“Fewer than one in 10 children suffer from ‘long Covid’ symptoms” – A new study from Harvard Medical School found that 14.8% of children had symptoms between 14 and 30 days after testing positive, which fell to 7.2% having symptoms three months or later.
“British military to help with fuel deliveries from Monday” – Britain will deploy almost 200 military tanker personnel, 100 of which are drivers, from Monday to assist with fuel deliveries to gas stations and help address a shortage of heavy goods vehicle drivers, reports Reuters.
“The wording matters – Issue XXIII” – “‘Reporting’ on the vaccination of healthy teenagers has been riddled with the addition of certain (totally unnecessary) words that are very likely to have shifted the views of their readers,” writes Michael Curzon in the latest print issue of Bournbrook Magazine.
“Boris Johnson and the Tory identity crisis” – “Voters will only think the Government is succeeding if it looks like it has a grip, which is why the forecourt chaos is so perilous for Number 10,” writes James Forsyth in the Spectator.
“The climate scaremongers: A weekly round-up” – “Parliament should pluck up the courage to put a halt to the whole Net Zero programme and wind up the Committee on Climate Change,” writes Paul Homewood in his latest climate round-up for TCW Defending Freedom.
St Andrews University students have been told they must pass diversity and consent modules.
Spiked Online's Brendan O’Neill: "Universities have become factories of wokeness. They take students in and spit them out as nodding dogs of political correctness"@Iromg | @spikedonlinepic.twitter.com/aQmGb92Ueh
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