- “Warnings of six-hour airport queues and chaos lasting for weeks” – The Transport Secretary has confirmed that after July 19th double-jabbed people won’t have to quarantine when they come back from amber-list countries, the Daily Mail reports. Expect chaos in airports
- “Covid U.K.: Tens of thousands to be spared self-isolation” – Ministers have ordered an urgent review of the NHS app, according to the Daily Mail, with a view to cutting the numbers being asked to isolate unnecessarily
- “Lifting Covid rules in England ‘will overwhelm testing capacity’” – Professor Jon Deeks has warned that at least 660,000 gold-standard PCR tests are likely to be needed each day if daily infections climb to as high as 100,000 during the Summer, according to the Guardian
- “Delta variant is reinfecting people who have already had COVID-19” – A study published in Nature has found that people who have previously caught Covid are now more likely to be re-infected because of the Delta variant, the Telegraph reports, and a single dose of Pfizer or AstraZeneca provides just 10% protection against the mutation
- “Rishi Sunak tells workers to get back to the office” – The Chancellor of the Exchequer is urging Brits to head back into the office as soon as the work from home guidance is lifted, the Telegraph says, arguing that it is “really important” for younger staff
- “Sajid Javid mocks Matt Hancock’s affair with Gina Coladangelo” – Sajid Javid teased his predecessor during a video meeting yesterday, MailOnline reports, saying, as the meeting began, “I hope my camera is on… I mean the one on my laptop, not the one on the ceiling”
- “Mick Jagger broke lockdown rules to watch England game” – Mick Jagger flew in from France on Tuesday to watch England play Denmark, MailOnline reports, when he should have been quarantining for 10 days
- “Italy fans to be allowed into Euro 2020 final at Wembley without self-isolating” – Government Ministers and UEFA have agreed on exemption to allow Italian fan to come to Wembley, the Telegraph reports, despite England fans being barred from entering Rome for the quarter final
- “Financial hit from Covid far less drastic than feared” – The Institute for Fiscal Studies has found that unemployment, debt and earnings have not worsened significantly during the pandemic, the Times reports
- “Finla owners ‘could face prison’ if they don’t pay £42,000” – The Plymouth Herald tells the story of Finla Coffee, a café in Plymptom, whose owners face a £42,000 fine for continuing to trade during the November lockdown
- “Covid and schools: the evidence for reopening safely” – Cassandra Willyard details the studies which suggest that rates of Covid transmission are lower in Schools than in the community for Nature. “It’s safer for them to be in school than to be outside of school,” says Paediatrician Daniel Benjamin, one of the quoted experts
- “Embracing pandemic uncertainty in science, society and policy – A study by Dr. Colin Foad in Royal Society Open Science exploring why the lockdown policy enjoyed so much public support. We find “that people supported lockdown, in essence, because it exists”
- “Universities to defy Government advice and keep online learning” – Nearly all Russell Group Universities have said that they would adopt “blended learning” in the coming academic year, the Times reports, despite the Education Secretary saying they can go back to in-person teaching. Needless to say, undergraduates will still pay £9,250 a year in fees
- “Watching Euros may be behind rise in infections in men” – Men were 30% more likely than women to test positive for the virus in the past two weeks, according to the React study. The BBC suggests it might be because so many men have been getting together to watch the football
- “Experts shouldn’t be shielded from public debate” – “We all have a right to challenge the scientists who are now wielding so much power,” says Norman Lewis in Spiked
- “Why doctors have chosen to delete Test and Trace app” – “When I downloaded the NHS Test and Trace app I thought I was doing something sensible, diligent and public-spirited,” says Dr Max Pemberton in the Daily Mail. But then he began to realise that “it wasn’t so simple”
- “Elderly people imprisoned in care homes never had a chance to rage against the dying of the light” – The average care home resident “has a life expectancy of just two-and-a-half years”, writes Dr. Tessa Dunlop in Mail+. “But in our new normal, it mattered not if they died alone, scared and confused, so long as their death did not push Britain further up the premier league of Covid failed states”
- “‘Due to Covid’ – the frustrating new catchphrase that has replaced customer service” – “Like ‘leaves on the line’ and ‘the computer says no’, ‘due to Covid’ is the bleak phrase that throws a cordon sanitaire around everything from lackadaisical customer service to zealous jobsworths,” says Judith Woods in the Telegraph
- “Freedom Day… or a temporary reprieve?” – “We may allow ourselves… a brief period of rejoicing”, say the Health Advisory & Recovery Team of ‘Freedom day’, but they point out that “many stark abnormalities will remain from July 19th onwards”. Part of HART’s latest newsletter
- “Why we should stop testing in schools” – “We could stop screening children for Covid altogether,” say Dominic Wilkinson, Jonathan Pugh and Julian Savulescu in the Conversation, and keep them out of school if they are unwell. “This is the way we normally approach viral illness in children”
- “Zero Covid?” – In his latest post for Lockdown Satire, Andy Lambeth imagines the COBRA crisis meeting that would occur were COVID-19 suddenly to disappear
- “Needled at lunch by my vaccine-zealot friends” – Kate Dunlop was looking forward to meeting up with some old friends, but their thoughts on lockdowns, vaccines and Covid passports took her by surprise. “I got the sense that I had become somehow alien,” she says in the Conservative Woman
- “Scandal of the rushed rollout: Censored vaccine expert speaks out” – Sonia Elijah writes up the highlights of her discussion with Dr Robert Malone, who invented the mRNA vaccine technology, in the Conservative Woman
- “Call for new restrictions as Spain’s youth bear brunt of Covid cases” – Euronews reports that Spain has seen a resurgence of Covid cases among the young and unvaccinated. Over the last 14 days, there have been 800 cases per 100,000 people among the 20-29 age group
- “Israel registers two deaths for the first time in weeks” – Two people died of coronavirus in Israel early Thursday, the Jerusalem Post reports. The last time that two people succumbed to the virus within 24 hours was May 27th
- “Fauci tells those hesitant to get vaccinated to ‘get over it’” – The Post Millennial highlights Dr. Fauci’s latest media appearance where he had a message for the as yet unvaccinated. “What is the problem? Get over it. Get over this political statement. Just get over it, and try and save the lives of yourself and your family,” he said
- “Virus Experts to CNN: Trust Us, Everything We Do In Our Profession Is Always Safe” – Writing for the National Review, Jim Geraghty takes aim at the virus researchers who scoffed at the lab-leak theory on CNN
- “New Documents Show Wuhan Lab Asked NIH Official for Information on Disinfectants” – Judicial Watch has obtained some more emails and documents from the National Institutes of Health about the Wuhan lab. Includes an email from the Vice Director of the Wuhan Lab asking an NIH official for help finding disinfectants for decontamination of airtight suits and indoor surfaces
- “Pfizer to ask FDA to authorise booster dose of COVID vaccine as Delta variant spreads” – Pfizer intends to seek U.S. authorisation for its booster jab within the next month, according to Reuters
- “South Korea to raise COVID-19 curbs to highest level in Seoul, says PM” – Reuters reports that COVID-19 curbs have been raised to their highest level in Seoul and some neighbouring regions, meaning the closure of schools, nightclubs and bars, and restricting public meetings to two people after 6.00p.m.
- “Spectators banned from most Olympic events as Covid emergency declared” – Tokyo has declared a fourth state of emergency alert, the Guardian says, meaning that for the first time in history spectators have been barred from most Olympic events
- “New South Wales health officials have made subtle changes to public health order” – The Chief Health Officer in New South Wales Dr Kerry Chant has amended public health orders to make it illegal for more than one person to visit another household to give “care or assistance”, the Daily Mail reports
- “Why should we rely on mRNA vaccines?” – Last month the Australian Government announced that it would phase out the AstraZeneca vaccine and rely on the Pfizer and Moderna jabs instead. “However,” says Dr. Rocco Loiacono in Spectator Australia, “these mRNA inoculations are not without their problems, either”
- “Dr. Robert Malone on the Bioethics of Experimental Vaccines and the ‘Ultimate Gaslighting’” – Epoch TV sits down with Dr. Robert Malone to discuss Covid vaccine safety, the repurposing of drugs and the ethics of public health
- “This sense that children are so resilient that they can adapt to anything is just wrong” – In the Telegraph‘s latest Planet Normal podcast, UsForThem’s Liz Cole says that praising children’s resilience is just a way “for adults to justify the fact that they haven’t protected children when they should have done”
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“Italy fans allowed into Euros final without ‘self-isolating’ “.
It’s alright, the virus is a football fan, among many other talents.
(We really ought to do something for the final, you know – or would it backfire? Justified anyway, how many of these pointless restrictions have been put on people attending the tournament?)
“UK politicians allowed into citizen imposed lamppost hanging zone without ‘self-shooting in head first “.
Seems fair to me.
But not if a Brit comes back from business trip to Italy. Glad to see they have their priorities right.
I’m going to hold my hands up and confess that I do enjoy watching football. But on the other hand I have grown to hate the sport in equal measure with its steady infiltration of global cultural marxist politics and the revolting disconnect of the super-rich footballers, the pundits and the officials.
While we have been locked up in our own homes, unable to see our loved ones, not allowed to touch them or hug them, footballers continued playing their sport throughout, full contact, hugging each other, spitting, shaking hands, etc, continuing to receive their ludicrous wages and advertising money while people lose their jobs and others live on furlough.
And it’s no coincidence that at the start of this shitshow, the BLM movement was fully embraced and celebrated by footballers, the presenters, the advertisers, etc, while the public were kept locked up and unable to protest.
It was decided the Euros would not allow teams to ‘take the knee’, so ‘defiant’ millionaire Harry Kane did it anyway (wonder which advertiser made him do it?), then the game against Denmark, the whole England team took the knee, much to the gushing admiration of the arsehole commentator. Denmark stayed on their feet, so that was good enough for me to fully support Denmark.
While the braindead public cheered their millionaire England heroes to success, I shouted for the opposition in their refusal to bend the knee.
And now we hear another development in the psychological manipulation of the public using football, in that England fans are blocked from travelling to Italy to watch the final but Italians are allowed entry without hindrance.
I guarantee this is a deliberate ploy to drive up a sense of national togetherness. When we see a stadium full of Italians booing England players (especially if it happens while taking the knee), the public feeling will be collective outrage, and if we win, it’ll be like Rocky going into Russia and winning his fight. It’s a win/win situation for the political scumbags, and no doubt Sadiq Khan will be there again while his constituents are treated like walking disease and blocked from entry.
Is anybody else starting to feel uncomfortable about all this national togetherness. Everything is a about the collective and we all have to hang on the great leader BoJo’s every word – he deicides if we can have the day off on Monday, when we can see our friends, when we can open our business and when we can and can’t leave our homes. The UK today makes the old USSR look liberal and free! I hate it.
Bread and circuses.
the rainbow flag, taking the knee, the NHS slogans – who says sport and politics don’t mix? I’ll go out on a limb and mention the recent business with Hungary…
The pandemic is over. The virus is endemic. Let’s just go back to normal. The damned thing is mutating towards a cold virus, like every single coronavirus and betacoronavirus epidemic in history.
I am so sick of stating this. It is the scientific truth.
Will, you may be the slowest red pill of all time after Tim Pool, but please stop all this nonsense “news”. It’s all bullshit. Time to stop the tests, stop the masks, time to stop the “dying with Covid”. It’s all lies, damned lies and bullshit statistics.
The end game is clearly what Peter McCullough calls the “second bioweapon” which is the death shots. The original bioweapon was so pathetic it was a joke (unless you were older than life expectancy, or morbidly obese), hence the need to ramp it up to the super scary levels with the testing and fraudulent death counts.
This is nothing but fake Swine Flu 2: PCR Test Boogaloo. The only difference between the fake Swine Flu “pandemic” of 2009 and today is that back then they hadn’t thought of a “test” to make the healthy “guilty until proven innocent”.
Of course, Pandemrix wasn’t given to enough kids back then. Just think of all the children we didn’t permanently disable ten years ago!
The second bioweapon + the mass casualties from missed treatments + the coming food shortages + the coming false flag cyber attack that makes this website impossible to run anymore + the attack on liberal democracy = the NWO.
I knew this was coming for two decades. I didn’t know how the fuckers in charge would do it, but it seems we have found our answer.
As I have stated before, reporting the lies of the enemy is akin to deliberating on how many angel’s one can fit on the head of a pin.
Stop quoting the MSM, they are bought and paid for. Almost everything is Kabuki Theater.
Here is some sense from UK Unity News:
I knew this was coming for two decades. I didn’t know how the fuckers in charge would do it, but it seems we have found our answer.”
Yes. Agreed. Like many I’ve been puzzling over how it might happen, for many years. This is indeed it. Getting out of it is essential, this is the next bit that I’m not sure how it will happen.
I think entropy will take care of most of it. This civilisation is crumbling.
Only by divine intervention.
Getting the usual media crap about the “Delta Variant” (note the scare quotes) in Australia. If any of the media/government/’medical advisors’ knew their ass from a hole in the ground they would be pleased that the less virulent Delta variant has arrived to drive out the more dangerous earlier versions.
Six-hour queues. Chaos in airports.
I’m so glad I’m not jabbed and won’t be going to any airports.
Happy holidays, jabberwocks.
There wasn’t enough security theatre already to stop the plebs from flying. Will this extra layer of stupidity do the trick?
What is the situation in the UK regarding factory closures “due to Covid”. If someone working in a factory (or a building site etc) tests positive is the whole thing shut down?
I got a call yesterday from a pub that had to close down for a week because one of its employees got pinged.
A neighboring one suffered the same fate the week before.
The one that called me lost its busiest week of the year, FoS.
At most they get reimbursed the labour cost, no costs, revenues/profits lost and they probably have to destroy thousands of pounds worth of food preordered already.
Total madness.
And a crime.
There is a go fund me account set up for Finla Coffee. How do you know if these things are genuine? I’d be happy to help if I knew for certain that’s where my money was going.
On the surge in men because of the Euros, I say poppycock. I’m a female lifelong footy fan and the split of men to women watching is not big enough to have been responsible for such a surge. I find the suggestion rather sexist actually. Many women watch football. Was there a surge of cases in toffs because of the tennis?
I understand the reservations. Not sure how you can check gofundme, but I have been to Finla’s coffee shop and can vouch for them being genuine. They had all the requisite ‘safeguards’ available, and a ‘No mask, we won’t ask’ sign in the window. They are good people and don’t deserve this (I am not related to or otherwise affiliated to them)
A separate point: people here often complain about businesses not standing up to the bullshit. I sympathise with that view. But we should remember that this is what can happen when you do
Very true, though my beef is really with the very large businesses in retail, hospitality and travel who face existential threats that they seem not to have woken up to. If I were them I would be thinking that even risking large fines i worth it given the massive losses and possible extinction they face – especially travel.
Absolutely. For small businesses it is all about the numbers, and popular local support. Without either, you’re going to pay a heavy price for standing up for principle.
How is the GoFundMe going for them? Worth putting a link here.
I believe we should be making direct personal contact with these few resisters if they are in our local areas – I’ve supported Kate and Luc’s in Manchester, and become a repeat customer there as a result of Luc’s stand.
It’s difficult when the business is geographically remote (although there can be little harm on making a small donation anyway).
My concern about this case (Finla) is that they look like extremely decent people who absolutely deserve our support, but imo they appear to have been rather badly advised. I don’t think ignoring court action is ever likely to be a good way to go.
It was interesting to hear yesterday that the 100,000 a day figure that has been touted is based on assumptions around mass”rule-breaking” associated with the Euros.
Fauci: “Get over it” (ref vaccine “hesitancy”)…. I’m so glad we have these paragons of science to guide us.
And wonderful, caring, empathetic human beings …
What the hell is a ‘gold standard’s PCR test? The inventor said they’re not a diagnostic test. The manufacturer says it on every box. Drosten is a fraudster. Yet apparently all this means nothing. However, Tess Lawrie’s Cochrane standard study of Ivermectin is discarded in favour of a rigged and flawed ‘official’ trial.
Only one sortmf trial is mandated here. The sort that ends with the judges black cap.
You beat me to it. Gold standard PCR test (for diagnosis) is an oxymoron, more likely to find rocking horse s**t.
Oops, sorry, I just ranted the same rant.
The absolute state of this site. It’s surrendering to the language of the plandemic, which means the thoughts will follow.
Getting a ‘sustainable planet’ for the 1% has allowed many other ‘agenda’s, bandwagon’s, and gravy trains, to flourish. When the EU gravy train left the station another one came along……
My JWYTICGAMS (Just when you thought that it couldn’t any more stupid) slot.
In our small rural town, in a local shop you take egg boxes to be recycled/reused, so yesterday when I came across a box, I thought: although I don’t want any eggs today, I will drop it off at said shop; when I handed it over, the shopkeeper said: “right, I’ll put it in QUARANTINE!!!!”
It shows the same mentality as those annoying people who block the entrance to the supermarket while they play the ‘sanitising’ game with the trolley / basket handles!
Sycrinised sanitizing?
No… Just say ‘NO’…
‘DR MAX PEMBERTON: Why doctors like me have chosen to DELETE the NHS Test and Trace app’.
What a surprise. Put crap on your phone and that’s exactly what you’ll get out of it.
Same can be said about crap governments…
“gold standard PCR tests”?
Sort yourselves out. Language controls thought. Don’t speak lies, or your brain will start to accept them as truths.
In addition to the Nature study posted above I have seen a reference to this
These findings go against what I have read many times about broad long-lasting immunity post infection.
Sounds a bit fishy to me
See ATL item now published
I’m not exaggerating when I say that the threat of this ‘vaccine’ kept me awake last night (as well as other nights). On the controlled opposition channel, GB News, I listened as one of their guests, Christopher Biggins, stated explicitly that being jabbed should be made mandatory for everyone. With a smile on his face, the presenter, Dan Wootton, continued the interview without challenging him.
This is how it starts; one idiot calls for compulsory ‘vaccine’ for all, then another, then another until they’ve made it look like a majority rule, by which point the braindead public are onboard and supportive. Of course this has probably been going on for months on the BBC/Sky/etc, but I don’t have a TV licence so happily do not watch their degenerative shit.
1 in 160 people in England supposedly have Covid plus people who’ve supposedly died of Covid and the people who recovered from possible Covid, to me suggests herd immunity.
It seems to me that the world has become insane.