If the vaccination of children against Covid is given the green light in England, almost nine in 10 parents will be happy for their own children to be included in the roll-out, according to a new survey released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS). Well over 30% of parents said they were “unsure but probably yes” in favour of vaccination. The Guardian has the story.
The survey of more than 4,400 parents with children under 16 and attending school found 88% said they would definitely or probably agree to vaccinate their child, with just 12% saying they would not favour vaccination.
The survey was conducted in April and May, before the Pfizer vaccine was given approval by the U.K. medicines regulator for children aged 12 to 15 at the start of June. The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) is expected to advise the Government later this summer on whether to allow children over 12 to be vaccinated.
Professor Anthony Harnden, deputy chair of the JCVI, told the BBC: “JCVI are very aware of the issues surrounding both the pros and the cons of vaccinating their children, which we will talk about in due course, but actually what we need to be absolutely sure is that these vaccines benefit children in some way… so we are looking at this data very carefully.”
But Professor Calum Semple, a member of SAGE, said not enough was known about possible side-effects if children were given Covid jabs.
“Vaccines are safe but not entirely risk-free. We are aware in adults about clots, and there’s some safety data from America showing rare heart problems associated with some of the vaccines. So until that data is really complete for children, I’m not persuaded that the risk-benefit for children has been clarified,” Semple told the BBC, speaking in a personal capacity.
He added: “There’s [a] very nuanced debate going on here but at the moment I don’t think there’s enough evidence to support vaccinating children.” …
The ONS survey found parents with children at secondary school were the most enthusiastic for vaccines, with 53% saying they would definitely support vaccination and just four per cent saying they definitely would not. Nearly 35% of parents said they were “unsure but probably yes” in favour.
Among the parents of primary school-age children, 43% were definitely in favour and 46% were “unsure but probably yes” in favour of vaccination. Just three per cent said they were “definitely” opposed, while a little more than seven per cent were recorded as “unsure but probably no”.
According to the ONS, the most common reasons given by parents opposed to vaccination were that not enough research had been done, or they wanted more information about long-term side-effects or had concerns over vaccine safety.
Worth reading in full.
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Makes no odds, they didn’t give us our rights back last Summer, they’re not doing so now because of “variants” and so far as I can see, they will always be able to find reasons to keep this crap going. They are a disgrace.
If they don’t rule out completely vaccine passports this week, none of us should vote for them on Thursday. Had enough.
So true. ENOUGH.
Just don’t vote for any of the 3 major parties, they have all let this debacle go on for as long as it has.
(I was tempted by Lib Dems when they said they’d oppose vaccine passports. Small mercies and all that).
List of freedom alliance anti lockdown candidates in England: https://freedomalliance.co.uk/england-candidates/
Lists for Scotland and Wales also on their website
Thanks for that useful link.
Vote for David Kurten! Let’s get rid of Sadiq Khan…
I’m from Alabama in the USA. I chart “new cases” as presented by our state health agency. On January 5th, 2021, our state reached its peak with “daily new cases” at 5,485. Yesterday, this number was 187.
This represents a decline in new cases of 96.6 percent.
I just got into a Facebook debate with a friend who opined that we are in “big trouble” because some people are not getting vaccinated.
When and how did a 97 percent decline in cases become “big trouble?”
When people turned into brain-dead zombies last spring.
I can see it now. When we have the usual respiratory deaths next Winter (and maybe more than usual with forced isolation of the healthy, stress of continuing restrictions etc.) it will be blamed on a few million people who didn’t |”vaccinate”. This could get nasty.
It’s the end game, the final solution. Been obvious to me that at some point they would turn a majority on a minority, the minority being those still able to think for themselves. I thought masks was going to be the tool of choice but it looks like it’s going to be the vaccine.
So many have rolled up their sleeves without a second thought that they will expect nothing but adherence from everyone else. It’s a full blown cult, no logic or reason is going to do any good at this stage.
I guess it’ll be holiday camps for starters and then who knows?
Not much people won’t do if they’re afraid. At any rate it is only too obvious now how the Third Reich, the Soviet Empire and all the rest happened. People don’t change much. I guess it’s my fault as much as anyone’s, I’ve wanted out of the EU for over 20 years, which of course necessitated the original project fear. Sadly it seems to have become a way of life now. Little did I know…
But how are they going to explain those deaths when probably 100 percent (or close to it) of those who die will have been “fully vaccinated?”
Variants? the unvaccinated? they’ll find a way.
I know. When you take all the fear mongering to its nth conclusion it doesn’t add up; defies logic; would seem as if it’s going to fall at the final hurdle.
My best friend of over 50 years has just cut me out of her life with a shockingly abusive email when, during a call to ask after herself and her family, I told her I won’t be having the vaccine because I had a nasty dose of covid some months ago, and therefore have immunity. Apparently I’m f. selfish and a f. moron, amongst other things.
This is a woman, normally intelligent, loyal and open-minded, who has succumbed totally to Project Fear, and who I will miss in my life since we’ve shared so much together. We have always been on opposite sides politically, she being a lifelong Labour supporter, but that never became an issue as we respected each other’s differences.
Losing such an old, close friend has knocked me sideways, but I suppose in the end she’s a leftie and their behaviour follows a familiar pattern. I tell myself that any ‘friend’, of however long acquaintance, who would verbally attack me in such a foul manner is not worthy of my friendship. Furthermore, being on the right politically and therefore, I believe, more politically rational, I would never have done that to her.
I wonder how many others are experiencing the break-up of family and friendships because of this panic-induced vaccine propaganda? It reminds me of the miners’ strike back in the 70s, when so many close relationships were destroyed forever.
Certain relationships within my family have been put under considerable strain by the pandemic fraud – I have had to make all sorts of compromises to hold on to them. As for my friends, well the jury is still out. The bulk of them have had the vaccination and I have experienced a certain amount of pressure to do likewise, which has made me feel uncomfortable but nothing I couldn’t resits; I expect this to get worse. On the other side I have friends who have a similar viewpoint to me about what is happening and they have proven to be a total lifeline throughout all this. I am so sorry for what has happened to you. Try not to blame your friend – people are INCREDIBLY brainwashed by everything the government has done to them – she may come to regret what she has said to you, indeed depending on what happens she may come to see the light, but I wouldn’t bank on that.
It’s good to hear other people are going through the same kind of struggles!
Why is the left supporting big pharma anyway? Much of it looks like a caricature of corrupt, heartless big business from what I can see
An aunt told me I wouldn’t be welcome in her home if I was so selfish as to not get the “vaccine” and that my parents would be ashamed of me. What is this mental illness that’s got hold of people?
Sorry to hear about your friend – what terrible treatment of you. Hopefully she will come to her senses eventually.
Some of these vile and illogical responses simply leave you speechless. You have far more immunity than she does.
Are these outrage pieces regarding body counts in relation to easing restrictions really worth running anymore?
It should be clear that there are still things that need to be put in place before we can let the peasants run amok again.
It’s the wrong thing for us to dwell on. If fewer corpses mean fewer restrictions, logically more corpses will mean more restrictions. It’s playing into their hands.
Totalitarianism is WRONG, WRONG, WRONG. PERIOD.
Liking the name!
I don’t care about social distancing measures compared to mask requirements. That should be the priority to be removed
I’ve no complaint if the fearful don’t want to stand next to me. I do however object to face nappies, coercive vaccination, closure of churches…
You are not alone clem. This is from commenter Yaranasol in the Daily Mail.
“Are we really supposed to believe that the vaccine and lockdown have reduced deaths from 1k per day to just one when for six months an ever increasing number of us have been seeing family and friends as we please and definitely not bothering with hand gel like at the beginning.”
In the interest of fairness and balance, this is what Lee885 has to say
Oh, is that like that BBC report about hospital wards full of children with Covid-19 (I think originating from a Labour activist)?
50 in one hospital? In one day? Well that should show up on the total death figures if it is replicated widely. Sounds like exaggerated nonsense, I have to say. We will see…
Mind you, I knew someone who thought he ran 5 miles in about 20 minutes. And thought that a kilometre was longer than a mile. Not all people are good at numbers – not even all Daily Mail readers!
My view is that people like Lee885 are in fact Sceptics hoping to wreck the zealots point of view by posting such obvious nonsense.
Those deaths were due to a very small beetle from Mars that creeps into zombies’ ears when they’re asleep and eats the carrion they call their brains. The Science says so.
Could it be that these are deaths because of covid jabs and that’s what the government is covering up?
Or is it now covering up covid deaths in order to pretend the “vaccines” work really well?
Hear hear. I don’t so much mind keeping at a distance from zombies -cretinously. stupid as the rule is – it’s looking at their vile non-faces I really can’t stand.
Yes, social distancing is the most bearable of all the ridiculous measures: Ignore it in the supermarket, ignore it on the tube, ignore it with your friends, the rest of the time standing at a distance to be polite is not bothersome.
But masks have to go! Testing has to go! Track and trace has to go!
“its lowest Covid death toll”
… and how do you know, Mystic Meg? Nobody knows what the figures are!
Stick to reality and all-cause mortality – and recognize that it’s all irrelevant to the cessation of measures that shouldn’t have been there in the first place.
NHS England has a daily data sheet with all deaths within 28 days of a ever so slightly dubious positive test. I guess that’s the number they’re quoting. It might still be suspect, ie 0 instead of 1, but even with their bogus accounting it’s a low number lol.
I’m still waiting for the daily data sheet with all deaths within two weeks of a “vaccination”. Can they really be sure that if it’s 8 days after it, that it has nothing to do with it?
Of course not, just as death 28 days after a poke up the nose might be due to covvie, but probably isn’t. The. figures are lies, like the astronomical figures for boot production in Oceania, while half the population went barefoot.
Massive difference ATL/BTL. ATL using ‘fully inoculated’ as if it was a solution not a problem. If is was that easy none of us would be holding out.
We’ve reached the point where we know this government is blatantly lying, that its plans are corrupt, divisive and evil, and we know that it has no intention of ever fully handing back our freedoms – all this information backs-up the case that this government is wrong on so many levels but unfortunately its not making one iota of a difference – it is a government that is drunk on power and has assumed the role of the tyrant and like any other tyrannical regimes it will embrace any methods neccessary to implement its authoritarian policies
This is not a government of reason through facts and knowledge but a regime of control through fear and unfortunately like all authoritarian regimes of the past it must be toppled before freedoms are returned – until that day then I’m afraid they are going to continue playing us for fools.
We knew that when they had those rigged vitamin D trials, which were nothing like what the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service were recommending (see orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v16n04.shtml )
They have their own agenda and it ain’t the truth. As the Polish officer said in Dad’s Army – “lies, lies, lies”.
Seriously, is there anyone in that government with principles, because I’m struggling to think of any. And don’t forget the non-opposition.
Sadly governments over the world have been censoring/manipulating non drug options to improve or save lives since at least the early 1900’s. Many pioneering treatments have been savagely suppressed, many doctors/researchers hounded out of their practices and their licences taken away.
If a doctor ever says that there is nothing they can do for you, people should do their own research and take responsibility for their own health. Never use google as a search engine as very difficult to find such information
Agreed Victoria – which search engine would you recommend as matter of interest?
Deaths directly attributed to the vaccine are averaging about five a day since December in this country. We are now at a stage where you are just as likely to die from the remedy as you are from the cause.
And they still want to inject children with this shit.
Yet, it is far more clear-cut when someone dies of the ‘vaccine’ than it is with the illusive phantom virus.
Only a crook or a simpleton believes in this Covid nonsense now. Set yourself free, you don’t need permission from corrupt politicians or scientists.
yep. Lots of simpletons around
Not true
Only One Death was reported yesterday.
There is a difference.
On January 20th the reported figure inflated the true situation by more than 20%.
It is important to recognise the difference. Well, I think so. But the main media doesn’t, so it gets reported they way it is above. Which in this instance, I own, is all to the good.
No way will Boris and Co remove the manacles a day earlier than the plan in the ridiculous roadmap, if ever. Every day until June 21st gives them the opportunity to ramp up the fear factor in some people, with talks of variants of concern. Independence Day – what type of independence is it when they are still saying masks and distancing will be required? What type of independence is it when activities require reliance on showing injection status or invasive test results? The only Independence Day I’m looking forward to is when this current government falls and we have credible opposition. Alas, that is but a pipe dream I fear the most because I fear it will not happen…
It’s all about money. As soon as restrictions come off, the Pharma ramp up the price they charge for their poison.
I noted the use of the word ‘British’ next to ‘summer’. I took it to mean that the government intends to make foreign holidays difficult. Well they’ve already lost my vote for the elections, so I suppose my opinion is of no more interest to them.
Good! Vote with your feet. Only way to send a message and reduce their power
Soon, people will come to realise there are no countries anymore, just borders acting as cages with flags on them. Our sovereignty ebbed away decades ago, people voted for Brexit in a last bid to regain it, but it’s gone. We are truly run by a global cartel of very powerful crooks who have built power on top of generations of wealth.
Over the past year I have personally known of 5 deaths, none of them from Covid (cancer and a heart failures). I am still unaware of anybody who has died from covid, so much for a catastrophe.
one has to be DEAD in a Coffin with a Brain Mask, or part o the enemy to still think Boris is in CHARGE!! it’s no longer a conspiracy is it!??
Mass testing is being rolled out in East London – test kits are being given away for free in the streets. Oh dear, there is no covid left, what are we going to do to keep this pandemic going? We must ramp up the testing! We must tell them it’s the new variants! We must keep them afraid!