Conservative backbencher Steve Baker has written in the Sun that it would be morally wrong for anti-Covid measures such as social distancing to stay in place past June 21st. Mr Baker also says that Britain should give start giving vaccines to poorer countries since most vulnerable people in Britain are already fully vaccinated.
As all Conservatives know, we won’t be able to level up, contain our debts, grow our way to recovery or support our public services if we continue to ask people and businesses to operate under restrictions.
In early April 2020, Her Majesty invited us to look forward to “better days” when “we will meet again”. So it’s great news the Government is set to declare that we can and should once again hug our nearest and dearest from next week. Now we must look ahead to June 21st as the date by which freedom truly means freedom.
Mr Baker should ask here why the Government has been able to tell us not to cuddle our “nearest and dearest” at any point over the past year anyway.
The data is so good, and the doomsayers so wrong, that it cannot possibly be rational or morally right for us to have to socially distance from each other in any context or setting in the U.K. beyond June 21st. Being social is key to being well so by June 21st at the latest, Britain must meet again, must be reunited in every sense, and we must start healing the broken bonds of the last year with social contact and normal human interaction.
The Queen, in her enduring wisdom, also said that we must “join with all nations across the globe in a common endeavour, using the great advances of science and our instinctive compassion to heal”. There can be no doubt that once we have vaccinated those vulnerable to Covid in the U.K., the right thing is for Britain proudly to lead the world in delivering surplus vaccines to developing countries.
Brexit gives us the freedom to determine our own future, but it also gives us a chance to lead in the world as we always have done, to ensure that admirable British values are exported across the globe.
Just as we should not lock ourselves down needlessly at home once we have vaccinated the vulnerable, nor should we be hoarding vaccines when they can be doing so much more good overseas in fighting a virus that is most harmful to older people and those with underlying health conditions. There can be no greater service to the world’s citizens in 2021 than protecting those vulnerable to Covid, wherever they may be.
As we start this new chapter in our history – outside the EU and having vaccinated the vulnerable against Covid – it’s time to unleash this country’s true potential by making the most of the benefits of the brilliant NHS vaccination rollout, to lift these appalling restrictions safely and proportionately in line with the harm Covid is capable of causing, and by finally – as the Prime Minister said in February – reclaiming our lives once and for all.
Worth reading in full.
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Cry me a river over a long bygone concept. This is the technobabylon we have on our hands here, no room for such quaint notions.
If by “June” you mean June 2020, I agree.
And masks, Steve, what about masks?
I noticed he left them out, so clearly a fight he’s decided he can’t win. We all knew that decision has been made when they wheeled out moron Raab to drop in the ‘might be needed’ comment. Raab isn’t capable of independent thought.
Vaccinations are beside the point.
All restrictions – apart from self-monitoring and isolation if ill and normal caution – should be gone for an unexceptional virus like this.
If “social distancing etc. continues after June 21st, then “vaccines” have not offered the promised “way out” of this. Simple as. The government has mislead us and Boris Johnson should resign. The health service is not overwhelmed, it has never been close to being overwhelmed and, if restrictions continue after this date, the government should tell us what their real agenda is, rather than just muttering about “build back better” ( Sunday Telegraph, 2nd May – and too many other places).
Apparently hospitals are getting busy.. backlog and or vacc. adverse reactions?
No. This whole thing is morally wrong. That’s what these people don’t seem to get.
I remember them breaking the rules to ensure Sir Nigel Farage didn’t win a seat in their parliament. If anyone threatening their agenda threatens to be elected, I reckon they will do whatever it takes to keep them out. I repeat – what democracy?
Mis-spelling : ‘Sir’ is spelled ‘Cur’.
As a secret optimist, I always hope statements like this mean they’re giving up on vaccinating every man, woman and child, which means also giving up on the vaccine passports. Vain hope?
It’s funny how Govt & Media think everyone is waiting for their permission to enter someone else’s home, hug another person and stop social distancing. I’m sure there are plenty still onboard but I get the feeling 50%+ are just doing what they want like I am lol.
Shut up Baker, you had your chance to end this and muffed it. You have been a whiny bitch boy this whole time and your morals are shot to fuck. There is NO government just a dictator you helped install.
Perfectly put
Talk about a tepid opposition…