Germans will soon be able to reclaim some of their freedoms – but only if they agree to be vaccinated against Covid. Under plans similar to those that have been rolled out in Hong Kong, people who are fully vaccinated or who have recovered from Covid will be permitted to engage in certain activities – such as visiting zoos and using the services of hairdressers – without prior testing. Rules on mask-wearing and “social” distancing will, however, remain in place for all. The Local, a German newspaper, has the story.
Several German states have already started easing restrictions for those who are fully vaccinated against coronavirus, as well as for people who have recovered from Covid.
But now the German Government is planning to push through new regulations to allow for freedoms for these groups of people – that would apply uniformly across the country…
Under the plans, the fully vaccinated, and people who’ve recovered from Covid, would be able to “enter shops, visit zoos and botanical gardens or use the services of hairdressers and podiatrists without prior testing”.
They also wouldn’t have to stick to curfew rules. Mask and distance requirements would continue to apply to everyone.
It comes after Health Minister Jens Spahn said last week the Government aimed to bring in the uniform regulations by the end of May. Several states pushed back, bringing in vaccination rights immediately. This move has clearly put pressure on the Government to act faster.
Saarland’s State Premier Tobias Hans said he was pleased to see that “federal plans are now on the table” and wanted to see the nationwide law pushed through his week.
“The extensive restrictions on fundamental rights must not become permanent,” the CDU politician told the newspapers in the Funke media group on Monday.
Over a quarter of the German population has received at least one dose of a Covid vaccine and 7.7% is now fully vaccinated against the virus. Some of those who have been critical of the Government’s anti-Covid measures are being monitored by the country’s domestic spy agency for suspected sedition.
The Local’s report is worth reading in full.
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Profanity and abuse will be removed and may lead to a permanent ban.
Oh no. That means the UK will almost certainly follow implement the same plan.
you said it. The first step will be to kill off vaccine hesitancy, to make it socially unacceptable, like drink driving or speeding.
Trouble is, according to the article linked below. according to Doctors for Covid Ethics, the “available evidence indicates vaccines,,, [are] unnecessary, effective and unsafe”. In addition, I worry about where this could lead. At a conservative estimate, I reckon at least two or three million will not have this “vaccine” come what may. It’s a dangerous road to go down, discriminating against millions of peope for many months, so vaccine passports could be a dangerous mistake.
And besides, as the article I mentioned elsewhere said, a vaccine to stop all flu variants was being developed back in 2013 to stop all variants, with the aim of being given to the public by 2018. I don’t see how we can possibly know everything about these “vaccines”, developed in less than a year and being administered under emergency authorisatiion (because there is no alternative apparently).
These are genuine concerns and I would need genuine evidence to allay them.
doctors Witty and Vallence are full of shit.
(Obviously should read ineffective. Their words).
The article you mention has been censored and taken offline.
Which means it’s spot on, of course.
Plus ca change….
So that’s why the link didn’t work! Maybe the powers that be can be persuaded to provide an alternative link?
(After all, Toby is a free speech fan)
I’m waiting for the mass scrapping of cars (but don’t see it at the moment) – because that will reduce exposure to risk far more than the ineffective snake oil.
You have to be totally barmy to think that not assenting to pointless assault with a needle is equivalent to unacceptable social behaviour!
You are clearly a deranged, masochistic, contrarian as evinced by every post you append. It must be lonely on ‘planet Fon’
Just when I thought you had crawled back under your rock Fong, you have to make a reappearance. Vaccine hesitancy might be considered socially unacceptable in your country, but in the UK it is considered to be a combination of bodily autonomy and informed consent to medical treatment.
we gave them the idea by passing the point of no return some weeks ago.
The whole Covid farrago is driven by international groupthink so it is indeed likely that the UK will follow suit.
The Covid Reich is certainly strong in Germany.
And there are plenty of blackshirts here as well: hanging up blackshirts is the best solution!
Juden unverwünscht.
And it was the Israelis who showed. them the way.
Genau gesagt
Many or even most Israelis have german or central European heritage.
A lot came from Iasi in Romania. Over half the population was Jewish in 1900 out of over 78,000 total. Only a few hunndred Jews there now, a terrible tragedy.
In any case, originally they came from Israel. I read about a Jewish population from Zimbabwe who were hard to distinguish from the local population, however dna tests proved their Jewish heritage.
Poland and other countries in eastern Europe had entire communities that were Jewish and had their own culture: the shtetls. Gone now.
We remaining human beings may end up in similar communities, if the Fascists don’t exterminate us first.
Poland and other countries in eastern Europe had entire communities that were German. Gone now.
>re: We remaining human beings may end up in similar communities, if the >Fascists don’t exterminate us first.
you are being dramatic. You are vile to regard yourself as a remaining human being, while disrarding everybody not in your group, you richly deserve to fail in all you do, and you are failing.
Oh in Danzig and places? I had a suspicion there might not be many Germans left in Koenigsberg…
they were expelled.
Are you Chaos under another name?
No, he’s Fong of the PRC. He sits in a giant warehouse with thousands of other trying to sow discord and propaganda. The Party insist he make his ‘numbers’ each day, and Fong duly complies.
Absolutely Ebygum!
Thanks but I don’t know your main point. Germans and German Jews were once very common in Romania and elsewhere in Eastern Europe. Enlightened people know that the Treaty of Versailles is behind the failure of Germany. Germans are very sensible enlightened people, more so than the English in my opinion.
You can’t blame Prussian militarism and a lack of empire on the Treaty of Versailles I’m afraid no matter how much contortion you do.
Treaty was too harsh, even if there were other factors (the gold standard? Protectionism?)
Worth remembering that the first genocide of the 20th century happened in German Southwest Africa – though the most thorough genocide was Tasmania in the 19th century, with Darwinist scientists apparently being partly to blame.
You really hate the English, don’t you Fon?
some of them, e.g. Boris Johnson,Matt Hancock, etc.Witty Vallance…
I suppose my main point is that the holocaust is real, serious persecution of Jews happened. In addition to this, I remember a Jew on the radio who said all the Jews in Romania and Bulgaria were rounded up and brought to a concentration camp near Odessa (site of an earlier Jewish persecution) where he was born. I also worked with someone from Iasi, who said that she did not know any Jews (which was when I got suspicious) and the large Jewish population was a long time ago.
Some maybe but most eastern european jews have links back to the Khazars and Khazaria. The Khazarian’s are the reason that so many ‘jews’ were dispersed over eastern europe and Russia. That is why they have slavic looks nothing like a person of middle eastern features.
Oh yes, “An old semi-nomadic people of Turco-Finnish origin, who formed a kingdom in S. Russia (c. 190-1020)… Their sovereign and many nobles and others embraced Judaism in 740”. Well I’ll be darned! They still suffered at Odessa though, and after all Judaism is a religion rather than just a race.
Anyway, what I really want to know is, will I be able to go to the theatre without vaccination, without face mask and without some sort of test result any time soon (any year soon) – and what will this achieve.? If it’s years, can we for some sort of alternative underground culture?
I think we’re moving in that direction – but it does feel difficult. We have plenty of countryside in some parts of the country we can go and meet up in. Though many parts of the country have their own problems – ie worse weather and so what do we do then for much of the year? In cities and probably even more so for towns there are more likely to be problems – we could do with plenty of fair-size empty buildings that could be squatted by us as meet-up venues.
If it comes to that, I’m an opera singer (well, I *was*), and I will happily sing for my fellow unvaccinated humans.
Israel organised the transfer and assimilation of several thousand Ethiopians whose claim to be Jewish turned out to be correct.
Well supposedly something that was claimed to be the Ark of the Covenant was being held in Zimbabwe, that’s how I heard about them. Seems they were quite widespread. Maybe not in Madagascar though.
Lazy I know but it’s late.
7.7%? So they are probably still “vaccinating” the elderly there? And just happen to be having quite a lot of “covid” deaths.
The CDU says restrictions must not be permanent? Have they got an exit plan? Perhaps they could tell Boris.
“cases” are roughly 24thousand each day. (They test a lot). average 250 covid related deaths recorded during the weekdays.
The govt want to reduce this number to under 500 before loosening restrictions.
Vaccine hesitancy is great, as well they bureaucracy with dishing out vaccines was immense, so a very slow process. The bureaucracy is being eased now, and more people in the younger age groups are from next week entitled. Supermarket workers for example. And I can imagine they will be flocking to the vax centre. Germans, beware, your supermarket shelves will be empty as the stackers are at home ill.
Yes, I seem to remember there used to be a lot of bureaucracy in some parts of Germany
Under 500 cases is that? Surely this is unprecedented for any disease.
I am sure Merkel said a number like in a press conference recently. 500 cases a day. She spoke about getting back to numbers like they had in summer last year.
I thibk the germans are planning to kill off vaccine hesitancy.
More like kill off any semblance of freedom whatsoever.
Why do they have to do it here though? Britain was supposed to have proud traditions of freedom (I’m sure I could find some tub-thumping things they said in my “Book of the Flag”).
(Arthur Mee’s Book of the Flag – “Our flag is the friendliest flag in the world because no man fears it. Whenever it is seen the slave knows he is free, the oppressed can come for help, and the righteous can call for sympathy”. How on Earth did we get from there to this current mess?).
At the end of WW2 there were numerous instances when German military units fought on long after there was any hope of escape or even survival.
This was to allow as many of their comrades and civilians to flee westward as possible in the hope of surrendering to the British or Americans rather than fall into the hands of the Russians.
One of the very last fighting units in Berlin were French members of the Waffen SS who likewise gave their lives for this reason.
In the interest of Allied Solidarity these actions were largely covered up.
If it sounds like coercion, and looks life coercion, I reckon it’s coercion.
Monitored for suspected sedition!!
Also excluded from society and forcefully coerced in to taking a medication. What could go wrong?
My eyebrows shot up when I read that bit and thought “I hope they don’t pull that stunt here – anyone more obviously British than me would probably be difficult to find”. There will be a very forceful reaction indeed if obviously English little me/who is pretty keen on our typical “British way of life” gets treated like some outsider….
The trick is to slowly increase the costs of vaccine hesitancy, like boiling frogs.It takes a certain finesse to do it well, as the English have managed, too fast and it boils over, too slow and too many jump out and escape. In England it has moved beyond the point of no return; it’s a mopping up operation there. But Germany still has a lot of ground to recover.
Myopic fon. You really can’t see the geo-political angle can you?
these people here are basic, and they need basic treatment to put the right.
You are a pretty sick person.
Certainly no Christian: Thou shallst not do upon others….
We are staring evil right in the face, right now. We have got the fight of our lives in front of us.
I doubt you could fight your way out of a damp paper bag, missus.My advice, have more faith in vaccine. Where did you pick up your false ideas?
Just how much do the 77th Brigade pay? Have you got good perks too?
you are regarded as evil by 70% of the public, the bbc, and most of the MSM.
yes, these psy-ops really work.
To little fon
Every one
With a bit of sense
Causes pain intense.
He’s pretty far gone,
Is little fon.
LOL – though we mustnt necessarily assume all these 77th Brigade people are male. I think they employ women too.
I doubt fon is 77th, they are múch more subtle and competent than fon. Fon is just a bitter little person with massive personality defects caused by a cancerous world dripping in double-think and wokeness.
70% of the public? Where’d you get that from given that most people I know who’ve had the vaccine had it simply for convenience’s sake, not moral reasons.
That actually gives me a lot of comfort.
“The majority is the nonsense. Reason has always only been with the few.” Friedrich Schiller
“I do not believe in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance.” Thomas Carlyle
Gene therapy hesitancy and refusal for as long as possible is the only sensible course of action for any rational, healthy person under the age of 80, as the ATL linked article about the spike proteins being the cause of vascular evil demonstrated again.
We’ve been staring evil in the face since last March. We know the look of it by now. It hasn’t stared us down yet.
I know. fon proved my proved my point perfectly!
A leader’s orders must be obeyed unconditionally, even if they appeared harsh, punitive, or unsound. Those who disobey these orders are monitored by the secret police for treason.
Where have we seen this kind of authoritarian behaviour before I wonder ?
Germany appears to have learned nothing from its past and seems destined to repeat it.
the English are infamous for it in Wales Scotland and Ireland. That’s why those places are dumping England you need to get your house in order.
Easy to forget that Germany was authoritarian from 1933 to 1990 (at least the part Merkel is from). Old habits die hard.
Most countries in Eastern and Central Europe were authoritarian in the 1930s, not least Poland, with France headed that way too. A ‘Vichy’ France could well have emerged even without a nazi invasion.
Yep – I was thinking “Do people remember she is East German?”
Perhaps those Germans who haven’t had a vaccination could wear some kind of symbol on their clothes to mark them out?
Some sort of star perhaps?
Ok, I am lost with this. I was in Berlin last August (late) and exactly when the massive protest was on, but aside from the dreaded masks. I have to say it was a huge relief compared to the oppressive U.K. Social distancing seems irrelevant and everything was open and fairly nice. So why has it, according to the media, become East Germany all over again – indeed has it ? Our media love to make everywhere else look as shit as here, but is it ? I just don’t see the German’s putting up with this nonsense the same way we do ? Please reassure me people.
Although I have not been back to Germany since March last year (just made it out), I read a lot of German newsreports and watch a lot of German media. I am rather glad to be here, in Germany one has to wear FFP2 masks almost everywhere, not even surgical masks instead of cloths ones are good enough anymore. No hospitality open, only for take away. All schoolchildren masked and twice weekly tested. All employers have to offer tests to employees. Goons in every supermarket. One HAS TO take a trolley so you can keep to the distance (not sure if they are counting, my parents reported a lack of trolleys as everyone has to take one, but not that the number is limited and then they know how many shoppers are inside.)
Most of Germany not allowed to go out after 10pm until 5am. (but with nothing to go to at night, no-one on the street anyway).
A lot of people are ignoring rules as they are fed up, but also still stick to them (especially mask wearing) to have a quiet life. Yes, some moechtegernnazis like to pounce on others for being different!
it is very much the message, bear with us, just this little bit less freedom to give you back your freedom. The go along with the crowd and do not stand out mentality is very common in Germany, oder Vereinskultur.
I think that is one reason why I left, even coming from Hamburg, which has a diverse culture. There is less rules and surveillance in Britain (although GB has the most CCTV per population in the world)
Sounds like it has the makings of a good horror movie anyway!
How much has Hamburg changed anyway? I have some pictures of Hambourg from around 1900 of the Jungfernstieg and Alster pavilion; Rathaus, Ehrenhof; Rathaus and Alster; and St. Catherine’s Church and the Dovenfluth. But presumably there is sadly not so much left of some of those buildings today?
Oh my goodness, that’s so so very sad to read. I’ve been expecting a return to Berlin no later than August for a break, even with the family coming along, assuming that surely with all the history they would never succumb to the bullshit we have here in the U.K. !
I am honestly shocked. And had assumed the Media drivel was lying.
I have been there in the summer until October, my wife returned only in January.
Things changed massively in October and it was no fun before then either.
Mask exemption certificates are generally ignored by most businesses, doctors who issued them are prosecuted, and so on.
They thought they had it figured out because they had a mild first wave and therefore simply cannot cope with the natural course of action and toll of the virus, other than by getting ever more tyrannical and fanatic.
And that includes everyone, from the politicians, doctors, businesspeople down to the average worker or retiree.
They have all drunk the zero Covid through Lockdowns etc. Kool Aid, everyone critical has been deplatformed and smeared as being a Nazi.
It’s hell on Earth for any free minded, self thinking person.
I dread having to return.
“Doctors who issued them are prosecuted”?!! It definitely has the makings of a horror movie!
Effin discriminatory Stasi Nazi apartheid state.
Vaccine apartheid must go. Can we storm somewhere, like those Manchester United fans?
No blacks, no Irish, no unvaccinated – a load of what you said!
Reading the article, the Majority haven’t been vaccinated at all and only 7.7% have had two doses.
Germany has a huge ethnic community, who, if they are like other BAME groups, are unlikely to be vaccinated.
Wait. So a government’s secret police are spying on it’s citizens and deeming anyone who challenges the official govt speech as “far right conspiracy theorists”.
Surely they won’t fall for that one again? Oh wait, they did.
Apart from the obvious conflation this action goes to prove that Germany is far left, hence any disbelief must be “far right”. And that the conspiracy of governments seeking untold levels of control over a serfdom populace are not far fetched.
Vaccine passports ARE the end goal. Once we have ANY form of vaccine passport in place there will be no more freedom. Your right to travel, shop, leave your house, work, use public transport, buy fuel, meet with other people or any other right can be taken from you at will by the totalitarian authorities who are pushing for this measure.
No one needs to know anyone else’s vaccine status for any reason whatsoever. If you choose to have the jab, you’re protected. If you choose to NOT have the jab because you determine that your risk of infection or death are LOWER than your risk of injury from having a “vaccine” then you are not at any risk of being in a crowd regardless of their vaccine status.
It’s built on a lie. It’s not about any virus. It’s not to save lives.
Vaccine passports are a one-way ticket to totalitarian social controls that will never be ended. We must NOT allow them to happen.