More than a million Israelis could be stripped of their vaccine passports because they’ve not received a booster jab, meaning they will be barred from indoor venues (unless they have proof of having recently recovered from Covid). Thousands have been pushed to get their third dose after the Government updated the definition of ‘full immunity’. The Financial Times has the story.
“I believe the fourth wave is coming to an end,” the Health Ministry’s Director General Nachman Ash said in a radio speech, attributing the success to the booster campaign. “We are on our way, but I say this with caution.”
Simultaneously, the Health Ministry released data saying common side effects like fatigue or pain in the arm were all measurably lower after the third jab than after the first or the second.
Israel, which was the first nation to use the Pfizer vaccine, used boosters to avert an August lockdown as the vaccine’s efficacy waned and infections soared, especially among the elderly, who started filling up Israeli hospitals with severe illness.
Faced with the possibility that its hospitals could be overrun, Israel offered to give third shots, first to the immune-compromised, then to the elderly, and eventually, to the entire adult population before either Pfizer or other international health bodies like the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) had fully studied the subject.
Prime minister Naftali Bennett outlined the virtues of booster shots, first to U.S. President Joe Biden in late August, then at the U.N. General Assembly two weeks ago. Faced with the choice of another lockdown or doubling down on vaccines, “we chose the latter – we pioneer the booster shot,” Bennett told world leaders. “Two months later, I can report that it works.”
So far, Israel is the outlier in offering boosters to the entirety of its population over 12, not just the clinically vulnerable. After fierce debate, and strong suggestions from the White House that the U.S. would soon follow suit, the FDA limited Pfizer booster shots to people over 65, those at severe risk and to those in jobs where they are likely to be exposed to a lot of virus in their daily interactions.
In all cases, their second shots had to be at least six months ago, as in France, which was the first European country to start administering booster jabs to its over 65 years old last month.
Worth reading in full.
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Like I said: the new discrimination.
List of Hampshire residents up to £2,000 out of pocket for breaking Covid lockdown rules
Saturday 16th October 1pm
MEGA Hold the Line Stand by the Road event –
Combined Berks/Bucks/Oxon/Surrey/Hants
Bring your Yellow Boards and other banners –
Stafferton Way Maidenhead RG40 2HD
Saturday 30th October 2pm
Alexander Park (near Bandstand) Stand in the Park
Barry Rd/Goswell Rd
Windsor SL4 1QY
Stand in the Park 2pm followed by stroll to
Stand in the Town Centre around 3pm
About 2 hours in total.
Stand in the Park Make friends – keep sane – talk freedom and have a laugh
Bracknell Stand in the Park South Hill Park
Sundays 10am & Wednesdays 2pm
Wokingham Stand in the Park Howard Palmer Gardens RG40 2BX
Sundays 10am
Reading Stand in the Park River Promenade Sundays 10am
Smug double jabbers (and holders of fake vaccine passports) take note!
Surely this is the moment when Israelis say “this far, and no further”?
It seems that Semites are the new Anti-Semites!
Yes. Didn’t see that coming… it’s been a year of surprises.
There is only one voice on national news that is a constant beacon of truth cutting through the fog of BS
Star of Javid
Hmmm. Israel is a state, not a religion.
Having terrible leaders who bring suffering to the people is not new in Israel. Take Manasseh, who did that which was evil, and made his son pass through fire. Expect our ears to tingle.
People said that about the events in Germany in the 1930s/40 …. why did they simply comply as first their civil liberties were removed, then their property and finally their lives.
The fact is they never said “this far and no further.”
Germans 1939 Jews are Filthy and Spread disease and must be controlled!
Israel 2021 Jews are Filthy and Spread disease and must be controlled!
Fast Forward, January 2022,
Israelis without booster jab could be stripped of vaccine passports.
June 2022
Israelis without booster jab could be stripped of vaccine passports.
January 2030….and so on and so forth!!
The same coming to the UK. How long is the UK’s Covid/Vaccine Pass valid? Only 30 days??!!
How long a digital NHS COVID Pass is valid for. If you’ve had:
*for how long? They don’t say!
The funny thing is that with the new “emergency” laws they can basically revoke your “life pass” any time they wish.
The EU Covid/Vaxx Pass is valid 12 months after the 2nd jab… what happens when that 12 months has gone? My partner (against my advice!) had her 2nd Pfizer 8 weeks ago, so that means she has 10 months remaining to travel withing the EU.
She can also travel to the UK as a ‘fully vaccinated’ but still needs to pay for a PCR test before boarding a plane, and needs to pre-pay for another PCR test from one of the crooks the UK Gov warmly recommends.
The clock is ticking, the pages of the calendar turning. Something will have to happen.
Croatia and Austria the vaccine passport runs out after 270 days
So any brit fully vaxxed now won’t be able to visit from July next year.
So hope something seismic happens by then, with all this stupidity
Long before 10 months is up, she’ll require a 3rd jab. There’ll be an open ended number of these, and these will be used for mass depopulation. At least, it’s bern obvious to me for a year.
Are these even “laws?” In the U.S. to become a law, both houses of Congress have to pass legislation and then the president has to sign the bill into law.
None of these COVID “laws” in America are really laws. So they are probably all Unconstitutional.
And yet they are being adopted and enforced and amongst the elites, accepted and applauded.
Exactly this. That’s it’s entire point. Whoever operates the database & underlying algorithms will have totalitarian tyranny over you. It’ll be a faceless, global tech colossus.
Consider how easy it will be for them to control every aspect of your life: if they don’t want you to travel >5miles from home, your bank card won’t work at a petrol station 10 miles away.
As Catherine Austin Fitts points out, almost trivially, if they don’t want you buying pizza, you won’t be able to buy pizza.
Ever wondered why supermarket loyalty cards were so heavily invested in? Dry runs.
The lethal twist is this: you’ll be required periodically to attend for boosters, any number of them. If you’re a no-show, your VaxPass will expire. Good luck getting food. Others won’t be able to buy for you under rationing, so expect shortages to be created.
Not too many and perhaps more likely hardly any jabbed Israelis left by January 2030. There will be similar outcomes in other highly jabbed countries.
I have some understanding of those who have signed up for a vaccine passport to cross borders. There is no substitute, there is no workaround.
The people who are willing accomplices to domestic vaccine passports are traitors. They deserve the future of serfdom that awaits them, and I very much hope that they feel marginalised and frustrated by this completely foreseeable dog hoop that they now must jump through.
“There is no substitute, there is no workaround.”
I think there is – a gauntlet of PCR tests, difficult to arrange in conjunction with flight departures, and quarantines for the ‘unvaxxed’. 10 days quarantine. At a place of your choice if coming from a ‘green-amber’ country, in a rip-off slum ‘hotel’ with stains on the carpet and the stench of cigarette smoke from the previous owner, and lice in the bed, if you have come from a ‘red country’.
Don’t forget the sterilising fluid used on the tests is carcinogenic. Probably, no issue for the odd test just like an X-ray but constant tests could be another matter.
No to defend the idiotic concept of forver testing, but the “EO gas sterilization of swabs is carcinogenic” argument is bullshit – simply because there are no traces left in the swabs after the process.
I’ll take you word for it. So the swabs are just what – textile? Nothing else?
There are residual levels of EO on the swabs, but they consider it safe because the swabs fall under the ‘limited’ contact time safety category based on two, twenty second tests per week.
But I wouldn’t trust this reassurance as far as I could throw it, the swabs under a microscope look like glass needles that are surely causing damage to the mucus membrane in the nasal passage, another natural viral defence compromised once it becomes inflamed/damaged from scheduled rubbing with the swabs.
They are not using traditional rayon/polyester swabs.
The test swabs are also full of graphene oxide. Highly dangerous and most likely intentionally there.
The test swabs are also full of graphene oxide.
As are the vaccines and also some of the masks. The side effects of graphene oxide mirror the symptoms of Covid. All just coincidence, of course.
You don’t need travel vaxx passports for a disease which occurs everywhere. Never done before, and not necessary whatsoever in the future.
As the comment below points out there is workaround. If you actually value your health and life (and seems more people put a trip to Benidorm before this but their choice) and want to still be here in a couple of years time for your kids then you do the due diligence and work around. You won’t be crossing any borders if you are shaking with convulsions in a wheelchair or 6 feet under- all very possible from the adverse reactions reported so far. Some occasional tests and quarantine whilst still wrong are nothing compared to your family having you cremated.
I know plenty who have had the jabs with no obvious immediate effects. (As well as some who had very bad effects.)It will be interesting to see the boosters take place.
But a lottery I won’t take part in – yes.
Well we are in our third country , Panama on the basis of one free antigen test in a French pharmacie. There are still work arounds but it does need planning and some flexibility. We will need a further antigen test this week to arrive at our final destination , Florida on Friday.
Unvaxxed like us are ‘not allowed’ to travel from France to any of these destinations, yet here we are. Don’t believe they are infallable, they are far from it.
Very refreshing to hear!
Well done you. We had PCR prior to London to Madrid. Costa Rica required medical insurance. Otherwise just a negative test. No quarantine.
i had a positive PCR which forced me to extend our stay in CR by another 10 days.
Then, to Miami, I required no new test, wise beards decided that meant I was immune! But, only for 90 days. To do this you need the “Recovery Documents” (original positive test result; the quarantine instructions & a letter from a doctor saying you’re covid19 free & fit to travel.
Paradoxically, to go Miami back to London, I must take another test & obtain a negative. Obviously it’s possible to get a string of positives, so I can only hope not,
More paradoxically I also must take two further tests after arrival in U.K. (day 2 & day 8).
The entire farce is just theatre to add friction to travel so as to put you off. It works.
I just can’t get my head around the state of mind one has to be in to read that article and not think: what a load of bollocks!
Who the hell is buying that this BS?
That is the saddest part of all. The majority are buying it. They completely assume the vax is harmless so it’s just an irritation. For the majority, it is harmless short term even though the adverse reactions are astronomic compared to most vaccines, but they don’t get to hear that. Long term no one really knows, unless it really is planned to kill, in which case the perpetrators know. Many top immunologists think it might be lethal.
Either way, if you are fit and healthy you probably shouldn’t touch it.
If the adverse effect were “astronomic”, people would already know through their family/acquaintances. So obviously, that is a lie. But the issue here is not the side effects of vaccines, it is the establishing of a system in which permission for life are doled out by government under whatever pretense it finds. That is what you should be protesting against, not the increasingly useless but harmless drugs (well, there is corruption and economic exploitation involved in selling those, too, but even that is less of a cause for concern than undermining freeedom).
Astronomic compared to most vaccines I said.
Incidentally, I have heard of way more minor side effects than you would expect. I mean beyond a sore arm. One was not anecdotal.
Of course you could claim coincidence but it is more than normal.
I’ve honestly witnessed among people I know:
Anecdotal? Maybe. But it matches up so well with what I’ve been listening to experts warn about that it’s enough to make me certain I’ll be having nothing to do with these injections.
Mine are:
I don’t know anyone who has had any of these symptoms after any other vaccine.
Sheesh. It’s terrifying. I think many people are being coy about their side effects too; for instance I’ve heard from an American doctor that swollen testicles are happening quite a lot but doubt there’s many guys who are going to be particularly forthcoming about that…
Happened to the son of a friend of mine this weekend.
had to be operated on urgently to check what was going on. Looks like he will be ok.
Anecdotally, an outbreak of shingles seems to be a fairly common reaction to the jab.
which shows it’s negatively affecting the immune system (which may be why people catch SARS2 etc 2 weeks post jab).
I’ve seen computations suggestive of one death per 2000 injections, plus 10 serious adverse events which weren’t fatal, plus 30 more minor but real AEs.
For a vaccine a ‘substantial harm’ rate of 1:1,000 would be astronomical, but wouldn’t readily be seen in the population.
Frankly, the number of people I know who have had ‘strange things happen’ since vaccination started suggests that the incidence of harm might be even greater than 1:1,000.
It would be useful if there was robust pharmacovigilance to properly stop these effects, but the authorities decided not to bother for the covid vaccines for some reason, so we can only work with what we can see happening around us — which appears to be ‘lots’.
For example, in my village of maybe 1,000 we’ve had one (40’s) hospitalised with thrombocytopenia, one (30’s) with pulmonary embolism, one guy (40’s) who suddenly disappeared when on a walk (he was eventually found crawling on his hands and knees to get home following an acute and catastrophic complete loss of balance), and one (60’s) with multiple microclots in his brain that are getting worse. And those are just the ones I’ve heard about when chatting with neighbours.
The Australians did bother, they follow up through AusVaxSafety questionnaires for all vaccinees about 2/3 of whom complete the questionnaires, so they likely know the true story, but the results are heavily censored; on their website they only show the “most common” (relatively mild) adverse events.
We are at the beginning of a “vaccine” catastrophe and the authorities are doing what they can to make sure that the public stays unaware of it until it becomes absolutely undeniable.
When the truth dawns for the public it will be too late for most, as they will have had their double/triple doses of poison and will then only be marking time for worsening illness and death.
Not to mention that they were hiring AI experts to monitor vaccine side effects over a year ago. I think they knew exactly what was going to happen.
yes, a tender was put out and awarded, as they expected high numbers of adverse reactions.
”The MHRA urgently seeks an Artificial Intelligence (AI) software tool to process the expected high volume of Covid-19 vaccine Adverse Drug Reaction (ADRs) and ensure that no details from the ADRs’ reaction text are missed.”
Steve Kirsch’s team have computed a kill rate close to 1:1000. A huge number of deaths in VAERS are wrongly coded as covid19 even without a test.
Far too early to say that.
For example, any potential effects on fertility will take years to be established.
If you know someone who has been Covid injected then there is about a 50% chance that they will have experienced some nasty side effects. And this for a “vaccine” that offers no immunity to infection or its transmission and has no longer term safety data to support its use. Only the desperate and/or the bloody stupid would allow these evil concoctions to be pumped into their bodies.
unless of course they are a VIP and got the one of the “advocates” saline shots – like those who got their jabs very publicly in the Natural History Museum with cameras in tow to record the fact for posterity – why they couldn’t attend a vaccination clinic like the rest of the populace is beyond me unless it was necessary for some kind of propaganda, ahem, PR purposes.
I know of four vaccine deaths. Only two “with covid19 deaths”, both much expected.
Forget the side effects. It doesn’t work. They were told 2 jabs would do the trick.and it hasn’t, they’re now being told a third one will work. CLEARLY, they haven’t a clue and they are winging it. Who the hell can’t see this?? How spectacularly stupid to you have to be to be taken in by this bullshit?
An incredible amount of people have total faith in the jabs and the tests and will happily attend for as many vaccinations as they are invited to because it will help them to feel “safe” or to “protect other people”
I always ask them “how does it protect others?”
They don’t know it doesn’t. Ignorant fools
Either way, if you are fit and healthy you probably shouldn’t touch it.
Healthy people don’t need a toxic injection, so why would it benefit the unhealthy or ill?
The more who reject boosters the better shot we have at halting this before depopulation really gets going.
Domestic VaxPass for food / fuel is the “human freedoms event horizon” imo. If we get there, we’ve ALL LOST.
“Resistance is useless!” at that point.
Then it’ll be 4th, 5th and so on until it kills you!
Yes but before it kills you, it’s essential that you consent to the evil and become a slave of it.
It won’t kill you, the whole point of this process is slavery, not death. You don’t kill your servants.
Not necessarily true.
If you have more than you need consuming resources you might want rid of a good portion. In that scenario the question is how do you ensure to keep the ones you want? Randomisation would be a problem if you want to maintain development of technology and even just keep it running globally. Without technology they couldn’t keep control.
Or they could just be mad and stupid with hubris.
Or they could be just helpless to stop this new disease, but keen on making people more obedient and easier to restrict/control. The most plausible scenario of all. Surely, they don’t want a revolt, which would be the case if it turned out that the prescribed medications make matters worse. So the vaccines are placebos (more or less), and the real deal is the passports/surveillance technology.
If you can guarantee it’s a placebo (saline) I’ll have one. The tagging and surveillance will happen anyway unless people wake up. I’m most worried about CBDC’s – I don’t like being told what to do with my money or having a bureaucrat remove me from society because of a minor transgression or error.
I very much doubt that they are ALL saline – I don’t think that saline would be capable of causing the number of injuries and deaths (and those are only those which have been reported so not the total number which must be much larger) so far reported.
My take is that there are 2 types of shot – the pleb shot which probably is the graphene oxide one and the VIP shot which is saline, and I am increasingly coming to the conclusion that it isn’t some kind of random Russian roulette kind of system any more. I don’t have any evidence I can cite in support of that – it is just what I am increasingly coming to think from everything I am reading.
For example, Jurgen Klopp, manager of Liverpool FC is today reported as saying that he has had the jab to “protect those around him” as much as himself and that 99% of the LFC players have been jabbed and that he doesn’t see why people are unwilling to be jabbed.
I cannot conceive that the LFC board and parent owners would have allowed someone like Virgil Van Dijk, cost circa £75m, and integral to their defence, to risk his entire professional capability and their massive investment by taking the pleb/clot shot – extrapolate across the investment in the entire team and it is unthinkable that the club doctor (who would, I imagine, administer the jabs) does not have contacts/access to a batch of the VIP jabs which mean that the team is 99% jabbed, can travel with vaxx passports to champions league fixtures all over Europe and to the World Cup in Quatar if they wish – but still jabbed with saline.
This would be nothing more than a type of “private medicine” – in the same way that when a player is injured he gets a scan the next day and an operation the day after, unlike A N Other member of the public who might have to wait up to 2 years and more for the same operation on the NHS – one system for the elite, another for the plebs.
I will be watching the performance of that team very closely this season to see if there is a drop off in standards or the kind of cardiac and other injuries that ordinary people who have been jabbed are reporting. I would imagine that it is also likely that very quietly in the background the players (and Klopp) are being advised on a cocktail of prophylactic vitamins or even a course of Ivermectin might be administered but not made public. One rule for ordinary people another for the elite. The way it has always been. Apologies for the length of the post but this has been on my mind all day since I saw the Klopp quote.
In order for CBDCs to become established, cash must be deleted completely.
Weeeelllllll, just enough pour encourager les autres!
The servants are already in play… Seems you’re not up to speed mate…?
Except this is BS. Five minute search will tell you so. WHO Council on Eugenics never existed. It’s bad enough fighting these fuckers with the truth, bastardising Facebook memes doesn’t help us. No doubt Kissinger was into depopulation (by other means) but it’s still false.
Yes, just his supposed use, in 2009, by an old man, of the expression “game over”, is a total giveaway!
I’m not suggesting the link is genuine, but the expression ‘game over’ was in use in 1986 (it features in the movie Aliens), so why wouldn’t an older person in 2009 use it?
I was certainly using the phrase in the late 70s, it was apparently in use as early as the 50s on pin ball machines.
You might want to thin them out a bit
I wouldn’t dismiss the eugenicist angle too quickly.
History is littered with megalomaniacs that had ambitions of eliminating certain populations. Even within living memory of some still with us.
I wouldn’t say it’s happening for sure, but it would be very naive to think it’s not possible.
In fact, as these people have always existed, history would suggest there are those among us now with the desire to eliminate millions. The question is only whether there is someone with the means as well as the desire.
You do if you’ve way too many servants (or cattle) all consuming “their” non renewable resources.
Why are the Israeli’s only offering it to those 12 years of age and older? If the vaccine, 2nd vaccine and third booster works shouldn’t children between 0-11 be saved too?
Asking for our mate Whitty…
I wonder the same. This is a useful wedge because it forces the subject of a cost/benefit ratio.
Why not just vaccinate newborn babies before they leave the hospital, just to be on the safe side?
“Give it time, Rodders, give it time”.
Well, if you were trying to create a Huxley Brave New World you might bring the average lifespan right down of the useless eaters knowing that you had good stock coming through that can be sorted, conditioned and trained.
They generally don’t go clubbing or drinking, and don’t vote.
This has really something like a bad comedy to it: Politicians inventing untested medical procedures and forcing them onto the population in the hope that what didn’t work last time must surely work next time while the so-called epidemic runs its course entirely unimpressed by this theatre.
Looks like the epidemic’s receeding again, so we can stop sticking needles into people again! Bet that scared it! Miracle cure!
Hey, it works like a charm with the masks, so why not vaccines.
Einstein said something about this, paraphrasing; “The definition of madness is doing the same over and over and expecting a different outcome”.
The next sets of data should, unless massaged, make interesting reading.
Let’s hope we’re wrong.
Are and Will are the appropriate verbs in that headline and context.
You’d have thought Israel would be the last country to force medical interventions. The more they force the more I believe the worst.
This is mass psychosis / hypnosis.
Covid waves always look similar — 6-10 weeks from low to high and then back to low again. It doesn’t matter what’s done during the wave — it can be lockdowns, vaccinations or nothing — because the shape of the covid wave is intrinsic to the way covid works and not to the human engineered response to it.
This isn’t guessing or cutting edge science — it has been known about the way upper respiratory tract infections behave for decades.
I don’t understand why this scientific understanding has selectively been lost when it comes to covid.
I believe that the situation was complicated by the double peak at Xmas and the last minute reversal of the rules. I did a simple analysis of the figures based on the previous 5 years flu death numbers and am convinced that the double wave was made up of an intial Covid peak with a later classic winter flu peak superimposed.
If you then look at the first wave you will find that the lockdown truncated it and by taking the difference between the classic Gaussian numbers and the actual numbers of deaths and use them in the second wave the numbers are similar.
So what I am saying is that the classic infection curve was modified by lockdown, but all it did was transfer the numbers saved then to later in the year (a postponement of the deaths) combined with reporting many flu deaths as Covid.
Edit: Just for completeness the summer wave this year was virtually non-existant and IMHO deaths were likely attributable to medical conditions postponed by the lockdown and those induced by vaccines. The large wave of “infections” was caused by the massive the asymptomatic testing testing regime on younger people.
Agreed. If there ever was anything genuine it was over by late May 2020.
Jan ‘21 was vaccine induced lethality, almost certainly.
I think most of it is synthetic & is to do with how many tests are run & how the tests are run.
They know exactly what they’re doing.
The World Trade Building 7 of the covid debacle: Uttar Pradesh
“Each home kit contained the following: Paracetamol tablets [tylenol], Vitamin C, Multivitamin, Zinc, Vitamin D3, Ivermectin 12 mg [quantity #10 tablets], Doxycycline 100 mg [quantity #10 tablets]. Other non-medication components included face masks, sanitizer, gloves and alcohol wipes, a digital thermometer, and a pulse oximeter”—part-v-the-secret-revealed/article_9a37d9a8-1fb2-11ec-a94b-47343582647b.html
re : Faced with the choice of another lockdown or doubling down on vaccines, “we chose the latter
Britain looks set to choose lockdown.
I wouldn’t bet on it – why not BOTH – double the misery
Quite – I would bet on both. If Johnson doesn’t do it of his own volition, then the Doomsters will start whipping up fearmongering in the media until he does what they want.
Orwell’s 1984 SummaryVideo SparkNotes: Orwell’s 1984 Summary – YouTube
There is a distinguishing factor between Israel, Iceland, the US on one hand and the UK on the other. The former states all predominantly used Pfizer and Moderna mRNA injections. The UK used AZ. Listening to Prof Bhakdi some months ago ( now one of the ‘disappeared’ due to trumped up charges of anti-semitism) it was likely that adverse symptoms from AZ would be quicker to spot than the mRNA technique, which was likely to be a long term devastating slow burner.
I wonder if the ‘better’ hospitalisation and death stats from PHE ( not immunity or transmission) for vaxxed reflect the AZ methodology. They seem to be holding up after 6 months, whist the data from mRNA injected countries appears to be getting progressively worse after 6 months.
Just a thought, based on dodgy data.
Been keeping an eye on the v options available. AZ not available in many areas now, looks like Moderna is just being used up. Valneva cancelled. Leaves Pfizer, and only Pfizer. That concerns me.
No .Valneva is in Phase 3 expected emergency use approval Q4. Novovax similar timetable as is Sanofi/GSK. They all use the more conventional ‘all of dead virus’ approach. You are thinking of the Sanofi mRNA attempt which was pulled a week ago.
I suspect getting hold of one of these in UK/Europe will not be easy, they clearly want to have no outlyers and are attempting to coerce everyone on the Pfizer.
What’s happened to J&J?
JNJ is the most dangerous.
Doctor Speaks Out.
Another random thought.
Every epidemic/pandemic has a bell curve shape. With some analysis of numbers ( real actual numbers, not PCR generated and not analysed by ‘pants down’) , epidemiologists ( statisticians) can calculate the likely time of the precipitous fall of cases.
Governments have historically waited for the analysis and timed their useless interventions ( purple bananas*) to maximise the positive PR from doing just the right thing at the right time and collect plaudits and votes.
This tried and tested method of gaining glory has not been followed anywhere this time.
SARS2 and the mysterious ‘covid’ disease have been subject to useless interventions but ones that disrupt society, produce division, and crater economies. Why? Well its not because every glory seeking politician suddenly lost their marbles at the same time.
Unless someone can produce a really good explanation that relies on coincidence and stupidity, I think the case for ‘a plan’ is hard to refute.
*a mandatory law to paint every banana purple as its the only way to stop infections and deaths. Shortly after this mandate the epidemic collapses, so it obviously worked.
Yeah it’d be worth reading in full if it wasn’t behind a pay wall. Again! Why bother? But I’m sure somewhere else accessible will share the same news soon enough.
Yes, it’s frustrating
Never Fully Vaccinated, Ever
Always one more than however many you have currently had!
Box Office presentation from Dr Richard Fleming. Sure it’s on InfoWars but they have the biggest audience by far and I think Jones is genuinely horrified by what is going down here. It is what it is, but I would say this is a must watch presentation, especially the last half. Fleming has written an Affadavit for Attorney Melinda C. Mayne and Kaira S. McCallum who have filed official complaints to the International Criminal Court against the British Government for war crimes against the British people and the wider world.
Dr. Richard Fleming Exposes What’s Really Happening With Covid-19 and Vaccine Induced ADE
New evidence, including a sworn affidavit from Prof. Luc A. Montagnier, has been submitted to the International Criminal Court alleging World Governments are complicit in genocide and crimes against humanity
more info in the link
Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity
The International Criminal Court
Office of the Prosecutor
Post Office Box 19519
2500 CM The Hague
The Netherlands
Ms. Karen Mosoti, or official replacement for the office of
Liaison Office of the International Criminal Court to the United Nations
866 United Nations Plaza
Suite 476
New York, NY, 10017
Dear International Criminal Court and Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Mr. Karim Khan, and Ms. Karen Mosoti,
The following signatories submit to the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the Office of the Prosecutor, this Letter in Support of:
(1) The Joint Request for Investigation from the United Kingdom submitted by attorneys Melinda Mayne, Kaira S. McCallum (143/21), Slovakia submitted by attorneys Peter Weis, Marica Pirosikova, Erik Schmidt (133/21), France submitted by attorneys Patrice Lepiller, Raphael Cohen (271/21), and the Czech Republic submitted by attorney Tomas Nielsen (326/21) submitted to this Court on 12 August 2021.
(2) The Sworn Affidavits of Drs/PhDs. Richard M. Fleming, Luc Montagnier, and Kevin McCairn submitted with this Joint Request.
(3) Letter of Support by Nazi Concentration Camp Survivors Moshe Brown, Hillel Handler, and Vera Sharav submitted 20 September 2021.
In each instance the material, affidavits, and evidence provided substantiate information demonstrating Crimes Against Humanity by the Perpetrators including but not limited to violations of:
(1) The 1947 Nuremberg Code
(2) The 1964 Declaration of Helsinki
(3) The 1967 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and
(4) The 1975 Biological Weapons Convention Treaty
We call upon the ICC and the Office of the Prosecutor of the ICC, and the United Nations Liaison Office of the ICC, to forthwith accept the Joint Request for Investigation, the Sworn Affidavits, the Nazi Concentration Camp Survivors’ Letter of Support, and supporting documents and materials, and to begin the Investigation and Criminal Prosecution of those individuals identified in the submitted documents, and those individuals identified in the interrogatories, depositions and investigation of those so identified.
Richard M Fleming, PhD, MD, JD
Fleming in the above interview says that the Judges were trialled in Nuremberg and that they will be held accountable again if they facilitate these war crimes via corruption. Powerful stuff.
Judge Rui Fonseca E Casto talks to Reiner Fuellmich and Viviane Fischer-Judges worldwide join forces
From Alex Berenson, more at his Telegram channel.
This most recent study from Israel destroys the while narrative, again.
As the authors explained:
“This communication… challenges the assumption that high universal vaccination rates will lead to herd immunity and prevent COVID-19 outbreaks… In the outbreak described here, 96.2% of the exposed population was vaccinated. Infection advanced rapidly (many cases became symptomatic within 2 days of exposure), and viral load was high.”
Disgusting and frightening that this is happening in a country with a Union Jack on its flag. This would suggest that the UK is complicit and on board with the war crimes being committed against Australians. They’re not exactly running to their rescue are they?
Dan Andrews: “If you haven’t had a Vaccine by 15th of October, You Will Starve”
I guess Desperate Dan is useful in a way – sorry as I feel for Victoria – in that he is very clearly showing us the future prepared for us. He is a living Conspiracy Theory come true.
The Phantom Downvoter rides again!
Do you remember when people were getting their first shots and having side effects – oh that’s great, that shows it’s working!
The Israeli health minister says the boosters have much lower side effects – so are people now worrying that it’s not working??!
Israel is in serious trouble. Bought, threatened, both? Why would they do this to their own people? Where are all the highly educated Jewish people in the USA and UK. Their silence is deafening. For people who raised so much money to build a country. It does not make sense.
They’re in the mass psychosis, too.
What ”fourth wave” would that be, then? Ah yes – the one caused by the second jab. Time to boost the numbers!