A Manchester mother is demanding an apology from the local police force for sending officers in a riot van to check that her 12 year-old daughter was self-isolating. The young girl was left “petrified” after officers shouted through the house to see if she had been following the rules, according to her mother. The home was visited twice, leading the girl to believe “she was going to get arrested at any moment”. The MailOnline has the story.
Officers visited the home of Kathryn Crook in Middleton, Greater Manchester, to check that Charlotte, 12, was adhering to Covid guidance after catching the virus.
Ms Crook, 45, says her daughter was terrified by the experience, alleging the behaviour of Rochdale Public Health Officers and Greater Manchester Police was “inappropriate and heavy-handed”.
She is now urging those involved to apologise for what she says was “overkill”.
Officers first visited the family home on July 11th and asked to speak directly to Charlotte, before quizzing her mother on whether she was self-isolating.
Ms Crook said: “They would not tell me and my husband why they wanted to speak to my daughter.
“I suggested again that she was only 12 and as her mother, I should be the one they should speak to.
“My daughter by this time was stood behind me crouching thinking she had done something wrong and was petrified.
“The female police officer who stood at our door then proceeded to shout through to my daughter to check she had been isolating.
“I spent Monday trying to find out why this had happened only to be told by Rochdale Public Health Department that they had authorised this to happen.”
The furious mother later wrote to her MP Chris Clarkson to express her concern, and his office is now investigating the incident.
She added: “During Monday we also received a letter addressed to our daughter from Rochdale council stating that she must get in touch with them as a matter of urgency about her isolating.
“I called the phone line and they said it was standard practice, even though the leaflet read as if aimed at an adult. I was also told the person who had signed it no longer works there.”
Ms Crook says the family then received another visit from GMP on June 12th.
“We settled down and just after 9pm got a knock at the door,” she said.
“It was the police again, this time in a riot van and coming to ‘check’ again that my daughter was isolating.
“Me and my husband were so annoyed by this. The neighbours had also seen all of this and came out to show their support for us.
“They could see what had happened and a riot van in the street is a bit much. This time, however, the policeman was polite and was much more forthcoming than the two that had been the previous night.
“It was terribly upsetting again for my daughter and she had another meltdown again thinking the police were going to arrest her.”
Worth reading in full.
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This is about the level of ‘criminal’ the police like to focus on. For decades we’ve had our Northern towns ravaged by gangs of marauding Muslim rapists and the police still do nothing about it. But if there’s a little girl that may not be obeying the rules, you can count on the police to be there.
It’s actually about the level of threat to the safety of police officers: gangs of excited Mohammedan youths pose a far greater risk of bodily harm to the cowardly, anti-social, inadequate Walter Mittys in hi-vis than a twelve year old girl so she gets the disproportionate, ‘look-we’re-tough-guys-really-and-we’re-not-afraid-of-you’ treatment, just as old women and pregnant women do.
Safe targets help them to maintain their fantasies.
“It’s actually about the level of threat to the safety of police officers:”
Yes, low-hanging-fruit. The path of least-resistance. Being able to show/claim that they are ‘doing the job’, – by lazily notching up high percentages of non-incidents. They are pretty much impotent, when it comes to the bad stuff. Piss poor!
Fully vaccinated Americans are SPREADING covid’s delta variant, health expert warns
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Just like the TSG prowling the protest swarms in London, and picking off the weak and vulnerable stragglers who have become separated from the group. It is primitive, like lions hounding a herd of wildebeest, taking down only the sick and weak to avoid being stampeded.
‘Google’ the Gombe Chimpanzee War.
same with the SS and family courts
Freedom fetishists, unite!
Kathy Gyngell
Stand in South Hill Park Bracknell every Sunday from 10am meet fellow anti lockdown freedom lovers, keep yourself sane, make new friends and have a laugh.
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>police still do nothing about it.
Complete lie, the police actively protected the abusers and arrested the girls. Can’t have the UK population realising that cultural inequality leads to moral diversity
Yeah, it’s not a “complete lie”, is it?
The groups that call themselves Police make Peel spin in his grave.
” For decades we’ve had our Northern towns ravaged by gangs of marauding Muslim rapists”
Sun-type illiterate crap. (Writing as a northern town dweller in an area with a large Muslim population). 77th Brigade?
To me you’re like the Germans that lived next to a concentration camp for years and pretended there was nothing going on. Read Easy Meat and then try and convince me of your multi-cultural fantasies.
Not just up north. My daughter was targeted when when underage (when using takeaways) – free cans of coke and lots of intrusive questions about parents/background (they’re looking for vulnerable girls from lone parent families).
I suppose as a Marxist you are an expert of ignoring the inevitable harms of policies you espouse.
So the Jay Report is just a figment of people’s imagination is it?
Nice of you to ignore the fact that rapists read the Koran to their victims, that they were protected by the police and the politicians, that they were acting fully consistently with their religion etc
Does sound a bit troll-like, doesn’t it, a bit 77th-Brigade-esque? But it remains true that there are bigger fish to fry than a spot-check on an innocent school girl suspected of stepping out of line (especially since children are not particularly the vectors of transmission).
These are cowards that are desperate to flex their authoritative muscle, and cowards always go for the lowest-hanging fruit, i.e. the people they can bully.
Police forces basically know that they are in the wrong in conducting invasive business such as this, but want to keep up this fantasy that they have some kind of control over the population.
You are a shill, and much more likely to be 77th Brigade, although you give every sign of being too thick even for them. and I claim my free Kolley Kibber.
No wonder Andy Burnham’s crack police squads are in Special Measures.
Drug gangs running riot with a firebombed car in Oldham but those brave police decide to hunt down a 12 year old girl.
I could cry.
It is so reassuring that crime is now at such low levels that the police can spend their time checking that perfectly healthy children are not leaving their homes.
This is shocking, but Lockdown Sceptic editors, you do realise that the government is doing this to create a climate of fear and by publishing stories like this you are doing their work for them?
But surely as sceptics, we want to hear about state overreach? Isn’t that the point of this site? I would like to think that the people here are well past being scared of the virus, but we have every reason to fear the government.
I sort of agree with that.
But I think the balance of articles here is slightly wrong.
Too many doom and gloom articles copied out of the MSM. Not enough positive, sceptic, campaigning ones.
Write one then.
I’ve written articles for other blogs. But they would be too vaccine sceptic for this one. Too “conspiracy theorist”.
There is a strong whiff of officially tolerable dissent about this site.
Precisely. The aim of LDS all along has been to control and coral the opposition into a easily manipulable collective viewpoint. This provides the government with invaluable day to day info as to how to bring ye plebbes onside. TY still want that well paid government advisory job that Mrs May denied him, LDS is his psy-op CV.
The above article is NOT about doom and gloom; it is about police over-reach. Totally different.
It is, and on reflection publishing it here is probably right.
But why are the police doing these kinds of things? It’s not incompetence – there are so many clear examples of police overreach over the last 18 months – I experienced it myself once.
No, these things are happening because the police are being leaned on by government to be heavy handed and the publicity which results is designed to create fear amongst the population. Perhaps not amongst the likes of us, but amongst those who don’t think critically.
I think the authors copying these stories from the MSM need to frame them accordingly. The government is waging a propaganda war, and we are the intended victims of it.
This is simply a manifestation of what the police (and the law) have been reduced to over time.
The issue you raised is a genuine one.
The police clearly occasionally “make examples of” individuals or put on shows of crackdown enforcement in the hope of deterring others from disobeying the rules. This has been a standard tactic of authority forever.
By publicising them, their effect is arguably increased. But on the other hand, where they arguably go too far, as in this case, there’s merit in the other direction in publicising that.
So it’s a judgement call.in each individual case.
“designed to create fear amongst the population.”
That was my first thought, to ‘discourage the others’ from not ‘quarantining’. Quarantine is a way for the authorities to show you who’s in charge – you’re hardly likely to spread the virus if you go off for a walk.
Also, makes you feel ‘guilty’ of something when all the neighbours are twitching their curtains.
Intimidation is the name of the game.
And it’s no doubt easier for the police to direct their heavy-handed bullying at a 12-year-old girl in what appears from the photo to be a middle-class area.
Wonder if they are so keen on checking up on teenage sons of gang-connected families in Moss Side and other similar areas?
‘ … these things are happening because the police are being leaned on by government … ‘
It isn’t necessary to lean on ‘The Police’ to get them to do bad things to law-abiding tax paying citizens; they are like the Duracell bunny, wind them up and watch them go. ‘They’ have recruited anti-social and intellectual inadequates and programmed them to hate people more capable than themselves, then given them ‘powers’ and weapons, a very faulty knowledge of law and carte blanche to do as they please with no effective oversight or means of redress.
No one is forcing the filth to behave as they do.
“I would like to think that the people here are well past being scared of the virus”…
I was never scared of the virus, but I am scared of the policies that are in place.
“But surely” … “we want to hear about state overreach?”
I agree Paul. Where I would criticise LS is in the way it reflects vaxopropaganda from the MSM – just linking to stories uncritically.
I would say that about some articles on Lockdown Sceptics, but not this one. This is the sort of police overreach that we want in the headlines.
On reflection I agree.
When people look out their window and see real crime happening, report it to the police, and get told the police don’t have the resources available to deal with crime, they will surely get really pissed off when seeing a story like this one.
Doesn’t matter if you’re a covidian or not, most people will agree this is nothing but bullying and totally without merit.
‘When people look out their window and see real crime happening, report it to the police, and get told the police don’t have the resources available to deal with crime, they will surely get really pissed off when seeing a story like this one.’
Possibly, however, I’m confident that they’ll still write to Father Christmas as they open the first window on their advent calendars.
Of course they do. TY has been in lockstep with his chum Boris from the get go. Every article is dressed up as being sceptical, but remains bang on the government message: just an occasional ATL finger wag and the usual tut tut from the BTL voices of disapproval. Only recently has LDS felt it necessary to back off on the vaxx friendly editorial stance, as it flew in the face of publicly available info on deaths and adverse reactions from the lethal EGT vaxx (it’s not a vaccine by any previous definition of the word).
Toby & Will are not averse to manipulating information to give a result more suitable to the government, as in yesterday’s LDS article ‘Is this the True Level of Opposition to Restrictions?’ complete with bogus calculations to exaggerate the number in favour of restrictions. I pointed this deliberate/negligent statistical error out (along with other survey info conveniently omitted that pointed to a groundswell in opposition to the App) but as of this moment the article remains uncorrected.
I think that’s a bit harsh on Toby. Without him there would be focal point for sceptics in the UK at all – that would have been a disaster for all of us. I completely understand that it is difficult for the authors here. They are using their real names, unlike most of us BTL. And their careers are at risk, unlike ours. Also they are probably under implicit pressure from politicians and even the likes of Ofcom to not go too far off piste. They have to tread a delicate line, I am sure.
But I think even within the constraints of that there is too much parroting of MSM articles without any sceptic framing or comment.
I don’t buy that at all. LDS serves mainly as a focal point for disillusioned Tory voters looking to feel better about life. It openly defends and protects the often indefensible Tory government C19 narrative. This cannot be disputed, as Toby has even gone onto Sky Australia to defend government policies.
As for the hypothetical absence of LDS being an informational disaster, I rather think the opposite would have been true. Except Toby (and/or his backers) quickly spotted and cornered the sceptic market, hung out the shop sign, and just as quickly dumbed it down. They realised sceptical enquiry abhors a vacuum, and something else more damaging to the government would have sprung up instead.
Why on earth would TY waste energy on this if he didn’t believe in it?
He’s still after the job Mrs May refused him. LDS is an investment in the his political future. He needs to prove he is the one able to control the opposition narrative to the government’s ultimate advantage – after all they are his chums.
His ongong defence and rehabilitation of arch mask propagandist Hitchens, to give but one example, was beyond sycophantic. His failure to openly oppose EGT vaxx for school children, when the MHRA figures were clear, was frankly unforgivable.
maskvaxx propagandist Hitchens!No, this atrocity must be brought to public attention, it cannot be swept under the carpet.
Rochdale? Isn’t this the place where thousands of underage girls have been sexually abused while the police chose to do nothing about it, and then arrested fathers for trying to rescue their daughters, and are to this day persecuting victims of abuse for speaking out?
That’s the one, ably assisted by Burnham’s Praetorian Guard.
Life in North Korea mk2 is a ball isn’t it!
Phew, thank goodness! World safe again.
The Met & GMP, two sets of muppets locked in a perpetual war to see who is crowned worst police force in the UK. (I’d say world but they would struggle to out Nazi the Aussies).
The behaviour of the police is bad enough. The 77th Brigade fodder of racism in some comments here is idiotic.
So the state shock troopers are hard at work again, targeting the most innocent people in society while actual crime goes ignored – them saying they don’t have the resources to deal with crime.
There was a similar case to this one last year where the police forced entry to a family home and started attacking the parents. Inevitably, nothing was heard about that afterwards, but hopefully this latest story won’t go away as easily for the scumbag police.
A completely over-the-top reaction. I mean, you can hardly blame the police – with the mother having a name like Crook.
[I am having a dig at the police – just in case the sarcasm isn’t obvious.]
Now, seriously, WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK?!?!?
[Back to taking the piss] Well, for all those folk out there who whine after having property stolen/damaged, being threatened/harrassed, or various other petty incidents, and the police do not attend or seem interested … then here is evidence that the police, in actual fact, are run off their feet trying to respond to real issues out there. I bet you are all feeling a little embarrassed now, eh?
No. They are incapable of feeling embarrassed. They refuse to acknowledge their own shortcomings so they never address them. They always know best.
For a little perspective, yes it’s a van used in disorder, but it’s usually assigned to neighbourhood officers for day to day stuff. The size of the van has no real bearing on this. As an ex cop myself, I’m absolutely astonished they have time for this. Prior to leaving GMP 10 years ago we had no time for burglaries and assaults, never mind knocking on to check on kids isolating. I’m aware GMP is under even more pressure now too, so how this is a suitable use of resources astounds me. As a former response sergeant it was a battle getting some ‘cops’ out of the Nick never mind attending jobs, maybe this sort of easy ‘hit’ is their idea of work now? Honestly, utterly disgraceful. A friend of mine, whose son is off for the third time in 5 weeks had a visit because someone had seen him out and about. 30 days stuck at home and not ill, any wonder he said fuck it?
“For a little perspective, yes it’s a van used in disorder, but it’s usually assigned to neighbourhood officers for day to day stuff. The size of the van has no real bearing on this.”
Well, it’s not so much the size of the vehicle, as the type of vehicle. To my mind, assigning a ‘Mad Max’ type vehicle for trivial neighbourhood operations such as this (inc ‘non-hate crimes etc.) is inappropriate. It’s wrong. It’s … shite.
They simply don’t have enough vehicles, carriers (as these are) are the least used as you have to have a D1 on your licence to drive them, but when you need to go out then you use what you can get your hands on. No one decides who has what van, it’s usually the last vehicle on the board. It’s not a mad max type vehicle, it’s just got a grid you can cover the screen with (which no one knows how to use). Other than that it’s just a bigger van.
was it such an emergency that a foot patrol couldn’t have ambled past and quietly knocked on the door if someone had to go at all???
If they have serious shortages of vehicles, then perhaps it is partly self-inflicted? I mean, if the riot vans are typically the last available vehicles, then, having reached that point, why use a crucial/limited resource on trivial, non-urgent business?
I still maintain that riot vans are inappropriate for this type of business.
Sorry. No excuse. If it’s perceived as a mad max vehicle, then it IS a mad max vehicle. What next? Let’s take a rifle because there aren’t enough truncheons?
You’re correct. It’s aggressive and intimidating, just like when the idiots strut around with rifles and baseball caps and tell us they are reassuring us. Evil or thick?
Britain 2021. Enjoy.
Meanwhile, the elite don’t have to self-isolate. You think they’re on the app?
No they were told not to download it. It was recommended at the Supermarket where I work not to use it and if you did download it, to make sure it was switched off at work.
Ah, Middleton, a borough of Rochdale. Usually the police there are a lot more considerate to their clients and don’t usually enquire after the welfare of young girls in their houses.
That’s how I like it, a nice portion of sarcasm.
What the F… has this country come to!!! This is more than beyond belief.
They should arrest the person who authorised this, its the only way they’ll learn.
A striking example of what the people running the Corona-show consider “sensible use of public resources”. To them, their irrational fears always come first. Secondly, the come again. Then once more. And a fourth time after a short pause. And then starts the “we have no money for …” chorus, with “…” representing anything else.
Astounding unselfishness.
The police are one of the main instruments of the state opression. That’s their role.
Not servants of the public.
Yep. Like HR departments are to protect the company from staff, not the other way around.
There’s not even any logic to this: In order to “check up” on this person, the police had to be present in close proximity to the members of the household, enforcing a breaking of the isolation rules anyway!
If there’s anyone who should be “checked up on” it’s the crooked police commissioners who think they can authorize anything so long covid is part of the excuse.
Yet again, Steyn summed it up:
“ ‘In Britain, everything is policed except crime’
It has become very apparent that British policemen are very aggressive when dealing with the passive, and very passive when dealing with the aggressive.”
Well, while I think there must be some good people in the police, you have to consider the motivation for an element who want to become officers of the law. For some, the ability to exert authority over others must seem quite appealing.
And, it is far easier of course, to exert their ‘authority’ over the more passive/innocent type of person.
Good people do not join ‘The Police’.
I’ve met a few competent and pleasant Police but they are outnumbered by the other kind.
Doctors too.
I’ve been surprised by how so many people have let the police just trample all over their rights and liberties. I’d just refuse to open the door, give em short shrift from a window and then ignore them full stop.
Exactly. The moment you interact constructively with them, you implicitly accept their authority over you. So – just ignore them from the start. If you haven’t done anything wrong, the law supports you – see case law Neale v DPP.
Fully vaccinated Americans are SPREADING covid’s delta variant, health expert warns
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The intended damage being dealt on children by the establishment knows no bounds. While the police are terrorising the family of a young child regarding covid isolation, other children are being subjected to this sort of degenerate shit.
Man dressed as rainbow themed monkey with naked butt and a fake penis teaches London children about literature…
Holy cow! That story is …. I dunno, beyond bizarre. Just what sort of a world has this become? Fucking diabolical.
A Covid-only police force.
See how fast they respond to a burglary.
They don’t respond to burglaries, only ‘hate crimes’.
One of the overwhelming features of the lockdown madness is that the police have proven themselves to be institutionally stupid.
Wake up people – they are not your friends.
Never mind, back to normal next week – unless they have another 3 weeks to flatten the curve…
No wonder people delete that “app”. Disgusting. Sick until proven healthy – what a lot of nonsense. No freedom while this crap is going on.
The appropriate response in this circumstance is an amazed smile and “Have you got my bike back?!”
The comments on the original article in the MEN were atrocious. Many accusing the mum of being over dramatic and just wanting compensation; they praised the police for stopping rampant infection ripping through the area; many ignoring mum’s concerns about the need for and manner of the ‘visit’ but instead, they focused on the type of vehicle used and mum’s poor description of it.
There were very few who expressed any concern about the sinister aspects behind frightening a 12 year old child in this way.
Comments since disabled.
Yes, the main issue of course, is that the police should not have even gone there in the first place.
Greater Manchester Police, known for their aggressive and thug-like attitude to the public, now child abusers.
I wonder if any of those police have children and how they would feel if it were their 12 yr old daughter? And who reported her? Some neighbour snitching on the government propaganda’s advice.
Yet the biggest criminals in the country are waking about scott free. Pig dictator, Hancock, SAGE, Fergusen et al. Can’t remember the riot police turning up when Blair was supposed to be isolating after his trip abroad.
Disgusting behaviour by the Police. They wonder why people now hate them.
Sounds like a police state to me. The police need to trust that we, the public, are not all completely stupid. Do we really need the nanny state to come and check we are in bed with the lights out?? This is the sort of thing that happens in countries where the police act like thugs and henchmen of the government. What on earth do they put in their tea? And what training do they receive? It’s totally inexcusable. I hope it’s not a sign of things to come.
Freedom fetishists, unite!
Kathy Gyngell
Stand in South Hill Park Bracknell every Sunday from 10am meet fellow anti lockdown freedom lovers, keep yourself sane, make new friends and have a laugh.
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Stasi state, Stasi police, Stasi behaviour; it is what we have become. Democractic and accountable it isn’t.
I have the utmost respect for the majority of police officers, but the police force _ I refuse to call it a service – is managed by incompetents at behest to a government that has launched an unparalleled assault on freedom of speech and civil liberties.
The police probably recorded this as a solved crime as the police, as an entity, has little interest in dealing with proper crime.
Unfortunately, my son has taken a test. However, if the police or any omnipotent moral busy bodies call at my door I’ll tell them to bugger off.
Ludicrously they actually think test and trace can do something to stop the spread of this virus. The case was handed to the police because the contact tracer was not allowed to speak to the child personally. A total waste of police time. The child had tested positive though asymptomatic and not likely to be infectious.
If you refuse to answer or open the door, do they have rights to break in to check you are at home isolating?
This police officer shouldn’t apologize; she should be dismissed and barred for life from holding any government or local authority function. The should still leave plenty of authoritarian jobs at social media companies and left wing hate groups.