After releasing a cartoon on Instagram attacking the Australian Government’s push for mandatory vaccination, cartoonist Michael Leunig (pictured above) was later informed by the Age daily newspaper that he would no longer be working for them in his capacity as a Political Cartoonist. The cartoon was rejected for publication before Leunig released the material on social media, causing a backlash from pro-mandate accounts, while prompting the newspaper’s editor to inform Leunig that he was disconnected from the audience. RT has the story.
Speaking to The Australian on Monday, Leunig said that while the editorial team has censored about a dozen of his works this year, the last straw appeared to be an anti-mandate cartoon which was a play on the iconic ‘tank man’ photo. Leunig’s cartoon shows a man staring down a tank, with its main gun being replaced by a syringe.
The original photo depicts a lone Chinese protester standing before a line of tanks during the 1989 pro-democracy protests at Tiananmen Square.
While his cartoon was rejected by The Age, Leunig published the drawing on Instagram, triggering backlash from the proponents of vaccine mandates.
Shortly after the controversy erupted, Leunig, who worked at the newspaper for over 20 years, was told that his services as a Political Cartoonist were no longer needed. Gay Alcorn, Editor of The Daily Age, reportedly told the artist that he was “out of touch” with readers before notifying him of his dismissal. While Alcorn praised Leunig as “brilliant” in a comment to The Australian, he confirmed that his works would no longer appear on the editorial page. The newspaper still plans to commission lifestyle cartoons from Leunig, however.
Leunig accused the newspaper of “wokeism and humorlessness“, defending the cartoon as an accurate reflection of the times.
Worth reading in full.
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BMJ blog article.
Does the FDA think these data justify the first full approval of a covid-19 vaccine?
It is extraordinary that the pharma companies are sitting on all data beyond the 6 month point. The data beyond the 6 month point (up to 12 months at present) could be pivotal in ensuring that the world ‘does the right thing’, but instead they’re keeping quiet.
Does this data show that there’s no point in vaccinating the non-vulnerable, that there’s terrible ADE ahead, that heart attack risk rises 100 fold? We just don’t know — and this isn’t trivial — lives are at risk here.
There’s only one thing that’s certain — if the data beyond the 6 month point showed the vaccines to be perfectly safe and maintaining their efficacy I’m sure the pharma companies would be delighted to share it.
Well done Doshi, congratulations BMJ for continuing scientific scrutiny – almost alone amongst the great medical journals, it seems.
And yet the FDA still think they can peddle this vaccine bollox – either they are supremely arrogant, very stupid, or are sentient willing participants in this scam with something to gain.
Money !!!
Money turns anyone in a criminal.
No it doesn’t – money is just a tool. That sort of thinking is behind all the socialist nonsense. Money can do just as much good as harm- it’s usually the people that want to take it without earning it that use it for the wrong reasons. People who have to work for it generally appreciate it more. There are always exceptions of course, as with anything, but money itself is neither good nor evil.
It’s fairly unequivocal that Fauci is a Health-Fascist.
Anyone read Robert Kennedy’s book on him yet? Selling well in the US.
Who is his cosmetic surgeon, or has he a pact with the devil is a key question for me.
It’s easy to envision him doing a rather convincing Dr Strangelove impression.
Can one have a pact with oneself?
If he has a pact with the devil, it must be a kind of schizophrenia.
Annie, sorry. He isn’t schizoprenic. He is a vulgar criminal.
I’d say he’s just a fascist. Nothing to do with health, just like it’s nothing to do with a virus. Power, control, wealth, perhaps fame for some. These people are utterly shallow, which makes them so easy to manipulate (and blackmail) by the real PTB.
He’s a doctator
Planly, he is a rude, a vulgar criminal.
Plainly… sorry
Fauci is a greedy fucker who us undoubtedly raking in millions in kickbacks and shares with the pharma.
Plainly, he is a rude, a vulgar criminal.
Dr. Frautzi has skin in the game re vast personal profits gained from the vaxx agenda, and is deeply implicated in the GAIN OF FUNCTION shenanigans paid for by the NIH that led to the lab leak from WUHAN. They were futzing with deadly viruses at BSL2 level on FFS!!
He is a son of a loved mother. Explaining: loved by too many.
Watch Robert Malone point out that the FDA approval is for a vaccine NOT currently manufactured yet and is NOT the existing Pfizer vaccine which CONTINUES under emergency approval. It looks like a piece of legerdemain by the FDA to make it look like the current vax has obtained approval to get the headline for current political reasons when the approval is for a similar not yet manufactured and won’t be for a while vaccine that also has further studies needed.
Can anyone find what Malone is basing this on? Everything I can find confirms this the same vaccine which will be marketed under a different name.
Unless information to the contrary arises, it would be wise to go along with what Malone is saying. As he strongly hints, this very much looks like a cheap stunt to con the “hesitant” into believing that the dodgy Pfizer offering is now fully licensed, when of course it isn’t. No doubt that the corrupt mainstream media will do their very best to promote this sleight of hand, which is clearly designed to create an illusion of safety for a very unsafe product.
There’s a good piece on it on the Children’s Health Defense site – Robert Kennedy at his best on the characteristic cynicism of the captured FDA.
Specifically the last page of the 1st pdf
This EUA will be effective until the declaration that circumstances exist justifying the authorization of the emergency use of drugs and biological products during the COVID-19 pandemic is terminated under Section 564(b)(2) of the Act or the EUA is revoked under Section 564(g) of the Act.”
RADM Denise M. Hinton
Chief Scientist
Food and Drug Administration
It’s not available yet. Because once drugs have FDA approval Pfizer can be sued. They were hoping get round that by continuing to use the emergency version, which is protected from liability, and of which there are vast stocks. Smoke and mirrors.
The FDA just “approval to manufacture and distribute” the German version under a totally different legal framework (BLA) from the one used for all previous vaccines. BLA is supposed to be used for biological products like insulin.
The US version of the same vaccine is still under EUA.
The FDA did not refer the approval to the normal safety review committee as they accepted the two Pfizer US product trials (one which had no placebo control group) and the other which wont end till April 2023 as “proof” of the products safety.
So a total charade for pure political reasons.
Money! Money! Money!
They’re crazy.
Mandates aren’t compulsory.
I’m still getting a strong whiff of desperation, lots of wishing and hoping, and hoping and praying from the Godless scientism pharma cult – as if this satanic juggernaut could still go over the cliff very easily.
India doing their bit with a new DNA jab. What could possibly go right?
Afghanistan doing some heavy lifting, having been gifted to China, for their contribution.
Australia acting as diversionary police state.
Israel doing their best to ignore the bleeding obvious.
Psychopaths and the weak minded eg Mr Symonds in place all round the world.
Travel and tourism disrupted for no apparent reason.
Tests still considered to actually WORK.
Burgeoning waiting lists.
Supply chains apparently broken.
Variants weakening as one might expect.
Stop the world I’ve got a mild cough.
Fauci – I still trust him, since the HIV years. Lovely graveside manner.
But more and more people are apparently starting to wonder if there isn’t something a bit rum about all this. I think our hope lies with the French, certainly not in the UK.
Fauci is WRONG.
Approval may have boosted confidence if done properly: full presentation and discussion of all the data in a public forum. Transparency on side effects and benefits in all types of patients stratified by age and weight and comorbidities.
Discussion of how cases like Maddie de Garay were excluded as serious adverse events. Discussion of durability of benefit. Discussion of risk benefit in the under 30s with respect to myocarditis. Discussion of GBS risk, Discussion of evidence that ADE was not a mounting concern.
If all this had been discussed publicly and transparently, and Pfizer had presented its evidence fully to make its case, then MAYBE just MAYBE I might have been reassured.
But none of this happened, did it? Why? Because the data to give any kind of reassurance DO NOT EXIST.
So, Fauci, you can ram it,
Fauci is an evil bastard.
Israeli PM (apparently) thinks you’re crazy if you are walking around as though you’re safe, if you just have the two vax shots. Seems you should be sitting in a closed room for safety, until you can get the third shot and be safe again. For how long? Presumably until they are ready to roll out the fourth one….
Dr Robert Malone, inventor of the MRNA vaccine, begs to differ.
This is the FDA approval that never was.
“You’re gonna see a lot more mandates [from a range of] institutions…”
Not in Florida you won’t, you corrupt cunt
Repeal the Coronavirus Act
Study that face, it looks almost normal for someone of his age. But its the face of pure evil. And that is not a statement of behaviour over the last 2 years but of at least the last three decades. He is walking, breathing evil on the planet Earth.
Yes. And this FDA trickery reveals how frightened Pfizer is of the actual damage, let alone future risk, from its products, and the impact of that on the company, Always remember, they know much, much more than we do.
They’re trying to get indemnification for a licensed product now, which Biden’s puppet masters will want to give them.
Does anyone know whether it is a similar legal situation here? If it is, Gove and his corrupted friends will work with Labour to give indemnity,
Now we wait on events.
Public opinion is noticing the infections amongst jabees. Opinion will turn if people begin to see “vaccine” injuries amongst their friends and families, and hospitals with the fully jabbed seriously sick.
Not sure that is so; Dr Malone clearly recites that the FDA full approval is for the Bionteq drug……which is not yet manufactured and for which the FDA sees no “data’ to justify a ( “stacked” or not ) advisory board to examine the application; and this is despite the tide of VAERS/UK Yellow card (under) reporting of the adverse reaction data the FDA says does not exist.
Pfizer EUO authorisation will still remain; this indicates to Dr Malone that the FDA are trying to get a drug approved which they can “mandate” for certain sections of the US…childfen, military, and which also can be used by those States that are pushing for mandatory ‘vaccination”.
Concede I may be wrong and will stand corrected!
Fauci should be in a box…. at the crematorium
“…. And then depression set in.”
Fauci….the early years…
Are these people ever going to be stopped.
This kid gets it.
F*** off, you evil b******..
FFWD to 15:00 to catch a great discussion about this FDA Approval with Dr Rober Malone.
Of course Witch Doctator Fauci wants more lockdowns etc.
He is, along with Chris Whitty and company, the heir to Trofim Lysenko.
Pfizer aren’t going to get their 100X ROI without more mandates. Get to it, chaps! Your ‘bonuses’ depend on it.
Fauci looks every inch the evil snake he is.
Authoritarianism always comes from the left.
The approval was always about mandating it.
They want to get rid of the control group of unvaxxed.
Also they want us pretty much under control.
Why is Fauci still talking? Why isn’t this disgusting man in prison? It beggars belief that this man is still being listened to and throwing his weight around regarding mandates like some sort of demi-god. Its just disgusting…
Reposting from yesterday Berenson’s substack article about Fauci
Don’t comply. Ditch the masks. – FIGHT BACK BETTER – Updated information, resources and links:
Full approval has NOT been given to the Pfizer Covid “vaccine” but to a BioNTech “vaccine” that is not yet available. See the interview (link below) with Dr Robert Malone the inventor of mRNA vaccines and RNA as a drug.
The MSM get it (deliberately) wrong AGAIN
Pfizer continues to be EUA status. A new experimental biological by Pfizer was given approval status. Please see Dr. Robert Malone’s explanation on He says MSM made a big mistake by saying the current experimental biological was approved.