A raging battle has erupted in the Cabinet over plans for a danger list of countries that could see destinations like Spain and Italy suddenly move to red. MailOnline has more.
The plans for a new ‘amber watch list’ sparked outrage in Whitehall as some ministers believe it could ruin the holiday hopes of millions of Britons.
The idea, which was agreed in principle this week, would see holidaymakers warned that while they are abroad certain amber countries could go straight on to the red list.
This would leave them facing compulsory hotel quarantine on their return, at a cost of £1,750 a head.
Spain and Italy both featured in talks about countries that could be put into the new category – as soon as next week – amid fears about the Beta variant, which first emerged in South Africa.
Senior ministers, including Transport Secretary Grant Shapps and Chancellor Rishi Sunak, are said to have reservations about imposing further disruption on the beleaguered travel sector.
Mr Shapps urged people to “ignore speculation” ahead of decisions next week. But behind the scenes a battle is raging.
One Whitehall source said: “You would have to be crackers to book a holiday to a place knowing that it could go on to the red list at any moment.
“If you have already booked to go there you are going to spend your whole holiday worrying whether you are going to have to make a dash to the airport to get home.
“The decision next week will basically be in place for August. It is peak holiday season – are we really going to cause that much disruption to this many people?”
Worth reading in full.
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Which sort of women is she talking about?. Just looking for clarification.
You mean, do they have wombs?
Interesting. The partner of a friend of mine had Covid, as did my friend. She subsequently suffered from a number of complaints, including loss of appetite, insomnia, weight loss and depression, these are the ones he told me about. And was taking several medications, several of which had to be changed because she had a reaction of some kind. And she was seen by several different NHS doctors. The diagnosis was long covid. She was put on long term sick leave and was on the point of losing her job, a well paid mid level managerial role with a decent salary. Eventually she saw a different doctor, who happened to be female, who diagnosed menopause and stopped all the medications, putting her on HRT. Within a very short time things got back to normal.
‘And she was seen by several different NHS doctors.’
Blimey! Most people can’t get to see one.
Look at these graphs/numbers then remember these reports represent only 1% of the reality ( so the experts say ). I assume the large drop in 2022, when compared to 2021, is due to less and less people getting jabbed with each injection that comes on the market, plus a data lag would account for some decrease I presume.
Evidence of democide and mass murder right there;
Do they know it’s genocide at all?
Oh stop it! Don’t encourage this eternal CoVid nonsense.
It’s Post Viral Syndrome – a well known sequela following many common infections including coronavirus (Colds) and Influenza. Nobody suffers from Long Cold or Long Influenza.
It gained notoriety years back as Yuppy ‘Flu.
And how many of these women had been ‘vaccinated’… maybe they have Long mRNA.
Indeed, Long Jab Injury and Long Lockdown are far worse than Long Covid. The latter of which is generally within the envelope of Long Flu or Long Cold.
Score one for Occam’s Razor!
I have a new name” To infinity and beyond ” Covid. It’s a hoax and a gift to lazy people.
How many of these women are vaccinated? The vaccines may have done for their ovaries and ushered in menopause.
I wonder what is going to be more profitable for Pharma? Long covid treatments or HRT treatments? HRT is already a cash cow as you can potentially put half the population on it for quite a while – media has been very keen to promote menopause and all those poor women undergoing it needing to be medicated for years.