This is the eighth of the weekly round-ups of Covid vaccine safety reports and news compiled by a group of medical doctors who are monitoring developments but prefer to remain anonymous in the current climate (find the seventh one here). By no means is this part of an effort to generate alarm about the vaccines or dissuade anyone from getting inoculated. It should be read in conjunction with Lockdown Sceptics‘ other posts on vaccines, which include both encouraging and not so encouraging developments. At Lockdown Sceptics we report all the news about the vaccines whether positive or negative and give no one advice about whether they should or should not take them. Unlike with lockdowns, we are neither pro-vaccine nor anti-vaccine; we see our job as reporting the facts, not advocating for or against a particular policy. The vaccine technology is novel and the vaccines have not yet fully completed their trials, which is why they’re in use under temporary and not full market authorisation. This has been done on account of the emergency situation and the trial data was largely encouraging on both efficacy and safety. For a summary of that data, see this preamble to the Government’s page on the Yellow Card reporting system. (Dr Tess Lawrie recently wrote an open letter to Dr June Raine, head of the MHRA, arguing that: “The MHRA now has more than enough evidence on the Yellow Card system to declare the COVID-19 vaccines unsafe for use in humans,” a claim that has been “fact checked” here.) We publish information and opinion to inform public debate and help readers reach their own conclusions about what is best for them, based on the available data.
- Correspondence in the BMJ from nurse Marco T. Suadoni calculating that, as far as vaccinating the under-25s is concerned, “for every single prevention of a hospital admission, at least 22 to 23 individuals will experience at least one serious adverse event”.
- Article in the Telegraph quoting JCVI member Professor Robert Dingwall suggesting that it is safer to let children catch COVID-19 than vaccinate them.
- UKMFA has written an open letter requesting that informed consent be properly addressed at vaccination centres.
- The peer-reviewed paper in Vaccines that we mentioned recently claiming that two deaths result from COVID-19 vaccinations for every three deaths prevented has been retracted by the journal, citing serious concerns with the use of adverse event data. The paper’s authors have issued a statement in which they say: “The true reason seems to have been pressure on the part of some editors of the journal,” and “The timeline suggests that the journal was not really interested in our response and that our response was irrelevant to the retraction”.
- Report of a blood clotting death following Moderna vaccination.
- Newsweek reports that the CDC is investigating the death of a 13 year-old Michigan boy in his sleep days after receiving the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine.
- EudraVigilance – the equivalent of the Yellow Card reporting system in the EU – has logged reports claiming 16,535 people have died and 1,750,275 have suffered injuries following receipt of the Covid vaccines in the EU.
- VAERS – the American version of the Yellow Card reporting system – released new data bringing the total to 441,931 reports of adverse events following Covid vaccines, including 6,985 deaths and 34,065 serious injuries between December 14th 2020 and June 25th 2021.
Summary of Adverse Events in the U.K.
According to an updated report published on July 1st (covering the period up to June 23rd), the MHRA Yellow Card reporting system has recorded a total of 1,007,253 events, based on 298,081 reports. The total number of fatalities reported is 1,403.
- Pfizer: 18 million first doses, 11 million second doses.
- AstraZeneca: 24.5 million first doses, 20.7 million second doses.
- Moderna: 0.88 million first doses.
Key events analysis:
- Acute Cardiac Events = 11,190
- Anaphylaxis = 1,203
- Herpes = 3,553
- BCG scar reactivation = 72
- Headaches = 98,860
- Migraine = 9,363
- Blindness = 310
- Spontaneous Abortions + stillbirth = 271 + 12
- Vomiting = 13,691
- Facial Paralysis incl. Bell’s Palsy = 1,270
- Strokes and CNS haemorrhages = 2,141
- Guillain-Barré Syndrome = 360
- Dizziness = 29,921
- Tremor = 10,433
- Thrombosis & Embolism = 5,617
- Pulmonary Embolism – 262 (Pfizer), 1337 (AZ), 4 (Moderna), 6 (Unknown) = 1,609
- Deep Vein Thrombosis – 170 (Pfizer), 997 (AZ), 2 (Moderna), 7 (Unknown) = 1,176
- Nosebleeds = 2,659
- Seizures = 2,404
- Paralysis = 868
- Haemorrhage (All types)) = 5,145
- Haemorrhage types: cardiac, ear, adrenal, eye, gastric, mouth, tongue, gums, intestinal, injection site, brain, wounds, stoma, bladder, kidney, uterine, ovarian, penile, lung, nasal
- Vertigo/Tinnitus = 7,687
- Reproductive/Breast – 6,646 (Pfizer) + 10,689 (AZ) + 845 (Moderna) + 48 (Unknown) = 18,228 (50% increase in one week)

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1400 deaths … Almost 300 spontaneous abortions .. How is it not a heinous , immoral crime that medical practitioners are not providing this information to pregnant women so that they can provide informed consent?!?
My God, how the fuck have we allowed a treatment gleefully administered with coercive menace to kill outright so many people without so much of a whisper in the main stream press? What a bunch of sick, psychotics we’ve come to tolerate with an indifferent shrug or stunted silence.
I used to feel sorry and empathy for those harmed by adherence to our Overlord’s damaging diktats of the past 16 months … But not anymore and I don’t apologize for it.
I honestly don’t want to see anyone harmed, but if you take this treatment with your eyes willingly closed, you personally accept all responsibility for your losses …
Do the fucking research. And I will break the wrist of any white coat goon who comes with 5 meters of my son with a needle.
And I’ll guarantee that plenty of people have died from cancer (for one) because of the aggressive pushing of big pharma propaganda.
Oh, and keep your eyes open. I don’t trust these people not to be sneaky about it (presumed consent because they were in school?).
Each year, more than 165 million Americans get the flu shot. There were 85 reported deaths following influenza vaccination in 2017; 119 deaths in 2018; and 203 deaths in 2019
Between mid-December 2020 and April 23, 2021, at which point between 95 million and 100 million Americans had received their COVID-19 shots, there were 3,544 reported deaths following COVID vaccination, or about 30 per day
In just four months, the COVID-19 vaccines have killed more people than all available vaccines combined from mid-1997 until the end of 2013 — a period of 15.5 years
“23 serious adverse events for every hospital admission prevented among under 25’s”.
So effectively “vaccination” of the under 25’s, certainly if there is an element of coercion and deception (hello BBC) constitutes a human rights abuse.
But let’s cut to the chase. Whatever pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical interventions happen, a lot of old unhealthy people will die this winter, as with every winter. Some of these will be from respiratory diseases, some will be from (but mostly just with) Covid. The government need to decide if they are going to let this happen without committing further human rights abuses (and if they are going to repeat this crap in a few months, they should tell us now), and without further trashing the economy. And by the way, there probably needs to be a way out of this for them – and I think of the International Criminal Courts which may have the unintended consequence of making barbaric leaders cling to power because they conclude they have nothing to lose. I don’t pretend to know what the answer is, but it is a matter that probably does need considering.
ICC is funded in part by Microsoft and Open Society. It is a dead duck.
“mostly just with) Covid”
Really? Evidence?
I see the important article in Vaccine journal was pulled after a pile-on. The main line of complaint seems to be that adverse drug reaction (ADR) reports are not evidence of causation, but given this is all we have, as the authors rightly point out in their response:
“Prof. Puijenbroek basically argues that the largest vaccination experiment in the history of medicine cannot be assessed for safety and unforeseeable toxicities, because we should not use the ADR data for such inferences”
The double-think (lies and confirmation bias) is amazing.
If it were my job to investigate a train crash that had occurred the day after the installation of a new signalling system, I wouldn’t assume the signalling system to be the cause, but it would certainly be the first thing I would want to look at.
I had a chat with a GP yesterday. My partner had 2 seizures in the last 4 months and I wanted to discuss how these could be prevented.
He basically said nothing can be done (Valium is too controlled for me to be allowed to carry). I pointed out the first was 13 days after her first jab, the second 16 after her second, and asked if the jab might be partly to blame.
‘Quite probably’ was his reply.
He didn’t say anything about raising a yellow card (I’ve done it but didn’t tell him).
His attitude seemed to be one of glum acceptance, as if he’s hearing of dozens of such incidents.
Maybe he should subscribe to the FSU. Normal conversation with people like that is not possible at present, unfortunately.
Harvard study suggests the CDC’s VAERS represents only 1% of what is really occurring. Yellow card the same?
The UK Government themselves have stated it as 10% of actual events are noted in Yellow Card. It’s on their website
This is only a rough estimate, but the instances of some noticeable reaction to the snake oil must be heading towards the 50% of victims mark.
Even given that the majority will not be that serious in the short term, that’s a hell of a big red flag.
The disgusting lack of outrage for all these deaths and injuries pretty much guarantees that if and when our lords and masters decide the unvaccinated need to stay in ‘Butlins’ or just go in the oven there’ll be no pushback. We’ll deserve it after all.
I feel sick every time I read these updates.
Well Will, where is the crusade to insist on an antibody test before any injection?
A T cell test, and the imaginary money taken from Michie the Witchie and her psycho coven and given to develop better T cell testing.
This is totally beyond madness. Hopefully one day I’ll wake up and find I was having a nightmare. Oh God please………
Yes, but am I in your nightmare or are you in mine?
Nothing so far on effects on arthritis. Yet joint pain is a common Covid symptom, and virus triggered arthritis appears to be a thing. One published report on RA flaring badly after, from memory, Pfizer.
I have a friend who developed extreme knee pain very shortly after AZ second dose, and 18 women on her street email reported flare ups of arthritis also, wondering – can it possibly be? I know someone else whose already damaged knee began to cripple him about 10 days after AZ. My guess is that most of these people had already had Covid, and that effects of the vaccines will differ according to people’s immunity status and their pre existing conditions.
It is also probable that very few people would make the connection, and even fewer doctors. The Yellow Cards and Vaers reports are not going in. People are not vaccine hesitant in Britain, they are Yellow Card hesitant, complaint hesitant, because their sense of social responsibility has been weaponised by the likes of Michie to be used against them.
We’re gonna get Long Astra Zeneca and Long Pfizer for sure.
It’s the long drop that I want to see!