Restrictions on meeting both indoors and outdoors will be partially eased across most of Scotland on Monday. Pubs will also be able to sell alcohol indoors once again. It’s bad news for those who live in Moray, however, where current restrictions are expected to remain in place. BBC News has the story.
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said the rest of mainland Scotland [other than Moray] would move to level two restrictions from May 17th.
Some islands will move to level one restrictions on the same date.
Under the level two restrictions, up to six people from three households will be able to meet in their homes, and can also stay overnight.
And Ms Sturgeon said it would also be possible for people to hug their loved ones again from Monday.
Alcohol can be served indoors in pubs or restaurants, which will be allowed to stay open until 10.30pm – and up to six adults from three households will be able to meet indoors in a public place.
Restrictions on meeting up outdoors will ease further, to enable up to eight adults from eight different households to gather.
Adult outdoor contact sports and indoor group exercises will be able to resume.
Cinemas, bingo halls and amusement arcades are also likely to be able to reopen, and outdoor and indoor events like concerts can restart – although capacity may initially be limited.
Yesterday, it was reported that Zero Covid deaths occurred in the last 24 hours in Scotland (as well as in England and Northern Ireland). Despite the continual fall in cases and deaths, and the success of the vaccine rollout north of the border, a further easing of restrictions is not expected to occur until June.
Worth reading in full.
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The SNP being either the frit-est or possibly most astute of all UK administrations! The whole scam is now starting to unravel before our very eyes, and of course Nicola doesn’t want any damage to her reputation so is ditching the hard-line lockdown rules and rhetoric in a terrible hurry in order to concentrate on other matters dear to her.
How can this scam now last beyond the end of May?
No, Nicola Ceausescu is prolonging lockdown as long as she can.
Quite so. Every extra day of the extra control over the population clearly gives her a massive dopamine hit. She is loving every minute of this extra power over others.
A 24-carat authoritarian if ever there were one.
Easily. It continues in Moray. They have now put emergency vaccination centres for 18 to 39 year olds.
The comments on the Grampian fb page beggars belief. Fighting over who gets jabbed first. So the turd is doing an excellent job as these good old selfish folks have became totally deaf to any adverse reactions to the vaccines.
I wish I shared your optimism. However wee Stalin would keep us a n isolation cubes if she could.
Just wait till Autumn.
I hope no pub or restaurant serves a politician after this. They need to be ostracised
Is that a painful operation? I do hope so.
Well, this looks painful, and since there’s a Scottish theme going here, there might still be some readers who have yet to witness the delights of:
The Ice Bucket Challenge in the time of Corona
Perhaps the best sceptical video out there – imho.
Thanks for bringing that video to my attention. I think you’re right about it.
I wonder if the next ‘new normal’ summer psy op will be the slurry bucket challenge?
Perhaps the bucket content should have been substituted with bricks? Some hard knocks to the head might have woke more people up from their slumber.
Edit: great video.
“Some islands will move to level one”
which means ‘medium risk’ (there being no ‘low risk’ level), can’t remember what they describe level two as, Dire probably.
Want to halve your risk of catching COVID?
Don’t wear a mask, get Chronic Kidney Disease!
For anyone interested in the wider fascism and state justice in Mad Wee Krankie Land – note that Craig Murray has been given eight months for a cooked-up offence of ‘contempt’ – aka naming some names.
my Edinburgh-based Scottish in-laws curse the very ground she walks on. They see her as just a mad wanne-be tin-pot dictator
I’ve got Scottish connections, too.
What worries me is that, in general, a hell of a lot of those across the border reckon she’s the best thing since sliced bread. The fuckwit syndrome reflects that in England, as far as I can see.
She has had her coupon on the TV practically every day for the past year. My F-i-l says she is a great communicator, yeah so was Hitler.
It’s an absolute disgrace. BBC Scotland should be ashamed of themselves. The spinelessness.
It is wildly wrong for her to get a bully pulpit 5 days a week for months on end, with no right of reply from any other elected politician. Truly disgusting.
I can’t bear the very sight of her. Loons the lot of them.
As for her deeming who can meet when and where, she can stick that where the sun don’t shine. Text from 2 vaccinated friends this afternoon.. want to meet up at the gorbals outside for coffee… Me, no thanks I’m not sitting outside for a coffee, will think about it when powers at be deem it safe for three people from three different households to meet up indoors for coffee… Them (not even able to sense sarcasm now) oh that’s allowed from Monday next week…
wanna-be? She already is.
Still too many people voted for these people.
They are correct.
I agree that it’s a nonsense he’s been sent to jail. Scotland is increasingly a failed state, dominated by a truly vile outfit that has poisoned every aspect of civil society.
Strictly speaking, he didn’t name any names. He has been done for allegedly enabling ‘jigsaw’ identification. In my view, it’s quite clear that several other, far higher profile, individuals are far more guilty of that than he is. Sad stuff (fwiw, I think he’s wildly wrong about a whole bunch of things and a total loon in some regards. Still think the conviction is dodgy and the sentence grotesque.
Oh don’t get me started! To show how twisted , compromised and biased the crown prosecution service is in Scotland consider this. No journalist many who were much closer directly naming some of the women allowed to remain anonymous, has had their collar felt.
Only Salmond supporters and those who want due process have been targeted by a 22 strong police Scotland unit. This was set up to obtain evidence of Salmond’s misdoings. They got as evidence a “sleepy cuddle”, admiring a woman’s shoes, pinging another’s hair in a lift. Oh and as a wee fat man AS brushed by a woman in a narrow stairwell. You literally couldn’t make it up but these women did.
So, cleared of 13 trivial charges by a majority female jury , Salmond allegedly Scotland’s Harvey Weinstein has been under constant attack by the press. They hate the fact he was innocent. A press which includes Dani Garavelli a journalist who skated much closer to naming one of the anonymous women. Yet she isn’t facing jail but journalistic accolades for her one sided accounts. Sadly so many are either scared of the impending hate crime and GRA legislation. That means being identified as transphobic for believing in biology and actual women’s rights. Others suckle happily at the teat of the Scottish taxpayer and are fundamentally bought such as the ludicrous quango Rape Crisis Scotland.
So protective of women are they they have promoted an unqualified undeclared trans man from India twice as a CEO within their organisation. In Scotland women face not just a glass ceiling but are being dragged down by fully equipped men. Or in the case of our CPS, COPFS so monumentally incompetent ,and so wasteful of public money your allegiance is assured if you are protected for being shockingly shite at your actual job.
. The same goes for Leslie Evans the senior Civil servant who presided over the internal Salmon stitch up which was so blatantly fixed a judicial review threw it out. But Sturgeon doubled down and a police enquiry none of the anon women were consulted on, was leaked to the Daily Record. The only people being held to account in this land are honest and somewhat quixotic citizens like Craig Murray.
Finally this farrago would not be possible without the suppression of free speech and freedom of assembly made possible under Covid. Even though I have had my second vaccine and we are close to herd immunity the real fear is that the SNP.Green coalition will spark back into suppression mode when they feel threatened.
Oh, is that the “hate crime” legislation that bans the bible? King James wouldn’t have been impressed.
I must admit I do like salmon though, as do the Norwegians to their apparent benefit.
Best comment I ever heard on “hate crime” was Life On Mars’s Gene Hunt -“as opposed to one of those ‘I really really like you’ crimes.
She (or he) really is a tyrant isn’t she?
Indeed, The law truely is an ass (sorry donkeys) as you say Mr Murray can be a pain at times, but being antiestablshment any excuse to punish him will be availed of.
Reminds me of Julian Assague incarcerated in max security.
Technically he didn’t name any names. Arguably, others have been far more guilty of enabling ‘jigsaw’ identification. And the sentence is obviously wildly over the top.
Fwiw, I strongly disagree with him on a number of things. But it’s still depressing to see how far the police & judiciary have fallen in Scotland these days.
“a further easing of restrictions is not expected to occur until June.” should read “continued oppressive legislation and denial of civil rights is expected to continue into June and beyond.”
An inability to distinguish fact from social control propaganda is a mark of someone who relies on the mainstream media for information.
I left Scotland in 1998, lived in London for 6 years, then moved to the US. Moved home to Scotland in 2019 and was utterly horrified at what the country had become. Much of it is the fault of the SNP, which is nothing more than a fascist cult. This country, which I missed for 21 years, is no longer home. Sturgeon is an absolute disaster, a controlling dictatorial stroppy wee woman who lies and seems to suffer from constant memory loss.
Next week, my family and I are relocating to England, and will be glad to be free of the SNP.
I have had a not entirely dissimilar experience. Was away from Scotland (and UK) from mid 2000s to 2016 and could not believe how bad things had become once I got back. The stronghold the SNP have on every aspect of the state is outrageous.
Am now seriously considering moving to England (although not to London, obviously).
Honestly, I really am fed up of that woman (or man) making Scotland look stupid.
Oh, and “Scotland” in Gaelic on the border signs – maybe England should have something in Cornish going the other way. Quite a lot of areas of Scotland where Gaelic has never been spoken.
Can someone let me know how it is that the Scottish “Government” have worded their mask mandate in such a way that most exemptions are disallowed, but they allowed exemptions- but this is not well publicised? I keep getting pressure at work pointing out how our Scottish building is the example of what we should do in England. It’s doing my head. They have exemptions too, right ?
It’s easier in Scotland to get a realistic exemption card. None of the brainwashed question it. I’ve no idea how the government have worded it but I have got one for 5 of my family.
This is from the Scottish government website.
“Without suffering from severe distress” disprove I’m not severely distressed.
“the success of the vaccine rollout north of the border”
As the injections are still in their Phase III clinical trials, until early/mid 2023, and their long-term effects are completely unknown, it is premature, and irresponsible, to refer to their mass deployment as a success; it may equally well prove to be a catastrophe.
Even after criticising the UK for not joining the EU vaccine procurement scheme, which as we all know turned into a fiasco, the Scottish government seems to be doing a worse job than the UK when it comes to getting people jabbed. I’m in the 45-50 age group and only recieved an invitation to risk my life/health for no real benefit yesterday, presumably weeks after people of my age in England. Needless to say the letter went straight in the flip top filing cabinet.
‘flip top filing cabinet’. I like that.
They’ve all went to Moray. I’m not sure if scaremongering and exaggerating the positive numbers was deliberate to get younger folks to take the jab or if it has backfired and the folk of Moray are now screaming to get it.
The majority of my fellow Scots have lost the plot.
I second you comment and propose an amendment. This “procedure” is not a vaccine. It is an unapproved gene altering experiment.
The fact that Sturgeon (who is detested by the way as much by genuine independence supporters), as much as those who favour the union and basic freedoms, has given back freedoms is exactly how she wants it. Her and her pliant barely qualified public health advisers want to keep us locked in, but they know that people are aware of how pifflingly low levels are, and that they are being misled as FP’s and recovery are never reported. Today whist keeping the good people of Moray in tier 3 which is basically shiver for a shandy, don’t hug and no inside mixing,
Yet the Moray outbreak like Leicester is being driven by over testing of asymptomatic people. That’s because the dentist of doom Jason Leitch the chief adviser wants to follow a zero covid strategy. So identifying cases allows them to keep us locked in. If you look in detail at Moray as the brilliant Christine Padgham has, you will see that this is what is going on.
The vocal and histrionic public health chiefs in the relevant health region Grampian have talked about “uncontrolled outbreaks”. Funnily enough today Sturgeon couldn’t give her usual sanctimonious roll call of highly selective stats because there are no deaths in Moray or anywhere else. Indeed Jillian Evans a zero zealot who over the Moray outbreak has spent a lot of time telling us that we shouldn’t go abroad till next year, was forced to admit that there isn’t an issue with the restricted range of destinations. Even Sturgeon knows that us “peelie wallie” Scotland dwellers need a bit of sun and a drink inside. . Evans seems devastated that variants/scariants haven’t put the kybosh on foreign holidays and other types of fun. I am booked to a villa in Portugal and they will need to wrestle that easyJet ticket out of my cauld, white hand!
We booked a villa in Spain and we won’t be going. Testing and masking no thank you, I’ll stay home, I’m done playing along. Haven’t cancelled yet was hoping to get deposit back but as they keep dangling longer strings with the carrot, it looks like for the second year we lose our deposit. Last year we had to cancel through lack of work and money.
Mrs Sturgeon said “It would be possible for people to hug their loved ones again from Monday”
What is the Gestapo loosing control?
Free poster for pubs.