This is the 13th of the round-ups of Covid vaccine safety reports and news compiled by a group of medical doctors who are monitoring developments but prefer to remain anonymous in the current climate (find the 12th one here). By no means is this part of an effort to generate alarm about the vaccines or dissuade anyone from getting inoculated. It should be read in conjunction with the Daily Sceptic‘s other posts on vaccines, which include both encouraging and not so encouraging developments. At the Daily Sceptic we report all the news about the vaccines whether positive or negative and give no one advice about whether they should or should not take them. Unlike with lockdowns, we are neither pro-vaccine nor anti-vaccine; we see our job as reporting the facts, not advocating for or against a particular policy. The vaccine technology is novel and the vaccines have not yet fully completed their trials, which is why they’re in use under temporary and not full market authorisation. This has been done on account of the emergency situation and the trial data was largely encouraging on both efficacy and safety. For a summary of that data, see this preamble to the Government’s page on the Yellow Card reporting system. (Dr Tess Lawrie in June wrote an open letter to Dr June Raine, head of the MHRA, arguing that: “The MHRA now has more than enough evidence on the Yellow Card system to declare the COVID-19 vaccines unsafe for use in humans,” a claim that has been ‘fact checked’ here.) We publish information and opinion to inform public debate and help readers reach their own conclusions about what is best for them, based on the available data.
- Contamination of the COVID-19 vaccines has been reported in Japan and associated with three deaths (although no direct link has been identified). This has led to discussion of historic vaccine contamination with nanoparticles and the potential for the inclusion of nanotech in the Covid vaccines. Investigations by two German pathologists following 10 deaths potentially related to the vaccine have identified very high numbers of lymphocytes and foreign bodies in the tissue of those who had died and similar foreign bodies in the vaccines themselves.
- A recent study from Portugal has reported that anaphylaxis in response to the Covid vaccine is at least 400% higher than for previous vaccines and is supported by evidence from the U.S. showing 21 cases of anaphylaxis following vaccination between December 14th-23rd 2020.
- Fatal Systemic Capillary Leak Syndrome has been reported as the cause of death in a patient with Multiple myeloma who was given the Johnson & Johnson Covid vaccination two days previously.
- The potential for nervous system disorders following COVID-19 vaccination has been identified, particularly in patients with a previous history of autoimmune related issues, notably multiple sclerosis (MS). There have also been cases reported of Autoimmune Anemia and Autoimmune Thyroiditis and Adult Onset Stills Disease (AOSD), which is a rare multisystem inflammatory disorder.
- Cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT) cases have been reported post-AstraZeneca Covid vaccine and delayed-onset headaches have been identified as a red flag for this disease. The BMJ has summarised the guidelines for identifying and managing vaccine induced immune thrombocytopenia and thrombosis (VITT) and a potential link has been identified between the J&J vaccine and blood clotting and potentially death.
- Myocarditis reporting in relation to the Covid vaccines continues, with VAERS reporting more than 2,500 cases of myocarditis or pericarditis to August 18th 2021, over 100 cases reported in youths in Ontario, and over 300 overall cases since vaccinations began. In addition, a number of new papers have been published including case studies on a 56 year-old man and a 40 year-old man, a study showing SARS-CoV-2 spike protein alters human cardiac pericyte function, a Canadian study confirming the link between the vaccines and myopericarditis, another showing cardiac adverse events (CAE) in children (particularly boys) aged 12-15, and a study showing 19 times the expected number of myocarditis cases in vaccinated 12-15 year olds.
- Almost 35,000 women in the U.K. have reported irregular menstrual issues after getting the vaccines, leading to calls for an investigation and survey. Similarly, more than 150,000 menstrual side-effects have been reported in the U.S.A. prompting an investigative study by the CDC.
- The Singapore government is paying out US $166,000 in compensation to a teen who suffered a cardiac arrest after his first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.
- Pfizer is planning to apply for authorisation to vaccinate babies from six months old in the US.. in November.
- Covid Assembly has launched a service to enable reporting of under-18s adverse reactions, as scientists publish a study article questioning why we are vaccinating children and ONS data shows that deaths among teenage boys have increased 63% in the U.K. compared to 2020 figures since they started getting the vaccine.
- Doctors are working to treat and understand post-vaccine shoulder injuries, which are linked to poor vaccine delivery.
- Christopher Chope MP raised the issue of adverse reactions to Covid vaccines in Parliament and brought a private members bill to review the events and related compensation.
- Olympic road cycling champion Greg Van Avermaet suspects a reaction to Covid vaccination is preventing him competing at the top level: “My body is fighting an unknown enemy and it could be the vaccine. The results of blood tests really aren’t good.” Similar claims have been made by U.S. basketball player Brandon Goodwin. Former England player Gary Neville has noted that “there is probably about a 50% or less take-up from professional footballers” of Covid vaccination, and suggested that “maybe it’s time for the players or the PFA to come out and explain what the concerns are that the players have and why they are not taking these vaccinations”.
- In Australia, 46,438 adverse events and 448 deaths have been reported in connection with COVID-19 vaccines.
- VAERS – the American version of the Yellow Card reporting system – released new data on October 8th bringing the total to 778,685 reports of adverse events following Covid vaccines, including 16,310 deaths and 111,921 serious injuries.
- Suspected adverse events in the U.K. as reported in the media: Imogen Allen (22); Greg Van Avermaet (36) (athlete, non-U.K.); Maddy Campbell (17); Kirsty Hext (26); Alpa Tailor (35).
Summary of Adverse Events in the U.K.
According to an updated report published on October 7th, the MHRA Yellow Card reporting system has recorded a total of 1,222,566 events based on 370,574 reports. The total number of fatalities reported is 1,698.
- Pfizer (22.9 million first doses, 19.6 million second doses) now has one Yellow Card in 189 people vaccinated. Deaths: 1 in 41,486 people vaccinated (552).
- AstraZeneca (24.9 million first doses, 24 million second doses) has one Yellow Card in 106 people vaccinated. Deaths: 1 in 22,698 people vaccinated (1,097).
- Moderna (1.4 million first doses, 0.7 million second doses) has one Yellow Card in 84 people vaccinated. Deaths: 1 in 73,684 people vaccinated (19).
Overall, one in every 132 people vaccinated (0.76%) have experienced a Yellow Card adverse event. The MHRA has previously estimated that the Yellow Card reporting rate may be approximately 10% of actual figures.
- Anaphylaxis = 1,347
- Acute Cardiac = 15,921
- Pericarditis/Myocarditis (Heart inflammation) = 976
- Herpes = 4,298
- Headaches & Migraines = 122,310
- Blindness = 419
- Deafness = 596
- Spontaneous Abortions = 590 + 12 (still birth/foetal death)
- Facial Paralysis incl. Bell’s Palsy = 1,735
- Strokes and CNS haemorrhages = 2,648
- Guillain-Barré Syndrome = 489
- Pulmonary Embolism & Deep Vein Thrombosis = 3,467
- Seizures = 2,867
- Paralysis = 1,161
- Dizziness = 35,354
- Vomiting = 15,731
- Reproductive/Breast Disorders = 43,432
Further analysis can be found via the UK Freedom Project.

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The Bloomberg story linked is paywalled, but there’s a free access report in Straits Times here.
Wow, four years average Singapore salary for being given a heart attack by the government when only a teenager. At this point, people publicly associated with the regime might be wise to start working on exit strategies.
Also an interesting piece (not sure how much credence to give it) from Taiwan that probably belongs here:
Taiwan death from COVID-19 vaccination exceeds death from COVID-19
“On October 7th, the death toll after vaccination in Taiwan reached 852, while the death toll after the COVID-19 was diagnosed was 844. The number of deaths after vaccination exceeded the number of confirmed deaths for the first time.
On October 6, the Kuomintang “legislator” Yeh,Yu-Lan bluntly stated in a Facebook post that the vaccine given to save lives has also nearly doubled the number of deaths due to the COVID-19, which is indeed very ironic and confusing.”
Another source ( puts Taiwan’s percentage fully vaxed at 18%!
Dr Robert Malone’s observation:
Robert W Malone, MD
“Taiwan death from COVID-19 vaccination exceeds death from COVID-19”
Vac deaths in Taiwan: 852
Deaths with COVID-19: 844
Prediction: Vaccinating low death rate countries (such as much of Africa) will elicit more deaths from the jab than from disease
I see Kenya still only has 5,195 reported “Covid” deaths – for a country with a similaar population to England. A country where millions went hungry because of lockdowns (including the UK one).
Yes, a good case for more deaths, certainly more suffering, caused by lockdowns, let alone “vaccines”, than by the disease I’d have thought.
As Malone points out, age is clearly a big factor. Worldometer says:
“The median age in Kenya is 20.1 years.” (!)
16.6 years in Chad, who have reported 174 “Covid” deaths, in a country of over 17 million people.
People in these countries would benefit more from bread (or even better, being given the means to feed themselves) than “vaccines” or lockdowns.
Death rates in New Zealand after Covid are 26 Death rates after Pfizer vax 68.
Another low death rate country, but that’s because they had shut the borders. As they plan to soon open the borders to a population with no natural immunity it is hard to know which one is the best bet – risk from vaccine especially to teen boys or risk the virus. Delta does seem less deadly than the first wave with only 2 of those covid deaths in the Delta period. 9 people died of RSV virus last year however but no crisis over that. The decision looks to be taken out of our hands anyways as the government is forcing strict mandates.
I can’t see the regime allowing Malone to have a public voice for much longer. He’s already been banned from accessing all the medical journals he was subscribed to.
He is participating in a documentary produced by Trunews ( – – “The Greatest Reset.” He says he has been warned by a reliable journalist that there will be an attempt to remove him from the scene, but he says he is not going to live his life in fear. He even does the interview at his large residence and shows how vulnerable he is to an attack by a shooter/sniper fromm across the street.
Yeah, sounds wonderful. I’ll totally be getting one of them then…
You read my mind ….
So not much of a ‘safety’ update, then, eh? I guess it’s one of the reasons that us btl commenters are getting fewer and fewer… any jabbee reading that lot will be wondering if every little twinge is the beginning of the end.
I suppose “Vaccine Danger Update” (preferably in black and yellow stripes) might get DS in trouble with some regulatory body.
Can they actually censor DS? I believe Full Fact wanted to…
Tbh, even the regime probably have no idea what they can “get away with” these days.
Firstly, in the Modern Review debate, I see that Toby came under pressure from a Times leader writer over “anti-vaxxers” commenting on DS (in reality of course many of these are simply against coercion to use these experimental Covid “vaccines”. I myself didn’t have much interest in the issue before the current shambles). I don’t doubt he has come under pressure from others too, so credit to him for allowing free debate on the issue and not censoring as so many have. We are quite capable of reading the information and making up our own minds.
“Over 100 cases of myocarditis” reported among youths in Ontario, plus a study showing cardiac adverse events in children, particularly in boys aged 12-15, and another showing 19 times the expected number of myocarditis cases in “vaccinated” 12-15 year olds. One doesn’t have to be an “anti-vaxxer” to be hugely concerned by this, especially if one puts children’s interests first as all mature adults should. And especially when no healthy 15-17 year olds have died of “Covid”. I would tentatively suggest that the “vaccination” of children – and certainly healthy children – should be stopped.
ONS data shows that deaths among teenage boys have increased 63% compared to 2020. As I remember, there has been no similar increase among under 12s. Yes there may be confounding factors, but I repeat it is reckless to continue with “vaccination” of healthy teenagers at no risk, certainly whilst a link to these “vaccinations” has not been conclusively ruled out.
“Less than 50% of professional Football players taking the ‘vaccines’ “. There was an interesting point made on this by a poster with connections to Newcastle United, who said that the understanding among footballers is that Christian Eriksen had had a “vaccine” shortly before the Euros (whilst technically not being “vaccinated” as in more than 2 weeks after a second injection). To my knowkedge, Eriksen has never denied such a scenario.
It would also be useful to know for certain if adverse reactions and deaths are being significantly underreported by VAERS etc. The counter argument as I understand, is that there has been unprecedented publicity for reporting reactions, and a lot of talk about reactions in the current situation which could mean more people reporting than usual. Does this really significantly reduce the estimated 10% only of adverse reactions to vaccines historically reported? And are “vaccine” related deaths more likely to be reported than adverse reactions or does the 10% estimate apply to them too?
I agree with your points about TY allowing debate on here. For myself, I’m not in any way an ‘anti-vaxxer’ and would – and have – had vaccines for example for travel. However, these untested and for the most part un-needed jabs are not vaccines in any sense of the word.
As for Eriksen, who knows? In Denmark, by the time of the Euros, iirc, his age group was not due for jabs, and they were quite strict and virtue-signalling about people not getting it ahead of their time. He more than likely would have had it in Italy where he then played and where they were allowing Serie A players to jump the jab queues. Certainly, his then teammate Lukaku was jabbed early on. One does wonder with what, though, as his performance doesn’t appear to have been adversely affected. I’m a bit uncomfortable about the stuff around Eriksen: his jab status, and indeed his health and personal information generally, isn’t any of my business.
His heart attack badly affected my teenage grandson who was worried for over a month that he was going to drop dead of a heart attack. He couldn’t sleep or anything – the only way we convinced him there was nothing to this was by continually emphasising that Eriksson had had the jab.
What public figures do most certainly is of relevance to the general public and sadly, that includes jab status with this death dart.
I hope your grandson is feeling a little more reassured, and I hope it’s convinced him not to have any jabs himself.
In the comments a few days’ ago, someone far more learned than me gave some information about links between young footballers and heart problems. It’s not an uncommon thing: as a supporter of a (currently!) non-league club, we’ve had players with heart issues and at least one in recent history who had to retire because of it. A quick google this morning reveals that a review of 20 years’ of FA data shows that there is/was a heart issue death rate of one in just under 15,000 young players screened as part of the FA’s youth programme. This link dates from 2018, so I imagine that the FA – and their sister associations throughout Europe – will have upped their game a bit. Still, it’s not exactly uncommon for anyone, let alone a sportsman, to find some health issue after having been screened and cleared.
I know several persons whose deaths followed vaccination. Causation does not even occur to their families. Almost everyone getting the vaccine has no idea of the risks.
I allowed myself to be slightly gaslighted today in the comments below another story by an individual who forced me to consider whether the numerous doctors and scientists I had encountered who have spoken out against the injections were kooky internet outliers who had no real credentials. I’m very conscious of confirmation bias and spent the evening wondering whether I had become too partisan and had allowed myself to be sucked down a rabbit hole. Then this article arrived. I’m back on the straight and narrow now.
The danger and harm are undeniable. It’s just that we’re surrounded by poor, blind, hypnotized fools.
Facts are facts and numbers are numbers. It’s much harder to learn about RRR vs ARR, cell biology, cytoplasm and nuclei, microbiology, immunology, virology, epidemiology, statistics, and to research all the latest facts and numbers, ploughing through FDA reports, Pfizer trial documents, etc… than it is simply to believe the regime.
Not safe. Nor effective. Wake up!
Among the sane and non-bribed, there is no longer any doubt that the vaccines are not entirely safe. Too many doctors have come forward with horrifying stories. The real debate is why all previously-adhered rules about medicine/vaccine safety have been completely disregarded. That is what needs debating. The lack of proper safety for mRNA/DNA Viral Vector therapies is established beyond doubt. We must debate why they are being forced on everyone despite this knowledge.
Thank you DS for publishing this.
My brother-in-law had the jab in April. About a fortnight ago he had an eye test and there was no problem. But in the intervening period his eyes started looking in opposite directions. He can see if he only uses one eye but there’s a problem with using both eyes. He spent two nights in hospital but medics say they are “Baffled.”
Mrs Mollari and I suspect the jab – any thoughts out there? This would fit into neurological symptoms.
Seems possible (though obviously there are plenty of other possible causes).
If it’s a problem caused by damage to the cranial nerves that move the eyes, then that would fall under the kinds of nerve disorders known to relate to vaccines. Here’s a specific case of damage to the eye-moving nerves thought to have been triggered by influenza vaccine:
Oculomotor Nerve Palsy After Influenza Vaccine in Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Mind you that was only 5 days after the vaccination, I don’t know what the usual timescales are for vaccination-triggered nerve problems.
A medic not motivated to avoid any link to vaccination might find specific cases linked to the covid vaccines, perhaps.
Great summary. One issue though – the Canadian study on myopericarditis has been withdrawn due to an error, with the following explanation:
During the process of open peer review on MedRxiv we quickly received a number of messages from reviewers concerned that there was a problem with our reported incidence of myocarditis post mRNA vaccination. Our reported incidence appeared vastly inflated by an incorrectly small denominator (ie number of doses administered over the time period of the study). We reviewed the data available at Open Ottawa and found that there had indeed been a major underestimation, with the actual number of administered doses being more than 800,000 (much higher than quoted in the paper).
In order to avoid misleading either colleagues or the general public and press, we the authors unanimously wish to withdraw this paper on the grounds of incorrect incidence data. We thank the many peer reviewers who went out of their way to contact us and point out our error. We apologize to anyone who may have been upset or disturbed by our report.
In summary, the authors have withdrawn this manuscript because of a major error pertaining to the quoted incidence data. Therefore, the authors do not wish this work to be cited as reference for the project. If you have any questions, please contact the corresponding author.
How easy it is to write “eye disorders” or “cardiac disorders” on a form. How easy it is to read. But imagine being blinded by that injection and knowing the regime do all they can to silence your cries.
Exactly this. My family and ‘friends’ tell me that side effects from the jabs are ‘really rare’. Well, that’s as maybe. But like the lottery: “It could be you”.
Very useful and interesting update. I’m sure the MSM will be very grateful to Toby and Will Jones and will be making full use of it in their News Broadcasts and Newspapers to ensure that their listeners/readership are fully informed about the efficacy of these experimental jabs
Colin Jones – well-known ballet dancer, superb photographer and all-round good egg passed away last month at the age of 84yrs.
I have it on good authority that he dropped off suddenly very soon after receiving his ‘booster’ and winter flu jabs. He was still incredibly fit and well for his age.
Of course, if his death were to be publicly linked with the “vaccine” there’d be endless panickers coming out in the media and social media to say “well he was 84 and probably had underlying issues we weren’t aware of, and almost certainly wouldn’t have lived much longer anyway”.
Whereas for 84 year olds dying “with covid” the same people were loudly insisting that it must have been caused by the disease and they would have had 10 years’ life expectancy ahead of them at least, had it not been for the modern black death..
Also, those having the ‘boosters’ are being given Fizzer. This cohort would have been among the early-jabbed, so will have been given double-AZ for their first two. I still don’t know of any studies about mixing and matching the jabs.
“I still don’t know of any studies about mixing and matching the jabs.”
Pish! That kind of concern is so 2019!
The argument used against Lawrie in the fact check also applies to all claims made by lockdown zealots and mask advocates. Essentially they are saying correlation doesn’t necessarily mean causation.
Yes I agree, not so much fact checking as repeating the narrative mantra.
Someone needs to explain that sentence they all use, ‘the benefit of the vaccine outweighs the risks” although in this case they did say ‘known risks’.
I would argue that Covid is hardly any risk, and is eminently survivable by the vast majority of people, especially young people. What, exactly, are the huge benefits from the vaccine for me that I should risk ANY injury from the vaccine?
‘and is eminently survivable by the vast majority of people’. As Johnson and Hancock pointed out on several occasions early in 2020, ‘The vast majority of people’ who catch the virus will not die – including those in their 80s! For some reason, this line of communication was abandoned, to be replaced by fear propaganda!
Telling: Who reads these articles? who knows these facts? Politicians, Pharma execs, officials, Awake People, & Scientists…. Spies of Politicians, Crooked fact Checkers… etc etc …. & what happens??? Politicians, Our Elected Politicians to trust with our health & well being, Carry on with this Global Agenda, REGARDLESS. Will it Not end in the streets? The best thing about it all i that: No one could have exposed these politicians better than themselves. The People now know who they are. do they think they are Immortal in politics? power? Cash? Telling
Long time no see, but I thought of you after I watched this.
A very interesting vaccine debate, if you have 2 hours spare.
This data suggests it is even less beneficial to vaccinate children, who have similar low death rates or bad symptoms from infection as the lowest listed here. Will our government accept responsibility for deaths caused to children by their severe encouragement for them to be vaccinated when they gain practically zero benefit from it?
”…shoulder injuries which are linked poor vaccine delivery”… Poor vaccine delivery. So it’s that simple, then? Inexcusable incompetence, I call it.
A friend of mine, a sportswoman till now, suffered and is still suffering from ”poor vaccine delivery”.
Interesting.. I often wonder how I ended up suffering a frozen shoulder after a tetanus jab a few years ago. Made a complaint and they noted it but denied any causation.
“the vaccines have not yet fully completed their trials, which is why they’re in use under temporary and not full market authorisation.”
The regime sneaked in marketing authorisation, in June, but it applies only to vials bearing specific brand names, and not to those marked with the original candidate names. Here is one example (for the AZ shot):
The Regulation 174 temporary authorisation continued (and, I believe, continues), in the case of the unbranded versions.
No branded injections were made available until August (and I’ve not seen confirmation of any actually being used – but I’ve not extensively researched this):
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