- “Sweden’s WHO figures must radically change the terms of the Covid inquiry” – Unlike the U.K. where elites told people what was good for them, Sweden explained its public health thinking and invited people to cooperate, says Professor Robert Dingwall in the Telegraph.
- “Starmer ‘tells colleagues he will have to quit if he gets Covid fine’” – Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has reportedly told his colleagues he will have to quit if he is fined over the Beergate investigation currently being carried out by Durham Constabulary, according to the Mail.
- “‘Please don’t do a hit job’: An interview with Devi Sridhar” – Ross Clark in the Spectator interviews the (in)famous
epidemiologistanthropologist and finds her unrepentant for her Zero Covid zeal. - “Woman, 75, barred from VA hospital due to Covid rules dies in hot car” – Lear Litt died while sitting in a car outside a North Las Vegas hospital in 110-degree weather. Her husband, David, was receiving treatment at the facility, but due to Covid rules she wasn’t allowed to join him, the Mail reports.
- “‘The Vindication of The Great Barrington Three’ Panel Transcript” – Read the transcript from the February Left Lockdown Sceptics meeting where Dr. Sunetra Gupta, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya and Dr. Martin Kuldorff discuss their famous declaration.
- “FDA’s John Farley Puts Pfizer’s CEO Albert Bourla in his Place” – Recently, Pfizer’s CEO Albert Bourla told those for whom the company’s antiviral Covid treatment Paxlovid wasn’t working to “just take another course of the drug” – but the FDA disagreed, reports TrialSite News.
- “New U.K. Government data shows the Covid vaccines kill more people than they save” – Steve Kirsch analyses ONS data and finds the vaccines don’t come off well – though be aware he is only looking at those who are double-dosed but unboosted six months post-jab.
- “Yelling demonstrators disrupt Priti Patel speech local Tory dinner” – The Mail reports that a video shared by campaign group Green New Deal Rising shows several protestors suddenly stand up one at a time to deliver a message to the Home Secretary.
- “Trump: Disbanding Biden’s ‘chilling’ disinformation board is priority” – Trump said at a rally Friday one of the highest priorities in getting Republicans elected to Congress is now to dissolve Joe Biden’s new Disinformation Governance Board, the Mail reports.
- “Book sent to 800 primary schools teaches children sex is ‘assigned’” – Copies of What Does LGBT+ Mean? which teaches children that a person’s sex is “assigned” to them at birth by a doctor has been sent to 814 primary schools across Britain, the Mail reports.
- “The Week in Review – A New Current Thing” – One the latest Bournbrook podcast, S.D. Wickett and Luke Perry discuss the U.S. Supreme Court’s supposed decision to repeal the Roe v Wade decision.
- “Why the woke Left should stop banging on about ‘white privilege’” – Droning on about privilege is a pastime of the privileged; the unprivileged tend to have more pressing things to worry about, says Michael Deacon in the Telegraph.
- “Cambridge should be a bastion of excellence – not social engineering” – Stephen Toope’s early departure from Cambridge is a blessing; we must hope no more damage is done, says Zoe Strimpel in the Telegraph.
- “Councils hire ‘Maoist’ consultants to ‘decolonise minds’ of nursery school children” – Several local authorities call on the services of the “Black Nursery Manager” to deliver diversity training sessions, the Telegraph reports.
- “NHS staff get microaggression training through £90k VR simulation” – The pilot scheme for mental health staff aims to help workers learn to build ‘hard to teach’ skills such as empathy and inclusion, according to the Telegraph.
- “Elon Musk warns woke Twitter staff they face ‘extreme’ workload” – Elon Musk has warned Twitter staff they face “extreme” workloads when he takes over – but insists he’ll still graft even harder than them to make the firm a success, the Mail reports.
- “The Government wants to control what you say and think, by assuming the sole authority to define ‘disinformation’ – the same Government that cannot acknowledge basic facts or admit they’ve lied when it’s proven over and over” – Watch Senator Rand Paul nail it in Congress.
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“Downing Street […] scrambles to get it signed before Donald Trump takes office”.
Yes, that’s going to go down well with the new US President. /sarc
That goes beyond incompetence – it is literally mind boggling.
Freedom, EVs and the future;
This is a good practical summary of the situation with regard to Electric Cars (EVs) and our future;
The final conclusion is pertinent to the politics and the scam of EVs, the end aim is not for us all to switch from petrol/diesel (ICE) cars to EVs but to switch most of us to having no car at all.The effect on life in the UK will be huge, the loss of travel freedom, the restrictions on our lives and activities will be profound. Maybe this idea;
“It’s time to become the 51st state of the U.S.”
Is worth some consideration?
Yes, the intention is to remove all private transport except for the elites.
Once the majority of the population have their personal transport taken from them society will grind to a halt, in effect all but collapse because the few millions still employed in the private sector will be unable to get to work. The public sector will simply mess about at home.
Chinese stealth jet is ‘super weapon’ that could control the skies
‘According to Justin Bronk, Senior Research Fellow at the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), while the aircraft’s design is “fascinating,” it is likely part of China’s ongoing regional bomber/strike fighter development, rather than their sixth-generation fighter programme.’
Britain first flew a flying wing prototype in 1949
The Chinese are no doubt keen to encourage the U.S. and so European countries to spend more on defence in order to achieve conventional deterrence and peace once more in Europe, making the world a safer place.
China has a long border with Russia…and Russia still occupies large territories that were part of historical China.
As I was reading about the ‘Stealth Super-plane’, I did wonder how it managed to get itself ‘spotted in the skies’. If you can see it by looking upwards, it doesn’t sound too stealthy to me.
You do realise that lack of a tail is not what makes it stealthy.And Britain flew its first successful tailless aircraft in 1910 with the Dunne D5.
“Hospital wards ‘full to bursting’, leading doctor warns”
A sharp increase in winter illnesses..? What shockingly rotten bad luck. I thought after having a sharp rise in winter illnesses for every one of the last 70 years, we might just escape it this time.
I did notice flu stayed conveniently out of the way to make room for covid! That was puzzling, or maybe it was just counted as covid instead? Kept the scary covid numbers up
Surely we could have expected some relief from the “sharp increase in Winter illnesses” after the jabathon of the last three years. Are we to conclude that les jabs have not worked?
I’m having trouble logging in using Firefox. The problem seemed to start yesterday – it keeps telling me I have entered the wrong password. Chromium is working so it’s not my password that’s wrong.
I’m checking to see if FF updated itself again.
I was logged out three times yesterday.
Try Brave, great browser.
I use Firefox; this is the current version. Just occasionally, this site doesn’t remember my login details – not every day.
I very much doubt Russia sends its shadow fleet to circumnavigate the world. I think they’re trying to circumvent sanctions instead.
English as she is spoke.