- “20,000 children with rotten teeth missed out on treatment during Covid” – Official figures show just 14,645 under-19s in England had teeth removed in the first year of the pandemic, 20,000 (58.4%) fewer than one year earlier, the Mail reports.
- “‘It’s time everyone got off their backsides and back to the office!’” – It’s naïve to expect that everyone works as hard when no one is looking, yet WFH is becoming the norm, particularly in the public sector, says Lord Sugar in the Mail.
- “It would be absurd for Starmer to resign over a curry” – No one was harmed in the eating of Sir Keir’s curry; it simply doesn’t matter enough to force him out of office, argues Charles Moore in the Telegraph.
- “Death-by-Expert – a Cross-country Study” – D.V. Williamson take a fresh look at the data on Covid interventions and vaccines and concludes they may have made things worse.
- “Woman dragged from her home in China as virus restrictions tighten” – Shanghai, which is just emerging from a month of strict lockdown, has announced another round of mass testing and new rules despite infections falling as frustration grows with the Zero-Covid policy, the Mail reports.
- “The Public Health Prophet We Did Not Heed” – Aaron Kheriaty writes for the Brownstone Institute of the prescient wisdom of epidemiologist Dr. Donald Henderson, who in 2006 warned against using precisely the draconian public measures imposed in 2020.
- “Puck Covid” – The Covid narrative was an unwelcome reminder of corrupt Pharma, medicine and science, and is the zenith of a recurring crime against humanity, writes the Covid Physician.
- “Australia’s Record COVID-19 Death Count Mounts Yet Politicians Act Like Everything Normal” – The press in Australia is now acknowledging the growing breakthrough COVID-19 hospitalisations and death toll yet doesn’t raise any critical questions, says TrialSite News.
- “White House Predicts 100 Million COVID-19 Cases In Fall And Winter Unless The Feds Get Billions In Funding” – Tim Meads writes in the Daily Wire that the White House is currently predicting that 100 million cases of COVID-19 will hit America in the autumn and winter unless the Federal Government receives billions in taxpayer funding to combat the virus.
- “Extreme Weather During the Maunder Minimum” – Paul Homewood on Watts Up With That? says that if the BBC thinks global warming has made the weather more extreme, perhaps it would like to go back to the frosty weather of the Maunder Minimum.
- “Johnson’s grand nuclear plans already lie in tatters” – Ties with China risk scuppering existing proposals for plants, let alone future ones, writes Ben Marlow in the Telegraph.
- “Scotland’s largest wind farm ‘using Net-Zero loophole to exploit cost of living crisis’” – Kwasi Kwarteng is set to take action amidst concerns that owners of Moray East are cashing in rather than paying back to taxpayers, the Telegraph reports.
- “Electric cars ‘risk wave of catastrophic fires on cargo ships’” – Thousands of vehicles, including Bentleys and Porsches, sank in the Atlantic in March when a cargo ship caught fire after the battery in one electric car on board burst into flames – and insurers now are sounding a warning, reports the Telegraph.
- “Vladimir Putin ‘gearing up for a prolonged war and will not stop at Donbas’” – The Russian leader’s retreat from Kyiv was “temporary shift” and he is likely counting on Western resolve weakening, a U.S. intelligence chief has warned, according to the Telegraph.
- “Ukraine should negotiate with Putin to protect German economy, VW boss says” – The Telegraph reports that Herbert Diess has sparked outrage with a call for negotiations to protect Europe’s economy.
- “Why the new Anglo-Swedish pact matters” – Britain is bringing Scandinavia under its nuclear umbrella, says Fraser Nelson in the Spectator.
- “Censored speech” – The Queen’s speech revealed a Government failing to protect free expression, says Lois McLatchie in the Critic.
- “As censoring of TCW worsens, who is trying to gag us?” – TCW Defending Freedom is fighting the BBFC’s decision to classify it as an adult website, leading three ISPs to block it for their users.
- “We risk creating an Orwellian thought police” – Melanie Phillips writes for the Times that Britain and the U.S. are forgetting that censorship is never the right answer to disinformation.
- “Why progressives can’t tolerate Christians” – For progressives, democracies should move away from tolerance if it means that religious people can have power – but that’s not liberalism, it’s revolutionary secularism, and it’s frightening, says Freddy Gray in the Spectator.
- “Elon Musk Pledges to Reverse Trump Ban After Twitter Takeover” – Elon Musk has said he will reverse Twitter’s permanent ban of former president Donald Trump once he takes over the platform, adding that he wants the punishment of permanent suspensions to be reserved strictly for “spam” and “scam” accounts, reports Breitbart News.
- “Conversion therapy ban row as No.10 says it can continue if consensual” – No.10 has confirmed the proposed ban will not prohibit adult consensual activity or cover transgenderism, the Mail reports.
- “‘Anti-woke’ investment fund will shun companies making political statements” – “Woke Inc” author Vivek Ramaswamy is taking on the “ideological cartel” of Blackrock and Vanguard, the Telegraph reports.
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Absolute tour de force from Robert Barnes! If you want to understand the politics of the world (US sphere at any rate) today, listen to this interview. It’s just truth after truth after truth (imo, obviously).
Russia, NATO, and Biden’s “inflection point” w/Robert Barnes (LIVE)
22m30 polling on war: “you can’t get more than 20% support for any action on Ukraine, in the United states, that could lead to war with Russia”
23m “some of the dumbest lies about the war of any newspaper in the States – it’s almost to the level of British coverage! We still aren’t there – British coverage is still the most insane coverage I’ve ever read!”
30m Likely US situation after mid-terms: “most populist in the Senate since the 1920s, on issues of war and foreign conflict. We’re still a ways away from the Senate representing American opinion on it, but it would be a lot closer to it.”
“a blood-bath on par with 1994, and probably worse. I mean, Clinton was just unpopular due to some cultural issues. The economy wasn’t that bad in 1994, he wasn’t entangling us in another dumb European war, especially. I mean the whole of America was founded on “please, no more dumb European war involvement”.”
37m Panicking Democrats = very dangerous times.
Democrats think they face disaster anyway and have nothing to lose from escalating to a full war provided they can manufacture a pretext that blames Russia for an attack on the US, or at least a NATO ally. Hence all the stupid provocative statements directed at the Russians.
55m: Russia losing the propaganda war might actually be helping them in the global south:
“Because Ukraine puts out one dumb fake story after the next dumb fake story, …. they’re not winning the political war. And opinion is hardening against the west in China, in India, in Brazil”
1h: “Confession by projection, what you guys called the mirror principle, is a great filter for understanding the Ukraine. Just listen to anything that comes out of Ukraine, or on Ukraine’s behalf by the West, particularly the British and the Americans, that says the Russians are going to do this, or this happened to the Russians or that happened to the Russians, just substitute the word Ukraine.”
1h1m30s comparison with pandemic lies
“These OSINT people [supposed experts constantly getting caught out by reality] look like the people from the pandemic, you know the public health experts that came out during the pandemic that showed the whole world they’re fake. And you see it in people who are just what I call data people. Just like there were just data people in the pandemic who …ended up becoming radicalised and red-pilled politically because they’re like: “you guys are just lying about this data – these masks aren’t working, this vaccine doesn’t have quite the safety and effectiveness you’re claiming it does, lockdowns don’t appear to be effective, the disease isn’t quite impactful in the community as you’re claiming it is”, and they got politically active because they witnessed the corruption of data by the fake public health world.”
1h15m Grift – Ukraine and Democrats “top donors to the Clinton Foundation came from Ukraine”
1h18m Supreme Court allowed itself to be intimidated over covid and other issues, and that is why some clerk thought that leaking the Roe v Wade opinion might get them to back down on it.
1h29m Corruption of juries in DC, leftist mindset – totalitarian and corrupt
1h36m Parallels between UK and US politics
1h48m John Bolton correct when he says if Trump had won in 2020 he was serious this time about pulling out of NATO, and he would have done it.
(Would have been probably the single greatest positive act for world peace by any US president since Reagan.)
2h3m Ukraine war; Nationalism against globalism
2h 5m Zelensky and his backers
2h 13m Clownworld: “It’s insanity built on insanity. Now the problem is, it doesn’t work with the resilient American populist public. Especially after the last Iraq war. What the neocons never understood is the Bushite coalition was dead and gone in 2006. It ain’t ever coming back. That McCain and Romney losing, even to a relatively policy unpopular – never personally unpopular – Obama, should have been a warning sign to them, but it wasn’t. That’s why they were shocked by Trump’s rise, that’s why they were shocked by JD Vance’s win, that’s why they’ll continue to be shocked.”
Just finished watching it. Confirms my view that over the last two years and counting we are seeing the best of Americans as well as the worst.
If you really are a plain-speaking defender of liberty with a frontier spirit, you’re probably very smart and you have to be tough – living amidst it all. Their wits have been sharpened.
TBH, I struggled to find anything there to disagree with (and I’m a notoriously argumentative old so and so). And it’s a long piece – once he gets going you don’t stop Barnes easily.
I don’t recall ever seeing anything from Barnes before these two Duran interviews, but his view of the world strategic and political situation seems pretty much close to mine. Quite encouraging.
I found it enormously heartening; particularly his observations about the extent to which people are not buying, and about short attention spans (which confirms my own observations).
No matter how skilled the liars are, they do indeed bump up against reality; and people who believe their lies often forget what it was they once believed.
The interesting thing about people like Barnes, Ryan Cole, Larry Johnson, RFK Jnr, Pierre Kory, Douglas Macgregor, Robert Malone, Ritter – to name but a few in different but complementary categories – is that they are refreshingly unabashed. There’s an air of “We know these guys!”
Barnes: “he asked Americans, if you had a choice, who do you think should step down first, Vladimir Putin from Russia or Joe Biden from the United States? A majority of Americans said Joe Biden should step down from the White House! Can you imagine if that poll was done in 1940, and they said FDR or Adolf Hitler? Can you imagine if by double digits they would pick FDR stepping down before Hitler?…That’s how embarrassing it is!
Meanwhile, Biden mumbles on:
Biden: “The number one threat is the strength, and that strength that we’ve built is inflation.”
Thank you for link and quotes.
Just listen to anything that comes out of Ukraine, or on Ukraine’s behalf by the West, particularly the British and the Americans, that says the Russians are going to do this, or this happened to the Russians or that happened to the Russians, just substitute the word Ukraine.”
Ok. Let’s try a few Western statements about Russia on this principle:
Russia will invade Ukraine
Russian destroyed or damaged 90% of buildings in Mariupol
Russian withdrew from the Kiev area
Russia lost a major warship
Russian is blockading Odessa thus preventing desperately needed grain getting to countries such as Egypt
Uhm – doesn’t seem to work if you substitute Ukraine
It’s really quite impressive, seeing just how comprehensively a thoroughly decadent and hidebound, dogma-driven political elite can f*** up the simple matter of providing energy for a relatively wealthy, stable and technologically advanced country.
Yes, ruinous “big state” activities. Remarkably similar to how much damage human “big brain” thinking/activity often does to our bodies.
The myth of the Russian retreat from Kyiv.
Gosh! How can this be true? Everyone in the US sphere media and political mainstream has been telling us for more than two months now that the incompetent Russian army is about to run out of ammunition and fuel, can’t organise a pissup in a vodka distillery, and is anyway all deserting because of low morale.
Could it be that all that was just lies, aimed at the kind of moronic, gullible mugs who will just forget them and believe the next set of blatant lies they are fed, as soon as the old ones become untenable?
I suppose it must be so.
In a clownworld run by liars, basic, honest good sense will inevitably “spark outrage”
The nerve of the man! Doesn’t he understand that the economy doesn’t matter, so long as we all make the necessary sacrifices to protect and preserve Zelensky and those nice Azov men fighting so bravely for “our” values?
Am loving your ( you and Mark’s ) acerbic dialogue/exchanges of comments on the News Updates!
I think the best contribution poisonous cowards like Melanie Phillips can make right now to our political discourse would be to go away and think about how to properly apologise and how to atone for their behaviour over the past two and a bit years.
Lockdown libertarians take road to tyranny
“Lord Sumption’s demand for freedom of choice recalls the supercilious sects of the Middle Ages“
I don’t like her but never realised she was that stupid.
One reason I stopped reading the Times. Lockdown is a medieval superstition.
Kiev cites ‘force majeure’ in Lugansk to halt third of gas flow to Europe, while Gazprom says there have been no issues that would justify the halt
Russian gas conglomerate Gazprom has received no confirmation of force majeure or any obstacles to continued transit of gas through a junction in Lugansk, the company said on Tuesday, after Ukraine’s operator OGTSU announced it would halt further deliveries starting May 11, due to the presence of “Russian occupiers.”
Yes, here’s The Saker site commenting on it. Wonder what the EU and Russian reactions will be, if Ukraine doesn’t immediately reverse course.
“is it too early to say … the Ukraine is sanctioning Europe?”
The West will send Elensky a Nobel Prize for destroying them.
They have been hypnotised by his high heels dancing routine.
Ukraine is not an independent country. If they are sanctioning Europe, it will be the US doing this.
I read recently that the aim of the US in WWII was to destroy the British Empire & that its current aim is to destroy Europe. Sadly can’t for the life of me remember where I read it…
The US didn’t want a competitor to its global ambitions back in the 1930s nor does it want Europe to be successful now.
ITEM: “Australia’s Record COVID-19 Death Count Mounts Yet Politicians Act Like Everything Normal” – The press in Australia is now acknowledging the growing breakthrough COVID-19 hospitalisations and death toll yet doesn’t raise any critical questions, says TrialSite News.
Well, we can’t have anyone questioning the miracle elixir that was supposed to stop all the hospitalisations, can we?
But, really, it’s the election cycle, stupid. The Covid obsession is over as a mass phenomenon and enough Australians are sufficiently Covid weary to take it out on the federal and state governments who are still clinging to some restrictions and mandates.
Covid’s political saliency has correspondingly receded and the Covid screws on our lives have loosened. The two most pressing issues for Australian voters heading into the 21 May federal election in May are the perennial ones of ‘cost of living’, and (non-Covid) health, followed by ‘the economy and finances’, ‘the environment and climate change’, and ‘employment and wages’. The very real financial trials of living are eclipsing the exaggerated risk of viral doom in many voter’s minds.
As an electoral issue, Covid still does garner the nomination of 15% of adults as a key concern whilst 10% still nominate Covid as a specific vote-decider. This population cohort is big enough to be electorally critical – and in a direction favourable to freedom. The Covid-focused voting cohort is unlikely to be composed of Covid hysterics pining for the days of lockdown – politically, the steam has gone out of that jalopy. Rather, the 10-15% likely represents the opponents of lockdowns/restrictions and the vaccine-choice/medical-freedom supporters who have neither forgotten nor forgiven the authorities responsible for two years of destructive policy madness, all the pseudoscience and all the suppression of liberty inflicted on us in the fraudulent name of ‘public health’ and who are set on holding its architects to account.
The incumbent Scott Morrison federal Liberal government trails non-incumbent Labor in the psephological universe by around ten percentage points whilst the South Australian electorate threw out the Covid regime of Liberal premier Steven Marshall with a 7.6% swing of ‘baseball bat’ proportions. There is a Covid distemper still in the Australian electorate that matters, vote-wise.
Covid political incumbency has transformed from an electoral asset (‘see how we kept you all safe – now vote for us!’) during the early stages of the Great Panic, to what is now an electoral liability.
Australia’s governments across the board are being rated more harshly on their Covid performance than they were at the beginning of the hysteria. From a high of 73% who rated the federal government’s response to Covid as quite or very good in the mid-2020s when lockdowns were all the rage, now, in March 2022, only 39% give a Covid-response tick to the Morrison government. State/territory governments have also fallen out of favour since April 2020 when all states/territories were scoring ‘quite/very good’ Covid ratings in the 60%-80% range but which are now rated in the low 40%-60% range (only WA remains inexplicably masochistic, with McGowan’s Covid regime at a buoyant 71%, barely unchanged since his starting 76% approval two years ago).
Pandemic fatigue is in the ascendant in Australia. A sizeable 39% of the population now say that “I just want things to go back to the way they were” (oldies were the most disaffected in this cohort) whilst an additional 29% say that “I am over it and I’m ready for something new” (youngsters, many of whose futures have been blighted by education restrictions, lead this pack). Overall, that leaves only one in five Australians who could be called New Normies who are quite fond of their new Covid world.
In Australia, the freedom micro-parties are picking up an electorally significant slice of the Covid-weary vote and, under Australia’s preferential voting system, they could determine which of Australia’s political duopoly wins or loses elections in the lower house, and they could hold the balance of power in the upper houses. “I’ve got a vote and I know how to use it!” is the message Australia’s dinosaur parties are being sent.
WA remains inexplicably masochistic
I don’t think I can explain it, but I’ll try.
Old time Western Australians cared very little for eastern staters. I think there’s enough of this demographic still around that cheers any time a local gives the Canberra-Sydney-Melbourne triangle a FU, and that would partially explain the numbers.
But this rating doesn’t square with the anecdotal evidence. Numbers at freedom rallies have been rising steadily. An informal poll indicated near 90% support for doing away with all mask mandates. Employers are stretching time limits for staff who are saying ‘No more shots’. The StateDaddy ‘He saved us’ demographic is showing every sign of diminishing.
We’ve got another rally this Saturday. Maybe this time the hordes of McClownists will appear, and dwarf us vax-resisters with their sheer weight of numbers.
Is there also a problem with the apparent irrelevance of the Liberals at the State level?
To have only 2 Liberal Party members of the Legislative Assembly (out of 59, I believe) would seem to indicate that, at the moment, they simply can’t be taken seriously at any level.
I am also hearing that there is little enthusiasm for McGowan – he’s just an inescapable reality.
The Libs are essentially irrelevant in the current parliament. The National Party, that is, the old Country Party, have more seats and are the designated opposition.
Given the covid stench the Liberal Party has bestowed upon itself elsewhere across the nation, the Libs may be a spent force altogether in WA politics. LD, UAP, PHON and others will fill the gap.
As for McClown – you’d find more enthusiasm for licking worm entrails off razor blades. I’m looking forward to the rally on Saturday; Masky’s detractors are a very creative bunch.
The Covid-focused voting cohort is unlikely to be composed of Covid hysterics pining for the days of lockdown – politically, the steam has gone out of that jalopy. Rather, the 10-15% likely represents the opponents of lockdowns/restrictions and the vaccine-choice/medical-freedom supporters who have neither forgotten nor forgiven the authorities responsible for two years of destructive policy madness, all the pseudoscience and all the suppression of liberty inflicted on us in the fraudulent name of ‘public health’ and who are set on holding its architects to account.
Thanks for an excellent summary, Phil.
The sense I have is of a deep, but not noisy anger. We’ve had the demonstrations; we’ve done the chanting; now comes the voting.
The conversations I’ve had on this have been exclusively with the unvaxxed, who choose not to discuss their heretical voting patterns (many departing from the majors for the first time) with anyone who doesn’t get it. We swap ideas on preference allocations.
UN: Credible information about Ukrainians torturing Russian prisoners.
Sally Beck is a freelance journalist with 30 years of experience in writing for national newspapers and magazines. She has reported on vaccines since the controversy began with the MMR in 1998
The Delingpod
Stand for freedom with our Yellow Boards By The Road
Thursday 12th May 11am to 12pm
Yellow Boards By the Road
A329 junction London Road & Oak Avenue
Near Oakingham Belle pub
Wokingham RG40 1LH
Stand in the Park Sundays from 10.30-11.30am – make friends & keep sane
Howard Palmer Gardens
(Cockpit Path car park free on Sunday)
Sturges Rd RG40 2HD
South Hill Park, Rear Lawn, RG12 7PA
Telegram http://t.me/astandintheparkbracknell
“Censoring disinformation” – the only disinformation I find on the internet seems to be put there by governments….
Yes, but be fair, the BBC work tirelessly to bring the disinformation to the public.
Electric cars ‘risk wave of catastrophic fires on cargo ships’
An electric motor to drive a vehicle is simple, clean and virtually maintenance free, it’s the 1000 lbs (of many thousands of batteries that need to be created and disposed of) that concern me. Quite apart from the obvious hassle of watching them go flat or wondering whether it’s even worth while considering a journey, there’s the less studied effects of EMF’s on the human body. Hydrogen seems a far better solution but first we need to find a method to generate it cheaply and quickly. Back to square one. Fusion power stations (or something else) still some years from being perfected. I remain unconvinced that batteries are the way forward for independent transport solutions.
Or there is oil – an efficient long term natural energy storage method.
Average UK price of diesel now £1.79 per litre or £8.13 a uk gallon.
It doesn’t take much time to work out which countries will be importing our old cars!
Not just cargo ships, either. There are ferries, vehicle tunnels, multi-storey and underground car parks and any number of other scenarios where the main question might be: “What could possibly go wrong?”.
Added to which, as I understand it, a Lithium battery fire is almost impossible to put out using conventional means?
As for Fusion technology, that has been twenty years from being feasible for the last fifty odd years that I can remember.
A hybrid
Final paragraph:
The current i8 packs an 11.6-kilowatt-hour battery, rather than the 7.1 kWh from earlier model years of the coupe. Its electric motor produces 141 bhp and 184 pound-feet. It allows for 18 miles of driving purely on electric power.
An awful lot of hassle and risk for an extra 18 miles!
Looks like a reasonable response…
I’ve read that the French have ‘grounded’ their electric bus fleet, in Paris, due to problems with spontaneous combustion? There’s video footage of a bus going from first spark to being completely enveloped in flames, in about ten seconds apparently, though I haven’t managed to find it yet!
Thank you! Ask, and ye shall receive…
‘independent transport solutions.”!
I rather get the impression that the message from TBTB for the masses is ‘you ain’t going nowhere’. You may have an electric bike or a micro-car to get you as far as the local park or shops but I think that if they push ahead with their plans the end result will be hugely socially divisive with most ordinary folk losing the cheap egalitarian travel freedoms that petrol/diesel cars have provided.
Prior to the advent of the Railways many folk did not travel very far and indeed when Rail travel came in many of the ‘Toffs’ were horrified at the idea of the hoi-polloi travelling all over the place. The freedom to travel where I want, when I want is a freedom I highly value but I feel that the end result of the Covid/Climate/War nonsense will be a big reduction in the travel freedoms of ordinary people.
This ^^^^
Its pretty simple, the solution. We are all driving cars that do 150 mph. We dont need to drive at even half that speed. Make the engines much smaller, set the max speed limit to 50 mph using only clean unleaded fuel not the disgusting diesel (the stench that comes out of things like Land Rovers and BMW diesel engines is pure cancer) – instead convert diesels to cleaner fuels where possble, for lorries and buses etc. All the knowledge the manufacturers must have built up in the lifetime of mass producing cars should mean that we could all be driving much more effeiciently. Sorry for the people who like driving fast, but this could be reserved for the racing track – performance cars. I see very little in the way of downsides to this very sensible workable solution. I also just heard old sealed up oil wells are welling up with new oil, not sure how true this is but its interesting and needs looking at.
What people need to realise is that electric cars are clearly barmy, they make no sense – until you factor in the evil fantasies of those who are truly making the decisions, who have decided that they want us living in a reality where those in control have total power over every aspect of our micro surveilled lives. They are in the process of buiding a dystopian digital nightmare prison world like something out of Orwells nightmares and electric cars are central to that. Thats why were getting the batshit crazy option rather than something that actually makes sense. They can do all sorts of funky stuff with electric cars in terms of controlling and surveilling people and it opens up lots of nice markets for them – I think someone on here was saying how when you actually buy an electric car and switch it on, it starts offering you options to pay for upgrades to the vehicle, for example.
These traitors, including the traitors in GOVUK, are teeing up a TRACK AND TRACE DIGITAL CONTROLLED ORWELLIAN REALITY. Thats what they want, for us to be living in a world where everything is tracked and traced, to keep us “safe” – the number one alibi of every tyrant ever. But as you point out, they do zero public research into the harms caused by the EMF and microwaves (militaries uses this tech as part of the standard weapons arsenal so they know about the harms in a very deep way and have done for decades, its only corruption that allows for this situation) from all the SATNAV and wireless tech in the car – SATNAVS are like little microwave weapons in the car. In fact, not only are they not doing the research into the health effects of these weaponised products (because the industry would be closed down overnight if they did), they are literally selecting weaponised frequencies for all this crap to run on. Take standard WIFI for example, which all runs on 2.4GHZ. That frequency just happens to be the frequency that microwave ovens cook the food at – because 2.4GHZ is the frequency which excites water molcules. This is no coincedence, that they selected this frequency for WIFI, keeping in mind that our bodies contain a lot of water. They actually removed the licencing restrictions on that frequency, which means everyone can use it and access it without limitations, thus guaranteeing its mass proliferation.
With wireless, the takeaway here is that the way the industry gets around this is by denying the existence of SUB (or NON) THERMAL RADIATION. This is where all the serious health effects occur ie the DNA breaks and double strand DNA breaks which can cause cancer, for example – SUB THERMALLY. The wireless industry – a manifestation of pure corporate greed and corruption and organised crime – along with our treasonous scumbag governments, has tilted the table where health is concerned to such an extent that they do not even acknowledge the existence of SUB THERMAL RADIATION so therefore they do not have to test for the health effects of their products, which produce sub thermal radiation. Its a classic case of the foxes guarding the henhouse. They do test against thermal radiation, by guaranteeing their products wont burn you, but not sub thermal, which is where all the cancers etc are caused.
There are more than 20,000 peer reviewed studies which confirm that EMF and wireless causes harm in one way or another. That this piece of dirt industry is getting away with this is a sad reflection of how far into the pit of hell we have been taken by our dishonest, criminal in nature, lying, void of morals void of God-consciousness and humanity, treasonous leaders.
With 5G they plan to take wireless equipment from micrwaves up to millimeter waves. The treasonous scum in GOVUK have already legislated to allow these creeps in the wireless industry to roll out their technology with NO OVERSIGHT WHATSOEVER.
It is absolutely evil and crimimal to have children being exposed to this sh!te at school, but they are, non stop. In many countries they ban wifi in schools. Not in this COMMUNIST CRAP HOLE UK.
New name for the Tories – THE COMMSERVATIVES.
New name for Labour: LABOURCAMP
Links for wireless info:
Published Scientific Research on 5G, Small Cells Wireless and Health
The wireless industry and the health effects explained by expert:
5G – Kevin Mottus
The wireless industry public confirmation to US Senate that they do ZERO testing for the health effects of their products. Just remember this, the next time the treasonous deceitful tyrants from the COMMSERVATIVE party or LABOURCAMP start crying about a nonexistent health threat from a so called novel virus which has never been proven to exist.
US Senator Blumenthal Raises Concerns on 5G Wireless Technology Health Risks at Senate Hearing
“I also just heard old sealed up oil wells are welling up with new oil, not sure how true this is but its interesting and needs looking at.”
This could happen if the claim that oil, gas and coal are fossil fuels is not true. Always struck me as implausible.
The abiogenic theory is scoffed at but doesn’t have the holes of the dinosaur theory & shoots the peak oil fox:
“Last week new NASA photographs proved methane lakes exist on Saturn’s moon, Titan, showing that such hydrocarbons (or so-called ‘fossil fuels’) are seemingly plentiful in our solar system.
?resize=249%2C169&ssl=1 This startling discovery turns on its head the long-held western belief that petroleum is a limited resource, because it is primarily derived (we had been told) from the fossilized remains of dead dinosaurs and rotted carbon-based vegetation.”
“We are all driving cars that do 150 mph. We dont need to drive at even half that speed. Make the engines much smaller, set the max speed limit to 50“
Exactly the kind of authoritarian, obsessive, reflexively totalitarian response that gave us the covid panic and lockdowns.
Better to remove speed limits, at least on major trunk roads, German-style and let people choose their speeds according to their circumstances and needs.
“I see very little in the way of downsides to this very sensible workable solution.“
Of course you don’t, because you’ve already dismissed the possibility that anybody might disagree with you about the benefits of driving faster.
With a suitable propaganda campaign and some “nudging”, you could probably get a majority to agree with your proposals, just like the majority agreed with the covid panic and the lockdowns. That wouldn’t make your proposals any less totalitarian, just as it didn’t make them any less totalitarian.
Ill take slower more efficient cleaner fuel cars over WHAT WE ARE ACTUALLY GETTING – which is the dystopian, Orwellian, controlled, tracked, traced, electric car option. Ive explained why they are going down that road – because of authoritarianism, the very thing you say you are opposed to. My solution is far less authoritarian than having these Orwellmobiles everywhere, emitting radiation all over the shop and facilitating the dystopian nightmare world these creeps are creating. I agree that they are lying about man made climate change, but the reality is that these engines are POISONING the air we breathe and steps should be made to reduce that – a real problem, not a made up imaginary one like convid. I picked the figure of fifty mph out of a hat. Its not so much the mph which is important, more the efficiency and cleanliness of the engines and emissions, where so much amazing progress has been made. They are suggesting we throw away all the research that has been done into fuel engine efficency and go down the route of electric cars, as I say, not for any sound reasons, purely because it enables them to exercise maximum control over us. The people doing this think we are born to be their slaves. Thats why were getting electric cars.
That’s fine, I don’t have any problem with efficient engines, obviously.
But imposing arbitrary speed limits in response to totalitarian zealots trying to manipulate us into using electric cars doesn’t appeal to me at all.
Just fight the zealots directly.
“but the reality is that these engines are POISONING the air we breathe and steps should be made to reduce that – a real problem, not a made up imaginary one like convid“
The issue here is blowing things out of proportion. By all means encourage greater efficiency, higher standards of cleanliness etc. Just be reasonable about it, and don’t let the zealots use these issues as pretexts for de facto bans on things they hate.
The figure is secondary, the concept is more important. Im not obsessed about fiftymph. Whatever, thats not the point of what I am saying. The criminals are disingenously saying there is a huge environmental issue which means we all have to sacrifice fuel cars and go electric, even though it makes no sense whatsoever on a “green” level. It doesnt make sense because this is ONLY to do with controlling and surveilling us, it is not being done for any honest reason because those driving this are ONLY dishonest and evil in nature. The motives for electric cars are as pure as Pfizers criminal record. Whether you agree or not, driving at 100mph is extremely dangerous and unnecessary. You cannot control a car at those speeds the same way you can at fiftymph, I dont care who you are. We dont need to drive faster than say 70 mph which is the maximum currently permitted by law. In general I agree with UK speed limits, they are reasonable. What I am proposing is that cars are built to do a maximum of say 70mph, rather than a maximum of 150 mph. This means power and speed will take a hit, but there are valid reasons to adopt this approach – such as the fact that engines emissions are toxic and cities can be horrendous places because of this, especially the diesels, and if we can take less out of the Earth but maintain a good standard of living and a good standard of freedom, that is progress. This is
This agenda is being hatched by the banksters, and IMO the reason the UK is first in line to go all electric is because these islands are directly controlled by these monsters so they can get their way here, even if it means everyone is pissed off. They coudnt care less, they just want to control us and make us slaves in their digital prison, whatever it takes.
Like I said, I’m fine with resisting the imposition of electric cars, just not with arbitrary speed limits.
“Whether you agree or not, driving at 100mph is extremely dangerous and unnecessary. You cannot control a car at those speeds the same way you can at fiftymph, I dont care who you are. We dont need to drive faster than say 70 mph which is the maximum currently permitted by law. In general I agree with UK speed limits, they are reasonable. What I am proposing is that cars are built to do a maximum of say 70mph, rather than a maximum of 150 mph. “
When I drive on UK motorways, I obviously adjust my speed to the road conditions, but in good conditions (low traffic, dry weather, good visibility, good car, good road, personally alert) I’ll travel at 90-100mph. Usually 80-90 is a good solid cruising speed on most UK motorways. Always have, and I’ve driven regularly for decades, at times for work.
Few years back I drove to Greece for a daughter’s wedding, and on the German autobahns I travelled at around 120mph, and I was by no means the fastest, and was fairly regularly overtaken. I didn’t feel threatened, and indeed German autobahns are very safe, even though mostly not as well built for speed as UK motorways.
Cars today are a lot safer at 120mph than most ordinary cars were at 70mph when I learned to drive. It was safer imo when the distraction of watching out for speed cameras wasn’t an issue, mind.
I’m not interested in your subjective opinions about what speeds are “necessary” or “safe”.
Message to Charles Moore: Keir Starmer should resign for supporting lockdown in the first place and demanding it be longer and tougher.
Yep: trust Charles Moore to always find the wrong aspect of any issue to push!
Big pharma:
One part of Spain is going to allow injection of children to treat papilloma and flu.
Link in Spanish.
I am no doctor so had to look up papilloma. here is what the NHS says
Link in English.
And as for the flu jab in children……. My flabber has never been so gasted.
I don’t see your problem. It doesn’t say how old the children are but in the UK it is standard to vaccinate for HPV between 12 and 13. If it is long lasting, then why not do it sooner at the same time as other vaccines? It also standard to offer an annual flu vaccine to children from primary school age onwards.
Why the down votes?
This is the U.K. vaccination schedule https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/vaccinations/nhs-vaccinations-and-when-to-have-them/
27 jabs by the time they’re 15?
It’s obviously a miracle that I’m so healthy at 61.
It’s obviously a miracle that I’m so healthy at 61.
You are healthy – not everyone is. Anyhow if you grew up in the UK, I bet you had several childhood vaccinations. There are lots of vaccinations (they aren’t all jabs) because there are lots of nasty things you can get e.g. polio, diphtheria, whooping cough, measles, meningitis, tetanus, mumps …. On the whole, the more of these you can avoid the better.
I have never had that many jabs. I am not going to get it for flu and I way past my childhood.
“Puck Covid”
A profound and excellent article, with which I empathise greatly as an ex-GP.
Back in the 1980s, when I wrote for a magazine called World Medicine, covering a controversial subject like that would have generated some correpondence in criticism, and some saying, “How I agree with Dr G!”
Now, I can’t write to congratulate The Covid Physician because he has to write anonymously for fear of both his job and his registration. Even at work his stand has to be private, because it is Management that runs his practice, not him.
How successfully the powers that be have isolated dissenters: Stalin would be proud of Britain today.
It is worth pointing out that bad oral health can result in ill health in other organs of the body, including endocarditis.
Brexit news
I have at last found a supplier for the art prints I am trying to order. They are based in Austria. This was after two companies in Germany, who both ship all around the world including to North Korea, and who used until recently to have many customers in Britain, said that unfortunately they have stopped shipping to Britain (except to customers in Northern Ireland) because of how much hassle it is.
The Austrian supplier states as follows:
OK so this is something that has got worse because of Brexit. On the plus side of the balance, what is there?
“OK so this is something that has got worse because of Brexit. On the plus side of the balance, what is there?“
Not being part of the forming superstate.
Worth a lot more than any price we’ve paid or are likely to pay.
It is a bit odd. Goods coming into the Eu from China or the USA are hardly held up. It does depend on the country where the package is sent. So no one size fits all EU as the press say it is.
Look how the narrative from the left has changed:
“13th May 2014 – The Guardian
In Ukraine, the US is dragging us towards war with Russia – John Pilger
Washington’s role in Ukraine, and its backing for the regime’s neo-Nazis, has huge implications for the rest of the world
“Why do we tolerate the threat of another world war in our name? Why do we allow lies that justify this risk? The scale of our indoctrination, wrote Harold Pinter, is a “brilliant, even witty, highly successful act of hypnosis”, as if the truth “never happened even while it was happening”.
Washington’s role in Ukraine is different only in its implications for the rest of us. For the first time since the Reagan years, the US is threatening to take the world to war. With eastern Europe and the Balkans now military outposts of Nato, the last “buffer state” bordering Russia – Ukraine – is being torn apart by fascist forces unleashed by the US and the EU. We in the west are now backing neo-Nazis in a country where Ukrainian Nazis backed Hitler.
Like the ruins of Iraq and Afghanistan,
Ukraine has been turned into a CIA theme park
– run personally by CIA director John Brennan in Kiev, with dozens of “special units” from the CIA and FBI setting up a “security structure” that oversees savage attacks on those who opposed the February coup”
The Russians have taken another good stuffing around Kharkiv.
They are also in danger of being outflanked in the Izium area.
The train coming down the tracks is a Ukrainian counter offensive into Russia itself to sever supply lines.
Putin better hope someone holds Ukrainian forces back.
The Russian people better hope so too because otherwise, if he finally uses chemical weapons, it will likely be on Russian soil.
And we know he uses chemical weapons:
‘The JIM confirmed Syrian government forces were responsible for three chlorine-barrel bomb attacks in 2014-2015, as well as the April 4, 2017, sarin attack on Khan Shaykhun. In the fall of 2017, Russia repeatedly exercised its veto on UNSC resolutions that would have extended the mandate of the JIM, to prevent it from investigating further cases of regime use of chemical weapons in order to protect Assad.’
Putin’s own FSB employee, FSB operative Konstantin Kudryavtsev, told us:
N: And on which piece of cloth was your focus on? Which garment had the highest risk factor?
K: The underpants.
N: The underpants.
K: A risk factor in what sense?
N: Where the concentration [of novichok] could be highest?
K: Well, the underpants.
N: Do you mean from the inner side or from the outer?..
K: Well, we were processing the inner side. This is what we were doing.
N: Well, imagine some underpants in front of you, which part did you process?
K: The inner, where the groin is.
N: The groin?
K: Well, the crotch, as they call it. There is some sort of seams there, by the seams.
N: Wait, this is important. Who gave you the order to process the codpiece of the underpants?
K: We figured this on our own. They told us to work on the inner side of the underpants.
Confirmed by lab. analysis:
‘The Bundeswehr laboratory “revealed unequivocal proof of the presence of a chemical nerve agent from the Novichok group” in Navalny’s test samples’
Guardian 21 Dec 20