Prime Minister Boris Johnson has admitted that the Covid vaccines do not prevent infection or transmission. Speaking to reporters on a visit to a Covid vaccination centre in London on Friday, the Prime Minister said that double vaccination provides “a lot of protection against serious illness and death” but does not protect against “catching the disease” or “passing it on”. Has he been reading the Daily Sceptic?
His message was to underline the importance of boosters:
So the message is that the boosters are fantastic. The levels of protection are really very high, but it’s also very, very important that you get one because the double vaccination provides a lot of protection against serious illness and death but it doesn’t protect you against catching the disease, and it doesn’t protect you against passing it on. So now is the time to get your booster.
But if being double-vaccinated doesn’t prevent you being infected or transmitting the virus after just a few months, why will a booster be much better? Why is it so important to prevent transmission and infection through boosters anyway, when protection against serious illness and death is holding up well and that’s all that really matters?
Another question for the Prime Minster: What now is the point of vaccine passports and mandates? Why sack hundreds of thousands of care home workers and health care staff who decline vaccination, most of whom have served faithfully throughout the pandemic, if vaccination makes no difference to how infectious you are and so does not protect others?
Now that the Prime Minister himself has let the cat out of the bag on the vaccines not preventing spread, will the media start reporting on this data properly? And will the Government now join the dots and abandon vaccine coercion? We can but hope.
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You’re assuming there is a logic based on protecting the public and their health, that this is the primary aim is becoming an increasingly untenable idea
So why isn’t this splattered all over the MSM??
BBC (we know why), ITV (we know why) Sky News (we know why), Daily Mirror, Daily express, Guardian, Independent, Times (we know why), but why not the Daily Telegraph????????????
It seems to be as much of a conspiracy as it looks!
Maajid Nawaz on LBC (radio) is a very vocal opponent of vaccine passports and had a substantial section on his show this weekend on this. questioning that very thing, as Boris admits the vaxed can catch and transmit, what’s the point of the passport and vax mandates?
Also note the very extensive but unreported-in-UK opposition and protests in Italy against the ‘green pass’ (vax passport). Opposition is growing in other countries as well.
If Boris/Javid persist, they may just wake a sleeping giant. Let’s hope it does awake, sooner rather than later.
But don’t forget we are now dealing with the insanity that the brainwashed now say. “I have just had Covid after my 2 doses oh but it could have been so much worse had I not been jabbed”. This is coming from people who have been perfectly well for the 18mths before being jabbed and they do not have certain health problems nor are they over the average age of death so were never really at risk to start with. And when you factor in the statistics now available and PHE technical briefings etc. Also look at what is happening in the most vaccinated countries in the World regarding hospital visits and deaths from this illness despite not two doses but now three (eg. Israel etc). Well it’s not difficult really if you have the slightest bit of common sense.
Sadly common sense alone doesn’t come into it. Depends on which bit of your brain you ae using to respond to the information, if using your cerebral matter in a calm & rational manner, then common sense is involved. However if one is responding in a state of fear & panic, thought doesn’t get as far as the cerebrum & the response is made in the amygdala, which is a part of the primitive brain & is an emotional rather than rational response. Reversing a decision made at this level is incredibly difficult as it is primal. I have a friend who I’ve been chipping away at over the whole course who fell for the jab story but is now opening her eyes a bit & not going for the booster. Her daughter, thankfully, came to the decision that as she may want children, she didn’t want to muck up that option.
So clearly the fear was ramped up to push more people into responding to the information in the amygdala.
As you post, reversing a decision made at this level is incredibly difficult because it’s a primal decision. That explains a lot. Like many people on here, I have discussed the government/media response to Covid with some very intelligent people, but their usual analytical approach to data just goes missing when it comes to Covid/vaccines.
The primal response does come into play, as they do get rather emotional too.
I do wonder what has made us minority ‘immune’ to the psyop at an individual level. I presume it is a number of things that perhaps needs a deep multi-analysis. Though it would be interesting to find out if there is a more overarching reason.
a lack of fear it would seem
There is no sleeping giant, just a bunch of lazy-arsed Brits incapable of critical thought and wondering who’s next to get dumped from Love Island.
Because it’s an old story. Nevertheless, I don’t think most people have got it.
Ha….. This just in! Anyone with a titter of whit has known this from the start. Maybe you can inform the rest of your Minnions Boris and final end this charade around testing, travel restrictions and vaccine passports.
Unlikely though , until they meet their vaccine sales quotas and the cheques have cleared.
Scheming, corrupt fuckers that you are.
So Johnson has made the case against vaccine passports then if he himself has actually said that the vaccinated can still catch and spread the virus.
And why the war on the unvaccinated and continued travel restrictions if the double jabbed are just as still likely to catch and transmit the virus as the unvaccinated when travelling abroad?
Most of us here have known this important fact regarding these jabs since the first vaccinations were introduced and although the government have never actually said that the vaccine will stop you getting the virus they certainly gave that impression – I know of many people who took up the jab offer precisely because they firmly believed that they would be fully protected from getting the virus and therefore not spread it.
The whole covid vaccination narrative has been a complete farce from the start.
And they wonder why people are hesitant about getting jabbed?
I wouldn’t buy a second-hand car of this bunch of cowboys nevermind accept an experimental jab.
Because it will be the same old alternative reasoning for the jabs and vax passes that it stops the NHS being overwhelmed and therefore stopping people with other conditions from the treatment they require. Blah blah blah (to coin a recent phrase).
It’s the constant ‘but but but . . . ‘ argument finding justification at each turn so people feel vilified in their choices.
“The whole covid vaccination narrative has been a complete farce from the start.”
Not at all – it has enriched many members of the UK Government – that was the plan all along. It has been a brilliant success.
It will have enriched government members the whole world over, but governments are only bit players. The real drivers of this fake pandemic can be found at the globalist level and Bill Gates, who is the public face of this farce, was in the UK only last week. Presumably cuddly Bill was making sure there would be no slippage on their plan to inject the world with toxic biological and other agents which are meant to control the strongest and kill off the rest of us.
yes-so much for ‘informed consent’ eh?
Vaccine passports in Lithiania are truly draconian, and have been for a while.
and case rates are skyrocketing.
Good. I hope the cases go to the moon and hospitals are rammed with vaccinated people to show what a load of bollox they are, though it will just get blamed on the unjabbed I feel to justify their fuck up.
Unfortunately I strongly suspect that any of the double/triple jabbed who get the rona will say ‘ah well it could have been worse if I didn’t have the jabs’
Then unfortunately they need to die for it to become crystal clear to the uninformed.
Ah but their death would have been more painful if they had not been vaccinated. And then there is the after-life, which for the vaccinated will be so much better. The benefits of vaccination are eternal!
Yes, they do. I know one such person, double jabbed, who was hospitalised with the ‘rona, and who said exactly that. A week in hospital and three weeks at home afterwards, but he was still grateful because “without the vaccine, I might not still be here”. The stupidity of some people knows no bounds.
My response to that is always to ask “What happened last summer then?” No jabs, numbers fell off a cliff, both of “cases” and deaths.
I follow that up with “Israel?”
Yes but don’t you just get funny looks as the conversation rapidly changes to something else? I know I do. Also not many believers know about Israel.
I forgot to include that the virus has mutated since last year into a more virulent but less dangerous form so what most people are experiencing now is a bad cold.
That is exactly what my wife said when both my son and daughter in law had CoViD19 a few weeks back, as did they. They were poorly with flu like symptoms for a few days, they are still fatigued, but the do have two young children.
Another myth people vulnerable to the danger phases of CCP Virus, which go past the initial viral symptoms are overwhelmingly obese, already carrying serious conditions, or very elderly. The vaccines seem stop some of those vulnerable progressing to the phase where the immune system turns against the patient but most people not in those positions would never get to that stage anyway, unless very unlucky.
Technically my daughter in law is vulnerable as she has rheumatoid arthritis and is on steroids.
My husband says that too… Sometimes it’s very hard to stay quiet. But then he’s double jabbed and I’m not!
They do! They do already! I have a friend who is double jabbed and is very much looking forward to her booster. Her whole family (all double jabbed)had the virus about 2 months ago after her husband got tested and was found to be positive as were the rest of them who trooped along to the local testing centre. She reluctantly admitted that, had her husband not gone for a PCR test, none of them would really have known they’d got the thing. She said they’d probably have been worse had they not had the vaccine… No point in trying to convince her otherwise.
Was speaking to an acquaintance yesterday who has been double jabbed and then had a debilitating Covid infection. He is convinced that the vaccine saved his life.
Many will be too dead to say much.
… immediately after which he said that we all must get it. Soo…
“Now that the Prime Minister himself has let the cat out of the bag on the vaccines and not preventing spread, will the media start reporting on this data properly? And will the Government now join the dots and abandon vaccine coercion? “
I’m going to take a wild guess at the answers to these questions: no and, er, no.
The PM and the people deciding what the media coverage is have known this for months. Why will it make any difference now that it has been openly admitted? It’s not as though the majority will pay any attention anyway, until it is force-fed to them by the mainstream media and social media corps anyway.
He wants to lock us up again…
I think you have hit the nail on the head. The scum bag admitting what we’ve know all long will now become a self fulfilling prophecy. I can hear him now on the TV in a couple of weeks. ‘As the vaccines have been a complete and utter failure, its with great sadness and a heavy heart that I must put the country in to lockdown once again; because it was soooooooooo successful over the last 18 months’. Remember, stay strong and we’ll beat this thing, blah, blah, blah.
Well Gates Pelosi and Hillary Clinton have told him to, but he’s waiting until the elite have had their winter break, William and Kate and kids have just gone off on their hols so nothing will happen until next month.
Oops, he was not supposed to say that, must have been not paying attention, but he doesn’t need to worry, it happens to the best liars out there.
You couldn’t make it up.
He’s accidentally told us here that they’re effectively making it all up.
But why are they doing this? That’s what I’d like to know.
What do they want, and when do they want it?
What are they actually doing?
Why? Vaccine passports aka Digital ID to enable the Bio-surveillance State. This is what it has always been about. Nothing to do with Public Health. Mandated by the NWO, the people controlling Johnson and other Heads of Government.
Why? Its evident isn’t it – its nothing to do with our health its about digitizing the plebs – first the vaxxine passports then the microchip.
What percentage of the population know that the vaccines are leaky and don’t prevent transmission? Is it just the readers of The Daily Sceptic, or is it widely known, any ideas?
I suspect everyone in the country knows as they will have family members and friends who have got covid after being double jabbed. They cling to this idea that the jabs stop them dying because the alternative is they have risked their long term health for nothing.
From discussions I have had locally i would say that there is still a widely held view that vaccination makes you invincible. Many people cling firmly to a belief that the vaccines are a ‘Harry Potter’ type magic potion that will make all the nastiness go away. Many also firmly believe that any type of old rag across your face will prevent all and every germ ever known to man from getting you. I do not pry but it does make you wonder if they also believe in the tooth fairy?
I said to someone the other day that many double vaccinated people were getting covid and they were stunned and could not believe it. I think it will take a mountain of evidence and media stories to convince these people that the vaccines are not the panacea that they believe.
From what I can gather, and I spend a considerable amount of my day online, those who have been double jabbed and then caught covid think they could have been far worse had they not had the jabs. Its a kind of Stockholm Syndrome and therefore are a lost cause.
Call him as a witness in your court case if you’re sacked.
Kinda makes nonsense out of sacking front line care staff too.
Some sad idiot is up at midnight and has decided to downtick everything. Who might that be I wonder; Princess Nut Nuts?
Will he next one wonders in light of this ‘revelation’ admit that the idea of vax passports is nonsensical. ?
I think he knows that and, I suspect, he can now see that Gove and Hancock’s enthusiasm was a trap. The Tory membership have had enough of all the bollocks.
So, will the booster be mandatory for care home workers? And the fourth and the fifth? Sod that for a game of soldiers. We are witnessing the pharmaceutical equivalent of trench warfare.
But Uncle Joe says it’s a pandemic of the unvaccinated…….
Looking at the more recent PHE official data I’m not sure he’s going to be able to stick to the, ‘it’s provides a lot of protection against serious illness and death’ for much longer either…..
So he’s admitted he’s forcing Care Providers to sack thousands of experienced Care Workers for no good reason.
I hope they sue the bejesus our of their employers.
According to Neil Oliver Israel are preparing people for a second booster so that’s 4 yes 4 shots. If the first three shots don’t stop infection or transmission why would we expect a forth to make any difference? And it’s still making a mockery of the supposed need for “vaccine” passports.
Israel has signed a Faustian pact with Pfizer.
Finland has also mentioned a 4th ‘booster’ – my guess is that a 5th ‘booster’ will be out by September 2022. We all see this coming, no-one is actually doing anything about stopping it.
Oh – another on-line petition. I must sign that!!
People have been too compliant. Unfortunately we are now on a one way road to vaccine passports.
Someone needs to tell the Welsh government
The question never asked but the key one for fit and healthy people is never asked.
Why would a fit and healthy person, even in late middle age need risk multi injections of these potions, when the virus itself RARELY creates more than a mild illness for such people?
The massive lie is the CCP Virus is a big threat to everyone. The stats don’t support that. I would rather get as fit as I can and take protective supplements than be injected with heaven knows what. Punishment for that is just wrong.
School children are being exhorted to get the ‘vaccine’ to “protect” others so they are being fed a lie… should be halted immediately and Johnson’s words put in to a newsletter to be circulated in all schools.
Yes, Jabit said those very words last week about children, ‘it protects them and those around them’….(wrong! and wrong again!)
I had a bit of a rant about it in the comments section of the Telegraph last week!
No, no, no. Vaccines protect you. Since when have you having a vaccine protected others? Is there no end to their total f@cking lies?
Unfortunately, loads of people will fall for it. You know what they say, It’s easer to catch a Bee with Honey than it is with Vinegar.
Yesterday Johnson admitted that that the vaccinated can still catch and spread the virus.
So why the war on the unvaccinated and threats to sack health workers if the double jabbed can still catch and transmit the virus as the unvaccinated?
And why vaccinate children?
Money, hubris, and the avoidance of pleading guilty.
Its because its the opener for vaccine passports, then digital ID to go with digital banking and a social credit system..
Its never been about confering immunity from vaccination its about getting everyone on a worldwide digital system.
This woman is doing some excellent investigative journalism, this is what its about, and it is the WHO, WEC, and world leaders working on an agreed strategy
Moreover, will care homes now drop their ridiculous rule of limiting visits by the unvaxed to their relatives’ room, especially where the residents are all vaxed, as it is the unvaxed that are ‘at risk’, i.e. ME, not the vaxed.
When we visit my MiL at her care home we have to take a LFT first then don an apron and gloves. Neither of us are vaxxed and frankly we are risking our health by going into a place where everyone has been jabbed for covid and the flu with no ventilation and the heating on high. Its a blessed relief when we leave!
Boris bumbling again? What he probably means is that the vaccine (should you choose to take it) has a time limited effectiveness of around 6 months. Nobody of course is admitting that natural immunity is at least as effective…
The narrative is breaking down and he’s trying to bolster it with bumbling bullsh*t..
Well, he is the master of bullshit after all.
He’s well educated as well you know, he speaks one dead language and Greek!
‘You must buy this car sir/madam, your life depends on it. It doesn’t work, it will not move one millimetre and does not function as a mode of transport. However you must buy it.’ Failure to buy the car will mean you won be able to travel anywhere ever.’ ‘Wait a second, the car doesn’t work, won’t move and is a complete waste of time’. Why do I need to buy it again’?
So it is not about being considerate to other people, it is an act of self-preservation which incidentally reduces pressure on the NHS which only has 6% of its beds occupied by Covid patients.
There has been a 34% decrease in hospital beds since the 1980s when the population was around 55m compared to a population today which is somewhere between 70 to 80 million – do the maths and you can see the NHS just isn’t pulling its weight which is typical of the public sector!
So it is 6% of 66%, ie 4% of the original pre-covid capacity. The only thing the NHS is pulling is wool over peoples’ eyes.
Could someone please tell Jacinda here in New Zealand after her announcement last Friday for passports, and no normal life for the unvaccinated. Time for us to leave, if we’re able to without having to get our children jabbed.
The big question of course is.. where do you go.. it seems the whole world is caught up with this nonsense..
I have every sympathy with Miss R, may i suggest she gets a dingy and thence being picked up by our government’s rescue force in the English Channel. It won’t stop the misery of being unvaxed etc… (mandates,persecution by the media etc…) but at least she’d have our government’s support !!!
I hear you…but actually I am British, born and raised, now forced to consider a huge move after many years here in New Zealand and with a young family (8yrs & 12yrs). Where to be? NZ or England?? Tormented as I try to look into a crystal ball for the future for the children… least there’s a glimmer of a fight back there for freedoms and common sense..
No, you don’t understand, Will. Really, I’m surprised. Look, listen carefully. Because the first two shots don’t work, it’s OBVIOUS you need a booster. Don’t you get it? If the first two shots had worked, you wouldn’t NEED a booster, would you? As an actor, I’ve appeared in several incongruous farces. This one is pure Brechtian and will run and run. But as with all farces, there will eventually be denouement and collapse. As in ‘Dry Rot’, however, by then the whole set will have fallen to pieces.
Can someone tell Red Rum?
Toad is no longer pm. He is just an influencer for Pfizer.
I’ve had my gripes in past with Sweden But they are to be commended on this— “Sweden Suspends Moderna Shot Indefinitely After Vaxxed Patients Develop Crippling Heart Condition”
Go on Johnson, you can do it – just add the words “Unlike natural recovery from infection”.
But of course the pandemic/digital passporting would them be over.
Where is the slippery pig’s evidence that the boosters work? Please can we see it?
He has none, just like he has none that these ‘jabs’ give any protection whatsoever.. zilch!
Yip, thought so :).
Well Bozo you can take take a running jump with your ‘boosters’. By all accounts those who have been double jabbed are the ones filling up the hospitals so I’ll give it a miss.
He can take a shuffling, waddling hop before collapsing, wheezing, in a heap, the great fat communist fraud.
Just pointed out to someone who has been double jabbed yet still tested positive for Covid, that they won’t be able to have another PCR test for 90 days now. Does that apply to LFT too ? Will there soon be a window where so many have tested positive that there won’t be enough people eligible for tests??? !!!
I am sure someone has already said this here, but the “government” have never claimed anything else. I quote the “Covid-19 Vaccination: A Guide for Adults”, page 3: “We do not yet know how much it will reduce the chance of you catching and passing on the virus.” It’s all been suggestion, nudging, smoke and mirrors and a huge amount of people have no immunity to this…
Exactly.. and I just wonder how many read that before rolling up their sleeves for toxic juice shot..
Precisely!!! & the risk of injury & even death
Correct. In the March edition that I received it said “We do not yet know whether it will stop you from catching and passing on the virus”, so they have modified their claim a little bit. Alright, converting “whether” to “how much it will reduce the chance of” might be thought to be semantic – after all, they could both be true. So would “we haven’t got a clue”. Don’t think they’ll publish that though!
I don’t know how many different versions have been issued – they look a bit dodgy about version control etc, but it’s true that certain policies have been built on a lie, and are thus just not valid – such as the idea of “vaccine passes” and similar tactics.
Dr Merritt has some interesting discussions on her website. She is remarkably clear-sighted, and characterises Covid as an act of war against the population. It makes more sense seen this way. She believes that all the “variants” are simply the effects of the vaccine programme, and that the “virus” is an injectable/transmissible bioweapon.
Merritt is correct in the sense that the death waves in all countries followed rapidly after the deployment of the vaccines. Some countries were free of Covid until vaccination started.
Repeated booster programmes will mean that the “virus” will never disappear. So more stringent social controls can be implemented and the screw repeatedly tightened.
Personally, I like Dr Merritt even though I am not always sure about her interpretations in detail. Her military background gives her a real start in seeing how bioweapons programmes have played a major role in the thinking and planning of this initiative. Kennedy talks about the CIA and how they have researched the steps required to destabilise a country and replace its institutions.
Robert Kennedy also talks about the removal (at a stroke) of American constitutional rights – jury trials, free speech freedom of movement, religious freedoms…coronavirus is just a smokescreen to implement these attacks. He says that they must fight the second American revolution.
Kennedy talks about the CIA and how they have researched the steps required to destabilise a country and replace its institutions.
By arguing about the governments latest mandates we are fighting on territory that has been chosen by our adversary. We need to choose our own frame of reference. Seeing Covid as primarily medical makes the aggression and violence of this assault on our freedoms and rights diminish and we concede justifications, where none should be..
Problem: the jabs don’t work.
Solution: have another jab.
MEPs press conference on the abusive use of Green Certificate – European Parliament
Did anyone see this? Could there be just a flicker of awakening among the political brethren of Europe? Quite stirring, especially the summing up by Chairman Cristian Terheș. I haven’t seen this covered on MSM since it took place on 20th Oct. I wonder if YT will dare take this down?
Does Boris really Understand what he is repeating from a memorised script? The country ( Society & Economy ) if headed underground beyond the point of any return based on science fiction!
This man is a threat to his own population; he donated his brain to (corrupt) science in March 2020.