A new analysis by the Royal College of Psychiatrists has underlined the damaging impact of long months of school closures and general lockdowns on children’s mental health, showing that record numbers of young people are seeking – and are having to wait for – access to mental health services. The Guardian has the story.
In just three months, nearly 200,000 young people have been referred to mental health services – almost double pre-pandemic levels, according to the report by the Royal College of Psychiatrists.
Experts say the figures show the true scale of the impact of the last 18 months on children and young people across the country.
“These alarming figures reflect what I and many other frontline psychiatrists are seeing in our clinics on a daily basis,” said Dr. Elaine Lockhart, the college’s Child and Adolescent Faculty Chair. “The pandemic has had a devastating effect on the nation’s mental health, but it’s becoming increasingly clear that children and young people are suffering terribly.”
The college analysed NHS Digital data on mental health referrals for children and young people aged 18 and under. It found that between April and June this year, 190,271 children aged 18 and under were referred to children and young people’s mental health services – almost twice the number (97,342) referred during the same period in 2019.
Urgent referrals had also risen steeply. From April to June in 2019, 5,219 children and young people were referred for urgent care. This rose to 8,552 in 2021, the college said.
At the end of June, 340,694 people were in contact with children and young people’s mental health services, up from 225,480 in June 2019. …
Eating disorder treatment services were seeing more patients than ever, the college said, but it also warned of an “unprecedented” number of children still waiting for care.
Worth reading in full.
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Among children and young people mental health cases have increased by 100,000 (!) year over year. And this number is under-stated as there are untold numbers of suffering young people who can’t get a doctor’s appointment.
It would have been nice if the story had provided context by also reporting the number of deaths (and hospitalizations) from COVID among the same age cohort … then readers could compare the number of COVID victims to the number of mental health victims.
Also, people with mental health issues could suffer for many years, if not their entire lives.
The deaths stemming from mental health issues will continue to grow.
… And this is just one country. In America, I’m sure you could multiply these numbers by at least seven.
This is a crime against children, perpetrated by adults.
It would also be informative to compare mental health admissions and cases among young people in Sweden, where children never stopped attending school, to the UK and other nations.
Basically, the leaders of nations swapped a 100-percent increase in mental health cases for a zero percent reduction in severe or mortal cases of COVID among the same age cohort.
Re-stated: These public health officials said it’s okay if we have a massive, unprecedented spike in mental health cases among the young as long as we can “prevent” ONE death from COVID. Now whether these policies actually prevented even one death among the young is highly debatable. What is not debatable is that these policies did result in the statistics presented in this story.
And this was known before these policies/mandates were enacted. That is, plenty of experts said that what has happened WOULD happen. And these public health officials and politicians still gave us this. And are STILL supporting policies that produce these real-life consequences in hundreds of thousands of young people and children.
Why are you even considering COVID-19 in young age cohorts? It’s pretty clear that children and young adults have been sacrificed for sake of the old farts – who are making the politics – so maybe you should look for any beneficial effects among the latter (not sure if you would find any except for subjective feelings of safety, but still).
He has considered Covid 19 simply because that is what was used to justify this attack on mental health. And he has shown it to have failed to justify the attack.
I wonder how many of these children will be refused treatment unless they are vaxxed.
This is not surprise when criminals are in charge
The World’s #1 Apartheid State
A few months ago New York Democrats said it was racist to expect people with darker skin to obtain an ID. Now they won’t allow 1.5 million black New Yorkers into restaurants because they don’t have an ID.
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It’s also a crime perpetrated by the media, which was so keen to do the government’s bidding by ramping up levels of fear and calling for longer/tougher lockdowns. The guardian was one of the worse culprits in this respect and should be called out for blatant hypocrisy whenever they report on the inevitable/completely predictable effects of the policies they were only to keen to call for.
When children are older and realise what (many of their parents) have done to them, or have allowed to happen to them, they’re going to be very very angry.
Always assuming they actually get older…
In fairness, many of us didn’t have all that much choice in the matter.
We did socialise during all of the lockdowns, but with a much more limited set of people because a lot of people weren’t willing to risk the plod, for example. And we couldn’t make the schools stay open.
The leviathan simply has more power than the individual—so our options are limited.
Yes, they let SAGE and Boris Johnson’s thugs trample all over them. Still, kids will grow up in a world where ‘vaccines’ are to be taken twice yearly because there’s a terrible, deadly virus out to get them if they don’t. Children 18 months of age are already used to the ‘New Normal’ of seas of face masks in the shops and on public transport.
Isn’t it great now that teachers are asking kids in the classrooms to raise their hands if they have/haven’t been ‘vaccinated’. Nothing quite like exposing ‘The Unvaxxed’.
This poor children will have more to worry about than “mental health” if that revolting childless reptile Whitty gets his way.
I never used to give much thought about claims a lizard race run the world until I saw Chris Whitty. In front of the select committee the other day, his innocent Mr Nice veil dropped and you saw a very unpleasant bullying individual barking at the MP asking questions. He has no humanity and certainly doesn’t look human either!
David Icke, for better or worse, has been saying for 35 years that there is reptilian shape- shifting global controlling lizard race here on earth. I used to scoff at such views but now i am really not so sure, esp looking at the likes of Johnson and Whitty.
I don’t know how they operate – I doubt they hold chapter meetings – but I firmly believe there IS a “Deep State” that is basically controlling all the institutions that control the world. Like yourself, I once did not believe this was the case.
Or: Maybe it’s just a case of massive group think among those in Establishment positions … which produces the same results. But some of these people and institutions do have an agenda, and this agenda is not advancing world freedom or protecting civil liberties. It’s the opposite.
Forget reptiles – except in terms of an image – the establishment ‘deep state’ has always been there, emerging more clearly from time to time when its interests were threatened, even if its precise composition changes. What is different is that, in its global capital manifestation, it has rarely been more obviously powerful, venal, egregious and separated from the common interests of the population
Yes, Whitty’s answer to the mental health problems of the young is to extend the reach of the Covid death shot. It would be such a shame if the children missed out.
Not sure if others on here saw that Pfizer have already green-lit the clot-shot for 5 yr olds – in perfect timing for 12 yr olds to start getting injected.
And still there are people who don’t realise this doesn’t stop until they’re injecting newly born babies.
Every Little (One) Helps! (the pharmaceutical companies’ profits)
Sir Whitty, I think you mean.
The only title he warrants is arsehole.
It’s okay. Getting the vaccine will solve all their mental health problems.
Wonderful – will it also bring World peace?
The opposite no doubt. First the domestic revolutions and maybe civil wars, then the real global wars. When governments face rising tensions at home, they often scapegoat other nations and increase the drumming for wars.
In America,for a time, it was, “Russia! Russia! Russia!” Now, it seems to be “China! China! China!”
America can start wars with nations like Afghanistan and Iraq, and honestly lose these wars or have stalemates, with no massive loss of life (at least to our own citizens) … but when we risk war with nations with real militaries and just as many nuclear warheads as our own government, these are potential wars of a different color.
I’m not bullish on the prospects of world peace going forward. Certainly all this COVID madness isn’t making the world a safer place.
… But at least when we start these wars, our troops will be vaccinated.
I rather think you’re missing the point of the irony here.
No, I got it (I think).
Well done, if you did.
Failing that, rubber bullets and tear gas should sort them.
Many people thought the line that can not be crossed is them jabbing children. Well that line has been crossed, and where is the outrage? Where is the protest?
In the meantime, children are being mentally tenderised while adults shrug their shoulders and fall in line with government rule.
Many people never thought we would have mandatory vaccines for the vast majority of workers and that lockdowns, etc. would last only a few weeks.
And there’s this: All these Big Brother censors are not suddenly going to say, “Okay, now you can make your objectionable comments again.” The opposite will happen here too. Partial censorship will not be enough.
Where are all the parents who said “Over my dead body!” a few weeks ago? Any dead bodies in the school grounds?
Most will chicken out. If they’ve had the death shots themselves, then they won’t bother too much about it being injected into their children.
This is a special conference led by Vivaine Fisher from the Corona Committee.
It goes into proper medical detail on what is in these “vaccines” There are slides which show metallic objects moving in the “vaccines” It suggests to me that the “mad” theories about transhumanism could have merit, as some of these objects are clearly engineered nanobot type objects.
The part on the vaccine contents starts at about 1.19.
There is a good presentation from a German surgeon who is working with a group of international doctors to investigate and publicise this.
Much of the conference is hard to follow because of the translation, which is hurried out, due to the importance and urgency of getting this information out as soon as possible, given the need to protect children from being experimented on with these deadly injections.
It’s not only Children needing mental health services it’s also their bl***y parents.
Judging by the number of healthy looking people I came across today wearing masks outdoors in the city I was visiting, there are a lot of adults with serious issues that they may well carry with them for a long time to come
The vaccines will solve all these serious issues, just give it a year or two.
As said before – this is the tip of an iceberg.
What is not counted are the millions of less serious, but still damaging, cases of anxiety-related syndromes, brought on by the sociopathic adult interventions and brainwashing operations – aka mental child abuse.
I have seen the exacerbation of anxiety in my own grandchildren – hopefully not too long-lasting in a family that has avoided anything that could be avoided. But I will never forget the way in which they shrank away from contact after the first assault by social-distancing propaganda and Scary Fairy exaggeration about killing Grandma etc. in April last year. Thankfully we got over that within an hour. But combating the constancy of the psy-op is like protecting from rain with a handkerchief.
Name those people running the psychological abuse operation.
Let’s start with eugenicist Boris Johnson and of course the utterly loathsome Chris Shitty. There are many others, but you get the picture.
The reality is that most people do not experience any mental suffering because of all the bs policies. Was it not the case, they would not be overwhelmingly voting in their support.
I think most people are loving it because it gives them a fake sense of heroic struggle in these boring times. Kinda like having a war (which always serves to unite people) without actually having to fight anyone.
What they don’t realize is that they are being robbed (like like happens during wartime).
Shouldn’t you be getting ready for bed?