“We need more Jonathan Sumptions” – His principled defence of liberty during the pandemic has been a lifeline to many of us, argues Simon Evans in Spiked.
“Double jabbed can still pass virus to those in same house” – “Being double-jabbed cuts the risk of Covid being transmitted between family members by only about a third, according to a study that found that this protection began to wane three months after a second dose,” Rhys Blakley reports on the lack of long-term vaccine effectiveness in the Times.
“Eight wise doctors and a glimmer of hope on Covid” – Neville Hodgkinson summarises a round-table discussion of eight doctors who have sceptical attitudes towards the vaccines and the handling of the pandemic in TCW.
“Lockdown fanatics should be ashamed of themselves” – Those who called for ‘Plan B’ just days ago have already seen their predictions proven wrong – yet again, writes Andrew Lilico in the Telegraph.
“Clubbing — how much longer will our nightlife continue?” – The U.K. is quickly becoming a rigid, two-tier society segregated between the unvaccinated and the vaccinated in a unwinnable war against the virus, argues Andrew J. Green in his latest Medium blog.
“Inside Insulate Britain” – We infiltrated a cell’s campaign of disobedience, Aris Roussinos reports on the behind the scenes activities of Insulate Britain in UnHerd.
“What does IPCC AR6 say on scenarios and extreme weather?” – “It is very appealing, even seductive, for activists and the media to latch on to extreme events (as inaccurately summarized in the SPM), but at some point we have to say that objective science and its communication matters on this issue,” Dr. Roger Pielke writes on the cherry picking of extreme weather events to bolster climate alarmism in Watts Up With That?
“Novara Media was cancelled by a culture it helped to create” – “Would there have been as noisy an outpouring of concern from the radical left as there was from conservatives and anti-identitarian leftists when Novara was fleetingly disappeared?” Brendan O’Neill claims that Novara Media have reaped what they have sown in the Spectator.
“At the BBC, we will banish fear from public debate” – In an age of division and disinformation, the BBC has a duty to ensure all voices and views are heard, writes Tim Davie, BBC Director General, in the Telegraph.
“Wokeness gone mad: Macbeth slapped with trigger warning as punters told to call Samaritans” – “While Shakespeare is credited with having introduced many words to the English language, the word ‘woke’ first appeared long after his time. But that hasn’t stopped the new political agenda from inflicting its rules on his works,” writes Michael Curzon in the Express.
“Driven out by woke mad students” – Historian David Starkey speaks to TalkRadio on the resignation of Professor Kathleen Stock.
The professor who was accused of transphobia for her views on gender identity is quitting her post at the University of Sussex.
Historian David Starkey says she was driven out by 'woke' masked students: "They dance up and down and say the witch is dead."@iancollinsukpic.twitter.com/gyHV9MNhT0
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