The Chairman of a Lancet-affiliated panel of scientists looking into the origins of Covid says he has disbanded the commission because of its ties to Peter Daszak, the President of EcoHealth Alliance who proposed in 2018 to use U.S. money to fund gain-of-function research on bat coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. MailOnline has the story.
Columbia University Professor Jeffrey Sachs told the Wall Street Journal on Saturday that he was concerned with the links to Daszak, who led the task force until recusing himself from that role in June.
Daszak, who lives in New York, devoted his career to championing so-called ‘gain of function’ research to engineer coronavirus to be more deadly to humans, arguing that it was the best chance to detect and prevent a global pandemic.
Shocking documents released this week revealed his 2018 proposal to help the Wuhan Institute of Virology engineer bat coronaviruses to be more deadly, by inserting genetic features that are similar to those found in SARS-CoV-2.
There is still no conclusive proof as to whether Covid, a coronavirus linked to bats, first jumped to humans from a wild animal or in a lab setting.
But from the early days of the pandemic, Daszak has made every effort to paint the lab origin hypothesis as a “conspiracy theory”, including masterminding a letter in the Lancet that established a veneer of scientific consensus that natural origin was the only possibility. …
Several members of the disbanded Lancet task force have collaborated with Daszak or EcoHealth Alliance on projects in the past.
“I just didn’t want a task force that was so clearly involved with one of the main issues of this whole search for the origins, which was EcoHealth Alliance,” Dr. Sachs told the journal.
Sachs said a new Lancet Covid Commission would continue studying the origins for a report to be published in mid-2022, but broaden its scope to include input from other experts on biosafety concerns, including risky laboratory research.
It comes just days after the release of bombshell documents showing Daszak’s 2018 funding request to the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) seeking $14.2 million to fund gain-of-function research on bat coronaviruses at the Wuhan lab.
The proposal, titled Project DEFUSE, was leaked to independent researchers with the DRASTIC research team.
In it Daszak requests funding for an elaborate project to genetically enhance coronaviruses and inoculate bats in Yunnan, China in the hopes of stopping new viruses jumping from bats to humans.
The funding request was denied by DARPA, but the proposal reveals a shocking line of research that could have conceivably been carried out independently by Chinese members of Daszak’s team, who included the infamous ‘bat woman’ Shi Zhengli.
Worth reading in full.
Stop Press: In a further blow to its reputation, the latest issue of the Lancet has a bizarre cover describing women as “bodies with vaginas”. Apparently, editor Richard Horton thought this would endear him to female scientists. MailOnline has more.
The Lancet was accused of sexism and dehumanising women after it editors used the term, which was written in an article titled ‘Periods on Display’, on the journal’s front cover in an attempt to be inclusive to trans people.
The article, which was published on September 1st, examines an exhibition exploring the taboos and history of periods at the Vagina Museum in London and sees the writer use the word “women” but also use the term “bodies with vaginas”.
The quote, which was then used on the journal’s front page, read: “Historically, the anatomy and physiology of bodies with vaginas have been neglected.”
However the move to display the quote on the journal’s front cover has been met with criticism, with some academics calling it “insulting and abusive” and a “misguided pursuit of woke points”.
Meanwhile others said they had cancelled their subscriptions with the peer-reviewed medical journal – which was founded in 1823.
It comes just months after critics lambasted Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust after it told staff to use terms like “birthing parents” and “human milk” rather than referring to “mothers” and “breast milk”.
Worth reading in full.

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Isn’t it interesting how whenever a panel investigating something is formed, the leaders of the panel very often have a severe conflict of interests with the investigation? It may be that these people are appointed on purpose to derail the investigation. But it might also be that most of the people present in such positions of power are simply corrupt.
I tend to think the latter is true. This global cabal can only perpetuate itself if it acts like an exclusivist cult. People who join the political ranks must be kept under control, and they must be made liable for the crime. I think this is the main purpose of Jeffrey Epstein. He not only provided “entertainment” for the depraved politicians, but he also provided “insurance policies”. Want in on the fun? Well, go and spend a night on Epstein’s island, we’ll get a tape of you in the act, and if you ever don’t do what we say we release it to the public.
All levels of government and almost all positions of power in important organizations have been infiltrated by people friendly to these elites. They have the money and the influence to make it happen. So good luck trying to find someone in the medical system with any sort of authority that isn’t neck deep involved in this to begin with.
“ It may be that these people are appointed on purpose to derail the investigation.”
That’s exactly what is going on.
Assemble a crew to man the ship of truth discovery, then deliberately steer that ship into the abyss along the way. Rinse and repeat. No answers, just time and effort wasted as the agenda pushes forward.
The lab leak theory will be cemented as fact when the agenda requires it to be, to explain dangerous mutations that scientists can’t explain in the near future.
It’s all disinformation to hide what’s really going on.
No question it was deliberate lies.
We know a great deal about what happened to derail the investigation. It has been documented since the publication of the Fauci emails – it wasn’t credible in February 2020, after June 2021 there was no excuse at all, but here we are at the end of September.
Kind of like the Warren Commission investigating JFK’s death by
The Safari Club and the higher ups in Saudi Arabia, UK and USALee Harvey Oswald.Nuremburg 2.0 once enough normies wake up…
Or, like the way Philip Zelikow basically pre-wrote the 9/11 Comission Report from backstage.
Unless 1989 is repeated throughout Europe, there will be no Nuremberg 2.0. As long as the current cabal of elites are left in power they will never allow any such thing to happen.
The truth is that everyone knows what really happed. They have been “kicking the can down the road” for 20 months and they need a new strategy for wasting everyone’s time. But we all know the virus was leaked for Wuhan (although maybe not the only place?).
Lancet has lost its credibility in the last year.
Have Daszak’s peers got up a petition to fire him yet?
It’ll always be difficult to prove the Lab Leak theory.
What is interesting, however, is that, once again, those of us who have been consistently right about this scam at every turn (although this is denied by cult members) are once again being shown on the right side of probabilities on this matter.
The geographical fact of Wuhan always made this more than wild speculation.
It is only difficult if you want unreasonable standards of evidence – it is very clear what these people were involved in and they should be in jail.
Yeah -agree with this. There is a tendency to regard the lab leak v natural origins as having broadly equal probability. According to most of the relevant literature the lab leak hypothesis is significantly more likely.
I said to ‘prove’ would be difficult. That requires a trail of irrefutable evidence.
Sorry – but my opposition to the Covid narrative is based on accurate evidence and language, and I don’t believe in double standards.
Frankly, it is making a meal of it. We know that they were engaging in gain of function experiments in Wuhan at the behest of US sponsors, that the virus was close or identical to SARS-CoV-2, we know about Event 201 which took place in New York synchronous with the opening of the Wuhan military games. On any normal basis of investigating a crime all these people would have been arrested and grilled long ago. Instead we seem to be gripped by some absurd level of fastidiousness on the basis of which no criminal investigation would ever commence. This is taking us all for a ride.
“Frankly, it is making a meal of it”
Quick translation : “My preconceptions are being questioned”
“Instead we seem to be gripped by some absurd level of fastidiousness on the basis of which no criminal investigation would ever commence.”
Of course, you’re all over the shop here.
A ‘criminal investigation’ (admittedly an extremely unlikely event) requires ‘fastidiousness’ aka ‘proof’ beyond reasonable doubt.
Just because you want to believe something doesn’t establish it beyond reasonable doubt. That’s life (and confirmation bias).
Petulance isn’t the same as certainty.
We have “proof beyond reasonable doubt” and you want proof beyond unreasonable doubt. Typical hair splitting troll technique: the whole basis of the operation since the early hour 1 February 2020. First move: put the main suspects at the head of the investigation.
It’s OK. Sorry you can’t grasp fairly obvious stuff if it gets in the way of dream fantasies about ‘criminal prosecution’ based on vague assertion.
“Hair splitting troll technique‘. Oh dear – what a confession of lack of grasp.
No, it’s calling you out for defending genocidal liars.
The finger Jerks here, as far as I can see, play straight into the hands of the Covidiots, having no argument – just alternative assertions as those associated with the shit-show.
Occupiers of La La Land.
Next stage is plain abuse evidently.
LaLa Land is when they put the man who promoted the Gain of Function experiments at Wuhan in charge of the investigation and no one says anything: (“Oh yes we are looking into the Mengele case, we have appointed Dr Mengele to make sure it goes to plan”).
> who have been consistently right about this scam at every turn
thabk you for your vote of confidence in me!
*It’ll always be difficult to prove the Lab Leak theory*
Erggh nope, that’s pure BS… I quickly smelt a rat back in Jan 2020, mainly due to this excellent piece:
As it summaries….either SARS Cov 2 was:
A coronavirus that spontaneously mutated and jumped to humans via a wet market or deep in some random Chinese bat cave which just so happened to be 20 miles from China’s only BSL-4 virology lab…or
A Chinese scientists failed to follow correct sanitation protocols possibly while in a rush leading up to an international virological conference, this also during their most boisterous holiday season, a breach that had been anticipated/warned against since the opening of said BSL-4 lab and had happened at least four times previously, therfore accidentally releasing this bio-engineered tweaked Wuhan flu strain.
As it happens its since been revealed they were doing questionable [illegal in the West] GOF virus futzzing at only BSL-2. Know what that means? Doing dangerous viral research at the biosafety protocol level you’d get in a typical dentists practice….
Let that sink in…
Or else go back to sleep people and suck up the tale that this global reset event came via a Pangolin
Tick tock…..
You think it is only a matter of time – unless people stop thinking like this the smoke and mirrors game will go on to till long after we are all dead. UK Dept of Health have Inquiries which go on 30-40 years no sweat (contaminated blood, Camelford). Arrest the suspects now!
He says, she says, they say, ………………….. Look, what does it matter now? They’ve checkmated us and the genocidal master plan is that we are ALL going to DIE, so the best we can do is to take as many as possible of the evil b@st@rds along with us when our time comes.
But why has the panel been disbanded? Why not re-constitute the panel with properly-independent members?
Sachs has gone along with the transparent farrago, so he is implicated. I doubt whether we are going to get a credible process but he’s not the person.
Ah, here we go. Ahem. An investigation is necessary but there is no possibility of such an investigation being carried out in an unbiased way, so we cannot convene one. It would be a waste of resources to attempt to find sufficiently trained and qualified people to undertake the task who are not in some way conflicted. (see also historic cse and grenfell for further guidance).
Daszak “requested funding… in the hopes of stopping new viruses” jumping to humans. The reporter or subs should have inserted “claiming that it was in the hope.. “ there. He was getting 14m dollars over three years for himself and his bat crazy buddies.
How much of that went to him?
How big is this guy’s house? How many does he own?
Clearly cash was one of the big incentives.
And what was the other? Was it part of a Gavi agenda to build an HIV vaccine? The French Nobel Prize winner who said Sars 2 was man-made at the start thought that might have been the aim (from recollection).
Was it part of a Gates/Gavi search for insane “miracles” to save the planet and deliver power and glory to Gates?