The Prime Minister is “raging” about the lower Covid vaccine uptake among young people, and is considering barring university students who don’t get ‘jabbed’ (or who only receive one dose) from attending lectures and living in halls of residence as punishment.
As the number of places unvaccinated Brits could be refused entry to later this year continues to grow, Education Minister Vicky Ford has refused to rule out plans to segregate students based on their vaccination status, after first appearing to deny them. Sky News has the story.
“We aren’t ruling it out,” a senior Government source told Sky News about the prospect of mandating Covid vaccination passports for universities.
According to a report in the Times, Boris Johnson is said to be “pushing” the idea. …
But asked by Kay Burley on Sky News if students would need to be fully vaccinated to enjoy a normal university experience, Education Minister Vicky Ford replied: “No. We must make sure we continue to prioritise education.”
Ms Ford did say that having two jabs would “minimise disruption” for students as they would then not have to isolate if they are identified as a close contact of someone who has tested positive for the virus.
But the minister later appeared to contradict herself, telling BBC Radio 4’s Today programme that ministers will “look at every practicality to make sure that we can get students back safely and make sure that we can continue to prioritise education”.
And she told Times Radio: “We don’t want to go back to a situation where large parts of education were closed to many young people and children, and a key part of doing that is having that double-vaccinated population.
“So I think we need to continue to encourage our young people to step forward, have the vaccination, and that is the way that they can have that freedom and confidence that they’ll be able to have that full university life.”
Speaking in the Commons last week, vaccines minister Nadhim Zahawi said vaccine passports could be introduced for sporting and business events, music venues and festivals in addition to nightclubs.
But he told MPs that individuals will not have to prove their Covid status – full vaccination, a recent negative test or evidence of natural immunity after recovering from the virus – to access schools and universities. [He did, however, also previously ‘rule out’ the introduction of vaccine passports altogether.] …
A minister also did not explicitly rule out the prospect of the Government requiring vaccine passports for people to go to pubs when quizzed by Sky News.
Worth reading in full.
Stop Press: Contradictory reports from Paul Waugh – saying Vicky Ford refused to rule out vaccine checks at universities – and from a Sky News correspondent – saying she did rule them out – highlight the confusion on the matter.
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with the virus ‘ripping’ through the population for nearly 2 years it is absurd to suggest that the young do not have natural immunity to covid – but as it is endemic in society it is likely a big ‘case’ count can be manufactured with high Ct PCR tests and ignorance. The jabs will help not one jot but are potentially lethal to the young – the virus will pass through the population for ever more
Can someone confirm that useless nodding donkey Starmer has said today he will now support “vaccine” passports.
I’ve not heard that. But nothing would surprise me about that particular floater. He’s concentrating all effort in turning the Labour Party into a compliant establishment tool that presents no opposition.
I haven’t seen that, but wouldn’t be surprised – he has probably now received the necessary well-stuffed brown envelope.
Oh no – it’s not as simple as a brown envelope job.
It’s far more insidious.
I think you both over- and under-estimate most politicians. But, yes, it is of course not just about financial gain (and not in every case), but I would bet my bottom dollar that the political classes are doing very well out of all this.
No. I just don’t go with simplistic one-dimensional assertions.
Interesting down-vote. A bit of a shot in own foot.
Trans: “I believe in simple-minded assertions”
No, but it’s what Soros would want.
Expect he will go with the Govt position same as each time before.
This morning he’s all for Social Credit Score apps plus testing. He says for sports venues not supermarkets, but give him until this afternoon to check in with Uncle George.
Sort of.
I’m not sure why so much faith is put into political opposition to vaccination passports and any ensuing vote. The Coronavirus Act schedule 22 allows fairly arbitrary restrictions to be made to any premises or gatherings, without a vote!
The Secretary of State may, for the purpose of—
preventing, protecting against, delaying or otherwise controlling the incidence or transmission of coronavirus, or
facilitating the most appropriate deployment of medical or emergency personnel and resources,
issue a direction imposing prohibitions, requirements or restrictions in relation to the entry into, departure from, or location of persons in, premises in England.
Impfung macht frei?
Bill Gates and the rest of the GAVI crowd must be on the phone to Johnson, reminding him of what happened in Tanzania, Burundi and Haiti.
He needs reminding what happened at the end of Ceausescu’s rule.
But keeping very schtumm about Florida, Texas, Sweden …….
“Raging” at the people eh? Reminds me of a certain near-namesake of mine.
After the uprising of the 17th of June
The Secretary of the Writers’ Union
Had leaflets distributed on the Stalinallee
Stating that the people
Had forfeited the confidence of the government
And could only win it back
By increased work quotas. Would it not in that case be simpler
for the government
To dissolve the people
And elect another?
Die LösungBerthold Brecht. communist!
Opposing Hitler and Stalin! Disgustingly confusing this history thing!
Before this Covid nonsense I used to have a bit of sympathy with MP’s of all hues when they were pillioried for refusing to rule various things out and it was then unfairly portrayed as a given by the media. Not any longer.
Raging! not as much as the British People time to rid that cancer and end Radio Rawanda ie the BBC who pushes the Genocide agenda.On a more positive note I’ve turned up for Nursing assignments and told them I dont follow the guidelines ie Horse shit and most are starting to accept normal terms and conditions.Somebody has to be there to avoid more unnecessary murders in fact I put the brakes on one last week.End of life drugs at the ready I Nursed him through the night pushing fluids and paracetamol and his condition improved worryingly I was advised to give end of life drugs at my discretion like to was Candy.
That would have been listed as Covid 19 for sure.
More confusion (deliberate?).
It’s worrying that the staff union comprises a collection of twats – it should be in the forefront of standing up for students. Mind you, my intelligence from the staff end is that the union is regarded with contempt at its general ineptness even in doing its basic job.
… which seems to be a major feature of unions at the moment (and no -’twas not always thus). As in government and politics, the ‘floating turd’ syndrome seems to dominate, with the windy excrement coming to the top. The link, I guess, is lessening active democratic participation by the clientele, who bellyache but are quite happy to sit on their consumer-fed fat bums.
Would it not be up to the individual university to make that decision?
Not that I agree with any of this at all. But the tossers who come up with these ideas really need to butt out of how businesses run their business. Otherwise it is communism.
Well, or fascism – but, certainly, totalitarianism.
I’m afraid there’s a lot of political illiteracy around. Which is partly why we’re in the state we’re in.
and a lot of economic illiteracy, I mean some people are STILL marxists…
It’s like having a flat-earther lecture you on geography.
Yawn. (And there are still some dinosaur ‘free’ market fundamentalists around. Now – that’s major denial). At least Marx started from reality.
Wey-hey! The dinosaurs object! Point made.
Not Right, Left,Leave or Remain or any other political philosophy.
What we want is a common sense revolution so hopefully we can get back to normal before it’s too late.
The clock is ticking.
Precisely – there’s a lot still clinging on to the old one-dimensional model of political theory like raddled survivors grasping driftwood and dreaming of post-hoc justification for time past.
Well said, Rick.
They’re in a blitz to roll our as many jabs before winter. They know by Christmas the fraudulent way Ct cycles from PCR tests are being used will be exposed.
Even Fauci stating last July 2020 in a video recording Ct threshold’s 35 and over are useless. My guess is once he foresaw the Biden Admin installed in Jan 2021, the tests either would no longer be used or the Ct number would be lowered to around 24.
I’ve heard instances/rumours the Ct score is being lowered on vax’d people to keep the positives down compared to those of a skeptical nature.
“They know by Christmas the fraudulent way Ct cycles from PCR tests are being used will be exposed.”
You must be joking!
This has been known for over a year! 25 is the absolute maximum Ct for mostly indicative results.
Not even that, PCR tests DO NOT indicate live infectious virus. It is pointless for tracking rates of infections.
Yes I agree, hence why I dated my comment July 2020, with linked video (2nd para)
…indicative of what, may I ask?
Don’t know if this is genuine, but CDC getting rid of PCR testing at the end of the year.
Apparently, according to UKColumn, this is an expansion of the PCR test to include influenza A and B. So getting rid of the present assay to be replaced by another one. So potentially we’ll have a ‘pandemic’ with influenza this winter too. This nonsense needs to stop now.
Bill and The Toad have millions invested in facility that produces tests. Mmmmm? Nothing to see here.
Bill and George have bought a brand new medical testing business recently, so they can decide if we need jabbing or not.
Marvellous, so assuring that these billionaire, Globalist pigs are looking after us, bless them.
NUS in complete lockstep with the Govt?
Did we cover Zahawi dropping the absolute clanger that everybody who participated in the experimental medical treatments’ trial phases will be given a green smiley face on their Social Credit Score App even if they got the placebo?
Could there be any clearer sign that “vaccine passports” demonstrate not immunity, but compliance and submission?
I’m 29. I used Oxford University’s QCovid calculator ( to calculate my risk of catching and dying from Covid-19 in a given year and it is roughly 1 in 83,333.
According to the MHRA data here in the UK (, the chance of dying from a dose of the Pfizer jab is 1 in 68,640. You need two doses, though, so in reality that’s more like 1 in 34,320 chance of death from Covid-19 vaccine.
It is now looking increasingly likely that immunity from Covid-19 vaccines wanes after a few months, e.g. this egregious propaganda piece ( says “A vaccine is a highly effective insurance policy against the disease – one which research has proven lasts at least six months.”
Let’s be generous and double that six months figure to 1 year of protection. Let’s also assume that the vaccine reduces my risk of catching and dying from Covid-19 in that year completely to 0. Based on these figures, I am still 2.5 times more likely to die from the Pfizer jab (most popular) than I am the disease. This figure is even higher for people younger than myself.
(PS: I am aware that the MHRA figures are not the most reliable – but what else do we have? If they are even remotely reliable, the measures described in this article are asking young people to increase their chance of dying to perhaps slightly reduce the chance of old people getting infected.)
Remember the VAERS only capture 1-10% of Adverse effects so your risk could be 25-250 times higher with the jabs.
Getting actual COVID provides 40 times better protection from re-infection than the Jabs.
So if you were concerned with public health you’d want as many under 50s as possible to get the Delta variant (the least dangerous) as soon as possible.
That is what they say – but I am trying to be as conservative as possible with the numbers here. If memory serves, though, the head of the MHRA is on record as saying something a few years back: that the yellow card system only catches 1 in 10 adverse events.
It doesn’t seem unlikely, though: what % of people have even heard of the yellow card system and would know how to submit an adverse event report?
If nothing else, it is a scandal in itself how bad the data gathering is for these jabs. Vaccine zealots love to question the reliability of the MHRA/VAERS figures, but what else do we have to go on?!
Way too many reports of doctors refusing to accept serious reactions are connected. They’re under reported.
“Getting actual COVID provides 40 times better protection from re-infection than the Jabs.”
I’d love the link to that data – my
I can feel a letter coming on!
NaziConservative MP recently wrote to inform me that “natural immunity is definitely inferior to that produced by the serum Dhhhaling”You’re right – hard figures from credible trials are difficult to come by. But early Israeli and some other data gave the game away – as recent observational data is also doing.
The raw figures showed that crucial information – that absolute risk reduction from the snake-oil was around 1%. Meanwhile relative figures of 80%-90% were what was being trumpeted.
Then add in the lack of any long-term safety data and the decision to get jabbed for almost anyone, not just the young, starts to look questionable.
For the under 30’s, the risk of the vaccine, massively outweighs the protection it may ( very questionably) give. If in reasonable/average health, your risk of severe illness or death from Covid is vanishingly small.
Yes, that’s about right – based on reported deaths within a few days of the jab. Overall, across all jabs, it has been slightly less than 1 in 30,000 since the beginning of May. This indicates it is not significantly age-dependent. We may use this death rate to predict the effect on younger people.
What is not included in the death toll is those very serious adverse effects that will most likely be fatal. These are not followed-up by MHRA and never listed in the Yellow Card Reports as deaths associated with the jabs.
On top of this are unknown long-term effects of which there may be no indication at the moment.
The fundamental error you have made in your calculations is in setting up the problem. I can’t fault your number crunching post set-up. You’re attributing a factual mapping of numbers onto motivations that are clearly irrational and then marvelling at how irrational those motivations and actions are that produce the desired result. How about attributing the motivations and actions to results that are not readily apparent which, if disclosed, would lead to a civil unrest magnitudes worse that that which we have already witnessed during the protests? That would indeed connect cause and effect in a much more Occam’s razor manner and be intellectually more satisfying.
In sum, it’s not about the virus.
I’m 48 and my chances of dying with covid from the same calculator are 1 in 55,000 (and I suspect even lower than that, given that they don’t ask your profession, and I am not a nurse, going to work in a viral soup every day)
So even for my advanced years, the vaccine makes NO sense. NONE of the MHRA stats adjust for anything other than age group, when we all know BMI has a huge impact.
It’s a political game; doing give in. No justification for anyone to take on an increased risk for no real benefit.
Very sensible analysis. Any healthy young person shouldn’t go anywhere near this experimental stuff.
You should also take into consideration the adverse side effects, of which around a million have already been reported.
Also the high probability that you may already have natural immunity.
This is outrageous. How dare they insist that the young ‘step up’ by risking their future health through this unlicensed vaccine. Denying students a full education is appalling moral blackmail.
Mind you… if they do decide to work instead of paying for a mickey mouse degree it’ll be the best decision of their lives so far.
I read once on the comparison on wealth by age 25 of an accountancy apprenticeship vs degree & 1yrs sitting exams.
Same qualification at the end but the apprenticeship had money coming in from age 17 and many of the apprentices had start of pension fund or car or house deposit by the time the graduates were turning up with a mountain of debt & a piece of paper.
Accountants being the people who really should understand compounding
As I understand it, these vaccines were only ever billed as reducing serious covid, they were never really stated to reduce transmission or upper respiratory tract infection. And yet these policies seem to play on the idea that these vaccines are some sort of magic potion from the lovely nice fairies and will take all the bad things away, they talk about the vaccines as if they do everything and make the world a lovely place.
The powers that be play on this and cynically exploit this childish, fairy tale, magic potion view of vaccines to push them for all. Never quite sure whether Johnson is part of the arch cynical power behind this or whether he is the chief believer in fairies and magic potions but either way he is appalling and this policy stinks from top to bottom.
Here’s the bit that’s confusing me. All that any vaccine does is to train our immune systems to kill infected cells (not the virus itself). Vaccines don’t protect us from the effects of any given cell being infected, they just reduce replication.
But transmission is also dependent on replication, right?
So riddle me this: how can we still have high transmission and “cases”, but low hospitalisations and deaths? Shouldn’t a stronger immune response reduce transmission too?
It’s almost like the Indian variant of the Chinese virus is still replicating away happily, but is much less harmful to us.
As I understand it from Messrs Yeadon, Ioannides and others, viruses replicate within their hosts but not perfectly so the imperfect “replications” are the variants and this is down to one’s immune system successfully fighting the first invasion. The variants being circa 97% similar, then are more “aggressively” transmitted to new hosts and the process repeats such that the degree of infectiousness declines with each replication/new host/replication cycle. Greater transmissibility but lesser morbidity. So if the degree to which people are infected, and then fall ill results in more “cases”, which translates into hospitalisations, it follows that the degree to which people get really sick diminishes over time ( Whisper it, but that appears to be Herd Immunity at play) I distinguish between “cases” meaning “positive cases by > 25 CT rate RT PCR” which is The Big Fraud, and cases where people are sick with a high viral load, either before hospitalisation or after hospitalisation and then acquire the virus in that setting ( which as we know is one of the two proven greatest methods of acquiring the replicated viral variant ) However, “Don’t quote me I am not a scientist”
The incoherence and contradictions are so huge that there is a risk of getting seriously disoriented. I think it’s deliberate.
For for the purpose of clarity:
It’s like a flu jab. Not very helpful except for the purpose of generating profits for pharmas.
These vaccines should be treated the same.
Confusion isn’t a ‘risk’ – the disconnects are actually happening.
Goebbels and Goering are the winners here, back from the grave : the bigger the lie …..
The WHO, who let’s face it are completely under the influence of the pharma industry, have tried to change the very definition of herd immunity. Most leaders are trying to follow WHO guidelines, which are being manipulated by the business interests of big pharma.
So we end up in a situation where all leaders are trying to jab the maximum number of individuals, to reach the magical, mystical, herd immunity threshold.
It’s about control not health
I find this very sinister indeed.
It’s hard to know just how far-reaching the evil is, but as time goes on I find explanations for what is happening that don’t include some kind of conspiracy or very bad faith actions are no longer credible.
Me also. There are aspects of this that just don’t allow any semi-benevolent interpretation of motives.
What is worrying is that so many seem to have lost their moral compass (or have had it extracted), and don’t have a clue that they’re on Mengele’s side.
And when you have multiple indicators of a conspiracy, the stronger the case becomes. In the case of 9/11 there are numerous red flags that lead you in one direction only, therefore, the case for conspiracy is overwhelming. Same with the covid coup.
From David Ray Griffin (2004):
What some critics call the incompetence theory can be understood as simply part of a larger coincidence theory, because it entails that FAA agents, NMCC and NORAD officials, pilots, immigration agents, US military leaders in Afghanistan, and numerous US intelligence agencies all coincidentally acted with extreme and unusual incompetence when dealing with matters related to 9/11.
But the coincidence theory requires even greater credulity. To accept it requires holding not only that each conjunction of events on the above list – which a conspiracy theory could explain by regarding each one as part of a pattern of events that had been planned – was purely coincidental.
After the horrific treatment of university students last year, I wouldn’t be queueing up to be a student this year. And it wouldn’t be the potential vaccine requirement that would give me pause—it would be the chance of getting incarcerated in my living accomodations and preventing from going to lectures because of the upcoming flu season.
Yes. But then consider the options they face. This isn’t essentially a choice without context and major uncertainties.
And no collective body is taking up the standard.
Yes, I do understand, and I would certainly feel pressured. But, if I were about to enter uni, I’d be quite tempted to take a gap year hoping that things resolve themselves by this time next year—if I could. It’s certainly a difficult choice, and I don’t envy them at all for having to make it.
Interestingly, if enough people also did this, then the universities would back down. But, that’s not likely.
“I’d be quite tempted to take a gap year”
Agreed. And I think many have, IME. But they are now faced with no end to this situation.
I am personally registered to do a teacher training course (PGCE primary) in September. However, I am seriously considering not doing it with this news.
I am doing it mainly to have something to fall back on in the future. But I wonder if there will be a future in this country….
I’ve rejoined the gym as I’m trying to loose more weight (got my BMI down from 31 to 26) and some people are still masked up in the gym, also when going in and out. However, they encourage you to clean down the equipment after use with disinfected cloths and to use hand gel on entry and exit.
I use to clean down equipment with a towel and have continued to do so, but not the rags provided. My point being, I believe that catching minor ailments keeps my immune system active and fighting off the minor conditions prepares the system to fight off anything major, so I’m helping my fellow humans by trying to keep their immune systems active. Either I’m a hero or granny killer.
(As a kid I remember going to disease parties to catch whatever was going around and nobody called the mothers in the neighbourhood irresponsible. Also isn’t it thought that being too clean has resulted in all these allergies kids have now).
Reminds me of a moral about enhancing immunity.
My mother sent me to play with kids who had mumps on the basis that you outline.
I didn’t catch it.
… but did when I was 20 and have been deaf in one ear ever since.
At least mother tried. Which underlines the futility of delaying infection beyond a certain point. What is being built up?
Old adage of farm kids being the healthiest kids?
I understand that MPs will be exempt from Covid Passports, is this true?
I think that was specifically for entering the Houses of Parliament.
Assuming that there may indeed be any breweries left before long, this incompetent and shambolic shower would certainly be unable to organise a p?ss-up in one. A country run by Coco the Sinister Clown and his entourage and hangers-on. They can’t even coordinate their lying.
Gosh I wonder what the NHS is going to do with such a huge amount of anticoagulants? Are they expecting an epidemic of blood clotting for some completely innocent and unpredictable reasons?
That’s pretty scary
Maybe they know something about the boosters
I wouldn’t jump on that particularly, given the on-going legitimate and widespread use of anti-coagulants.
I think that is one of the suite of treatments ( perhaps the last after 3 or 4 other preventative medications including Ivermectin) being given , successfully, by Dr Peter McCullough in Dallas Texas, such that by his own account he has only seen two deaths since Feb/Mar 2020…..”what do you think of that Whitty, Van Tamm, Vallance, SAGE members – care to comment on that”?
Perhaps it is long past time that we make blood tests to show T-cell and antibodies from past infections. My son is 17, and had Covid March 2020. Why should he get jabbed when he turns 18? Answer, he shouldn’t and would prefer to have his doses sent to the Southern Hemisphere. But why is Boris raging when these are people who don’t need the jab for their own health? Who represent minimal risk to others? Could it be he wants to declare 100% vaccination and then excuse all his many mistakes?
No need to turn somersaults at all.
It’s just basic : coercing any medicine – let alone an insufficiently tested experimental one – is unacceptable by any civilized standards. Forcing one that has as dubious effectiveness and a degree of harm as this lot is Mengele stuff – nowhere in sight of an ethical basis.
Again, it’s about control, not health.
For most of us, the possibility that our Government, SAGE, PHE, NHS, MHRA, GP’s, Big Pharma, WHO, GAVI, WEF, and a few Globalist billionaires don’t have our best interests at heart is understandably too difficult to comprehend. Until one realises the truly staggering amounts of money they transferring from us to themselves.
It’s unworkable. Students are already arriving for the next academic year, or still studying in the current one. Questions that immediately spring to mind, as someone who will have to somehow figure out the administration of all this (and as the lone sceptic in most meetings I attend):
Students are already supposed to test twice a week and we’ve invested huge amounts in making that possible so mandatory vaccination is an utterly pointless and stupid idea (I mean, it is anyway, but even more so in this context). If they need to self-isolate we can’t do enough for them- they get free food, laundry, entertainment packs, counsellors on tap… and we can’t even compel them to self-isolate, they can pretty much come and go as they please. I know of one hall where students claimed to have covid to get free food deliveries, but were never in when the food was delivered. We have even budgeted this year for giving them most of their rent back if we go into lockdown again, which seems to be taken as a given.
Students are, in my experience, 30% extremely covid anxious, and 70% absolutely over it, couldn’t care less. There’s no demand from any staff that I’ve seen for students to all be vaccinated, but we are to plan for students kicking off because other students aren’t vaccinated.
That begs other questions:
I think the problem with universities this autumn will lie with brainwashed 18 year olds adhering to mask guidance at all times and making snotty posts on Reddit about their carefree flatmates or tutors living their lives as if everything is normal because it is, if you want it to be. They will be the ones making a fuss about mandatory vaccinations, or demanding vaccine passports to get into lectures or use the common room. There’s no demand for this from staff or from parents that I’ve seen.
It doesn’t matter whether it’s workable or unworkable or where the demand is or is not coming from.
It’s immoral, unscientific, and EVIL. And anyone who is pushing it is also EVIL.
“According to a report in the Times, Boris Johnson is said to be “pushing” the idea. …”
Ideas aren’t the only thing Johnson is pushing – the experimental pseudo vaccines for one, like the head of some Mexican Drug Cartel let lose on the streets of Britain.
Do you have to wear a mask in the Bullingdon Club?
Only at initiation, but not on your face….
More undiluted evil from this Branch Covidian Communist Doomsday Cultist government.
Just like France, Germany and Italy, those at the top will gradually introduce measures which will imped life for those who do not wish to be vaccinated.
All of these countries are so called free and democratic. They all have their own versions of this.
However, what they are all doing is all but insuring you are forced, by law, to be vaccinated. It would seem that by passing some sort of act of law to force you to be vaccinated would, it seems, is against many constitutions.
As a side note in Sierra Sur de Sevilla, Spain a man of 36 died after having stoke ten days after receiving a J&J vaccine. He had no previous history of heart issues. This is the first death related to this vaccine in Spain.
For it’s great effort to vaticinate it’s citizens the Spanish region of Galicia has been awarded some sort of Gold Medal. Sound something like Franco would do.
Meanwhile across the pond.
If I was a student now, and I was a good while ago, and after a useless year less year, I would cancel Uni for this year, and also my accommodation for the coming year.
Any degree under this current regime would be not worth the paper it is printed on. I would hunker down and get a job, or try and study elsewhere.
If enough students went on strike, the landlords, universities, and Unions would lose out.
Friend of mine’s kid has just done exactly that. Good on her. And her place was at Oxford. She wrote to tell then exactly why.
Put simply if students are barred from lectures unless injected they are being coerced.
End of.
Minister chick says students should step forward for the vaccine so “they can have that freedom and confidence that they’ll be able to have that full university life.”Unless as a result of vaccination students suffer brain bleed, heart attack, stroke, myocarditis, encephalomyelitis, Guillaume-barré disease, narcolepsy, seizure, convulsions, anaphylaxis, meningitis, or death. Just to name the obvious at present.
It’s the easiest way to condition the young and shape the new elite to their liking. Not that this pathetic youg lot will resist much anyway.
And as for what a minister rules out or doesn’t rule out: who cares?!
They have lied so often and openly and U turned so often and drastically, that not a single word they mutter can ever be trusted again.
That must be the same Vicki Ford I heard on the Today programme. (Had no choice- was driving and my car radio won’t play TalkRadio)
She made a Freudian slip and said ‘our first priority is vacci…. er, education’.
It’s just so very strange that this government cannot see how they are becoming more and more dangerous to the public well being. Every step they are now taking is exactly in lockstep with the German Reich during 1939. In one way it’s not surprising be ause there are so many marxists involved in Civil Service and advisory roles. But wouldn’t you think that at some point a few members of Parliament would start to realise that history is repeating.
So many of our ‘elite’ don’t seem to know their history. But this is no excuse for their cruel and destructive guidelines and rules. As for the police service, the violence towards peace loving people is a black stain on the memory of Robert Peel.
Anyone in gov’t who mandates experimental biologicals for university students, knowing the serious adverse events and deaths post administration of these biologicals should be removed from office immediately. Mandating this age group be injected with unknown ingredients is simply unacceptable and irresponsible.
They are making them choose, get double jab to get a degree but the jab may make you sterile according to John Bell of SAGE.
To breed or not to breed?
I hope this collapses the tertiary academic system. It’s become a joke anyway.
There is a move in the US to require Biden to take a cognition examination – we don’t need to have Johnson tested, it is perfectly obvious that a petulant needy individual incapable of understanding that the world in his head isn’t the one the rest of us inhabit should be let nowhere near the levers of power.