Commercial airline pilots have done so little flying during the past 21 months that we may be about to witness a fatal plane crash. That is the message of air accident investigators after a “serious incident” in which a Boeing 737 hurtled towards the ground at Aberdeen Airport on the 20th anniversary of 9/11. The Telegraph has more.
The Air Accidents Investigations Branch (AAIB) issued an alert following the incident on the afternoon of the 20th anniversary of 9/11, in which a Tui flight from Spain with 67 passengers and six crew on board unexpectedly gained speed and descended rapidly after pilots were told to abort a landing.
Although they managed to stabilise the aircraft and later landed it normally, the AAIB said there was “clearly a possibility” that a lack of flying time had contributed to a situation that could have resulted in one of Britain’s worst air disasters.
Pilots did not initially notice the “significant deviation from the expected flight path” and a dangerous increase in speed was “not corrected in a timely manner”, an AAIB bulletin issued on Thursday morning said.
While pilots are required to conduct regular take offs and landings to ensure they can fly safely, many airlines have been forced to meet the requirement using simulators as COVID-19 travel restrictions have meant many flights have been grounded.
While the reasons for the incident are still being investigated, the AAIB raised the prospect that pilot error, due to a lack of recent flying experience, could have been to blame.
The co-pilot in the Aberdeen incident was on only his fourth flight in 11 months, while the 56 year-old commander had just 67 hours of flying time over the previous 90 days.
While both pilots had conducted several sessions on a simulator over the previous 18 months, the AAIB said these could fail to replicate the “real world environment” and unexpected situations, such as being told to abandon a landing.
“The real-world environment creates different demands on crews, and it is possible that this event illustrates that lack of recent exposure to the real-world environment can erode crews’ capacity to deal effectively with those challenges,” the AAIB said.
“Regulators have been concerned that pilots returning to the flight deck following extended periods without flying could be at risk of performing below their normal standard during their first few flights.
“Although this investigation has not established a link between this event and a lack of line flying, this Special Bulletin is published for awareness and because a link is clearly one possibility.”
Worth reading in full.
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Your plane crashes.
You’re burned to death.
No worries. You didn’t get Covid ’cause you and the pilot were quadruple vaxxed.
If there’s anything left of your crisped corpse, someone will get a test swab out of it and then put you down as a Covid death.
And blame you for flying WITH Covid!
Off-topic: Angela Merkel has today announced
Note: leaving aside the point that mRNA spikings are not really “vaccinations”, “vaccine mandate” is a poor term for resisters to use. Even the term “compulsory vaccination”, which is much better, is not brilliant because it leaves a space for the idea of conscientious objection and the stance – which I have heard expressed by many resisters – that “I am ready to go to prison to avoid vaccination”. Well listen up: you won’t get a choice between vaccination and prison. A good term to use for what has been announced is “forced injections”. The plan is that they will hold you down and inject you, probably as soon as they’ve smashed their way into your house. This will be before they take you to prison. Or they will do it in a van parked inside the prison walls, or whatever. But if they catch you, they will inject you. They will NOT say “Okay, so you object to vaccination, do you? Well the law says we’ve got to lock you up until you see sense.” It is crucial to be absolutely clear about this. “Compulsory” means “forced”.
If paper notices are served on us ordering us to be vaccinated, we need to consider gathering together to burn them in the street, just as draft resisters did in the USA in the late 1960s.
And the German state has today banned the unvaccinated from meeting more than two people from other households at a time.
They sure know how to do it in Germany.
You could almost believe the Germans hadn’t heard that the vaxxed can still catch and spread Wu-flu and carry just as good a viral load.
Medical Anschluss
Burning the people who printed them is more likely to work.
Probably a female pilot needed a bloke to park it for her.
Oooohhhhh….That’s going to upset someone! (Some joyless puritan that doesn’t understand humour.)
That is a very nasty and unjustified comment to make.
And as little as ten years ago, everybody would have found it funny. Therein lies one of the biggest problems with wokery, they’ve stolen humour from us.
It’s a JOKE, you humourless individual!
Caused by an inability to maintain concentration, something I have suffered from too.
Good grief. You couldn’t make it up. Are these people truly this incompetent? Does it not go without saying that there is a profound difference between having sessions on a simulator and real-world conditions if you want to keep your pilots fresh? I mean it’s hardly like riding a bloody bike.
It almost makes you glad they’re not allowing us ‘purebloods’ to fly again. I’d rather give it a miss.
I thought replicating a real-world environment was what a flight simulator was supposed to do.
For many, international travel will probably soon become a distant memory. A reason will be demanded when a person wishes to go abroad.
How many more would be willing to be vaccinated in countries where the only choice is a Bill Gates backed mRNA jab, if they were offered a non-MRNA vaccine, like Valneva, Sinovac, or Novavax?
This is a question that has to be answered.
I am still waiting for a explanation as to why there is no choice, and my speculation is that the prize in the rich countries (well at least until Brexit has finished with the UK economy) for ever more jabbing with expensive mRNA jabs for every manufactured disease is too great to let slip. Hence the demonisation of HCQ and Ivermectin whilst Molnupiravir and Remdesivir (aka ‘! Run, death is near) are fast tracked for use as they will cause more death, injury, and cancer for ever more mRNA jabs to treat.
Out of practice and at risk of heart attack, what a heady mix. Happy hols vaxpass morons!
The way things are going they aren’t going to get much more practice now.
Utter tosh. They are getting their excuses in for when a pilot dies of DVT mid-air due to existing clotting.
There are reports out of this already having happened – a Delta pilot died while flying but the copilot was able to land successfully.
I don’t know if this is true or not, but I’m not in a hurry to get on a plane any time soon.
This is not about health it’s about the impostion of a global tyranny on the back of a manufactured medical emergency .. it’s about global Chinafication
Please share far and wide this video needs to go viral
NO to medical passports .. Do NOT Consent .. Do NOT comply
Really good and bang on the money. I hope it can help some of those people with hands over their ears to what is going on to actually listen and understand.
I’ve been saying this for well over a year now. Not only will pilots need retraining and given a certificate of competency but the aircraft that has been sitting around will need to be inspected, checked and tested before getting a certificate of airworthiness. Then there’s the flight crew, ground crew, air traffic control.
Mass travel died in early 2020 as all of the above isn’t going to come back just because some Westminster gobshite says you can travel. Not forgetting other countries gobshittes and whatever rules they make up on the spot.
No no citizen, flying in an aeroplane has been assessed as a high risk activity that could result in injury or death so it is far too dangerous for you. We will halt all ‘non-essential’ flights immediately to ensure your safety (while we do as we please).
While the MSM condemns the use of ivermectin, the most populated state in India just declared they are officially COVID free after promoting widespread use of the safe, proven medicine. In addition to this, Ivermectin attaches to covid spikes and prevents them from binding to ACE2. Get your Ivermectin today while you still can!
Not only is IVM extremely effective against Covid it is also:
“Another reason big pharma and their shills get so upset about Ivermectin is as well as being incredibly effective against Covid, it is also an extremely effective anti cancer treatment.
So big pharmas profit line would be double disrupted were the NHS so start dispensing it.
Of course the Wah!NHS is perfectly content with increased cancer deaths.
Oft denied but when you look at what they do!
“Ivermectin has powerful antitumor effects, including the inhibition of proliferation, metastasis, and angiogenic activity, in a variety of cancer cells. This may be related to the regulation of multiple signaling pathways by ivermectin through PAK1 kinase. On the other hand, ivermectin promotes programmed cancer cell death, including apoptosis, autophagy and pyroptosis. Ivermectin induces apoptosis and autophagy is mutually regulated. Interestingly, ivermectin can also inhibit tumor stem cells and reverse multidrug resistance and exerts the optimal effect when used in combination with other chemotherapy drugs.”
I worked in aviation for many years and commercial air transport is the subject I did my masters in although I have not worked in the sector for 20 years i maintain a keen interest in the sector and many contacts. I have to say this is something we have all been talking about for some while. Using flight simulators has its place but ultimately is no substitute for real flying. And of course it’s not just pilots who have got out of practice, ATC instead of juggling hundreds of planes an hour has been at times managing single figures.
67 hours in three months? Hmm…….. The NATO standard in my day was 25 hrs a month – I believe it’s a lot less now.
Plane crashes…. all on board died of covid