Just how final was the July 19th “terminus date“? If Government advisers in SAGE have anything to do with it, then not at all. Some have argued that a number of restrictions, such as mandatory face masks and advice to work from home, should be brought back at the beginning of August if hospitalisation levels increase to keep the figures “under control”. And it’s hard to imagine the Government standing firm against this pressure, given that both a minister and the Chief Medical Officer have said Brits will “of course” face a new lockdown if the NHS comes under further pressure. The i has the story.
Scientific advisers have warned that Boris Johnson should be prepared to act in the first week of August to prevent the NHS becoming overwhelmed by the end of that month.
Modelling has suggested that the central case for U.K. daily hospitalisations at the peak of the third wave – expected at the end of August – could be between 1,000 and 2,000, with deaths predicted to be between 100 and 200 per day. …
Last week Chief Medical Officer Professor Chris Whitty said hospitalisations were doubling roughly every three weeks.
This would suggest close to 1,500 admissions by the end of the first week of August, well above the trajectory for the central case scenario for the third wave. It would point to 3,000 at the peak by the end of that month, which would match the peak of the first wave in April 2020.
Insiders stressed there is a lot of uncertainty in the modelling, and the picture will change all the time depending on vaccine take-up and people’s behaviour after July 19th.
But if admissions are outstripping the central estimates, SAGE scientists have advised that some non-pharmaceutical measures should be reintroduced, such as mandatory face masks and advice to work from home, in early August, halfway between the July 19th unlocking and the predicted peak at the end of August.
This early intervention, they argue, would prevent the NHS becoming swamped in a late summer crisis. …
Last week, when the Prime Minister gave the go-ahead for the fourth and final stage of the roadmap in England, he accepted that some restrictions may have to be reimposed if the situation worsened.
A source said what was needed was “less of an emergency brake and more of a gear change” in readiness to keep the third wave “under control”.
While mandatory face masks would be the “easiest” route to curb transmission, with minimal impact on the economy if it were kept to public transport and essential settings like supermarkets, this would have to be weighed against the “totemic” impact it would have on the public if they were ordered to cover up once again.
But others are arguing that the Government should be prepared to take tougher action.
Professor Dominic Harrison, Director of Public Health for Blackburn, said: “Any return to non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) to control spread would have to focus on those that give the biggest suppression effect.
“Essentially we might expect a reverse through the lockdown lifting steps with each ‘reverse step’ being introduced to match the scale of the surge in cases.”
Worth reading in full.
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How’d those predictions work out in Florida and Texas?
Macron has just made the following announcement about Vaccination Passports:
“I no longer have any intention of sacrificing my life, my time, my freedom and the adolescence of my daughters, as well as their right to study properly, for those who refuse to be vaccinated. This time, you stay at home, not us,”
So he’s saying the so-called vaccinations don’t work? In which case one has to wonder why he is mandating them (well not really).
I think it’s a declaration of war.
This is a fight to the death, literally.
It’s a declaration of fascism.
This boy’s a fool. Surely his nanny must have reached retirement age by now? Time to be a big boy and pension her off, no more tantrums mind!
They can’t be scientist if the think face masks work. I think you mean “Sage Communists”
Odysee exclusive: Mark Sexton’s Speech in Parliament Square, 19th of July
FULL speech.
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Clearly wasn’t slapped hard enough
Well the obvious solution is resign and find another job.
What a demented bag of shit; a traitor to his people!
Also, the kalaidascope of krap tha spews forth from people’s mouths is staggering. What he says it’s just sensless.
“I no longer have any intention of sacrificing my life …”
WTF? He says ‘my life, my time’; well surely ‘my time’ covers it?
Anyway, he is a complete and utter bag of shite. How dare he? Pompus bully.
All very true but until he is shot or replaced he is the man with the power.
krap tha -> krap that
What he says it’s -> What he says is
pompus -> pompous
he is a lunatic
He is indeed a lunatic. But he is not alone! He is just one part of the lunatic international groupthink.
Macron is a typical narcissistic. It is all about him: his life, his time, his freedom. What about taking into consideration everybody else’s lives, time and freedoms? Oh, they don’t matter. And he obviously has no faith in the vaccines whatsoever because it has nothing to do with the vaccines. He is even more obviously being pressured by the sinister Davos psychopaths to force the French to get vaccinated. Uptake has been slow and they are resisting. Macron is knuckling down on the errant populace. Without those digital passports in place how can the people truly be controlled?
Indeed, why on earth frame it as about him?!?! Why not ‘we’? It’s just absurd. You have to conclude that he must have a very suspect personality. Surely his advisors and party must have winced, just a little?
Surely his advisors and party must have winced, just a little?
They all need to wince a lot. Perhaps the sight of Madame Guillotine will do the job.
Anyone who seeks such power over people has a suspect personality.
Clearly an invitation for assassination. Over to you Mr Jackal.
And that’s where it’s all heading, unless resisters get organised and elect people to dialogue with the state in each country
The Jackal missed….
Macron doesn’t have any daughters, adolescent or otherwise. The elderly woman he married to cover up his homosexuality has some children who are in their 40s.
Did he say this, though? I can’t find any primary sources quoting it, only lots of blogs.
Mme Macron’s daughters from her first marriage are old enough to have daughters: did he mean step grand-daughters?
So he doesn’t care about his wife any more?
I’m pretty sure the lives of his friends and family could be significantly more disrupted if people just put their minds to it.
He is a twat, but I can find no source for that statement.
Only source I can find for it is Dr Eric Feigl-Ding, CCP agent, and he’s deleted it
Think about this: he’s saying this about perfectly healthy people who have already been uselessly compelled to ‘stay at home’ for the last 18 months. Crazy times.
who is the us to stay at home? Everyone stayed at home, whats he going to do imprison them all for their own protection
SAGE scientists should be lined up against the wall in order to prevent further encroachments on basic freedoms, warns non-SAGE scientist.
… and “jabbed” with airborne subsonic lead injections ?
And have elephants fart in their faces for the next century.
SAGE scientists should be lined up against the wall AND SHOT IN THE HEAD. Fixed it for him.
How about “shot in the feet”? This would have a very nice symbolic value and give them something to think about for the next couple of years. Use a large caliber softnose bullet in order to make sure that there’s no chance of the feet ever healing together again.
:-> :->
Amazing there are still people around who don’t just roll their eyes and move on when they see these manipulative stories from SAGE obsessives.
They just want to keep the pork going…
“Insiders stressed there is a lot of uncertainty in the modelling”
That must be the understatement of the millenium.
Trans. : “It’s shite”
Nice quote there Rick.
British COVID casualties are estimated by the Excel soothsayers as from 0 to 70 million using the success of the nvCJD mod-dulls. 23-150,000 deaths (real deaths ~100).
Mandatory face masks and advice to work from home is hardly a lockdown. The only enforced element is the wearing of face masks which is happening anyway in a large number of places.
Oh fuck off!
Well said, couldn’t have put it better myself!.
Yes it is a lockdown. “Lockdown” is shorthand for restrictive measures and guidance that interfere with normal life, with economic life, with the enjoyment of life, with freedom and with health, measures and guidance that were always considered useless by everyone in the world before 2020, and which real world evidence has confirmed as useless.
I don’t care whether you consider this “lockdown” or not, but I do. It’s unfortunate I find myself in the same country as you, because I do not want to live alongside people like you.
Hear, hear Julian!
I should add that you may well feel the same way about me, but I am not supporting the curtailment of your life, whereas you are supporting the curtailment of mine.
People like me? Presumably you mean people who think it is OK to extend the wearing of facemasks until the epidemic dies down. You might have a problem avoiding us as we seem to comprise about 70% of the population.
More seriously this highlights what I see as a big problem – like so many debates this has become tribal – people like you, people like me – rather than a discussion of the pros and cons of a proposed public health measure.
I have no idea what you are “like” but I wouldn’t object to living alongside you just because I disagree with your views on this issue. I expect some of my neighbours have similar views to yours, I don’t know and I don’t care. Maybe I do live alongside you! There’s a thought.
The majority is wrong, though. Can’t you see the insanity you are causing? This is sliding into civil strife and guerrilla warfare may be next.
Time for a legitimate UK Freedom Council to organise resistance and dialogue with the ‘Powers’.
By people like you I mean people who support legally or effectively mandated measures imposed upon us in an attempt to somehow suppress/defeat covid, that don’t work and are IMO wrong on principle.
I try not to be tribal, but anyone who actively supports or sustains coronamadness is now a direct enemy of mine – it’s not a simple difference of opinion, they are actually contributing to my life being made shit with the force of the state behind them. I think that’s disgraceful.
Your side seems to be in the majority, though the majority is hopefully eroding though that majority has been created by deliberate manipulation (lies). So you are winning, and you will probably continue to win for the rest of my life. But I will not acquiesce and give up, and neither will anyone else here.
You are also missing my fundamental point that I have an opinion on things but I am not trying to impose it on you. You support the imposition of restrictions on me.
And you support exposing me to increased risk of getting Covid (which in my case is quite serious). Almost any law or regulation on any subject is a restriction on individual liberty. It is a matter of finding the balance between individual liberty and public utility – a conundrum that has been going on for thousands of years. However, it is very hard to get that balance if it becomes a tribal conflict.
Indeed. A balance that has been radically disturbed by the coronamadness.
I didn’t start this conflict. Your side did.
And you support the shutting down of normal life, indefinitely (which doesn’t actually work), and mass vaccination of the largely not very vulnerable, for your benefit?
Not shutting down, just wearing masks in certain public places. Not indefinitely – only until case numbers drop – maybe a couple of months at mostNot vaccination solely for my benefit – for the benefit of all the vulnerable.
“only until case numbers drop” I’ve heard something like that before. Covid was not an exceptional danger to society as a whole and mandated societal-level measures in a futile attempt to suppress it are wrong
Masks DON’T stop the spread of any virus.
Case numbers are irrelevant, based as they are on 2 hugely inaccurate tests. Only the number of deaths from the virus is relevant – and these are decreasing (and will never be at zero).
The experimental jabs (according to the manufacturers) don’t stop people from contracting or transmitting the virus (they do have lots of harmful side-effects for a great many people (including death!).
“Not indefinitely – only until case numbers drop – maybe a couple of months at most”
You _are_ kidding, right? Where have you been up till now?
– not indefinitely
– only until cases drop
– a couple of months at most (though you did say maybe
Hmm, sounds vaguely familiar …
Until case numbers drop.
I can count at least 3 ridiculous underlying assumptions in just that 4 word phrase.
Masks were introduced last year, in summer, after case numbers had already dropped.
Masks were still required as the case numbers went up again in late autumn, and we’re in place until Monday. A majority are still wearing them.
Masks made absolutely no difference to the spread of the virus. They do not stop viruses. The medical authorities know this. They were introduced for political reasons, not virological ones, to make people “feel safe.”
Saying that we should keep them until cases go down is essentially saying we keep them indefinitely. Cases will rise, cases will fall, and wearing masks will make no difference. Ask people in Florida.
Show me the country where masks were mandated and it had any effect on “cases”
How much more must they drop?
2000 a day, like we had in May, would be fine.
He does because he is much more important than your fundamental human right not to be forced to accept into your body anything you consider harmful, and certainly not a gene therapy that alters your DNA, which is literally the essence of your being.
He’s happy to sacrifice you to save himself, even though your sacrifice cannot save him.
I have never supported mandatory vaccination.
The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines do not alter your DNA at all. The AZ vaccine inserts some DNA into some cells which lasts for a few days and that’s it. All viruses change the DNA in the cells they infect. That is how they replicate. The Coronavirus makes a much bigger change to the DNA of the cells it infects than the AZ vaccine does and, if the infection is bad, it changes vastly many more cells.
I think the case for shutting down normal life is weak although it was stronger prior to vaccination.
This isn’t about me. I am just an example. There are millions of vulnerable people. I want people to get vaccinated (but not children) for their own good.
You need to catch it, be successfully treated with HCQ and Ivermectin, get better and then have proper immunity so you can get on with your life. You can’t run away from nature, even this ‘vaccine’ won’t stop you being infected, it simply gives you added protection, so my advice to you is to get infected before your protection wears off.
I know someone who is immo-compromised so I adjust my behavior accordingly BUT I don’t expect the rest of the fucking planet to be locked away or have freedoms removed because i’m not a selfish cunt, unlike yourself.
“I adjust my behavior accordingly BUT I don’t expect the rest of the fucking planet to be locked away or have freedoms removed”
Exactly. Or – in other words, sociopathic and hypochondriac norms should not dictate the nature of society.
I don’t recall suggesting the rest of the planet be locked away. All I said was the getting people to wear masks wasn’t much of a lockdown!
It might not be to you, but it is to me, because it is a Lie, one of many Lies that are part of the Big Lie
Wow, I’ve never seen 300 down votes before……
It means 300 faces. FACES. Very angry faces.
If a zombie wants to hide under a face nappy, fine. But if the zombie wants to delete all human faces so that he can feel happy sucking on his own dummy, eff off.
Don’t prevaricate, Annie, say what you really mean.

Don’t play the ‘vulnerable’ card – because many of us can trump it.
What significant increased risk do you suffer from people not wearing masks? It’s religion – not science, and essentially I don’t want to be bound by the rules of your religion. Practise it out of sight, as you do masturbation.
You got one thing right, however :
“It is a matter of finding the balance between individual liberty and public utility.”
… and in this case the equation is wildly out of balance towards knicker-wetting fantasy that has no evidence-based ‘utility’.
I only put seven words in brackets as an aside! I really regret doing it.
The evidence on masks is mixed. But there is no space for that particular dispute. All I can say is I am personally convinced that there is enough evidence to be worth the very small sacrifice of wearing a mask when you go shopping.
Rubbish. Produce this ‘evidence’ then? There’s plenty of it to prove otherwise. You can wear a mask if you so wish. May as well wear a dunce cap for all the good it does you. Anyone every commenting on me not being a moron (asking why I choose not wear one) gets both barrels. I see it as a public service, likely them from harassing anyone else in the future.
Good response
Produce this ‘evidence’ then?
We can go all evening linking to papers and finding quotes that support one case or the other. My point is simply that it is open to dispute.
One paper isn’t ‘evidence’, a proper, non-biased academic literature search is time consuming and needs access to academic databases. By your own admission, you’re a retired IT help desk monkey who has little education, qualification, knowledge or experience in healthcare.
If you look at it, you will see the paper I linked to is a proper academic literature search – whether you think it is biased will probably depend on your prior opinion. Here is another one:
Admittedly it is a preprint but as it is an update of a Cochrane review I think we can assume it has been done with integrity. Here is the conclusion. (Remember I am only claiming that the issue is open to dispute)
CONCLUSIONS Most included trials had poor design, reporting and sparse events. There was insufficient evidence to provide a recommendation on the use of facial barriers without other measures. We found insufficient evidence for a difference between surgical masks and N95 respirators and limited evidence to support effectiveness of quarantine. Based on observational evidence from the previous SARS epidemic included in the previous version of our Cochrane review we recommend the use of masks combined with other measures.
These are not something I just drummed up on Google. I don’t have the time to do a full academic search (so I rely on others who do) but I do read quite a bit of stuff. In fact the second paper came from an anti-mask blog – Last American Vagabond.
“I don’t have the time to do a full academic search” – and there you have it!
The fact that it is open to dispute means that it shouldn’t implemented until more evidence has been found, positive or negative. This is the cornerstone of evidence based practice.
Look fellah, I don’t mean to rude, I wouldn’t profess to know to tell somebody how to “turn it off and on again’, please don’t opine on things that you haven’t got the professional knowledge, insight and experience in. You just come across as ‘Uncle Dave on Facebook’, just laughable at best, dangerous at worst.
You seem to opining quite a lot. What is the nature of your professional knowledge?
Now I KNOW your a paid shift-worker, operating the ‘MTF’ account

I’ve told you all about my professional credentials before, either you’re going senile or colleagues don’t keep very good notes

Awesome, keep up the good work
I am sorry but I cross swords with a lot of people on this site and I can’t remember what everyone has written on every occasion. This may be a weakness but it is a fact. So please remind me – what are your professional credentials? (I promise to remember them this time)
Short summary coming up (not exhaustive…..)
Ex-senior nurse seconded to Strategic Health Authority
– dual-registrated (adult & peadiatric)
– advanced life support practitioner
– led a High Dependency Unit coping with a annual viral respiratory epidemic commonly leading to ventilated patients.
– participated it countless resuscitation.
– was responsible for a paediatric units clinical development and best practice (before the days of NICE)
– Witnessed my wife’s episode of swine ‘flu (3 weeks of ventilation etc)
It’s an impressive medical resume but I don’t see any mention of academic research which was what you demanded of me (and which incidentally I have done).
The bit about being responsible for clinical development and best practice for a paediatric unit? How do you think people did things before being told what to do by a vast centralised quango.
The introduction of NICE and care pathways led to fears of ‘cookery book medicine. Before that, individual hospitals and units had to write their own guidelines, protocols and policies. Obviously, somebody had to navigate through the vast body of research.
Free learning is over, my normal rates are £150 an hour or £1,000.
Fair enough.
So how do you do your research nowadays which makes you qualified to opine on lockdowns, masks, vaccines etc? Are all the people here with such strong opinions doing unbaissed academic literature searches with access to academic databases?
You are a coward who wants to hide behind the millions of young people whose lives are being ruined by these restrictions. If I could punch you in the balls through the screen I would – but you don’t have any.
In what sense am I a coward or hiding? What would have been the courageous thing to do (bearing in mind I sincerely believe there is a case for mask wearing) ?
“bearing in mind I sincerely believe there is a case for mask wearing” – then your a twat
Bollox and glad to report that nearly all Tesco staff today were mask free and about 25% of shoppers. Wife wore her rag but only because her front tooth dropped out in the second week of lockdown 1. Our private dental practice didn’t survive.
Yes, it will naturally take time, but I am starting to see a change.
“… small sacrifice of wearing a mask when you go shopping.”
It is no small sacrifice.
But, is it irrelevant to you that Jenny Harries told us there was no real advantage to mask wearing, and that the WHO iirc advised against; even that Fauci has let it slip that they are of little use? Also, the fact that it was admitted that the reason masks were actually imposed – in the end -, was simply to make people feel more at ease when going to the shops and so on. Is all of this just complete irrelevance to you?
Another aspect of the mask mandate is to convince us that the actions of the government were absolutely necessary – rather than catastrophic failure, and being headless chickens throughout.
Not irrelevant but people and institutions are saying things and changing their mind all the time. What matters is solid evidence and that is mixed: https://www.pnas.org/content/118/4/e2014564118
Ceasing to appear human is not a small sacrifice, unless you no longer want to be human. Sadly, it appears that we are amidst a swathe of MTF s who desire just that – and they want to delete all other humans as well, to justify their own nullity.
You are personally convinced, so you can wear one. We’re not personally convinced, so we won’t. We won’t force you, you don’t force us.
“…the very small sacrifice of wearing a mask when you go shopping.”
A very small sacrifice now is it? When will people like you stop repeating this unthinking and downright dangerous lie that effectively obliterating the faces of a population in its social setting is for each member of that population a “minor inconvenience”?
You may be personally convinced that covering up your face with that bit of cloth, thereby rendering you a non-communicative (in all but the most banal discourse), anonymous, dehumanized, self-cocooned expressionless automaton displaying nothing but its conformist compliance to suspect so-called ‘rules’ issued by equally suspect ‘behavioural psychologists’ and all this while restricting its own breathing (whew) is a “very small sacrifice” –
some of us don’t.
We aren’t talking about dinner parties here. How much communicating do you do in the supermarket? Maybe your supermarket trips are more exciting than mine but I generally walk in, fill my basket and self check-out.
In which case no one else needs to wear a mask for your benefit as you don’t interact with anyone.
If our leaders had gone with focused protection for the vulnerable,they would have had 6 months max of staying indoors or taking appropriate precautions, healthy people would have built up immunity but our leaders chose 18 months and counting for everyone regardless of necessity. It would have been over sooner for everybody. That’s the kind of balance I prefer. But no, we’re in a weird parallel universe where natural herd immunity involved much pearl-clutching but vaccine coercion or unnecessary medical intervention is absolutely fine.
Oh fuck off with the ‘I’m vulnerable’ card!
My wife is desperately waiting for her new RA treatment and guess what? Her immunity will be massively compromised. She won’t expect or ask you to wear a mask or socially distance, she just wants to get on with her life as best as she can, with chronic pain. And by the way, she’s a nurse runs a busy clinic, coming into contact with many people every day.
Funnily enough, we know how serious this is. 10 years ago, she got bilateral pneumonia, multiple organ failure and was ventilated for 3 weeks, here recovery was long and hard.
If your that scared, fuck off and hide away at home and let everybody else get on with their lives.
Well said. Good luck to Mrs Winston BTW
Thank you thefoostybadger
I am sorry for your wife and I am sure she is coping splendidly with a terrible condition. My point is simply that there are people who are seriously threatened by this virus – it is convenient to use myself as an example because I know about it.
You say she has decided not to ask people to wear masks or socially distance despite coming contact with many people every day. Is that because she doesn’t think they make any difference or is she just being brave? Has she been vaccinated? In any case, I wish her the best of luck.
She doesn’t need your sorrow, she needs her treatment.
‘she doesn’t think they make any difference’ – She’s a professional registered nurse who practices evidence based care? What do you think?
‘or is she just being brave?’ Are you 12 years old?
‘Has she been vaccinated?’ – What, with an experimental drug?
Good luck Mrs Smith pity she isn’t running fucking sage
Cheers fellah
Wrong, these restrictions have no basis in science.
May you be exiled to Michael Moore’s underpants.
Do you feel that your vaccines don’t work?
I mean, that’s probably right.
Do you think that others’ masks help protect you?
That’s wrong.
Do you think that there is a risk in walking past someone?
Wrong too.
I’m sorry you’re so worried though. Get some sunshine.
You are exposing me to your authoritarian ideas which I find extremely offensive.
Now I could lobby to have shut up by force or I could just not pay attention to your obnoxious ideas.
Same for you. If you feel endangered by a virus there are.plenty of thing YOU can do to minimise your risk before you demand that society adapts to cater to your largely irrational fears.
People who trot out the “balance between personal freedom and social responsibility” argument basically have a little fascist lurking inside them itching to burst out.
If you are at risk, stay at home until the epidemic dies down. Or for the rest of your miserable non-life, which ever is the shorter period. You won’t be missed, except by Ko Ko.
No-one is stopping you wearing a mask or staying home indefinitely if you want to
Sure – and you could argue that everyone should have the freedom to smoke whereever and whenever they want and anyone who doesn’t like it can stay at home. It is a matter of balancing the loss of freedom – wearing a mask in certain public places against the cost to other people.
The odd thing is I am undecided about mandatory mask wearing. All I did was point out that as lockdowns go it is pretty mild – then all hell broke lose!
Why is your freedom from anxiety that you may be at risk from unvaccinated people of more importance than my freedom from anxiety that I may suffer considerably greater harm from a ‘vaccine’ that is not a vaccine at all but a gene therapy?
Surely, if the ‘vaccine’ actually did what vaccines do I could not possibly represent a threat to you?
If you concede that the ‘vaccine’ does not protect you, why did you accept it?
Where did vaccines come from? We were discussing masks.
They don’t fucking work. Idiot.
That’s precisely the case: People who believe that other people pose a mortal danger to them must protect themselves and not waffle on about mandatory dress codes with magical properties. The fact that they’re unwilling to do so amounts to the tacit admission that they don’t believe to be in any real danger.
Hence, the case for their magic dress code breaks down. It’s really just about selling useless consumer goods and maybe a little about making people dance to silly tunes for the joy of doing so.
Is it generally the case then, that the majority of people are more sane, reasonable, polite, tolerant, unselfish, intelligent, wise, etc, than a minority?
I am in no doubt this is not the case (regardless of the current state of affairs).
The reality is that people are easily incfluenced by lies and propaganda – we can see this in the number of seemingly intelligent people who have become fully committed Covidians
It’s a good illustration of the merit in respecting the concept of inalienable rights that cannot be overridden in any circumstances, because the definition of an emergency is too easy to distort.
I think the world has gone mad regarding covid, but who knows, tomorrow I might join a different set of people in going mad about something else and suddenly think it’s OK to impose all sorts of restrictions.
Overstepping certain boundaries needs to be a strongly ingrained taboo.
Have you seen what people wear to attend to people in an Ebola outbreak?
I’ll give you a clue it’s not a home-made mask with your teams colours on or even a blue surgical mask.
People like you are extended the hysteria, keeping the fear going. I hope my wife gets the treatment she needs soon.
Ebola is not a respiratory disease. It is spread through contact with the blood, body fluids or organs.
I hope your wife gets her treatment soon. I suspect the difference between is I blame the delay on the virus you blame it on the response.
No, the point I was making is that if ‘The Covids’ had a mortality rate of roughly 85%, like any haemorrhagic fever, most people wouldn’t leave the house without full hazmat suits proper full-face masks with filters etc.
Linking the first webpage you came across is no substitute for actual knowledge, insight or experience. But we’ve discussed this before……
Please explain how a virus has directly stopped one person giving treatment to another. The delay is down to government restrictions, since they are the ones that gave exactly that instruction to ‘our’ NHS. There is no other explanation. Luckily for us, my wife finished her cancer treatment before all this madness but a few people she got to know at the time were not so lucky. One woman in particular had her chemo stopped because she was ‘at risk’ of catching Covid- even though they knew she would die without the treatment, so they stopped life saving treatment meaning she faced 100% of dying early to save her from POSSIBLY catching Covid and then POSSIBLY dying if she did so. What kind of logic is this? Surely this is manslaughter? But hey, if you think the virus did this then that’s OK.
Please explain how a virus has directly stopped one person giving treatment to another.
Only the last is anything to do with government or NHS management instructions or policy.
The anecdote you tell is very troubling and deeply irrational – let’s hope it is an exception.
Everything you say is anecdotal or propaganda pal.
“you have a lot of people critically ill with Covid that uses resources” – which we haven’t.
“NHS staff get Covid” – me and the missus know exponentially more health-care professionals than you, we don’t know anyone who became seriously ill or died with it.
“NHS staff take measures to avoid getting Covid which make them less productive” – Yes, government induced hysteria is (slowly) wearing off now, thank God.
“NHS staff self-isolate because they have been exposed (possibly unjustified)” – Yes, my wife tells her team to delete the app and don’t get tested.
you have a lot of people critically ill with Covid that uses resources
At peak Jan this year there were about 40,000 people in hospital with Covid: https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/details/healthcare That’s roughly a quarter of all hospital beds.
NHS staff get Covid
They don’t have to get seriously ill or die to stop working.
“The covid-19 pandemic is taking a harsh toll on healthcare workers. In the Mirror newspaper on 20 January 2021: “52,000 NHS staff are off sick with covid.” [1] Over 850 UK healthcare workers are thought to have died of covid between March and December 2020;”
NHS staff take measures to avoid getting Covid which make them less productive
NHS staff self-isolate because they have been exposed (possibly unjustified)”
I am glad you agree these were true – whether you think them justified or not. So presumably not just an anecdote or propaganda.
“me and the missus know exponentially more health-care professionals than you, we don’t know anyone who became seriously ill or died with it.” that, by the way, is anecdotal evidence.
“that, by the way, is anecdotal evidence.”
No! Really? I’m glad you told me that, thank Mr MTF.
“At peak Jan this year there were about 40,000 people in hospital with Covid:”
With Covid or a positive PCR? Be careful with those figures as there was some double counting.
But it isn’t an exception- far from it. All of the things you mention are surely true of flu? Yet we do not cancel all treatments. None of them alter the fact that they were INSTRUCTED to stop treatment- it wasn’t a case of not being able to treat people. I’m not saying any of this is easy, just that the virus itself did not cause hospitals to ignore every other illness which itself is going to cause the NHS huge problems in the future. Will we have to lockdown to prevent the NHS from being overwhelmed by the consequences of lockdowns?
You ask how the virus stopped one person giving treatment to another. I hope I have answered that. It is also true that there have been instructions to stop certain treatments so as to treat Covid. I suggest it is very hard to determine in general to what extent those instructions were justified – anecdotes are not evidence. However, if they were misjudged, they were the result of the virus. They would not have happened had there been no virus.
Were treatments cancelled when there were previous bad flu outbreaks? I have no idea.
“Were treatments cancelled when there were previous bad flu outbreaks? I have no idea.”
Do some fucking research then
So do we all, Winston.
“More seriously this highlights what I see as a big problem – like so many debates this has become tribal – people like you, people like me – rather than a discussion of the pros and cons of a proposed public health measure.“
That is the inevitable result when one side – yours, in this case, gives up on trying to persuade honestly and resorts first to massive fear propaganda and dishonesty, and then to coercion.
That’s what lockdown means, that unprecedented use of coercion in response to an absolutely not unprecedented level of threat from an unremarkable respiratory virus.
This is not an even-handed situation – your side were and are the aggressors.
When you get tribal then almost inevitably each side accuses the other of making it tribal!
Maybe so but that doesn’t mean that both sides always have credibility in doing so.
In this case, as pointed out, your side were and are the aggressors, and that’s an objective and in practice irrefutable fact.
And boy, were they tribal as they banged their holy saucepans and chanted the praises of the NHS juju.
Like when Nazis vs Jews got tribal
That poll does not represent the true number, and is likely to be significantly lower.
And I don’t give a rat’s about how many people have been successfully terrified into compliance about face masks, which are nothing more than a sign of obedience. They do not stop respiratory viruses, including covid.
If 70% of people agreed to wear a lump of dog poo on their heads to ward off covid, that’s their misfortune. I’m not joining in just to fit in with the gullible herd.
Exactly- it’s like picking a stick up off the street, giving it to someone and telling them that it’s guaranteed to stop bear attacks because since you had picked it up you hadn’t been attacked by a bear. The person takes the stick then persuades another and before you know it everyone is walking about with bear repellent sticks. The fact that there are no bears doesn’t disprove the claim but it does make the people with the sticks fools and wouldn’t stop them from hysterically demanding that you carry one because your selfish action might cause you to be attract bear attacks.
“When it came to masks, there was slightly less of a difference between the two polls: [in the Prolific poll] 31% said they should continue to be worn in shops and on public transport, compared with 40% in the Ipsos poll who said wearing a mask in a public place should be mandatory. ”
Where did you get 70% from?
I guess you are comparing the IPSOS poll with the Prolific poll?
The 31%/40% was the number of people who support wearing facemasks permanently. I certainly don’t support that and I see no logic to it. I am amazed the numbers were so high. The other levels were:
Note that the Prolific figures are actually higher than the IPSOS figures for these two levels.
I got the figures from here: https://www.ft.com/content/c90f534d-3863-4cda-bbd6-16f80e1114d9 but they are available elsewhere.
Incidentally – if by “support” wearing face masks we mean “make wearing mandatory by law” then I don’t support “until Covid-19 is under worldwide control” in fact I am not sure I support it at all. I think wearing face masks is a good idea and should be encouraged in certain public spaces while infection levels are so high. I am not at all sure about making them mandatory – mainly because they have become such a political totem.
In contrast to you, people around here have done a lot of research on the issue of face masks.
Perhaps you can link to some of that research? Meanwhile I will repeat the links to two papers that have done a lot of research.
OK, I’ve had a quick look at your ‘extensive research’
The first paper did do a lot of research, concluding that there a lack of evidence.
The second didn’t do a lot of research, the reference list is poor.
As I said elsewhere – my only claim is that is this an open issue.
As you no doubt noticed, the first looks only at RCTs and concludes that while “There was insufficient evidence to provide a recommendation on the use of facial barriers without other measures.” nevertheless “Based on observational evidence from the previous SARS epidemic included in the previous version of our Cochrane review we recommend the use of masks combined with other measures.” (my emphasis)
The second is much broader covering a vast range of different types of study (it refers to the first in its section on RCTs). There are 141 references. Quite how you can justify the claim they didn’t do a lot of research I don’t know. They conclude: “ We recommend that public officials and governments strongly encourage the use of widespread face masks in public, including the use of appropriate regulation.”
Right, I’m not going to educate you for free (see my rates in a previous posr).
If you wish to wear one that’s fine by me- just don’t expect or demand that I do. you have absolutely no right to do this. If you have had the vaccination and carry on social distancing, what’s the problem?
Your definition is 100% accurate.
… and completely pointless.
Tell that to all the people who’ve lost their jobs because idiots like you think there’s no downside to working from home.
Crawl back to 77 you idiot. Any imposition is a Lockdown by any other name.
The clue is in the word “mandatory”.
As for “guidance”, the evidence is that we live in a society in which most of our major institutions (government, social and business) lack the capacity to resist “guidance”, however fatuous, whether because of fear of regulatory or insurer pressure, fear of criticism by zealots, or genuine gullibility of management personnel.
Apart from the health and social costs, it’s an ongoing efficiency catastrophe that will ultimately cost us dear.
So right. The better safe than sorry ideology has been running wild since long before covid
“Stick your face mask up your arse for nothing and fuck-off while you’re doing it.”
– Withnail 1969
I am having trouble following the logic of your argument I am afraid
That’s because you are not very intelligent. I don’t blame you for that. It’s not your fault.
the lack of oxygen due to his muzzle obviously isn’t helping.
Except that ‘the trouble with trying to make yourself stupider than you really are is that you very often succeed’ (C. S. Lewis).
A somewhat curious fellow.
Fuck off corporal. Back to sweeping barracks.
The owners are maybe virtue signalling but I’m not sure the staff all are. This evening after hot day just inside Wales, met a few colleagues. No masks worn. Waitress came over and and took her mask off to chat saying it was ****ing awful to have to wear “this”. My sympathies.
Masks are not legally required in England; advice to work from home is a one way street to losing your job. If you can work from home in Birmingham, you can work from home in Bombay and the hourly rate is a quite a few rupees less there.
Professor Michie and her commie mates need to be rounded up as fifth columnists and interned for the duration.
This obsession with Michie’s daft politics is beside the point. Most of the others don’t hold them – but are just crap scientists etc. forming a ludicrous advisory body. And who is responsible for that influence?
For what it’s worth, Vallance was a big Corbyn supporter according to Toby on London’s Calling, ages ago.
Precisely – and Toby was (is?) a Johnson supporter.
The old left/right mickey-mouse single dimension is irrelevant, except as part of a definition.
Fair enough.
Everyone who listens and comments?
This is the hole that our leaders have dug for themselves. They’ve given credence to the Big Lie that covid was exceptional, and all the following lies that the various measures made a difference. They know all this, but they don’t want to risk looking stupid. A nation is being tortured and held prisoner by its government because of ego, vanity, and the lust for power.
Hang on Julian, “don’t want to risk looking stupid”!! I’ve seen circus clowns project more gravitas and dignity than this clusterfuck. Otherwise, very good point.
They look stupid to us. I think the majority think it has not been efficiently managed but that in general the measures were needed, and people are pleased with the great vaccine rollout.
It’s like any religion – the absurdities are ignored. I always use the ‘Loving God’ analogy, whereby a totem of totalitarian sadism in the OT is held up as a model of universal compassion.
Always great to gear detailed appraisal of the Bible by one who knows it well and has read it critically, with an unprejudiced mind.
Most of my family think Johnson has done his best. done a pretty good job in unfamiliar circumstances and can’t be blamed for ‘all this’.
Like Hitchens, you promote the notion this is all due to incompetence – the ‘cock up’ theory, which of course is the parachute the perps think will save them if this monster charade goes tits up. How on earth do you reason a government gives ‘credence’ to a Big Lie, when it has legions of scientists and experts advising it? Even us mortals deduced the whole thing is a sham, so your post looks like a subtle whitewash.
“This is the hole that our leaders have dug for themselves.”
Us sceptics really are visionaries. I have been telling my non sceptical friends for months that Facemasks won’t go anywhere. Even when ‘Freedom day’ was all the hype.
I was laughed at,
We already have guidance, and soon to be mandated it seems.
Perhaps we should all go and play the lottery, with our abilities to tell the future. Or perhaps we just accept that you don’t have to be Mystic meg to see through this s**t!
Don’t bother with pharmaceutical methods, because it would prove this was never as dangerous as SAGE have said.
What happened in India? A few weeks panicking, and they started again with Ivermectin.
And of course, what is the massive black hole in political-medical policy?
… Yes – you’ve got it! :
The absurd pursuit of inoculation by snake oil (ARR ~1%), whilst promising at home prophylaxis and mitigation is actively denied to citizens.
We have a case in the family at the moment of a child with (almost certainly) SARS infection (mild, of course). This has put the cat among the pigeons with people worrying about me (that old contrary, vulnerable bastard).
Lets be clear – I don’t want the wretched virus with my list of contra-indications. But I wouldn’t want ‘flu, either. The odds of it being passed on are low by any calculation – but Grandma is keeping a judicious household distance from me after a brief contact with the young pariah, and given Sod’s law (the ruler of the universe), there is a (very low) percentage possibility of the bastard virus arriving in my respiratory tract from this source via Grandma and I sharing the same atmosphere.
So – what else would I do in a normal society? You’ve got it – I’d be popping no side-effects Ivermectin pills for a while as a safeguard – in an effort to prevent either me or the NHS being overwhelmed. It looks a better, quicker bet than snake-oil.
Now … where is that medication? Oh, I forgot – I’ve got a face mask instead!
I would like to get hold of some Ivermectin for the winter just in case. Is it possible yet in the UK does anyone know?
have to go via India – or here
Says not available.
Got ours from https://www.inhousepharmacy.vu/ but you need an AMEX card to pay.
don’t forget large infusions of medically inert single malt.
Oh I don’t! I don’t!
Pretend to have a horse
Go to a “horsey place” like a farmer’s shop
Buy Ivermectin
Dose for your weight.
Apparently the veterinary version isn’t quite right for us humanoids. Best off with the one designed with us humans in mind.
Yes – that’s what I understand.
Thanks all. Will check out the suggestions though the single malt sounds a good alternative
Otherwise the SARS may make you a little horse…
Never use drugs intended for animals.
SARS is severe, acute respiratory syndrome.
What the hell is mild SARS? A mild case of a severe syndrome? So, not severe, i.e. not SARS.
Sounds like the child had a cold.
“Modelling has suggested that the central case for U.K. daily hospitalisations at the peak of the third wave – expected at the end of August – could be between 1,000 and 2,000, with deaths predicted to be between 100 and 200 per day. …”
the modelling is shit.
lets see what it looks like when we get there – and then not lockdown
.. and – if this is the actual (rather than purported) – make some practical investment in obviating the pressure generated, not by any virus, but by appalling planning and starvation of resources.
This is a deadly combination of significance seekers clinging on to their profile, linked with political arse-covering.
yes. when you look at how much it cost us we could have trained the whole population in emergency care and had a ward fitted in everyone’s house
maybe they should train the army up – not alot else for them to do
There’s a certain irony that those who argued for sensible constraints on health spending were absolutely correct, but failed to account for the literal lunacy of the coronapanic.
If it could have prevented the coronapanic lunacy, it would have been worth it to (re-)build and equip an entire network of empty isolation hospitals and train up reserve TA-style medial staff for them, just in case.
There’s no practical accounting for irrationality on this kind of scale.
These figures have already been met:
Hospitalisations – average for the last 7 days was 1,229.
Deaths – average for the last 7 days was 130
However, there is an indication that cases have peaked so maybe it will be less than predicted in August.
Same old shite again. We now have over a year of statistics from around the world showing that muzzles and work-from-home orders make bugger-all difference to infection rates, but the doomsters continue playing the same old record over and over again. Just fuck off and let people get on with life!
No, no. After 2000 years of civilisation and all the scientific and technological advances that have taken place during that time, it turns out that putting a cloth over your face is the way to protect yourself from viruses.
Human civilisation didn’t discover that incredibly effective measure against deadly disease until the year 2020.
What are the odds.
I wonder if our boys in blue will do the same? They took the knee for BLM.
French Police lay down shields and join 100,000 protestors against Macrons plans for mandatory vaccine passports in France.
c’est fantastique!
amazing to see
well you wont see that on the MSM…
And he said that the police didn’t need to get vaccinated. What double standards! One rule for them, one rule for the plebs. The man is beyond despicable. Get that guillotine out of storage!
Trying to keep them on-side by using that as a bribe, I assume…
they still have guns.
Grande nouvelle!
France Rises Up Against The New Fascism.
“The people have woken up – at last!” declared local Gilet Jaune rebel Michelle as she watched the vast crowds assembling on the main square of Montpellier in southern France.
The arguments about viruses and masks and lockdowns now seem less relevant in the face of this chilling assault on the most fundamental of human rights. Even the jab itself is not really the issue any more, with those who have already had it joining in the protests against the totalitarian laws due to come into place on August 1.
Fantastic! That is the only way to fight this outrage on our personal liberties. Refuse to be coerced en masse.
not everyone with a jab is a fanatic authoritarian
I’ve not been jabbed so it’s easy for me to say, but I guess if someone has been jabbed because they thought it was beneficial to their health, the moral high ground position is that those people refuse to use that fact to allow them to access things that the unjabbed cannot access. I don’t know what I would do.
No. Not every German was a Nazi, but… there was a lot of standing about saying nothing.
Just like the fearful Germans of the 1930s most people getting vaccinated are more afraid of their government than of the threat from which the government is supposedly protecting them.
Ignore Sage
Get On with Life
Stay Healthy
FACE MASKS DON’T WORK! I am honestly beginning to understand why Donald Trump thought he had to write in capitals….
but, but, vaccinations, vaccinations, flatten the curve…….
Ah… The SAGE Committee. So, I would like to know where and when you acuired the democratic mandate to govern this Country, the Conservative Party and the People?
Is Her Majesty aware of your claim to power?
How to bump up the numbers;
Cases – not how many you test, but who you test, age groups and where.
Hospitalisations – everyone that visits a hospital, even for routine treatment, must take a LFT – and because they’re already in a hospital, if they test positive, it’s classed as a hospitalisation.
Deaths – doctors assess cause of death by Zoom.
18 months and they’re still pulling the same strokes.
‘surge testing’
find out where there are most cases and go there
Zoe is more trustworthy
‘While mandatory face masks would be the “easiest” route to curb transmission, with minimal impact on the economy…’
With minimal impact on transmission too. Don’t these ‘scientists’ read the literature? I can send them a copy of the Danish mask study if they haven’t read it yet, but let’s face it, they’re not actually interested in evidence, placing their faith instead in superstition and on computer modelling (which is much the same thing).
Even without the study, the statistics make it very clear. Give a maskivist an infections graph for any country and ask them to say whether where was a mask mandate, and if so when it was imposed – it’s impossible as the enforced muzzling has absolutely no impact on the figures!
It would point to 3,000 at the peak by the end of that month, which would match the peak of the first wave in April 2020.
If this turns out to be true, then there is one simple conclusion to be drawn: the vaccines don’t work
Keep what figures under control?
Deaths? They are under control.
Excess mortality? Negative.
Case Fatality Rate? Declining
Share of positive tests? Within the boundaries of the False Positive rate and below the “pandemic” threshold set by the WHO
People vaccinated? Nearly 70% of the population.
Hospital patients? Averaging about 3 per UK hospital.
Weekly hospital admissions? Averaging about 3 per UK hospital
ICU patients? Less than 1 per UK hospital
How we are doing compared to other countries? The “pandemic” is over – everywhere
So the only figure that needs to be kept under control is “cases”.
But you can reduce that yourselves by
… the plot to tie vaccination to biometrics and digital IDs is real. Don’t think Ghana will be the only country to adopt it. The plan is to roll this out to all countries!
Ghana to Become First Country to Use Contactless Biometrics in National Vaccination Program
After trialing technologies for contactless fingerprint and facial recognition, the project will use low-cost Android smartphones in the field to make the initiative as easy and cheap as possible to roll out. The system does not require an existing formal identity document. A biometric identity will be created for individuals and elements of the latest database downloaded to health worker handsets allowing them to continue vaccination offline and upload when a connection becomes available. The hope is that this approach will be effective in terms of population reach as well as low wastage rates. For the second dose for COVID-19 vaccines, the individual’s biometrics will be verified to recall their record and check appropriateness for the second and if administered, update the records.
Read the rest of the article here …
I think this vax pass thing goes much further than just Covid. They have been pushing smart meters in our homes, they are talking of road pricing for cars, which will mean all cars will have to be digitally connected. Come the day, you will jump in your car and it will not start because you have already exceeded your monthly travel allowance, so you will go back to the kitchen and have a wholesome veggie beverage because that is all your interactive kettle will let you have, your smart speaker will then tell you that the techno-health van will be calling later to inject you with the latest potions the computer has worked out that you need to keep you in the necessary zombie like condition that the state has deemed appropriate.
It’s life Jim but not as we know it.
Pretty much my guess also. Probably many others.
My guess would be that the cries for renewed face masking will start to become seriously loud once it’s reasonably certain that cases number will be falling in order to maintain the correlation.
That would be consistent with the timings of all the various phases where restrictions were increased.
As I’m doing a little of my own analysis of the government number with some code I’ve written for this purpose, I know that this is the case for the winter lockdown. That was announced on the exact day when the speed of the increase in cases took a sharp downturn.
Likewise, the present out-of-bounds growth of symptomless cases started exactly on April 17th (reopening of indoor hospitality).
Even if masks were effective, home made ones could never be due to the holes put into the fabric whilst making them, firstly by the pins holding the paper pattern during the cutting out stage and secondly by the pins holding the pieces together whilst the sewing machine punches more holes in the fabric for the thread to go through. Comfort blanket anyone?
I’m planning to sell dummies, with golden syrup to dunk them in.
I do wish that this site wouldn’t continue to just lamely regurgitate what’s in the msm (as if ‘the i’ has any credence whatsoever as an outlet of record). What we need, as sceptics, is a toolkit for dealing with all this sh1t, and that’s what this site is lacking.
Agree. I understand the site has a small staff and limited funds but in that case it would be better to concentrate on quality of articles rather than quantity.
And yes, I think the site needs to emphasise more the positive steps we can take to resist the authoritarianism and share some positive news stories in that regard.
Deleted as it duplicates a previous post which I thought had been removed but it now appears down below.
The face of every member of SAGE should be eaten by an alligator because they need to fuck right off.
SAGE..Soothsayers Against Genuine Evidence.
In 10,000+ years of human civilisation we’ve mastered farming, developed the most astonishing technologies, reached an understanding of the origins of life and the universe.
But it wasn’t until the year 2020 that we realised that putting a cloth over one’s mouth and nose could save us all from fatal disease. Somehow, we had overlooked that one.
What are the odds…
as someone recently wrote, it’s like trying to stop mosquitoes with a wire fence
It gets more bizarre than that: The political pressure group behind “face masks” (masks4all) actually published a paper starting with the assertion that a Chinese guy named Wu found a miracle cure against the plague at the beginning of the last century (1911/12) and it was “homemade cloth masks” of his own design.
This alone should really have been sufficient to laugh these guys out of the house as people did try to use this idea to combat the black death in Europe and – obviously – it didn’t work.
Fat lot of difference the bloody snake oil made, then.
No one who argues that facemasks made a positive health difference instead of the obvious hugely negative one should be on SAGE, tenured or still have their approbation.
They can’t be scientist if the think face masks work. I think you mean “Sage Communists”
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FULL speech.
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When have any of SAGE’s modelling predictions been anywhere near accurate? And as for Macron, where is the nearest lamp post?
“Any return to non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) to control spread would have to focus on those that give the biggest suppression effect. ”
You would think that perhaps that should have been the case all along, wouldn’t you? This guy is actually stating that we have been subjected to restrictions that don’t actually have much benefit. Well, who’d have thought it?
Hahahhah bring back masks?? They only went away on Monday! They didn’t work then either!
Sage is an ingredient in stuffing, and I know where I would like to stuff SAGE.
How many unbelievable things can you believe before breakfast?
This is another unbelievable ‘fact’ from SAGE: peak COVID admissions at the end of August.
Scotland has peaked; 92.6% of adults and three-quarters of under 25s in Wales have antibodies (www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-57915167); infection numbers in England may well have now also peaked.
But admissions will not peak for another five weeks?
Admissions will then decline as autumn sets in?
Whilst knowing about the existance of such reports and the SAGE claims they are based on, the repeating of the newspaper report on Sceptics serves the same purpose as the SAGE Covid forecast: to spread fear rather than enlightenment.
Why are SAGE still proposing we should wear silly bits of cloth over our faces when they have minimal effect on the transmission of the virus, and even then that minute reduction only applies to people with symptoms who shouldn’t be in locations where they can spread their infections anyway. During hot weather, I find cloth masks uncomfortable and that they impair my breathing and in any case unless you use a new mask after each use (which nobody does) they retain unhelpful bacteria which negates the miniscule benefit, if any, of their use. I feel the reason these SAGE power mad people want us to wear masks is just to demonstrate the power they have over us. If they try to impose them again, it’s time for the people to say NO! We have been too compliant to their poorly justified demands, and it’s time the real science and facts relating to the propaganda behind their demands was publicised further, so people can decide for themselves what is best for their safety
I will not wear a face mask again. I will not follow these ridiculous made up rules that make no sense. I will not sacrifice my life and happiness to save a not fit for purpose health system. I am not a believer in the church of the NHS and I do not recognise its priests.