It was revealed last week that the BBC is offering white lanyards to staff who are returning to the office but would like to continue ‘social distancing’. The Corporation has since exceeded itself by publishing an article highlighting “calls” for the introduction of wearable symbols showing that the wearer has a weakened immune system and would like to keep a distance.
There’s just one call mentioned in the article, actually, from a man who would like the system to become an “accepted way of people identifying themselves”.
Neil Collingwood, 64, from Leek, Staffordshire, said the ending of England’s lockdown rules on July 19th was not good news for people less able to fight off Covid.
Even people with two vaccine jabs were not completely without risk, he said.
He has made a prototype armband.
It “is bright orange and uses the universal symbol for first aid”, Mr Collingwood explained.
He has it in mind for adults with weakened immune systems, or who are immuno-suppressed, and less able to battle infections naturally. …
“There are about half a million people in the U.K. whose immune systems are not effective,” he said.
Recent studies suggest they do not receive as much protection from Covid vaccines as other people.
Mr Collingwood, who has chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, a form of blood cancer, as well as type one diabetes, leaves the house only to exercise and occasionally take photographs as part of his work as a historian and author. …
“I’ve already had people who have refused to get out of my way,” he said, “with one person shouting ‘grow up it’s not going to kill you.'”
“Some of the people in my situation may be 10 or 12 years old, they will never – as things stand – be able to have normal lives,” said Mr Collingwood.
“I probably don’t have all that long left, but I’m damned if I want to sacrifice what time I have got left because of stupidity, and the fact we are not being considered as a very important vulnerable group.”
Worth reading in full.
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