded elderly people will end up, there are already mega care homes being built in the UK. These companies will make a lot of cash and I will leave you to guess who might end up with shares in such companies?
The current system of a large number of small players is too costly and does not work with modern government thinking. Also the current care homes have huge energy bills and will be hard to ‘go green’, new mega institutions will fit in much better with climate change costs.
As to life in these new mega space age care homes?????????? again I will leave that to your imaginations.
We need a political movement that specifically recognises and prioritises the vast superiority of small businesses over big business, in cultural and social terms.
Have not had that since the “Conservatives” moved to the left and adopted the left’s preference for big state/big corporate, top down central control solutions.
Gosh, that’s reassuring.
Good job the government hasn’t recently proven itself to be a nest of lying totalitarian vipers, or anything like that…
I LOVE how it’s all about safety – the last word being “Safe” and the last quote being “Gas Distribution Networks would also only enter homes using the proposed powers as a last resort to ensure those homes kept safe”
Mmm… Safety, My favourite thing (NOT – having been ferral as a child ! )
Hydrogen is not safe. It is explosive.
It is also does not grow on trees, to produce hydrogen either creates pollution or uses a lot of electrical energy or both. To my mind it is being considered as a sop because they know they cannot convert all houses to heat pumps.
Steam reformation of methane is the usual way…
Wonder where they get the Xanes (and steam) from?
Hydrogen is probably just some scam to charge a lot more.
yes, we’re going burn gas to make hydrogen so we don’t have to burn gas. Only an eco-loon could come up with a proposal that insane.
Only when mixed with air.
Given the small size of the hydrogen H2 molecule standard gas pipelines are going to be much more leaky than with natural gas. It can’t be seen nor smelled. The only good thing is that it is lighter than air so won’t accumulate at ground level.
Supplying hydrogen through the existing gas pipe network will mean purging existing pipelines and converting every single gas appliance attached to burn the stuff. This would have to be done simultaneously or the entire gas network would have to have all appliances disconnected until they have been converted. Can you imagine our government achieving this without massive disruption?
IMHO hydrogen as a domestic fuel is a lot of hot air, unlike heat pumps, which are a lot of luke-warm air.
To be fair the issues of purging existing pipelines and converting every single gas appliance. Is not an issue to be so concerned about. It was done when the country converted from coal to natural gas.
There are others concerns which are more pressing like the pollution resulting from the manufacture and the flammability.
I would ahve thought teh cut of could have been done in the street. Dig a hole and sever the pipe.That of cause is too expensive for this Poundland government.
The covid hoo-haa seems to have geared us up accept the preposterous without question and just believe in the official fairy tale.
I have tried to do the maths with climate change stuff but i am not used to handling the size of figures you get and get lost with 0s giga/watts and terra/watts? So my figures may well be wrong by a factor of 10, 100 or 1000 but anyway the best I could come up with is;
To switch all UK private cars to electric = 18 giga watts electric
To switch all UK homes from gas to heat pumps
or hydrogen (which needs electric for its production) = 230 giga watts electricity
The new Hinckley Point nuclear power station is due to produce 3.2 giga watts of electric
My matts may well be way out? so please feel free to correct me but it does look to me like a simple assessment of the maths indicates we are being asked to believe the impossible.
If you cannot up the production simply cull the number of users?
In the 80s the cegb proposed a barrage on the Severn that could have produced 7200 MW – 7.2GW – of reliable green electricity. Other estuaries also had potential. But the idea was ruled out because of the environmental damage … so we went on burning coal. And people complained of the environmental damage that caused.
Who was it said that there’s no such thing as a free lunch..?
More recent projects at sea have also been rejected. Swansea tidal lagoon for example. I’ve always thought that there must be a safe way to harness tidal power, since the 70s long before going ‘green’ was an everyday conversation. I doubt it will ever happen.
No method of producing power is ever going to be without its negatives. Nuclear power is one of the most reliable, cleanest and efficient but those against it ruined its reputation. We are way behind on building new power stations and a large number of our current ones are very close to the end of their useful life.
Nuclear power is also far and away the most dangerous if something serious goes wrong – which has happened often enough for this to be a legitimate concern.
Actually that’s very far from true.
Since 1951, 667 nuclear plants have been built and currently 440 are operating worldwide, accounting for 10% of total electricity produced. To date deaths caused by accidents in the sector stand at 32.
Or, 90 lives per 1000TWh
natural gas = 4000 lives per TWh
coal = 100,000 lives
per TWh
I know you will say what about deaths & damage caused by the waste, so here’s a link which answers a lot of those issues too.
It’s not without risk, but then 3 people died near Bristol last year in an explosion in a sewage treatment works. Living in a civilized society is always going to have its costs.
“The covid hoo-haa seems to have geared us up accept the preposterous without question and just believe in the official fairy tale.“
Indeed, and I don’t question your basic point.
But for me the most obvious and urgent absurdity here is the very possibility of anyone thinking the government should ever be entitled to coerce people into taking part in a “study”! To forcibly enter their homes and convert their energy source against their will!?
Why would anyone think that would ever be appropriate or legitimate? Why was the power suggested even supposedly “as a last resort”?
I have the same problem with the math, but sons are much better at the science/maths than me (especially the one that’s training to be a nuclear engineer). His math suggests 8 Hinkley Cs needed to power 32 million cars doing average mileage.
However, they absolutely never intended all cars to be replaced with electric ones. A good 50% will be replaced with mass transit.
There’s a very long way to go with public transport before this is going to be a possibility. Outside of cities and large towns bus services are largely crap or non-existent, and rail services equally patchy. There is also usually no co-ordination betwen the two.
Things are actually going backwards with this – the level of passive-agressive hostility shown towards passengers by some bus and rail operators, and the bedwetter fear of being in close proximity to people, means that many who were using trains are now using cars. Thinking of getting a car myself, much as I dislike driving – had pretty much enough of being treated as an inconvenience and/or biohazard by a fair proportion of railway staff over the past 18 months.
I don’t know if the Jay Bhattacharya and Fauci stories are accidentally placed next to each other, but it should certainly be the latter fearing for his safety rather than the former.
Should certainly be – yes, But
I have far more admiration for Mike Yeadon than for any of the others. They’re up against Pharma but the others use academic cloisters tactics – lambs versus tigers – let their side down by not winning out-right as they could have done so understandably not welcome back home. Fauci is guarded by ‘security’. He would be fearful if he wasn’t
Maybe because they are still in employment? Being retired has its advantages in this situation.
In any case, I don’t quibble about anyone pushing back – we need everyone and the approach shouldn’t be one size fits all.
The Israeli government enslaving it’s citizens. I never thought I’d see the day! How the hell are the people going to get off this hamster wheel? What a miserable existence and future they have to look forward to. Bloody outrageous!
Indeed – the enslavement has up to now been aimed at the Palestinians. But totalitarians will always push forward.
From the Roundup, reading Omar Khans fascinating “It was always a con . . .” made me think I’d gone gone to sleep and woken up 18 months ago since, apart from a few particulars about variants, there is nothing new since the Diamond Princess event (February 2020) which told us all we needed to know about the lethality, or lack thereof, and nature of Covid.
As Mr Khan forthrightly states. All the Health Experts lied and must have known they were lying throughout.
He confirms that extended lockdown was deliberately intended to prevent us reaching natural herd immunity and so here we are. Committed to vaccinating the whole world, 8 Billion people at $/£?.00 a shot with annual boosters paid for by The West not for the benefit of Developing Nations (since it won’t work either medically or logistically) but for Big Pharma and those they have corrupted.
18 months ago that idea would have been called a Conspiracy Theory or Fake News by many including me.
If my third-world brother asks for bread, I will give him a needle in the arm. Amen.
Normally they ask for a chance to sell their grain (imports from Africa seem to have high tariffs)…
Superb piece that. Worth 5 minutes of anybody’s time reading it.
Big Pharma could not believe their luck at the level of public compliance hence the constant need to extend lockdown in one form or another while they speeded up the development and production of their pretend vaccine so as to get us all injected before we rejected the government imposed ’emergency’.
Welcome on-board. Could have done with your help in Feb 2020. Can only hope it’s not too late. Last chance to stop hell-on-Earth was probably March 20.
Our good health is bad for Pharma’s profits.
Due to human reproduction at cellular level it’s not possible to treat entire nation same, without killing millions. It’s long been known that prolonged fear and restrictions damage health.
Prolonged fear and restrictions biochemically and physiologically: –
i) Disable thinking; increasing accidents and inhibiting learning.
ii) Cause ‘flight or fight’; increasing verbal and written abuse, aggression and physical violence.
iii) Weaken immune system by disrupting cortisol.
iv) Raise blood pressure, increasing fatal coronaries and incidence of hypertension.
v) Hypertension damages microcapillaries in lungs, kidneys and brain, exacerbating and increasing incidence of renal and respiratory illness.
vi) Change gastrointestinal pH, exacerbating and increasing incidence of ulceration in gut. Some of those ulcers can turn cancerous.
vii) Disrupt blood-sugar-level regulating hormones, exacerbating and increasing incidence of obesity and diabetes.
Food, alcohol, drugs instead of socialising further increase obesity, alcoholism, addiction, thence diabetes and liver cirrhosis.
viii) Disrupt endocrine system, causing increased miscarriages, reduced fertility.
ix) Cause muscular wasting and weakness, thence premature ageing and death.
Plus, masks increase immune system’s work-load and, biochemically and physiologically are likely to cause respiratory and cardiovascular illness.
In case prolonged fear and restrictions etc don’t finish us all off within 2 to 5 years, they added jabs. As if were not already aware that they’re ‘needling’ us.
While I’m feeling furious:
It’s called ‘making a killing’, lockdowns obviously ‘customer retention’ and trillions of ordinary virus endless ‘market expansion’.
It was a coronavirus. We know a lot about cold virus. It was only those claiming nothing was known who knew nothing.
Time and again: “the majority experience only mild or moderate symptoms”.
The worst possible thing to do in Feb and March 2020 was panic.
Blatantly obvious that warning the immunocompromised and over 70s to be additionally wary, assist homes for older people to keep infections away and advise everyone else to increase amount of fresh air – more time outdoors and open windows – all over and done with by early autumn 2020.
The Experts finally spoke out early autumn 2020 – their presentation was weak and it was too late – damage to our health had been done, we’d been prevented from solving the problem once and for all, as per usual, with natural immunity and, with weakened immune systems we were heading into winter.
March 20 lock-up was knowingly timed so that there would be an increase in infection rate as hospitals became seasonally busy and spot-on for Christmas.
It’s OK – I’m out of breath
Thank you, I was on-board @LS May 2020 to March 2021 when I largely jumped ship for a number of reasons.
I have absolutely no medical knowledge but was well aware that ‘shielding’ long term and avoiding skin to skin contact with strangers would damage natural immune systems.
As Omar Khan points out (Roundup) Health Experts would know of your key points i)-ix) and much more which why he can say that they knew they were lying.
Someone needs to email a copy of the next PHE Variants of Concern Technical Briefing which was due Friday 1st Oct but seems to be delayed.
I still can’t fathom why these kinds of people believe the ‘vaccinated’ are at risk from the unvaccinated when the former catch it and spread it just like the latter.
One of of the things Omar Khan points out (Roundup) “It was always a con . . .”
It’s been known to epidemiologists for decades that as virus mutates it may well become more contagious (which is the supposed reason for ‘concern’) but it also becomes less harmful which is why Ebola is a rubbish virus while the common cold is hugely successful.
I can’t even do First Aid but was making this point here at LS, with others, when Variants became a thing a year or so ago.
It would seem that they are not worried about the health issues it is all about the money. Quoted from the the article.
Who would be willing to pay that much for a false passport? It is it another example of rip-off Britain or a case of story being distorted?
Now the DM has published more. Identifying the person behind the hack. From what is said in the video the NHS system has been “hacked”.
YOUR DAILY BETRAYAL – SUNDAY SPECIAL – Sunday 3rd October 2021 – Behind our back: Hydrogen ‘economy’
A good blog regarding the bizarrely inappropriate suggestion from this “Conservative” government that they should seek powers to forcibly enter people’s homes and switch off their gas if they refuse to participate in hydrogen power trials(!)
What these MPs don’t seem to grasp is that if the government seeks powers for use “as a last resort” in some future hypothetical situation, then the appropriate response from Parliament is almost always: “well, come back and ask again when you think it’s necessary”.
As the blogger notes:
“There’s a saying from the ancient Romans: “Principiis obsta!” – resist the beginnings. I say: no rest for the wicked – the ‘wicked’ being us peasants. We must resist this latest attempt to rob us of our freedoms. We cannot let this pass.”
Some customers of SSE (Scottish & Southern Electric) have been on receiving end of threats to enter and change meter to one of their stupid/smart meters for some time. The quesion is: – how do we stop them breaking and entering?
Another brilliant and comprehensive summary of the situation from Omar Khan :
In other news, it seems my offer has been accepted. Only took twelve years!