German “Citizens Council” Calls for Criminalisation of Disinformation
19 September 2024
by Robert Kogon
Trump’s Dead Cat Bounce
18 September 2024
More than 500 children a day in England are being referred to NHS mental health services for anxiety, more than double the rate before the pandemic began, as experts blame the disruption of lockdowns.
A ban on social media for under-16s is being urged by MPs amid concerns about its detrimental effects on children's well-being.
Freya India is worried about the 48% of white Gen Z women who identify as liberal. Research suggests they are less likely to marry and more likely to suffer from poor mental health than conservative young women.
How much bigger does the welfare crisis need to become before it is a political talking point, asks Fraser Nelson in the Spectator.
The COVID-19 pandemic has left Gen Z, particularly those aged 18-24, less confident in public speaking, highlighting wider concerns about the pandemic's impact on young people's development and mental health.
The danger of the Sudiksha Thirumalesh ruling is that, following its logic, the state could declare all dissenters from official 'facts' to be mad, says Dr David Seedhouse.
19 year-old Sudiksha Thirumalesh died last month after a court ruled she was not mentally competent to override her doctors' view that her treatment should cease. But was this right, asks Dr David Seedhouse.
The percentage of young Americans experiencing mental health problems is on the rise, with the rise being concentrated among white liberal women. It looks like left-wing politics is causing mental health problems.
Manipulators draw power from the illusion of power: they can control us paradoxically just because we think they can. Once we realise their power is a deception, it evaporates, write Laura Dodsworth and Patrick Fagan.
Child clinical psychologist Dr Zenobia Storah reviews the desperate accounts of life during the Covid lockdowns for young people and the appalling legacy for their mental health.
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