As the Government assesses the pros and cons of vaccinating children, new data has revealed that just 25 under-18s in England died from the virus between March 2020 and February 2021. This equates to an absolute risk of one in 481,000. In the same period, 124 children died from suicide and 268 died from trauma. The researchers conclude that lockdown “may prove a greater risk than… SARS-CoV-2 itself”. The MailOnline has the story.
Young people with pre-existing medical conditions, like heart disease and cancer, and severe disability, which can include cerebral palsy and autism, have a higher chance of becoming seriously ill from the virus.
But the scientists – from three top British universities – said this risk is no higher than the risk from flu.
Teenagers, black and obese children were also at higher risk from dying with Covid but these numbers were still very low, they found.
Researchers said their findings – which were published in three separate papers today – will help inform vaccine and shielding policy for under-18s.
They will submit the studies to the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI), the Department for Health and the World Health Organisation. …
The studies were led by researchers at University College London, the University of York and the University of Liverpool.
One of the studies is the first to determine the number of children who died from Covid rather than with the virus. It concluded that the virus killed 25 children in England.
The coronavirus contributed to 0.8% of the 3,105 deaths in children from all causes in the first year of the pandemic.
During the same period, 124 children died from suicide, while 268 died from trauma, showing that Covid “is rarely fatal” in children, the researchers said.
They found the under-18s who died were more likely to be teenagers than younger children, showing that the risk from the virus increases with age.
Higher proportions of Asian and black children died from the virus but these deaths were “still extremely rare”, they said.
More than 75% of the children who died had chronic conditions, while two-thirds had more than one underlying condition and 60% had life-limiting conditions.
Six of the children who died were not recorded as having an underlying health problem, but the scientists said they may have had undiagnosed illnesses.
The paper states that the “extremely low” risk of death means removing children from their normal activities like school and social events “may prove a greater risk than that of SARS-CoV-2 itself”.
A second study found that 251 young people in England were admitted to intensive care with Covid from March 2020 to February this year, which equates to around a one in 50,000 risk.
Of these patients, 91% had one or more underlying health conditions.
They also found one in 2,000 were admitted to hospital with Covid, equating to almost 6,000 children. …
A third study, which was led by Dr Rachel Harwood at the University of Liverpool, supported the findings of the other papers.
The researchers found that of the children admitted to hospital with Covid, those at the highest risk of severe illness or death are teenagers, have heart or brain conditions, two or more underlying condition, or are obese.
Worth reading in full.
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Obese? Do you mean fat?
‘Young people with pre-existing medical conditions, like heart disease and cancer, and severe disability, which can include cerebral palsy and autism, have a higher chance of becoming seriously ill from the virus.’
No they don’t. They run the risk of being admitted to hospital because of their existing morbidities and then becoming the proud owners of a false positive PCR test
Quite so. Not a lot of sceptical thinking there by the author, or the person quoting them.
How many caught the virus in hospital?
And, sorry, more likely to get it if autistic? Can someone explain that?
Yep. We’re back at ‘post hoc, ergo propter hoc’, aren’t we? How many people have died within 28 days of having a haircut?
Well worth shutting schools and young people’s whole lives for then.
No one, including myself, who has ever lost a child within their family takes the death of a child lightly. But this is not about that, I would say it is about overreaction and doing the wrong thing for the wrong reasons.
Reading further down the article only six healthy children with no co-morbidities died, and I suspect those were in their teens as ONS has said that no healthy young children have died. This should absolutely put a stop to any discussion whatsoever of vaccinating young people. There are no medical or moral grounds to do it.
In fact personally I would extend that to the rest of the general population……Laura Dodsworth pointed out in her book State of Fear, that ‘as of the end of March 2021 just 689 healthy people with no co-morbidities, and under the age of sixty had died in England and Wales, according to NHS’
It might be too late to educate adults, and they are free to make their own decisions, but Children absolutely must not be sacrificed on the pyre of Covid.
Unfortunately, these arguments are a minefield. Tell people that only 25 under-18s died from covid, and that only 6 of them had no known co-morbidities, and instead of the conclusion being that under-18s are not at risk, the whole discussion will shift immediately to how you don’t care about human lives, and that you’re ready to let children die, cause even one child’s life is one too many, and what do you mean by “only” 25 children, etc, etc, etc…
This are very hard conversations to have, in part because, as you say, losing a child is very tragic. But it’s also because people tend to not be rational, and they always lead with their emotions, and spin doctors know this.
The rebutal to this is to find data from the US and Canada who are already “vaccinating” under 18s and show the deaths and injuries of children already from the jabs. Very sad and totally needless and shows that they are killing children.
For every child the vaccines kill and there will be many, dozens more children will be maimed, injured and sterilised. None of this is about fighting a viral infection.
You also forgot to mention that they would also say it is about protecting grandma, etc.
But just think if every disease and illness which causes death can be rooted in Covid that means the health service has only one thing to do, treat us all for Covid. That way no operations, Chemo, exoensive drug treatments will be necessary because Covid kills all, and if Covid is the only killer, and cannot be erased then we must stay in Lockdown for perpetuity. All other diseases and illness will be a thing of the past, the Conservatives will have cured everything except Covid
Don’t blame this just on the Conservatives. It’s not like Labour has been against any of this.
Early on there was a report that a late teenager had contracted C19 and then dropped dead. The journalist established that she had no comorbidites …… because an Aunt said so on Facebook. Must be true then.
Except, turned out she had a major undiagnosed heart condition. Which is awful, but nothing to do with Covid. But, article published, damage done.
Read further into the article and you find that although six apparently had no underlying conditions recorded in the last five years the researchers caution some illnesses may have been missed.
This important caveat was flagged by the BBC, but then buried.
Therefore the real figure is close the those I have been quoting from ONS stats that chances of death from C19 for healthy schoolchildren is around 1 in 2.5 million. Chances from death from the vaxx is 1 in 24000 (rising to to 1 in 2400 subject to 90% under reporting caveat) – in other words between 100x and 1000x greater than the chance of dying from c19.
I have posted these figures over several months now, and they remain consistent with the updated Yellow card data and initial ONS figures used by Suzie Halewood back in April.
Yes, that is a very important caveat .
Great points. I would suggest though, that the 689 total might well have been inflated by about a figure of 689.
References to the actual studies?
“new data has revealed that just 25 under-18s in England died from the virus between March 2020 and February 2021. “
Not from the virus. WITH A POSITIVE TEST. Not the same thing at all.
There was a study done last August which looked at deaths in children with COVID and the outcome was that not one of the very small number of children who died with COVID was not already seriously ill with some other condition.
And if we look at all deaths with COVID on the death certificate in 2020, only 0.02% of those deaths were in the under 20s.
There is NO justification for vaccinating the under 20s against COVID-19. NONE. That is even before we get into all of the already established risks of adverse effects from the vaccines.
Excactly, they are still reporting on data from the PCR test which anyone awake knows is a complete lie. They are simply framing covid as the cause of death for people who are dying of other illnesses. Its a fraud.
Thank, Arthur, saves me ranting about it. Language matters, it controls thoughts. “From” is not the same as “with”, and I have no doubt that these were all seriously sick children who tested positive for Kung Flu after admission for the thing that really killed them, thanks to nurses TikToking rather than washing their hands.
This underlines the point that natural infection for young people IS the best vaccination that there can be. We need to enhance the spread amongst younger people.
And by younger, I am thinking anyone under 70 who is fit is better off with Covid than the vaccine.
I was about to say, same for 60-something year old, then I saw “under 70”. So, Yes!
Is there any justification for vaccinating anyone?
I don’t think so. For people under 60, there is no need. For people older than that, the prophylactics and treatments, if used properly, will achieve a far better result – with hardly any side-effects – than these so-called vaccines.
If it shuts up Michie then jabbing children will have been well worth it
Kill them all, better to safe than sorry
Yup. 100% guaranteed to stop infection spreading.
Strongly recommend that everyone who is opposed to children receiving potentially lethal experimental gene therapy in order to prevent them from catching a cold uses the data this article alludes to in the Notices of Liability they send to their children’s schools, medical centres etc. This has to be confronted. Well worth a read as they say
Indeed. A first class article although the conclusions, though entirely reasonable, are deeply depressing.
Fascinating how the Mail presents a fairly straightforward and unslanted summary of the data (whether you agree with what is reported is a separate issue). The Guardian is much more oh-my-God with no comparisons to other causes.
Then Sturgeon warns against treating young people like guinea pigs. What? I thought, she is not keen on vaccinating them? Ahh, no, silly me. We must not allow them to get infected by lifting restrictions. Should have known.
The Guardian seems to believe that no-one in the world died at all, of anything, until March 2020.
So letting people catch a virus which is of very little risk to their demographic is “treating them like Guinea pigs”, but coercing most of the population to participate in a clinical trial isn’t? Right. Got it.
Typical arse-about-face twisting of the situation which is to be expected from the Guardian, unfortunately.
Died from or with? Do keep up!
Is this article good news, in a way? Assuming the mainstream media is rigidly controlled by the government, as many of us on here believe it is, are articles like this showing a change in the narrative, that news like this (which many of us knew all along) is now “allowed” to come through? Not so long ago, articles like this would have been blocked by the government spin machine. Is the government beginning a long overdue reversal of the narrative?
Absolutely NO.
“Assuming the mainstream media is rigidly controlled by the government”
Wrong assumption. It’s much worse than that : there is a process of willing co-option.
The coverage this is getting is encouraging.
I don’t need to study graphs and charts to know what my own eyes have been telling me for 17 months. I’ve said on LS previously that I do not know anyone who has been ill with covid let alone die of it, and that is still the case. I occasionally hear about someone who knows someone that got ill, but still no one who died of it.
On the other hand, the tally of people dying of other reasons continues to click up. It’s usually devastating to lose one friend or family member, but we’ve lost 4 close family friends to strokes and heart attacks – one of them we know had the jab only a week before dying.
I know of 2 people that killed themselves. My nephew’s 21 year old brother in law hung himself late last year and my brother’s neighbour killed himself in a horrendous act of dropping himself onto an active chainsaw.
There’s no punishment suitable for the politicians, their handlers and their collaborators that meets the measurement of their crimes.
There is NO justification for vaccinating healthy children, it’s a flat lie to claim there is, simply a flat lie. The risks are non-existent, the risks from the vaccines are significant and every single day we learn of more unexpected risks. Myocarditis is now acknowledged as a risk by the MHRA and the FDA, and no one on the Establishment side can suggest what the mechanism for this linkage might be.
As we should all know, the reason that not many children die ‘of Covid’ is that not many children die.
How many had underlying health conditions ? 95% ?
talking about adults rather than children…
100% of adults that died of covid had an underlying condition. you don’t die of a cold if you are healthy. ‘propensity to die of a cold’ is an underlying condition in my opinion
Fiji Decides to enforce medical Apartheid.
Make sure you avoid anything Fijian. Protest their rugby team.
That 91% figure – the 9% were probably obese but had never been diagnosed as such. The third study kind of confirms that by the sound of it.
Simply being obese isn’t likely to make Covid fatal or cause very serious illness in that age group – likely to be something far more serious.
Waiting for Imperial Gates College to advise that the covid injections will in all probability reduce the risk of suicide and trauma amongst young people.
Zoe new asymptomatic cases dropped for the second day in a row.
whatever you think of the data, Zoe predicts accurately the cases/REACT etc data that the government actually looks at
could be a blip – but one day it won’t be
Zoe data = dodgy data. Don’t quote it as authoritative.
I’m not
Scotland cases have halfed in a week. So could be a sign that the numbers are in fact peaking. It is summer after all. And cases are noise of course.
I don’t know of course – but I expect it to peak. There can be barely anyone left who hasn’t had it. Unsurprisingly the young are out and about enjoying themselves – and this ‘summer cold’ is going through them.
There’s literally nothing to see. But if it peaks then the government might not shit themselves and order another lockdown.
Most common cause of death in men under 30 is suicide and car accident. About the same for each.
So it won’t be just 18 year olds.
I bet the figure is closer to 0 if it were possible to adjust for the PCR test inaccuracy
But you see, the argument isn’t about whether youngsters die of covid, its a combination of the little buggers being a ‘reservoir’ for the virus and so we ( the at risk adults) need them to be vaccinated so they can’t give it us; and protecting them from the horrors of long covid.
Would you let your child infect granny and see her die? Shame on you!
They have absolutely no recognition of the risks from the vaccination for children or adults. They just don’t read what we read, and the BBC/SKY don’t tell them, certainly not Whitty/Valance. They just read/listen to the story that they have to be vaccinated to get ‘population immunity’ to at least 80% for any chance of normal life.
At least 50% of the population is stone deaf to the facts.
Died ‘with’, not ‘from’!
And there is no proof of that, merely a probably inaccurate test result.
How about:
Horrific Cases of Suicides and Trauma in Under 18s Vastly Outnumber the Few Instances of Covid Deaths Claimed by PCR.
However, as I posted here, the number of child suicides was actually much lower than usual (I don’t know about trauma) and the point of lockdowns was to reduce Covid deaths.
….and the point of lockdowns was to reduce Covid deaths.
Of course it was!
That would be a perfect headline but would probably only happen if the child of a MSM editor or executive committed suicide, and then it might gain some traction.
They don’t care how many deaths are caused, to these monsters that’s a bonus. Its a about time people stopped being scared and got furious instead!
Something weird about these figures. The normal suicide rate for age 15-19 is about 6.7 pa . There are about 2.9 million children in England aged between15 and 18. From which it appears to follow there about 200 suicides a year between the ages of 15 and 18 alone. How come there were only 124 from March 20 to Feb 21? Do lockdowns reduce child suicide?
More lockdowns please!
Probably. They reduced everything.
‘Researchers suggest that lockdown “may prove a greater risk than… SARS-CoV-2 itself”.’
No shit Sherlock. Did it really require research to establish a statement of the bleedin’ obvious?
“Leave them kids alone!”
For a full and informative analysis of “with covid” deaths by age and underlying condition head over the NHS England statistics page. There is a great excel table showing a breakdown of covid deaths by age and underlying condition e.g. only 700 under 60s with no underlying conditions have died with covid – so why does everyone have to lock down??!!.
It’s the single biggest source of information which has convinced me the “lockdown everyone” approach is the wrong approach:
Statistics » COVID-19 Daily Deaths (
The media are tools of the government. The evil monsters behind this planned to use the media to carry out their terrorising the public, they could not have don’t it without them.
I think the response is that we locked down so that only 700 under 60s with no underlying conditions have died with covid .
If this does not illustrate the wickedness of lockdowns I really don’t know what will.
This is a must watch video from a UK teacher who reisigned because of stupid COVID policies and the effects he can see they are having on his and other pupils/kids all over.
Absolutely broke my heart. We simply cannot afford to lose teachers like this. These people are prescious and extremely rare jewels in our system, being destroyed and discarded by a bunch of bureaucratic morons who really ought to know better.
I bet the kids loved being taught by this man.
What has become of us? allowing all this Bollox to happen to our kids for Gods sake?
If you want proof covid is a bioweapon purposely manufactured by Fauci and released upon humanity for profit look no further than this video. They have been trying to ‘vaccinate’ us for decades, the influenza vaccine didn’t work so they’ve gone for terrorizing the population into taking the mRNA jab through a false pandemic which has been manufactured by false positives! Its been in the making since 2002! They make the ‘vaccine’ and have it patented BEFORE the pandemic. If this doesn’t make Nuremburg II there is no hope for humanity.