As the Government tries to push on with the vaccination of healthy children against Covid, despite warnings from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI), a major new U.S. study has found that teenage boys are six times more likely to suffer from heart problems due to the vaccine than to be hospitalised from Covid. This should force ministers to think twice. The Telegraph has the story.
Children who face the highest risk of a “cardiac adverse event” are boys aged between 12 and 15 following two doses of a vaccine, according to new research from the U.S.
The findings come as Professor Chris Whitty, England’s Chief Medical Officer, prepares to advise ministers on whether there is a wider benefit to society from vaccinating children.
Last week, the JCVI delivered its long-awaited verdict, saying the “margin of benefit” of jabbing 12 to 15 year-olds was “considered too small” and citing the low risk to healthy children from the virus.
However, Sajid Javid, the Health Secretary, said he wanted Prof Whitty and the Chief Medical Officers from Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland to “consider the vaccination of 12 to 15 year-olds from a broader perspective”. …
Research published on Thursday will prompt fresh concerns about whether the risk of the vaccine outweighs the benefits for otherwise healthy children.
A team led by Dr. Tracy Hoeg at the University of California investigated the rate of cardiac myocarditis – heart inflammation – and chest pain in children aged 12-17 following their second dose of the vaccine.
They then compared this with the likelihood of children needing hospital treatment owing to Covid, at times of low, moderate and high rates of hospitalisation.
Researchers found that the risk of heart complications for boys aged 12-15 following the vaccine was 162.2 per million, which was the highest out of all the groups they looked at.
Evidence from studies show it is unlikely for boys to suffer either heart problems from the vaccine or be hospitalised by Covid.
The second highest rate was among boys aged 16-17 (94.0 per million) followed by girls aged 16-17 (13.4 per million) and girls aged 12-15 (13.0 per million).
Meanwhile, the risk of a healthy boy needing hospital treatment owing to Covid in the next 120 days is 26.7 per million. This means the risk they face from heart complications is 6.1 times higher than that of hospitalisation.
This is based on current rates of hospitalisations from Covid-19, which are judged to be “moderate”. During a period of low risk of hospitalisation, such as June 2021, the likelihood of heart complications rises to 22.8 times higher, and during a period of high risk, such as January 2021, the likelihood of heart complications is still 4.3 times higher.
The study, which has not yet been peer reviewed, analysed reports of adverse effects children have suffered from the vaccine between January and June of this year.
The study looked at MRNA vaccines – such as Pfizer and Moderna – which will be particularly relevant for Britain because youngsters will not be given the AstraZeneca jab because of the increased risk of dangerous blood clots.
Worth reading in full.
Stop Press: Ross Clark has written about the risk mRNA vaccines pose to young boys in the Spectator.
Stop Press 2: Dame Sarah Gilbert, the driving force behind the AstraZeneca vaccine, has told the Telegraph there’s no need to vaccinate healthy 12-15 year-olds and we’d be better off exporting any spare vaccines we have to low income countries.
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I have a 17 year old son and 15 year old daughter. We have talked about the vaccines. Both have had Covid in 2020. Why would I push them to be jabbed? Even just known risks vs known benefits? My 20 year old chose to get jabbed, and she has had awful experiences after both (most recent this week). It just makes no sense.
My son wants to do econometrics at uni and he has been pulling all the data sets together and running charts and he can’t believe that the government would push vaccinations based on known risks. Then he remembers that common sense rarely drives decisions. The River of insanity has too many rapids to plot a rational course.
As your children have had Covid there is zero point in getting them jabbed in fact by doing so their own immune systems are being harmed!
And yet Boris Johnson had ‘Covid’ and had a ‘vaccine’…
He had the vaccine because of politics, he has decided that mass population vaccination is the way to go and so he had to have the vaccine.
no, he bought enough jabs to stab us multiple times and then went whoops I’ll get strung up for wasting this amount of money on my chums so lets invent reasons you MUST get stabbed with the clot-shots.
For all we know he had a sodium chloride injection. Are all his children vaccinated?
and often wears a mask
That’s right – look on the bright side.
It isn’t insanity. It’s an ideological war that is being waged on us by a technocratic class led by oligarchs and giant corporations.
And we are getting hammered because not enough people have realised we are at war. They haven’t seen that the chaos is a deliberate attack.
I just returned from a trip to the grocery and out of 60 or so people in there, likely 100% vaccination given the clientele, only 5 of us were sans mask. So clearly things are not built on science. But ideology. But ideology is rarely built on sound fundamentals. It’s why I think we are in the River of insanity. But maybe I should say that it’s fed by the stream of ideology.
I just want rational discourse and logical response. Ideologues are always the last to change, and alas, we are living in the world turned upside down.
The reason I call this a war is because I don’t believe for a minute that lockdowns, masks, tests, vaccines and vaccine passports are the result of those in authority being misguided. Rational discourse isn’t going to accomplish anything. That has been demonstrated beyond any doubt over the last 18 months.
What we are facing is an organised, deliberate effort to impose health surveillance via digital health passports, first on the developed world and eventually on the entire world population.
Those who are perpetrating this attack aren’t going to be stopped with facts and arguments.
Vaccine passports may or may not become the norm, but it is our responsibility to ensure they are self-sovereign. We must not allow our private data to be held centrally by any entity. It is unnecessary and dangerous. Insist on Self-Sovereign Identity and medical data management.
I was pleasantly surprised, on Friday I went downtown and there were probably 10% masked, and only 20% in the supermarket. Quite a change. The vast majority of the population have been vaxxed here.
Your children are frontline cannon fodder in the WHO’s war on COVID. That’s considered to be OK because – while there benefits only exist in the mind of deluded bureaucrats – statistically, the risk of something bad happening to them is very small.
Be careful of over-egging issues.
Your headline sounds scary – but ‘heart problems’ MIGHT be comparatively minor, whereas ‘hospitalisation’ is more severe. So you are comparing apples and oranges.
It is obviously true that vaccinations should cause less damage than the disease they protect against. But how much less damage? If they cause 90% of the damage that the disease causes, are they justified?
The answer to this depends on the prevalence of the disease. If the disease is very common and 99% of people in a cohort have it, then vaccinating that cohort will lower pretty much everyone’s illness level by about 10% – a reasonable win. But if only 1% have the illness, then vaccinating everybody will RAISE everybody’s illness level by about 90% – a bad loss.
Journalists need to understand the simple maths behind these decisions. Because no one seems to, I suspect that vaccine activists in government are simply lying to us about the technical data behind the vaccination policy…
And your theory only really stacks up if vaccines were the only option. So even if prevelance is 99% and the vaccine causes damage to a huge number, the calculation is not just the chances of damage from one vs the other.
You have to actually get it and be susceptible to a bad outcome. There are ways you can improve this by improving your physical health and supplements. Then, if you do get it, you have to be under a medical regime which denies the existence of effective treatments that can be tried.
It’s not just vaccine or take your chances. If a vaccine reduces hospitalisations by 50%, but personalised Vitamin D supplementation and fitness regime did so by the same, it changes the picture substantially.
The odds a healthy child – one with no severe or “life-altering” medical conditions – will die of COVID are 1 in 2 million. This is from a major study in the UK. In the first year of the pandemic only SIX children without pre-existing medical conditions died from COVID. Out of 12 million children.
This is literally a 0.000 percent mortality rate. You have to go out to four decimal points to reach 0.0001 percent.
If you are not a minority and have no severe pre-existing health conditions, the odds of death are even lower – 1 in 5 million.
without DETECTED pre-existing medical conditions died
I wonder what the autopsy (if it was done ) said about real medical conditions.
It seems a lot of jabbed women currently just dying out of the blue in their 30s and 40s.
“The answer to this depends on the prevalence of the disease”
No. That’s but one variable in a complex, of which the severity/virulence of the disease (not great in terms of Covid), frequency and severity of adverse events, possibility of other prophylaxis and treatment, and related absolute risk reduction (~1% for the jab) are others.
I don’t think that heart problems are ever minor though. Heart muscle doesn’t repair itself. It can’t. Ever. There is no treatment – just painkillers and rest so that no further damage is done.
I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of these cases don’t come to light until several decades in the future.
The ‘future’ scenario is the key one – and is, by definition, unknown.
The alarming rate of moderate to mild immediate adverse reactions betray a seriously protesting bodily response to this treatment, which could indicate longer term damage.
Jesus, you know what, these short-term, tangible adverse effects being reported are shocking, but for me, they are not in the slightest bit relevant in my decision to not have my 12 year old vaccinated.
Just why the fuck would I submit my son to an experimental, gene-based therapy which provides him with absolutely no meaningful benefit, but which clearly comes with definable medium to long term potential harms which? Surely, this observational reasoning does not require an iota of scientific acumen to realise?
The virus does not affect kids beyond the background rates of all the daily risks kids face. No reduction in transmission. All adults can take a vaccine if they choose, so therefore are safe.
What twisted thread of bioethics would suggest that children should be used as objects to manage cowardly adult health preferences? “Disgraceful” barely touches the tip of the iceberg of hate and rage I feel some days.
I really do not know who to vent my anger against: the black-hearted malevolence of our demonic Insect Overlords; or the contemptible, should-shrugging parents who allow these actions to pass with scant comment.
Sigh …..
And PHE handily summarised your thoughts in their recent document on variants of concern.
Of course, that graph is full of hidden question marks about confounding variables (which will be massive in the 80+ group)
However, taken at face value, and ignoring the invalidity of the 28 day criterion, calculate the assumed absolute risk reduction in the context of a 100,000 population baseline!
P.S. Just as a thought exercise (i.e. – not doing any calculation) – imagine, for perspective the range of the vertical axis as 0 to 100,000. A slightly different impression than the one given by curtailing the axis!
even the 120/100,000 is 0.1% i.e. 99.98% safe.
PPS : each bar on the chart would be about 1/700th of its current size (aka ‘largely invisible’).
That reflects the importance of absolute risk reduction figures in giving a perspective on raw data.
Agreed, and just as fuming at the stupidity and illogical nonsense they throw out as science, and the horrors they are committing in its name.
Sometimes I think we all forget ( because of the relentless never-ending psy-ops) that we are talking about something akin to a cold here. John Ioaniddis latest IFR for 0-19 year olds shows a median IFR of 0.0027%, and an estimated survival rate of 99.9973%.
Even for 60-69 year olds it’s 0.59%……99.4100%.
Looking around, talking to people, friends and family, all in different walks of life, some medical, my common sense tells me that this is in no way a devastating plague, it never has been.
Historically, among the many books written about these New Dark Ages, will be one titled, ‘When The World Went Mad Because Of A Cold.”
Sure, but it is 10x to 100x more contagious, so the absolute numbers are far higher than regular flu.
I presume they’re talking about the ‘long term’ study?… oh and before I forget… it’s NOT a feckin’ ‘Vaccine’ ffs. Please check out my updated website.. I’m financing this personally.. not asking for any donations and spending a lot of my time and energy researching and running the site – Many thanks to the hundreds who have already subscribed.. please be patient while I set this up correctly. Many thanks also to Bob Moran for allowing me use of his amazing artwork ‘Stand Firm’:
Love that opening visual on your site. Is it that brilliant lawyer – Anna? We owe her a lot. She’s also rather lovely (and I say that as a heterosexual woman.) If so, can you put her name (with info) by the pic?
Cue the sob stories and outrage, it’s teenage boys who still appear to be most afraid of covid if outdoor mask wearing is any guide.
Are they afraid or have they been brainwashed into thinking it’s public spirited?
I suspect it’s fear and/or a fashion statement, the ones I see don’t appear overly public spirited nor even capable of influencing their non mask wearing friends who often seem to accompany them.
Myocarditis according to Peter McCullough – board certified cardiologist – is not just an inflamed heart – it’s a shortened lifespan as well ie a ticket to severe worsening heart disease. Then there is the possibility of sudden death and the following – a list of UK recorded harms from the ds article. Then there are the known potential longer term effects and ADE, the fact that mRNA switches off cancer suppressors etc. Then there are the unknown unknowns. Spinning this in the way DS does, as a supposed truth source, is getting very tiring and sickening, and in this instance, it’s shameful. Spewing out nothing but watered down bile from the MSM is not scepticism.
Dr Zelenko calls these things DEATH SHOTS. He literally wrote the book on effective Covid treatment protocols. He says injecting kids with this is noo different to engaging in child sacrifice.
Recent key events analysis UK:
Peter McCullough with Alex Jones interview – some great info which will be viewed by millions, and yes, I know who Alex Jones is, before the bedwetters start doing their thing.
“The only reason you’d vaccinate your child is if you believe in child sacrifice” – Vladimir Zelenko
Dr Peter McCullough Destroys the Official COVID Narrative With Alex Jones
It should force ministers to think again but I would be surprised if they do.
More unexpected deaths from today’s news:
21 08 27 Clare Lisa Roberts 40 Wales sudden death
21 09 09 Saravanan, 38, of Pudhupatti Prison Wardon dies after sports
21 08 20 Jeff Dunning, 35, from Ellesmere Port Sudden death on holiday
21 09 09 Officer Tim Mullen 35 Tennessee.
21 09 09 Chanaka Silva passed 40 due to a sudden illness
21 09 09 Kyle Van de Water 41,51657
“This should force ministers to think twice” Yeah, right.
It does not get any clearer than this. Parents trust your instinct. Do not give this experimental poison to your children, please.
Found this description of living in Lithuania under a stringent covid pass law terrifying.
The author seems to hope that Lithuania has behaved eccentrically in imposing so many ruthless laws against the unvaxxed, but sadly the situation bears out the truth of the Canadian Report leak we read eighteen months ago – the unvaxxed will live under lockdown forever, and be treated as a threat to the rest of society.
The necessary document that allows you your limited “freedoms” is called “the Opportunity Pass.”
You couldn’t make this stuff up.
Credit to the reddit group for finding this