The Indian variant has been used to justify the Government U-turning on ending mask-wearing in the classroom, with schools in areas where the strain is more dominant having been told by the local authorities to keep to the mask mandate in place. The Telegraph has the story.
Whitehall officials have agreed with directors of public health at Blackburn and Darwen, Bolton, Lancashire and Sefton councils that masks should continue to be worn in lessons and corridors.
It comes amid rising concern about a surge in the Indian variant of Covid, which early data suggests could be more transmissible than other variants.
The Prime Minister announced at the start of last week that from May 17th, secondary pupils would no longer be required to wear face masks during the school day.
But the Telegraph understands that by Friday evening, deals had been struck with several local councils to extend the use of masks in the classroom.
A Government spokesperson said: “The Prime Minister has set out the measures needed to tackle the new variant of concern. In line with our plans published earlier this week to address variants of concern in education, we have also agreed with Directors of Public Health that face coverings will remain in place in Blackburn with Darwen, Bolton, Lancashire and Sefton. We are continuing to work closely with local authorities in these areas.”
The Department for Education (DfE) issued guidance last week which said schools should not seek to implement “restrictive measures” without the “explicit approval” of ministers.
Officials insisted that the national guidance remains that face masks are no longer needed for children while they are at school.
But they added that directors of public health at a handful of local councils and borough councils have been given explicit permission by the Government to advise schools that face masks must be worn at all times when indoors if it is not possible to socially distance.
Other schools have decided to continue instructing children to wear face masks in the classroom without approval from local directors of public health, despite the DfE sayings schools shouldn’t be doing so.
The Telegraph report is worth reading in full.
Stop Press: The UsForThem campaign group says this is “the quickest U-turn in the history of U-turns and a body blow for children”.
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Claim the effing exemption, you effing cowards and parents!
“Claim the effing exemption”
I would, you would – but yesterday saw the daily throng of faceless teenagers leaving the brainwashing academy near me – just like nothing had changed. Maybe they reach for their muzzles at the gates.
I bet half the parents are relieved and approve of the reversal lol.
Must be pretty obvious to most sane individuals by now that there is no way out of this mental prison created for us by the Govt & Media, outside of large scale revolt.
I’m 99.9999% certain the unvaccinated will be the Govt & Media’s release valve for the discontent they’re brewing. Large scale Stockholm Syndrome experiment ahead my fellow humans!
Spot on!
Just when you think people can’t possibly get any more more stupid!!!
Yes – surely there HAS TO BE a bottom below which it is impossible to go, but blest if I can see it!
Totally agree.
Given it clearly didn’t stop or slow down the spread last week, why do they believe it will this week?
It’s all begging the question.
Stop asking awkward, logical, questions and get with the narrative!
Our children are being weaponised as child soldiers in a propaganda war against us.
For context, here are the daily figures for hospital bed occupancy with covid-19. The usual caveat applies: this is “with” not “because of”.
Not just there
There will eventually come a time when operators in the field of public health will live to regret this.
The credibility of this area of medicine has been effectively completely destroyed.
They may live to regret it, but hopefully not for long.
Amen to that!
All the behaviour that has led to this totalitarian nightmare remains unchanged:
Unless the fundamental, underlying behaviour changes, nothing will change. And it seems unlikely right now as these three elements reinforce each other in a perpetual cycle of doom.
Unless the basic rationale changes, nothing else of significance does.
… and that rationale – to induce unreasoning fear and compliance in the population – has not changed. Mental illness is the objective, not public health.
See Ivor Cummin’s circle of life explaining the cycle…
Cue outbreaks of mask induced hate crimes as indigenous youngsters blame Indian (and ‘all the same “P*ki’ “) classmates for them still having to wear masks.
All part of the divide and rule strategy.
“It comes amid rising concern about a surge in the Indian variant of Covid, which early data suggests could be more transmissible than other variants.”
If a variant establishes itself then surely by definition it has to be more transmissible than the variant it is displacing. If it was not more transmissible it would not be able to establish itself. This is because the variant is almost identical to the original and that current immunity, whether natural or artificial, will prevent significant spread of both the original and new variant.
The important issue is whether it is less or more virulent. Is there evidence of increased hospitalisation in Bolton?
Basic viral theory seems to state that viruses will mutate to more transmissible forms in order to survive but that they will decrease in virulence as Transmisibility requires the host to be mobile and in contact with enough potential hosts to spread.
Note that for the Kent variant the mean CT levels needed to detect it INCREASED as compared to the original dominant strains. Higher CT means a lower viral load and hence less virulence.
No point in wittering about ‘variants’ on the head of a pin. We know it’s all fabrication.
Hey-up – a down-vote indicating a Daydream Variant Believer here!
I guess it takes all sorts …
In a prison, ‘open’ or otherwise, constraints can be imposed at will, rewards for good behaviour taken away at will. Lockdown as a term comes from prisons. We now live in a global prison with different cells. GlobCap and its faithful underlings will decide how we live in our prison.
They. The fools, the cowards, the zombies, the Covidian fiend-fodder.
‘We’ are unwilling prisoners, rather than the ones fully captured by the psyop. But we do exist physically on the same planet, so we too are in the prison, albeit with rebellious tendancies.
Look up the court judgement from a few weeks ago:
If mask wearing is NOT mandated by law then you CANNOT be coerced into wearing them.
End of.
Spread it around:
You don’t have to wear the filthy rag. Don’t wear it.
If your school tries to discriminate against you, sue them.
“ by Friday evening, deals had been struck with several local councils to extend the use of masks in the classroom”.
A deal?! That implies to me an exchange of something…so ministers permit these LAs to continue to try to make children wear masks, but in exchange for what?!
A deal? Emergency law, a new SI, guidance or can they just issue a proclamation.
In Wales, Drakeford has his sights on “vaccinating” school children so that the ongoing school mask mandate might be able to be eased:
“It may be that later this year even, we will be able to have a program in our secondary schools to offer those young people a vaccination which would make these schools even safer than they are.
And that might allow us to lift some of the other restrictions that we have.
“Wearing of masks in classrooms all the time for example, that makes the learning experience less comfortable than it would otherwise be.”
I cannot find the words to convey just how much I loath that man. What he’s done to the country is bad enough, but now he wants to further harm our children, all to perpetuate the lie that they pose any risk to the population. These people are simply evil.
Disgusting. Child abuse. The darkest time of this country’s history, bar none.
I had to laugh when I saw this headline. Did the schools not get the memo that says masks don’t work? Honestly, that is all you can do is laugh, when we watch the same mistakes made day after day, month after month. So many people died, who if given early Tx available with repurposed drugs would have saved lives per Dr. Peter McCullough. Oh by the way, 60% of his pts,, he is now seeing with COVID , had both jabs. Oops, another fallacy regarding efficacy of the “jabs”.
If this is, after all, about ‘depopulation‘, It looks a though it’s bang on target!
The type of parents who can’t see through the nonsense who are unable to protect their own children from this farce, and are so stupid they are actively encouraging them to comply with damaging diktats, really shouldn’t be allowed
to breedresponsibility for any child.Follow The (Real!) Science, you authoritarian retards!! Kids are not going to ‘catch’ covid-19, not transmit it. They’ve all been tested twice a week for ages, with almost ZERO (false?) positive test results. How effin’ thick are the experts in charge!?
Very, very thick!