According to the data gathered by the ZOE Covid Study app based at King’s College London, Britons catching coronavirus post-vaccination get a milder form of the disease. Sarah Knapton, the Telegraph‘s Science Editor, has more.
The team at King’s said as the number of people being vaccinated increased, those reporting an infection after the jab was rising, but the symptoms had changed.
Prof Tim Spector, lead scientist on the ZOE Covid Study app, and professor of Genetic Epidemiology at King’s, said: “Whereas in the past about half of people had classic symptoms in the first week, less than a third do now, if they’ve had a vaccination.
“And so you’re gonna get less symptoms, they’ll be less severe, they won’t be classic, so do keep an open mind and do get a test when we ask you to, that way we’ll keep a close eye on it, and make sure that even if mild, you’re not going to pass it on to other people.
“The importance of our survey is getting even greater because the disease is shifting. The fact that we haven’t relied on those three symptoms like official government ones allows us much more breadth to find out what’s really going on, and whether not only the new various [sic] might be causing different symptoms.”
A third of UK adults are now fully vaccinated against Covid-19, latest figures have shown. A total of 17,669,379 people have received both jabs, the equivalent of 33.5 per cent of all people aged 18 and over.
Meanwhile, 35,371,669 people in the UK have now received a first dose of vaccine, the equivalent of 67.2 per cent of the adult population.
King’s estimates the current risk of a Covid-19 infection for the unvaccinated is one in 46,855, falling to 1 in 97,616 after the first dose, and 1 in 167,341 after the second dose.
Time to reopen Boris?
Worth reading in full.
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So we’ve gone from half have classic symptoms to a third. So again I ask, what’s the point?
And this is supposed to convince me to get an experimental vaccine. You can still catch it but it won’t be as bad as if you caught it without a vaccine. “Vaccine”. Sorry, it isn’t, is it. How can people honestly believe this bull is acceptable? Hubby and I have tried explaining to people that it’s not going to do them any good, but they are just way past ever grasping the truth. They’ve bought into the lie and nothing will get them out. Total lack of rationalisation, no thinking, no scientific understanding (not even basics), no concerns about their long-term health, just “I want it cos I’m scared and I want to go on holiday”.
How do they know what symptoms they may have got without being vaccinated?
What a good point!!
Its all crazy, even with the flu jab, people say with a serious face, it’ll stop me getting bad symptoms and when I say how do you know, it seems to confuse them.
Exactly! How can ANYONE know with any degree of certainty what might have happened under a completely different set of circumstances, especially as the infection rate is so low at the moment? In fact, I haven’t had the VINO and I haven’t caught covid, so compared with me they have all had much worse symptoms and a much worse outcome. Necessarily.
It can go into the masks file. If cases continue to mount after triple masks, then just think how bad it could have been without the third one.
Unfalsifiable nonsense
Same with lockdowns and all the rest. “But it would have been so much worse if we hadn’t!” Bearing in mind the all the deaths as a result of lockdown, never talked about! Effed up thinking, totally, especially as other countries didn’t shut down with no higher death rate.
Anyone up for starting a site we can call Gene Therapy Sceptics? This one’s wearing a bit thin.
Seriously though, a sceptic might as the pertinent question “Do these people still spread the virus, even though they have mild symptoms?”. He (and perhaps his aforementioned website) would demand to compare the infectiousness of a given number of genetically modified “vaccine” recipients with some filthy unvaccinated “asymptomatic” persons (more likely those who’ve had the virus and shrugged it off without knowing it) to see how much of a danger both are to the general population.
My belief is that the unvaccinated “asymptomatic” person has no possible way of infecting others because his viral load is way too low. If he develops symptoms, he’s at home in bed. The vaccinated chap on the other hand has loads of virus in his mucous membranes, but it doesn’t make him sick because the vaccine is designed to prevent systemic infection. He’s therefore spreading it to all and sundry, but he’s alright Jack, so what does he care?
The question for Toby is, when you ask to “open up”, do you mean for everyone, or for both groups? The GMO’s and the filthy unclean, or both? Will you stick to principles and say you’re not going back to normal until everyone’s back to normal?
Absolutely agree. As such, if anyone should still need the (useless and illegal) tests, it’s the asymptomatic jabbed, not the unvaxxed asymptomatic, aka 100% healthy.
But they are so much into twisting the truth and getting away with it that it’s futile to harp on about it. They’ll continue to lie and do what they want anyway,
”Anyone up for starting a site we can call Gene Therapy Sceptics? This one’s wearing a bit thin.” We are over on the reddit platform;
Plenty of gene therapy scepticism on that site.
How long before reddit pull it though? It’s probably not been banned yet because it’s too under the radar. As soon as it starts getting popular, it’s going to go.
Been going a good few months. Maybe under the radar but there are backup swamps if needed.
The Gab group is good for sharing vidya
comments working. is better than Plebbit for blogging
Thanks for this. Just joined and it’s right up my street. Now I’d like to meet a few of them in person.
Hi Matt, appreciate your posts.
I’ve been thinking about setting up a website for exactly this. The problem is it would need to be registered with a domain registrar that is pro-free speech and a like minded hosting company.
I would have set one up already but I am concerned my business websites would get nuked along with my hosting.
This is a serious game and there are massive repercussions if you don’t think it through properly.—Covid-19-Asymptomatic-Transmission-Small-Video-:e
Someone should tell Bloomberg.
For them, all vaccines are 100% effective at preventing any hospitalization and death….
So they admit it.
The snake oil doesn’t prevent covvie.
How the f… do they know what symptoms any individual would have had if s/he hadn’t been jabbed?
the only point of the “vaccines” is government arse covering. the zombie hoardes are quite happily lapping up the “we locked down until everyone was saved by the “vaccine”” line.
Would be somewhat embarrassing for them to have to admit the last year was a total disaster.
That’s it in a nutshell. It seems to be having some limited effect, but as Covvie in seasonal decline, who can be sure exactly how much effect?
It clearly does, The numbers show that. The vaccine gives about 52% protection after one dose and about 72% protection after two doses.
And slowly declining as we move to the booster season. Those numbers are a waning measurement.
Britons catching coronavirus post-vaccination get a milder form of the disease.
From what people have told me about the side-effects of the vaccine (some quite severe lasting days even weeks) I think I would rather suffer the flu-like symptoms of the virus for a few days and let my immune system do the rest.
The first time in history that a virus is safer and more effective than the “vaccine”. Can someone with money please set up a new pharma company and market a new vaccine in which the active ingredient is SARS-CoV-2. I’d buy it to vaccinate myself against fascist government restrictions.
Just more propaganda. Creative use of statistics
The article should have included an important footnote :-
“Both King’s College London and The Daily Telegraph have received “grants” from the Gates Foundation”.
GOOD – SWEDEN STOPS PCR TESTS AS COVID19 DIAGNOSIS.Legal precedent set.The Swedish Public Health Agency has developed national criteria for assessing freedom from infection in covid-19.
Is this for real? The links not working
GOOD – SWEDEN STOPS PCR TESTS AS COVID19 DIAGNOSIS.Legal precedent set.The Swedish Public Health Agency has developed national criteria for assessing freedom from infection in covid-19.1-7 …The PCR technology used in tests to detect viruses cannot distinguish between viruses capable of infecting cells and viruses that have been neutralized by the immune system and therefore these tests cannot be used to determine whether someone is contagious or not. 2-7RNA from viruses can often be detected for weeks (sometimes months) after the illness but does not mean that you are still contagious. There are also several scientific studies that suggest that the infectivity of covid-19 is greatest at the beginning of the disease period.3-7The recommended criteria for assessing freedom from infection are therefore based on stable clinical improvement with freedom from fever for at least two days and that at least seven days have passed since the onset of symptoms. 4-7For those who have had more pronounced symptoms, at least 14 days after the illness and for the very sickest, individual assessment by the treating doctor.5-7The criteria have been developed in collaboration with representatives of the specialty associations in infectious disease medicine, clinical microbiology, hygiene and infection control. 6-7These have most recently been discussed in the group at a meeting on 19 April 2021 due to the new virus variants. The assessment was then that no update was needed. The recommendations will be updated as new knowledge about covid-19 infectivity is added.” ENDYou can follow @_V5M1000. (Source:
Thanks, A Heretics link worked this time. Followed to the original seems this is from a document from last year. Still pretty significant, but I can’t see anywhere that Sweden have halted testing?
Agreed – this is specifically a protocol for deciding whether an individual is free of infection, it doesn’t mean that they have stopped mass screening to assess prevalence. Also, it looks like when they amended the document recently (the reference to the April meeting) they didn’t update the 2020 date on the document.
This is excellent but might it mean that if this is taken up by the UK, for instance, the present 3 conditions on the Vaccine Passport a) two doses of the jab; b) proof of recovery from the virus and c) negative PCR test no more than 48 hours old will now become 2 (a) and b)) meaning that travel will become even more restrictive?
I’m off to Albania for me holidays then ….
I recently read an excellent article – can’t remember where – by Linh Dinh on how Albania is the most free country in the world.
Used to be the most ferociously Communist. Tempora mutantur.
They’re putting mutant variants in tempura batter? Ban Japanese food immediately!
Sorry, couldn’t resist.
It was on the Unz Review, 28 April
Ah, a fellow Unz reader. I salute you.
One of the best websites on the Internet.
Here’s the article:
Good info. Thanks!!
Whereas in the past about half of people had classic symptoms in the first week, less than a third do now, if they’ve had a vaccination.
Maybe I’m confused by the wording, but doesn’t this imply an effectiveness in the low percentage range?
Nothing to do with the fact that it’s Spring and the respiratory virus season is hibernating till Autumn?
Of course it’s dropped off a seasonal cliff and a tiny fraction of people test positive, with half of those developing some symptoms. But if a third of those vaccinated also develop symptoms, then doesn’t that mean the vaccine is only having a limited effect?
Ivermectin does the same – with less risk.
… and, of course, you don’t know what symptoms you will get, given that there is only short-term data available (and that of not good quality).
Re. that picture at the top of the article : I wouldn’t trust anybody stupid enough to wear a mask to vaccinate me!
Excuse me but how is this an advertisement for a vaccine? When I thought things couldn’t get any dafter!
This is behind a paywall and is therefore de facto not worth reading in full.
With that said, from the limited amount of information here that I can deduce anything from:
How do we known they are actually catching Covid? By what metrics is this being confirmed?
Thanks for confirming that Covid “vaccines” are linked to an increase in cases, which we already have global data for, but if the “symptoms” change, how do you know this is Covid?
I would define “classic” symptoms as extreme loss of taste and smell and a great difficulty in breathing. Take those out of the equation and this sounds an awful lot like flu to me.
What kind of credible British scientist says “gonna” on the record BTW? Is such language a psy-op to make him sound “down with the kids”? Remember, the psychological warfare they are employing is mostly subconscious, you have to really pay attention to things like this as they are most likely deliberate.
Does this mean a PCR test?
Please correct me if I’m wrong but this sounds like complete BS.
The poor flu. Having been “culturally appropriated” by Covid to the point it would seem it has almost been eradicated, is the next stage of the psy-op to claim that influenza is now “changed symptoms of Covid due to the vaccines”?
This seems like yet another arse-covering propaganda piece. “Oh no, the sceptics think that antibody dependent enhancement is going to happen, quick come up with propaganda to show how ADE isn’t a thing”.
As I said, I haven’t been able to read the whole article. I am more than happy to stand corrected but this is my interpretation of the given information.
It doesn’t actually say that. It says that as vaccinations increase the number reporting being infected after the jab increases. That’s quite likely. It’s no different to saying if more people are tested then more cases will be found.
Infected with what, though?
The quotation from the article is poorly worded. I concede your point.
Hi folks. Been following this site since day 1. Fkin brilliant. I am 55, drink way too much and smoked far too much when younger – ciggies and blow. As such my lungs are like hanging bats upside down, early COPD, my fault. Anyway I “caught” Covid in November 2020, my job, engineer in hospital!!. Worst fukin 10 days of my life. Never been anywhere like that before. Drank water, puked and slept, lost 8 pound so that was good. If it didn’t kill me then a lot of the population can and will survive it, the poor souls kept alive on medication probably wont be so lucky. I hope they are. Government are frightening people to prevent us uncovering the shit storm they created, socially and financially. I have been lucky, me and my drinking buddies have met up every night rain or shine, two cans and home for dinner. Obviously not when I was at “deaths door”
Apologies for the long rant. One more thing, if Boris “got ill”, then he should not be calling the shots, cowardly prick. All the best.
Covid is like being run over by a steam train at full throttle. I’m 13+ months in, caught it at work NHS, not worked since, long covid but like you, believe that lockdown is the worst way to manage the situation. Keep sticking it to the rules!
All the best to you too.
Thanks for that. It’s good to know a few people still live normally.
If these numbers are correct then it’s quite possible that the risk of vaccine death is currently higher than the risk of death from Covid.
It definitely is for under 50s where the vaccine risk rises.
There has been no proper investigation of whether the spike protein from the vaccine can trigger a positive PCR test. We do know vaccination can trigger Covid-like symptoms because the manufacturers tell us that.
It’s not unlikely that these “infections” are actually symptoms of vaccination.
Pathetic last sentence in the ATL article.
The fractions that are quoted are fascinating.
The vaccine has the impact of making what is already a minuscule risk of infection become even more minuscule. One has to speak about relative probability for this to sound compelling. The absolutes expose the futility.
I always believe too that when we are talking about tiny fractions then the possibility of error is very high. It does not need many vaccinated people to be less likely to take tests or to report symptoms compared to vaccinated for the whole data analysis to be invalidated.
Difficult to read anything into this data.
So people who would have got a cold still get a cold after the injection?
According to this poster that I saw in my local hospital you certainly can catch and spread the virus after having the vaccine!
That is actually stated the article above: “ make sure…….you’re not going to pass it on to other people“
Milder than WHAT?
What a load of unmitigated tripe. We know that the virus is now barely existent, so people are going into hospital with other issues, then get something stuck up their noses (whether they like it or not) just so that their numbers can be added to the list. Of course people are getting ‘mild symptoms’, if any – it’s had to be searched for anyway.
How on earth can anyone know that an individual’s symptoms are less than they would have been because they have been jabbed? It is impossible to know what their symptoms would have been if they hadnt been jabbed. Given that most people have mild to moderate symptoms. How does this, or any other study, know that any individual might not have had exactly the same symptoms if they hadnt been jabbed?????
I have just had a conversation with a very long-standing really good friend of mine, incredibly intelligent, sharp as a razor, and until recently as far as I knew, a full-blown sceptic. I can’t tell you how much it broke my heart when I jokingly asked whether he’d had his jibjab and he said yes he had. I honestly thought it was his twisted sense of humor until he proudly said…and I get my second jab next Sunday…Fair enough each to their own and all that but…
His words to me were “Had injection for holiday shite, never even had a sore arm.
We are held to ransom over this shite.” He wants to go to Greece.
Sums it up for me. Tragic!
How do we know they would’ve had a serious infection had they not been vaccinated? Presumably, with less people being contagious, the viral loads will be lighter all round? I’m getting really tired of being told that “correlation doesn’t imply causation” when a link between vaccination and blood clots is the inference, but that it definitely DOES imply when vaccination/lockdown and infections/deaths are the correlated criteria
”… get milder symptoms…” Milder than WHAT, exactly?