The Department for Education (DfE) has, as reported in Today’s Update, made it clear that schools cannot decide by themselves to reintroduce face coverings in the classroom when the mask mandate is removed by the Government on May 17th. Instead, the decision to temporarily reintroduce mask-wearing in response to “localised outbreaks” can only be made by “local directors of public health”. These must take “educational drawbacks” into account. The DfE said in an email to the campaign group UsForThem:
Given the negative impact that face coverings have on teaching, learning and wellbeing and current epidemiological information, their use in classrooms or by pupils and students in communal areas is not recommended at the current time.
Despite this, some schools have decided – independently of “local directors of public health”, and regardless of the costs on teaching and learning – to ignore the upcoming change in the Government’s guidelines and to continue instructing children to wear face masks in the classroom. One such school (the Friesland School in Nottingham) has written to parents saying that their children will have to continue wearing masks because local infection rates are higher than the national average.
Due to local infection rates being currently higher than the national rate, we are taking a measured approach to the easing of our Covid precautions at Friesland School.
We are requesting that face coverings continue to be used indoors from May 17th by students, including in classrooms. Furthermore, and in accordance with Government guidelines, staff and visitors will continue to wear face coverings indoors as they do now.
In the letter, the school’s headteacher justified his decision by claiming some students wanted to carry on wearing masks because they were “used to wearing them”.
[Members of the school’s Student Council] were very much of the view that the majority of students were now used to wearing them and that it would be sensible to continue with masks in the short term.
Perhaps the DfE should be more clear about the right (or lack thereof) of schools to impose mask mandates independently of local public health bodies.
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Chris Whitty finally makes a correct prediction.
Its that time of year again……
Where would you place annual claims of Victory over Covid, knighthoods and Gongs all around?
There will never be Victory over Covid. We are Oceania and the Inner Party require a war without end. Whether its against communism, terrorism or viralism – they need constant war to justify repressing their people.
Hence “annual”
Don’t bank on it.
Raised Eyebrow-Ometer went off the scale at the announcement of another ‘new variant’.
Chris Whitty should stop thinking time began when he was born and look at evidence showing that city children evacuated to the countryside at the start of WW2, ‘for their safety’ were returning home to London and elsewhere before the Blitz had hardly started.
That was because 6 months of restrictions was more than long enough to know that such regulations were rubbish forced upon them by ponces in suites who didn’t care them anyway.
“After all it is the leaders of a country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in every country.”
Hermann Goring of the Nazi regime.
For the same reason I would refuse to be locked in my house If I had flu or a common cold
I’ll say it again, he’s wrong AGAIN. Just restart furlough.
Would it not be quicker for all nuclear-weapon powers to pick a time and date to blanket obliterate the entire world’s population? Cockroaches seem to think so!
yes but who will kill the probably,might, maybe could, potentialyl infected cockroaches
Call Security
CovidMarshal-2021 appears to have hacked Anti_socialists Username.
This article’s comment section was deleted early on, hence why saying ‘again’, my point is plenty of people will jump at the chance to stay home if you pay them, mostly leftists.
I gathered that you were speaking in jest.
Covid-marshal frequently appears on the Daily Mails least liked list with comments so fatuous and outright daft that I take him to be a plant or talented double agent intended to make vaccine philliacs look silly.
I love the non progressive attitude where the most intelligent people a country can produce cant get off the fucking toilet for fear of shitting thmselves
Does the staff at the BBC have a bet going to see who’s the last to mention the role of natural immunity in reducing infections and deaths?
‘Despite the rise in cases’ when reality goes against expert prediction has taken over the role of
“Despite Brexit!”.
Vaxx Trial Fraud: Pfizer Whistleblower Exposes How Your Government Is Captured By Multinational Corporations
No, seriously, I would never have guessed.
“They had a meeting, and these researchers at the moment have decided that they are not going to publish their findings because they are concerned about loosing research money from the drug industry.”
Over The Target (
7 minutes long.
I only begrudgingly accepted the first 3 weeks of the first shambles but as the saying goes, fool me once…..
It was rational to be cautious for the first couple of months of covid. By 8 weeks in we’d learnt enough about it to understand which parts of society were vulnerable to it and could have introduced highly targeted measures (aka Great Barrington).
I disagree, it wasn’t rational at all. There was already enough evidence regarding who it affected by March 2020 and they even downgraded the virus to “flu level” a week before lockdown anyway.
But more importantly, that level of power should never be given to the state. Even if you believe some measures to be rational, politicians and their ilk are far too incompetent, corrupt and dishonest to be trusted.
Indeed, all the long-established pre-agreed protocols for responding to a pandemic were thrown out the window!
Yes, apart from in Sweden where the rational, sustainable approach was implemented.
Absolutely right. They took what wasn’t there’s, unfortunately the European Convention on Human Rights, gave it away;
One man’s rights are another man’s shackles.
I received this in an email this morning… Apparently we’re signed up to it….
In October 2005, some 190 UNESCO Member States adopted the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights, which committed the signatories and the international community to “respect and apply fundamental ethical principles related to medicine, the life sciences and associated technologies.”
Article 6, Section 3 reads:
“In appropriate cases of research carried out on a group of persons or a community, additional agreement of the legal representatives of the group or community concerned may be sought. In no case should a collective community agreement or the consent of a community leader or other authority substitute for an individual’s informed consent.”
Absolutely, Peters Hitchens pretty much forecasted everything that’s happened
I have never, nor will I ever wear a mask
I won’t be getting a jab/booster for the rest of my life either!
Nah, why would it be any different to any other previous disease, in any case why abandon decades of sound evidence based medicine & do the opposite of what was planned?
OK precautionary principle you take unusual measures, first on the list, increase capacity, but was it used? Fine to ask people to cooperate but mandate lockdown? Nah, I know from day one there were numerous forums (with well-informed people like you) calling it BS & it’s turned out just as many called it.
It was never about a virus. Best guess its a lab manipulated concoction deliberately released by WHO ever, my best guess UK/USA deep state. Gavi were involved from day one, (layers of technocracy captured) what ever year, day one was. Neoliberal western leaders are just useful idiots.
Targeted Protection was initially rejected since it could, supposedly, be seen as discriminatory towards those whose protection was being aimed at which means that they always knew that Protection was not only disliked it was seen as punitive
Lockdown =Christmas =Lockdown =Christmas ….. ad infinitum .Take this away from the peasants and they have nothing .Souls crushed ,morale mangled..Even Bob fucking Crtachett got a turkey and he really was a peasant .
Me too – I was absolutely gobsmacked when I first heard that the government was going to shut down the entire country down for three weeks back in March 2020 – I had had covid in late February (flu-like symptoms) and to be honest I had had worse cases of flu – but I went along with the first lockdown and decided to use those three weeks to do all the things I never got round to doing – but then Demonic Raab announced that the government would extend the first lockdown for a further three weeks (if you recall the fat controller was in hospital recovering from covid himself – on deaths door apparently … which the conspiracy theory side of me wonders whether that was all staged to scare the public more – but there you go .. thats just me) – anyway after the first three weeks that was enough … I did my research and concluded it was all bollocks and have been firmly against masks, restrictions and lockdowns ever since.
I think that pattern applies to many of us – initial willingness to try short term measures as the initial calculations on IFR etc. emerged; then the realization that these were typical over-estimates; growing general knowledge of basic virology nd epidemiology; awareness that the media performances by the Unholy Trinity were pretty obvious propaganda; independent research, showing up a massive misrepresentation of the facts; constantly growing confirmation of the mythical nature of the narrative and lack of science behind imposed NPIs.
MSM propaganda sealed it for me, soon as they started the fear porn I knew it was BS, anyway I was following it early when it was just china & it smelt then.
Yes – it was a genuine threat to the majority, the MSM would’ve been down-playing it; that they did the opposite (and are still doing so), is revealing.
Well quite. That tipped it for me in April 2020: How on earth could a government shut down an economy, the country’s beating heart, on a whim and not expect a catastrophe. For a flu outbreak? Seriously? There’s no conceivable justification to switch off a nation’s economic engine. Nada. Not just one government, but essentially world wide. That’s all the evidence you need.
This is what they shut the world down for. Regular flu then all respiratory symptoms and disease re-categorised as Convid plus a massive concerted effort to put every death possible down to Convid. They scared people into the hospitals with all the fear porn and fast tracked many to ventilators knowing that would kill a bunch of people then we had the big drive to dish out the Midazolam in the nursing homes. In the US mainly but also in the UK and I imagine other countries, they put people who ended up in hospital and labelled Convid on Remdesevir which produces kidney failure in a significant percentage of patients leading to the lungs filling up with fluid (see Bryan Ardis for info).
This is Convid. The Scamdemic. A pack of lies from top to bottom. I have seen ZERO evidence of a virus going around with defined symptoms showing up and having a noticeable impact. The psyop is facilitaed by the tests producing the positive cases which makes people live through the experience of having “it”. Its genius. The unvalidated crappy tests that test positive seemingly regardless of what you actually swab, and no end of morons willing to suck it all up and throw their world away in the process. For these reasons combined, I am siding with there being no virus. I see no first hand evidence of a virus and the government has done nothing but lie and use transparently fraudulent and scientifically bankrupt methods to fabricate Convid cases and deaths out of nothing. They also used tactics with plausible deniability to kill people in the hospitals. The whole thing is a scam. When the immune system weakens you get flu symptoms. The only person I have seen in this whole episode who actualy had symptoms was some guy sleeping rough who had hit rock bottom and he spent the week drinking to oblivion and pissing and spewing all over a local high street. He walked down there towards the tail end of his bender coughing his guts up sounding like Mr Covid on legs – because he had overdone it. This is what happens when you stretch yourself and this can occur through poor diet and all sorts of things – mainly old age.
Even if you do believe in what they are saying, that there really is a new virus, all you are left with is a low mortality rate virus which exclusively kills exactly the same people as reglar flu. Sorry, but the more this goes on, the more it becomes clear that the whole charade is complete and utter bullshit. Even the most sceptical hate to deal with this, but the evidence is clear.
On top of this, many governments have now been challenged in court to produce real evidence of a new virus and not one has come up with the goods. Were supposed to believe they are working on coronaviruses, but then they say you cant isolate a virus. But they can narrow their study down to just tiny fraction on the virus, the spike protein, but they cant isolate viruses, but they have isolated it, only in special labs, but no country has any samples, but they dont have the special labs, but trust the science, take ivermectin.
I watched Alex Jones and Mike Adams speaking the other night. Im on the fence I think Jones is completely horrified by this but he is a known gatekeeper as well. But they were talkng about Joe ROgan interviewing someone who had treated 200 US government officials with Ivermectin – the implication being that hundreds are getting ill with Convid and needing treatment. Its bullshit, the notion that 200 MPs would all be off at once ill with Covid. We havent seen anything like that at all throughout. Its a load of bullshit.
I was scared of Covid during late February and early March 2020.
Mainly because I took the statements of corporate medi and people like Whitty at face value.
By mid March I had read enough to decide that all the restrictions are BS in terms of positive impact.
We are now in a war like situation with Whitby in the role of Douglas Haig. “Just one more push”.
Unfortunately, Haig stayed popular. As did that useless war. Eventually though, people realised. It just took a long time. This will be the same.
It is sheer, unadulterated evil. That’s not the intent but it is the outcome. People who commit evil never see themselves as evil, of course.
I reached that conclusion when, just after my positive antibody blood test, Johnstone banned them, threatening my pharmacy into immediate compliance.
Antibody tests would have been a smart way of monitoring who’d had it and who hadn’t, but in fact they didn’t want us to know. He said the ban was to ensure we kept wearing masks (he said he was afraid we’d stop wearing them if we knew we’d had it), but actually I believe he knew the vaccines were just round the corner and what he was REALLY afraid of was that we’d refuse the jab if we knew we had immunity. The fact that they continue to avoid talking about natural immunity (apart from the occasional downright lie from some government mouthpiece who claims vaccine immunity is stronger), just strengthens this argument.
I’m gratified to see that with each ‘booster’, uptake decreases. Obviously my nephew,who collapsed with a blood clot in his brain last week after the jab, and who remains unwell, can’t drive and can’t work, has wisely decided not to have any more jabs.
A few days ago you asked if I had a link to a graphic that I had reposted without Anti_socialists kind permission.
This was my draft response
The biggest hoax in the history of mankind,but what i dont get is who is afraid of what exactly nowadays ,were all still alive ,you cant make this thing any worse than it it already isnt its running out of steam and everybody knows .If the population are still stupid enough to obey a bunch o Eton pussys than they deserve to form their own sub standard horrible little England somewhere in the middle of theNorth sea
Is that Mr Witty’s only worry? Biggest worry? Not the threat of jail or eternal damnation?
Some might say he’s trying his best…..some might say he’s trying his best to continue control of a population for self interest….others might say he’s a C.C. (first initial is for criminal)
Why would be worried about jail?
I think some of them are a little worried that somewhere sheep may awake and do a Mussolini. And were that to happen……
One things for sure, I don’t think many of them will be at peace when they go into the night.
Definitely a CC.
He’s right, we won’t. And furthermore, what he really should be worried about is the law and disgruntled citizens who have had their lives and prosperity ruined coming after him.
Oi Witless why don’t you just piss off.
You are a useless heap of excrement
I say! You do have a way with words.
Hasn’t she? I love her poetic use of the word “excrement” there: I’d have just said that Whitty is a heap of shit and probably a perv as well.
People have worked out that covid isn’t a threat to the majority and that all the control measures introduced were overkill.
My fear is that people now won’t respond appropriately if we do actually get a pandemic disease that’s both highly contagious and lethal in a high proportion of infected.
I’m not suggesting here that b.1.1.529 is that disease — I’m thinking about something like a flu pandemic over the next few years.
Of course if B.1.1.529 does turn out to be dangerous then we’ll have this problem this winter/spring.
Lord Bill of the Gates of Hell is toying with the idea of a smallpox epidemic. Coming shortly apparently.
Not sure why you’re getting the downvotes, that same thought has crossed my mind several times. The Boy that cried Wolf and all that.
We all know this one did not warrant the OTT measures, that doesn’t mean that there could not be something nasty in the future that would warrant some precautionary measures/recommendations. If someone did have some nasty intentions, this was a very clever move.
On a slightly different note, yesterday below the line of the article on the new variant that is no longer nu, someone with the user name PartyTime posted a link to a preprint – funnily enough (partly) by researchers of the Dutch RIVM (public health authority). It was reviewing how well the vaxx worked against variants, and although this was not what the study focused on, it is clear in the results that infection-induced immunity stood up better against all variants, with vaxx-induced best against Alpha. I know this is nothing new, but considering the new, worstest worser than worse variant now upon us, it certainly suggests to me that vaxxing again and again would be the stupidest thing to do (not their conclusion of course). Worth a read.
No, no, no! I understand where you’re both coming from, but if I thought there was a dangerous virus spreading around then I would take individual responsibility for my actions and whatever steps I deemed necessary.
The state can of course give support and guidance but should never be given the power like it’s had over the last 20 months.
Well of course, I don’t think either Amanuensis or myself are suggesting that the state should have ever had this power – in fact it doesn’t, most of what has gone on in most countries is unconstitutional and in contravention of numerous laws and human rights treaties. Here in NL it is standard practice to ignore existing laws and say that as long as a majority in parliament agrees to ignore the law, that makes it lawful.
Governments took these powers, but too many people, including lawmakers themselves, thought they actually had the right to do so. Some governors in the US completely sidelined their legislatures by extending their emergency powers for months on end, absolutely outrageous.
In any event, when I say measures I am talking about such things as setting up protocols for the health service (in fact, I’d love for them to do that now, the one thing they simply will not do), maybe restricting international travel for a limited time to figure out where things are, etc. Restrictions on personal movement, mandates, stopping people from earning a living – none of these things should ever have happened. As you say, if there were a serious threat, people wouldn’t need telling.
Yes, recommendations, but not police shooting rubber bullets.
What’s appropriate?
Personally I don’t object to any of the measures except, vaccine passports, I do object to government mandating them. The only two reasonable mandates are international air travel/quarantine & stay home if symptomatic.
So the hokey-cokey-Omicretin-loyalty-card-global-rewards variant has arrived.
The usual suspect rags headlines EXPLODE this weekend via the bidding of our global overlords of universal hysteria.
Code Red, Battle Stations… PANIC…. PANIC… PANIC.
Perfect timing yet again don’t you think to fuck-up the Xmas break for us the ”untermensch” and cheered on by the multi-vaxxed, compliant simpering masses and last week YouGuv positively endorsed. Make it so.
When should plucky Brits expect the next lockdown, perhaps Ladbrokes can pitch us betting odds?
Pre Yultide Dec 20 – 30/1
Post Boxing Day Dec 28 – 20/1
Pre New Year’s Eve Dec 30 – 16/1
Post New Year Jan 2 – 3/1
Early Jan to Easter 2022 – 2/1
Untermensch/unvaxxed lockdown ASAP – 1/1 firm favourite
Spare me the graphs, [yawn] the bleating’s of deaths going up due to the selfishly unvaxxed [whatever] and how Lockdowns and Green Passes are the only way out of this awful plague and climate change enhanced crisis [as if].
No my friends the only way out from under this technofacist authoritarianist bollocks is visible vocal pushback.
“Chris Whitty has said that his “greatest worry at the moment” is whether, should new restrictions be implemented to fight Covid variants, the Government can “still take people with us” and ensure public compliance with tightening Covid laws. “
He’s lying as usual.
His greatest worry is undoubtedly the same as that of most of those responsible for pushing the panic response to covid: “will they see through it? Can we keep them scared enough not to ask the real questions, for long enough?”
He euphemistically calls draconian interventions ‘muscular’ as if they can easily be described as some kind of intangible exercise. Its not intangible if they shut down my business which is only just struggling back into its feet after the last lot. And losing me a lot of turnover in the process.
Then don’t shut down your business. They can’t enforce it. They use bully boy tactics to make you think so but it’s not law. You have the right to earn a living. Tell them to fuck off and keep your doors open.
I agree, however it is small and reliant on the ‘gig economy’ which is driven by big tech who are instantly compliant at the touch of a button, or a few lines of code, with government mandates, so yes I can keep my doors open, but no one will know, and I am reliant on Leisure and Travel. The parallel economy that Andrew Torba is trying to get off the ground over on Gab looks very attractive for residents of North America. Maybe that is the next evolution and ‘disrupter’ of the ‘disrupters’
Interesting choice of adjective there- “muscular”. I can imagine the word is in his thoughts when he goes for his solitary late-night walks.
Still doing worse than Uttar Pradesh then.
Thats going to be the least of his worries……
“I think the extraordinary thing has been the ability of the U.K. population, with very, very small exceptions, to just accept that there are things we collectively have to do to protect one another and do collectively, including things that have been very destructive to social and economic situations for individuals and families,” he said.
” with very, very small exceptions” – clearly he gets all his info from the BBC/MSM, so as to remain blissfully unaware of the regular tens of thousands demonstrating against …
Like the 3 million self-employed Sunak bummed and left with no wages whatsoever for over a year. I’m sure each and every one of those was most joyous in having their lives ruined for nothing.
Was it the walrus or the carpenter that wept? He’s one of those.
“I think the extraordinary thing has been the ability of the U.K. population, with very, very small exceptions,
Bog-standard State-propaganda tactics # 101- promulgate the idea that opponents of the narrative du jour are a small group of outlying and isolated eccentrics. They did exactly this in the early years of Thatcherism, so I for one have heard this crap before.
I can’t look at Whitty without imagining how he would look dangling from a gibbet.
He does make a strong case for the reintroduction of capital punishment.
They have cried wolf too often.
If only he had shares in ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine we would have never got into this medical cul-de-sac.
They are commodities and not much profit to be made.
So his greatest worry is not being able to reintroduce measures that have failed miserably over 20 months and, as even conceded by himself, have been “very destructive” to the economy and society.
If he’s an intelligent man, which I believe he must be, the only rational explanation for his words is that somebody is putting heat on him and he is clearly terrified enough to go along with it.
In the early days of the viral spread the use of HCQ was so successful that in the USA the ‘authorities’ bought up a high percentage of the drug and destroyed most of it – because otherwise the vaccines couldn’t legally be given an EUA and tested on the public.
interestingly, in France, the health ministry (whose leadership had close ties with Remdesivir’s Gilead) made it illegal for pharmacies to sell HCQ BEFORE the pandemic was even declared.
Go figure.
Indeed as known back in 2005 via animal cell cultures… but dished as false news by fact checkers…PMSL
If people want to keep their distance, wear a muzzle and gunk themselves, fine. Let them. They think the stuff works for them.
‘with very, very small exceptions’
He ain’t got a scooby.
“Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me”
Bonhoeffer‘s Theory of Stupidity – YouTube
Explains a few things.
Chris Whitty Worried That the Public Don’t Share Chris Whitty’s Sense Of Chris Whitty’s Importance.
Brilliant. Should be top of the upticks pile.
I think the extraordinary thing has been the ability of the U.K. population, with very, very small exceptions, to just accept that there are things we collectively have to do to protect one another and do collectively, including things that have been very destructive to social and economic situations for individuals and families,”
To protect one another…….from what?
This appalling man needs to be removed.
He’s one of many.
There is something not quite right about him. I find him creepy.
He’s a single, solitary man who probably has never had sex with a woman. His hobby is walking in a park late at night- Kevin Spacey had the same hobby, but at least Spacey has the redeeming virtue of talent. As I’ve implied in my post above, I believe that here are, on the balance of probability, grounds for at least suspecting that he’s a nonce.
Hey Whitty have you heard the one about the boy who cried wolf?
Hey, Whitty; have you heard the one about the boy who cried: Stop showing me that thing? You dirty little nonce.
I’m not sure that the recent footage of Whitty being shouted down whilst giving a lecture was particularly productive – if justified. It’s never a good look when the opposition controls the media.
But his utterances about ‘Typhoid Mary’ being an example of the historical use of quarantine was so out of line with reality that any intelligent scientist would have given it a wide, wide berth :
… and this guy is in charge of things? Piss-ups and breweries come to mind.
… and that’s being generous.
Anything else going on this week our attention might be being diverted from?
High profile noncing trial which should implicate the wealthiest and most powerful in society for example?
Ghislaine Maxwell has done certain people a massive inconvenience by refusing to commit suicide.
Summary of story. ‘Idiot says he’s worried other people might stop being idiots’.
The usual delusional bollox. We didn’t (and don’t) ‘have’ to carry out any of the performative rituals of the Covidian Cult – it’s a political decision. Rituals which, as demonstrated by stats from around the world, do absolutely fuck-all to reduce spread of the
deadly virusjumped-up cold.Nearly spat out my coffee in a fury when I read that collectivist crap. Nauseating little turd.
Trevor Sinclair’s new book
All you always wanted to know about collapsing footballers but were afraid to ask, will be available in all good bookshops in the run up to Christmas
In the spirit of Christmas, oh no it won’t!
The problem at the moment is all the “cases” are toddlers and primary school kids, but of course all rational people realise that they are not a problem.
Naturally, there will pressure to jab them all, but by the time theyget round to it the kids will all have acquired immunity in the old-fashioned way.
This is more to the point about Chris Whitty. His Gresham College “lecture” was blocked by resisters who called him a murderer.
I saw that. The evil bastard tried to suggest that a rare case in history of a chronic shedder of infection being subjected to long-term quarantine was ‘much more draconian’ than today. Today, where we have locked down the healthy all across the world. He was rightly shot down in flames by Corbyn et al.
Anyone else noticed that the Chief Medical Officer’s surname is Orwellian doublespeak?
And another commentator mentioned that Omnicron is an anagram of moronic.
Someone’s taking the piss…
We have been b**g**ed around from pillar to post, lied to, swindled by every sort of politician crook, conman and Big Pharma, subjected to psyops and propaganda paid for out of our money, lectured at by people like this monster and heaven knows what else.
Whitty really needs to buzz off, settle down with a good book (e.g. Fall of the Roman Empire, Beginners Guide for Haruspices), keep quiet and enjoy his salary and perks.
I shall do as I think fit.
This loathsome creature has nothing to say and he’s saying it too loud. Sooner or later a reckoning will take place. Rejoice in this knowledge.
On to something far more interesting and important. I’ve been watching Teen Wolf (’85) with my son, and I still say Boof piddles all over Pamela. What was Scott thinking!
Omicron produced like a rabbit out of a hat, just as predicted. Meanwhile, notice how Saint Boris has been silenced for the moment; perhaps he’s still crying that he didn’t get to do his Little Britain impression of Marjorie Dawes with “we have a nooooooooooo variant”.
I’m sure this is a pre-emptive nudge. The Gestapo don’t yet want to address the public with “you must” or “you must not”, or even “let’s do this”; he’s saying it so that the good, obedient
brainwashedcitizens might say: “we’ll prove you wrong, Mr Whitty”. He’ll be thinking “yep, people are cancelling their office Christmas parties, just in case… the nudge worked”.As for us… let’s indulge his worry. Fool me once, etc.
Fool me booster, sorry, fool me 3 times
The fat controller is gently rocking back and forth in a corner somewhere. The pressure has got to him, he spends hours (apparently) checking his social media popularity and he can’t be liking what he’s reading. They’ll explain it away as being an ‘exhausted parent’ and that he wants to spend more time with his family.
Mad Scientist. Playing good cop, so when the next announcements come, people will think he’s honest, Behavioural Science # Follow the Science
“Chris Whitty worried….”
And so he bloody well should be but not for the reason he’s stated.
I hope he’s developed an owls neck, he’s going to need it to be able watch his back for the rest of his life.
To the elitist psychopaths –
You have crossed the fucking line.
ZERO compliance and open subversion is all you will get from us.
Sorry you twat. You lost me last year
and having just had my daughter’s parents evening and being told that she has not progressed in the last 18 months – with the teacher nodding and winking as to why – I am fucking done with anything you imply is necessary. I just wish I had a way to exit the PAYE system so I can do the decent thing and stop paying towards you lot wrecking our lives and our futures.
Chris Whitty is worried that next time people won’t just harangue him
He like many others should face trial for at the very least manslaughter
Honestly Chris thers no need to worry
People you dont have to do anything you dont want to do regarding this shitshow.You are many and you are free.Just consider the drastic change in an instant it woud require in this country to coerce you all into coercion .It cant happn ,stop over thinking it, ,stop wetting your self and stand up for your freedom ,your children,your way of life and for gods sake stop pretending that any refusal will end in death or torture or prison .Any restriction in place now in this country exists because 60 million people let a few dozen politicians make it that way Enough is enough
Why tackle Covid variants .Someone explain
So dont have any more restrictiosn then .Fuckwit science tells us none of them worked anyway except in the minds of the stupid and anyone who reads the Daily Mail
i think i might have Covid 18
Took them all of a day to bring in more restrictions.
He admitted that some of the changes the public has had to make have been “very destructive” to society and the economy. However, despite his worries, Whitty struck a positive note, saying he believed the Government will be able to maintain public support for Covid measures.
How is that a positive note?
Translation: Chris Whitty says the public has seen through the complete and utter shite he has spouted for 21 months.
I wish that were true, but the majority still seem to fall for it.
Can you please jettison the ‘Worth reading in full” at the end of these articles – particularly when redirecting to the BBC. Alternatively, you could change it to “For more utter tripe”
He makes my skin crawl, shudder.
His first statement was correct. I shan’t be complying with any of it; but I didn’t before. No masks. No tests.
If He and Boris have been watching the comments in the daily telegraph and here the should be dammed sure we not going to follow them or the new rules
Seen the headlines in the Sunday Times and the comment section? It could not be more biased towards the vaccination and stirring up trouble against the unvaccinated than if the CEO of Pfizer and Bill Gates had crafted the paper together.
The paper should carry one of those bylines like the Amercan news channels where they state the Sponsor
“bought to you by Pfizer”
There will be a new variant invented every few weeks/ months to keep the gullible terrified of their own shadows. It is up to the rest of us to resist this b.s. and lead by example. Sure we’ll be lambasted by MSM, by politicians and the sheeple, but f*ck it. It’s time to stand up, suffer their slings and arrows and bury this charade.
HURRAH! Whitless gets something right for once! No flamin’ way am I complying with anything this absurd bunch of Peppa’s come out with. No to their life threatening jabs and no to their mask mandates which Whitless and Vallance pronounced as pointless in 2020:
Seems to me there are three groups of people.
The Terminally Terrified
The Lockdown Zealots
Everyone else you says Go f**k yourself
Chris Whitty should be worried. Haven’t and now, we won’t.
“He admitted that some of the changes the public has had to make have been “very destructive” to society and the economy. “
Still lying. We didn’t HAVE to carry out Whitty’s destructive policies …. SWEDEN, SWEDEN, SWEDEN.
But he’s right about future compliance. Ain’t gonna happen mate. #I’m done.
And Texas, and Florida and India.
And Japan and most of Africa.
Chris who?
‘ It is likely….’
It is likely that I will be struck by lightning next month – but very distant odds! It is likely that I will win the Lottery – even more unlikely, as I don’t play!
There are so many hedged bets – likely, maybe, might be, could happen, may be a possibility – that anybody who has ever been taught by a proper teacher will know that they are being played for a fool!
(even Whitless is beginning to realise this…)
Chris Whitty, shame on you. You know better. When study after study have shown the harm done by masks, lockdowns, school and business closures, you should be ashamed of yourself for even thinking about implementing even one of these disastrous interventions. They simply do not work Chris. And you know it.
I hope you’ve written to him directly. I doubt very much he reads these comments.
He’s damn well right on this one for once!
That’s the first thing that Whitty has got right in more than 20 months. Unfortunately, sections of the brainwashed populace, who are unable to think for themselves, will probably kowtow to the strictures of the Johnson junta!!
”… we could take people with us…”
I’m only sickened that they could take ANYONE with them.