On Monday, October 24th a debate on vaccine safety took place in Parliament. Three MPs, Danny Kruger, Sir Christopher Chope and Andrew Bridgen, discussed a number of issues the mainstream media have not been reporting on. The health concerns raised appear to be receiving very little, if any, serious recognition by the Government. It was the safety of children and young adults that concerned me most in this debate and in this article I want to explore whether the medical profession is being as cautious and conscientious as it should be in the administration of medication, including but not limited to Covid vaccines, to children. How well are children and young adults being monitored following medical interventions?
A few days ago it was reported that dozens of children between the ages of five and 11 were given higher doses of the Covid vaccine “by mistake”. Solent NHS Trust operated the ‘pop-up’ vaccine clinic (see later) and one mother was told that “she shouldn’t expect anything significant” to happen to her daughter following the mistake but that any reaction to the jab “would last longer”. The Chief Medical Officer for the Trust said that this was an isolated occurrence.
In other news, the Indonesian Health Ministry said on Thursday, October 20th that it had found traces of three hazardous chemicals in children with acute kidney injury, two of which are present in Indian-manufactured syrups suspected to be linked to dozens of deaths in Gambia. According to the Ministry, at least 70 cases of children under the age of five years with acute kidney failure are being detected every month with a mortality rate of about 50%.
This type of news is always disturbing to hear, not only because innocent young lives are involved but also because these children had little, if any, choice in the administration of a treatment that might not even have been necessary. It seems all too easy to reach out to the medicine cabinet for just about any ailment, no matter how mild or trivial these days. Likewise, it seems too easy for parents to be made to believe that Covid vaccinations offered to their child are essential for their health and wellbeing.
Errors in paediatric doses are not in fact uncommon. Research shows that potential adverse drug events occur three times more frequently among paediatric patients than among adults. Some of these differences in error rates are due to:
- larger volumes of stock solution for adults;
- greater variability in weight and body surface area of children;
- differences in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics;
- children’s kidneys, liver and immune systems are still developing;
- children not being able to communicate what they are feeling;
Monitoring of adverse events in children is also much more difficult than for adults and conducting and monitoring long term drug trials for children is even more problematic. The conclusion of a 2019 medical study was that: “Paediatric clinical trials designed to sufficiently investigate drug safety and efficacy to support approval are of relatively limited duration. Given the potential long-term exposure of patients to these drugs, the clinical community should consider whether new approaches are needed to better understand the safety of long-term use of these drugs.”
An example of a recent attempt to monitor the effect (and therefore safety) of Covid vaccines on children has been the reliance on testing for antibody production against the disease. A recent JAMA study suggests that these trials have been inadequate and inappropriate. It found that such antibody production provides children with little or no protection against infection. The main determinant is actually cellular immunity (i.e., T Cells). The study even found that having antibodies to Omicron increased the infection risk, which may help to explain the negative vaccine effectiveness seen in a number of studies where infection rates are higher in the vaccinated than the unvaccinated.
Whilst evidence of the adverse reactions and immediate harms of Covid vaccines on young people is building at an alarming rate, it is easy to overlook the possible unknown long term consequences. History has taught us that medical experts can fail to see harms in both pre-licensed and post-licensed pharmaceuticals and in non-licensed or non-prescription drugs for dangerously long periods. There are too many examples to list here, but in the early 1900s concern about smoking was considered alarmist. There was no definitive evidence that smoking was bad for you. By the 1930s, tobacco companies had an army of doctors ready to debunk you as a quack for even suggesting something as benign as a cigarette could give you cancer. By the 1960s, the evidence against smoking was more than damning. By then, the debate over smoking’s deadly impact had been raging around the world for more than a generation and medical experts were slowly reaching the same conclusion.
In July 1956, medical authorities in West Germany licensed a drug for sale without a prescription. Thalidomide had been developed as a sedative or tranquiliser, but people were soon taking it for a range of conditions, including pneumonia, colds and the flu, as well as to relieve nausea in early pregnancy. Six years later, more than 10,000 babies had been born with physical abnormalities caused by the drug. It wasn’t until 1962 that Thalidomide was banned in most countries in which it was sold – and this for a drug with such early and devastating side effects. In the U.K., the MHRA Yellow Card adverse event reporting system was introduced partly as a result of Thalidomide, but we know that average reporting rates are estimated to be around 10% of actual adverse events under this system.
Scandals are often associated with a failure to learn from history. In the early 50’s a Dr. Krugman wanted to create a vaccine for hepatitis. He deceptively coerced carers and parents into forcing 50 children from a home for developmentally challenged kids to be injected with the virus itself or by making them drink chocolate milk mixed with faeces from other infected children. Dr. Paul Offit, a paediatrician, said that “Krugman certainly did speed up the development of a hepatitis B vaccine but I don’t think you’re ever justified to inoculate a child with an infectious virus that might kill them”. In 1979 the Belmont Report was published in an effort to learn from this and provide a comprehensive guideline of basic ethical principles.
Augmenting the hoped for protections of the Belmont Report, a 2004 article described the main ways in which the risk of medication errors for children could be minimised. It said it is critical to have
- personnel trained in paediatrics to prescribe, prepare, dispense and administer medications;
- a quality review system in place to review drug use and medication errors, and;
- to implement computerised physician order entry with decision support and other tools in the next decade to improve pharmacologic therapy for paediatric patients.
It is concerning therefore, in relation to the above, that the ‘pop-up’ Covid vaccine clinics in the U.K. are often staffed by volunteers who may have had no prior medical, nursing or any type of clinical experience. The BMA paper on the recruitment of these Covid vaccination volunteers lists the minimal qualifications. The volunteer has to:
- be between the age of 18 and 69;
- have at least two or more A-levels or equivalent;
- be at low risk of COVID-19;
- be prepared to undergo a reference check.
How can we be sure that the Solent NHS Trust incident was an “isolated occurrence” and how can we be sure that nothing “significant” will happen to the children (estimated to have received three times the correct dose)?
Surely this cannot be right, 70 years on from the days of Krugman? Is it also acceptable for parents to have been pressured (in the case of Covid, through fear from Government, scientists and the media) into providing consent for a novel ‘vaccine’, without long term data, on behalf of their healthy offspring? This fear was instilled through overstating the risk of Covid to healthy children, misinforming the public that the vaccines prevented transmission and describing vaccine effectiveness in a misleading way by claiming up to 95% effectiveness (relative risk) instead of the actual or absolute reduction in risk which in the trial was less than 1% in adults and is now possibly less than nil for children (see above).
I try to put myself in the shoes of these children when, possibly some time later in their lives, they are told of their participation in the administration of a not yet fully licensed medication. Or not told. They were possibly too young to comprehend the personal risk and bodily infringement inflicted. Andrew Bridgen MP reported one study alone involving several thousand vaccinated children showing that one in 500 under five years of age who received a Pfizer Covid vaccine were hospitalised with a vaccine injury and one in 200 had symptoms ongoing for weeks or months afterwards.
Why has the Government, the medical profession and media not allowed the public to be informed that the Yellow Card reports, and those of the American equivalent, VAERS, show up more adverse Covid vaccine incidents in young people than all other known vaccinations combined? Around 6,000 doctors, scientists and professionals in more than 34 countries have declared an international medical crisis due to “diseases and death associated with the COVID-19 vaccines”. Their report highlights the large number of sudden deaths in previously healthy young people who were inoculated with these ‘vaccines’, and the high incidence of miscarriages and perinatal deaths which have not been investigated.
Danny Kruger MP said: “The MHRA is funded by the pharmaceutical companies that produce the drugs and vaccines that it regulates. There might be some universe in which that makes sense, but this is not it.”
In 1995, the comedienne Mrs Merton famously asked Debbie McGee (unfairly I thought): “So what attracted you to the millionaire Paul Daniels?” Similar could be asked of Government and others involved in the rollout of experimental mRNA Covid vaccinations: “So why were healthy children and young adults coerced into receiving unnecessary multiple Covid vaccinations from a $1.4 trillion global pharmaceutical industry?”
Dr. Mark Shaw is a retired dentist.
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The same profession that condones genital mutilation in children a little confused about their sexuality, giving active young boys amphetamines or cannabis to control them in feminised classroom settings, and is happy for euthanasia to occur in depressed children in certain countries would have no issue with an untested, unnecessary and experimental genetic transfection agent being tried on our children.
Again, I remain disgusted at what my profession has become at the hands of Big Pharma and social engineers.
Indeed. And I remain dismayed that people think doctors are infallible and incorruptible. As if being good at remembering stuff for your medical exams meant you were incapable of greed, arrogance, deception etc.
Doctors have to be *assumed* to be infallible if there is nowhere else to go. All the more so if they are gatekeepers to all healthcare.
Don’t forget the abortion factories. One can debate the rights and wrongs of abortion but it’s being performed on an industrial scale right now.
Our elites (NGOs and government) are actively promoting any lifestyle choice that will result in less babies. At the same time we are being told that we need more immigration to alleviate our aging demographic problem. Make no sense!
“more immigration to alleviate our aging demographic problem”
The real reason for allowing unlimited immigration is to undermine and destroy British society and most importantly to eradicate the English and our Englishness.
The intention is to create a hotchpotch society of barely educated half-castes who have no history and no antecedents and therefore no allegiances. This sun tanned mob will be all the more easy to train, dupe and persuade in to a godless mass eager to do their masters bidding for the rewards of extra time in the metaverse.
Dystopian? You bet, but TPTB cannot have a population with allegiances to Churchill and Wellington, to a race of people proud of their history and culture, still believing in God, Christ and the Bible once Agenda 2030 is fully installed as the new religion.
So the country has to be swamped with third world rabble who once they have their feet under the table will be bringing another dozen at least of their so-called relatives over to this country and all allowed under “yuman rights.”
On the one hand, we are overpopulated, yet on the other hand, kings still need peasants, just not TOO many.
If this correct, a significant number of doctors are addicted to the products of Big Pharma themselves.
“giving active young boys amphetamines or cannabis to control them in feminised classroom settings”
Amphetamines and Ritalin are indeed widely given out like candy to so-called “ADD/ADHD” kids, usually boys, to drug then into submission in the classroom. And if that doesn’t work? Prozac. And if that doesn’t work? Haldol. And so on.
But cannabis? I am not aware of a significant number of doctors recommending or prescribing that for kids with “ADD/ADHD”, just a tiny few alternative type doctors here and there in the USA. And sometimes for autism as well. But it still seems to be few and far between, with most doctors preferring to hawk Big Pharma’s more lucrative wares instead. If anything, weed would probably be better than all that other garbage, lol.
“and is happy for euthanasia to occur in depressed children in certain countries”
And in what countries do they actually euthanize (!) depressed children? Hopefully ZERO countries.
In Australia authority has been given for prescription of cannabis in children for ADHD or autism.
The diagnosis of both remains largely subjective.
Belgium allows for both euthanasia in minors, and euthanasia for mental health disease. The possibility of medically assisting death in depressed children now exists.
“Bracket creep” suggests this will become a reality.
I doubt it will be used anywhere near as widely as Big Pharma concoctions though. And the article link you posted does seem to be rather slanted IMHO.
I did not know that about Belgium, and that is truly disturbing.
Addiction is a funny term to use in this case.
It’s not addiction. It’s the fact that an entire profession – the medical one – has been captured by an industry – the pharmaceutical one – to sell its products.
You go to a doctor, he recommends you take something because it will help you, you take it. That’s not addiction. That is simply following the instructions of someone you’ve put your trust in.
So it’s not a problem of addiction, it’s a problem of misplaced trust.
(And when the trust goes and you don’t want to take their stuff, then, as we’ve seen, they resort to coercion and force.)
I see your point but to be fair I think part of the issue is the expectation from the patient that everything can be fixed, with pills or whatever, and the lack of engagement with one’s health as something you have some control over and responsibility for.
So many people think their health is someone else’s responsibility and it absolves them from having to work at it – to keep well and fit. I’ve been so surprized that almost everyone I know don’t seem interested or concerned about their own or their children’s health/weight (not to mention the active takeup of the appalling jabs). Except to complain about the ‘wonderful NHS’……….and why they can’t help other than to prescribe another pill. There is a need to bring back the concept of individual responsibility. Where did it go?
Well at least Dr Shaw is clear about the malign intent behind the whole of the programme of the last three years, even if he does not state such as bluntly as I.
And now Pfizer want to get a vaccine approved for RSV so that pregnant women can immunize their unborn babies. Just crazy. As if babies and toddlers aren’t getting enough already! And not just that, who in their right mind will trust anything, let alone vaccines, coming from Pfizer ( or Big Pharma in general ) now? You’d have to be naive, stupid or both, in the extreme!
More details;
’You’d have to be naive, stupid or both, in the extreme!’
That’s, I should think, about 70% of the population.
Sad but true. Though 70% likely an underestimate, alas.
I was about to say that that would include my educational psychologist daughter-in-law but decided that was unkind…
Wow, just lovely. More mRNA jabs, this time for RSV, the same exact virus that, when they tried to create a conventional vaccine for it in the 1960s, it failed so miserably and backfired so horribly (Google ADE) in the clinical trials (remember when they actually used to DO those for more than a few weeks or months?) that the whole project was summarily put on the trash heap of history. Until now.
What could possibly go wrong?
Agree with the spirit of the article but it pulls punches. The data (or lack thereof) were plainly there to see from the very beginning to anyone who could be bothered to look and hadn’t been hypnotised by the utter bullshit spewing from mass media. Any medical professional that took part in this mass poisoning of healthy children should be under criminal investigation, it really is that simple.
There’s an addiction to unnecessary medicine
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Overmedicated and undereducated. The best way to describe the USA, UK, and so many other countries these days.