Not impressed enough by the success of their vaccine rollouts, the U.K. and the U.S. – among other countries – are increasingly looking to vaccinate children against Covid. In the U.S., health regulators are expected to approve the Pfizer vaccine for use in those aged 12-15 in the coming days. The Financial Times has the story.
The U.S. is set to approve BioNTech and Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine for use in 12 to 15 year-olds in the coming days, according to people involved in the regulatory process.
The pharmaceutical companies applied for authorisation to begin vaccinating adolescents last month after trials suggested the inoculations were 100% effective at preventing symptomatic disease among the age group.
Two people close to the process said they expected the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to give its green light next week, a move that could help bring the U.S. closer to “herd immunity” and prove vital for reopening schools full-time in the autumn.
The FDA and Pfizer declined to comment.
The BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine, which was approved for those aged 16 and over last year, has been administered 131 million times, according to data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This has helped the U.S. vaccinate more than 50% of its adult population with one dose, making it one of the largest Covid inoculation campaigns in the world.
The vaccination drive has helped reduce cases and deaths in the U.S. in recent weeks. According to the latest figures compiled by the FT, the country is reporting about 50,000 cases and 700 deaths per day – roughly the rates it experienced in October last year.
Scientists have said that to reach herd immunity… however, the U.S. would need to vaccinate more than three-quarters of its population. That would be difficult unless children were vaccinated as well.
In March, Pfizer reported the results of phase 3 clinical trials in people aged 12-15, which showed better results than for those aged 16-25. Out of 2,260 adolescents who took part in the trial, 18 were infected with Covid – all in the placebo group.
In the U.K., children as young as 12 could be vaccinated when the new school year begins in September. The fact that only very low numbers of children tested positive for Covid after schools reopened in March – many of them falsely – has not stopped the NHS from preparing to extend the vaccine rollout to schoolchildren.
The FT report on vaccine efforts in the U.S. is worth reading in full.
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How can this be approved for use, presumably emergency use, when there is no emergency? For this age group, from ONS weekly death figures in 2020, the risk for 10-14 is 0.0001% or 1 in 686,880. And without pre-existing conditions, 0.00003% or 1 in 3,209,721.
Superspreader, variants, stay safe, schools, long covid, granny, hugs.
Government Zero Covid strategy?
1-in-3.2-million. And yet they are pushing this vaccine on this age group. I’m at a loss for words.
Health Security State.
Military-Pharmacological Complex.
The Military Pharma Tech Complex. Don’t forget the massive tech industries input into this.
There will be a special place in hell reserved for the person who puts their signature to the document which mandates that this can be put into the arm of a 2 year old.
Sorry, forgot the 1 before the 2 – meant to write 12 year old
“The pharmaceutical companies applied for authorisation to begin vaccinating adolescents last month after trials suggested the inoculations were 100% effective at preventing symptomatic disease among the age group.”
Hmmmm…. completely ignoring the fact that catching the disease itself is almost 100% effective at preventing symptomatic disease among the age group
What was the placebo, saline or another vaccine? Does the provocation of any vaccine increase the likelihood of catching another disease you are then exposed to? Unless the placebo is just saline, no adjuvants, preservatives, or manufacturing by-products, the results are a fudge.
For one set of trials the placebo was a meningitis vaccine. One healthy person in Brazil died as a result of receiving the placebo.
In no other area of science would that be considered to be an acceptable control.
I believe it was stated the placebo MenACWY vaccine had “an acceptable level of safety”, not that it was “safe”. Previous vaccine trials for other diseases have used a placebo without the attenuated infectious agent, but still with the rest of the ingredients (adjuvant etc), again not a proper placebo.
This is evil, plain and simple. No sentient, compassionate Human Being, would allow their children to be experimented on.
But then again, it’s all about the $cience…
Science has been subverted
Science becomes “The Science” becomes dogma.
Yet Ivermectin is not given emergency licence to treat the disease….. Shame on them all, the pharma companies, governments and their advisors and the MSM.
Time to start increasing prison capacity.
Ivermectin is too cheap and doesn’t make £squillions for the pharmaceutical companies.
Let’s be clear what we’re talking about, here. Children without severe pre-existing conditions are under no threat from COVID whatsoever—and yet these scientists and policymakers want to inject them with an emergency-use vaccine in order to “achieve herd immunity”. We’re talking about putting children at risk in order to protect adults. That, purely and simply, is evil.
Definitely evil. I don’t understand how herd immunity can be achieved with a vaccine that doesn’t completely stop transmission? Am I just not getting it? Sage themselves have said in the ‘third wave’ (I always hear Hawaii five-O music!) most of the infected people will have had both jabs!
What am I missing!
Vaccines as I understand the subject can play a role in achieving herd / community immunity but we are not talking vaccines here we are about injecting unproven, unlicensed gene therapies.
This is evil off the scale.
Oh, and the third wave this Autumn / Winter is a given when the “variants” attack the “vaccinated” and for which they have no immunity.
I agree with you but I know that WE know they are medical interventions, but they call them vaccines, and in that respect I am still confused as to how a ‘vaccine’ that doesn’t stop transmission, full stop, can attain herd immunity?
But who gives a sh** anyway re. this pretty run-of-the-mill bug?
This could be their undoing though.
It’s easy to write off post vaccine deaths in the elderly as “just one of those things”, or covid.
When it starts killing children it will be much harder to conceal
All very well but that doesn’t help the children, or their families left to mourn them and feel the guilt for consenting on their behalf, when they die because of vaccine injury
SAGE have backtracked from that prediction, but I think they’re all unofficially going for a Zero Covid policy, but won’t admit it.
Liz Truss rather gave the game away this morning when she inadvertently said “eradication” with regard to the virus.
Slithy tove that one…. dripping with disingenuousness
They are deliberately ignoring the natural – and better – immunity obtained by those that have been infected and recovered.
See my post above: The risk my own healthy children would die from COVID are greater than 1-in-1-million. The risk they will experience at least some minor side effect from the vaccines (be it a sore arm or a day or two of “flu-like” symptoms) are 50/50. Of Course the “unknown unknowable” is what are the odds they might experience some long-term negative health effects from the vaccines. Why assume these known and unknown odds when the “known” risks are 1-in-1-million?
The WHO’s redefinition of herd immunity was bound to cause problems…
oh yeah… stick em while theyre young.. thats it!
I can understand trying to get rid of the old, sick and middle-aged plebs and have no objections at all against politicians and most civil servants, professors and teachers being taken care of that way too- after all, that’s what all the other restrictions and NPIs already were designed to do and have accomplished too.
Even careers and nurses, as we will obviously need far fewer of them then too.
But why kill the specialist doctors, pilots, engineers&co and above all the young?
If that eugenics program shall make some sense and provide the Elois with some slaves, surely the young and specialized Morlocks should be spared in their own interest?
As to why almost all of the Morlocks are queuing up to get their injection, that’s a whole different story.
Perhaps because you are trying to apply logic where there is none!?
What did Pol Pot think he would gain by going back to year zero?
Do you think that they don’t already know who would go into the bunker with the President in the U.S?
Why would a eugenics programme ever make sense?
I’m not saying that I believe any of these things but…why lock up most of the world for a virus with similar death statistics to flu? Why wear masks? Why do any of the shit they’ve done?
Why does their ‘final solution’ have to make any MORE sense??
Eugenisists may be happy with the survivors being sceptics rather than arsebook adoring sheep? I hate to say it, but it is looking more and more like this whole thing is ultimately about genocide.
The Elois were the mindless slaves! The Morlocks lived underground. controlled the Elois and regarded them like cattle!
Ate them.
For the TV generation I advise Dr Who ‘Genesis of the Daleks’. It has Gates (in the form of Davros) and compliant scientific elite (SAGE). Ignoring the daft script and wobbly effects, it gets too close for comfort at times.
I think you’ve confused the Elois with the Morlocks.
Anyway, I expect Jeffrey Epstein will be helping to pick out which young folk receive the placebo.
Doctors For Covid Ethics wrote a brilliant piece recently outlining the harms of the “vaccines” in understandable but very professional terms. It has been deleted from their Medium account (too much truth) but here is a review:
DOCTORS from around the world have urged the public not to take any Covid-19 vaccine saying they are “unnecessary, ineffective and unsafe”.
By Oliver May
There is growing fear, not just in the UK, that Governments are keen to start jabbing children, despite the fact that trials have only just begun and the risk of severe illness is close to zero.
Males in the age bracket of 0-19, even with one or greater underlying conditions, have a survival rate of 99.9603 per cent, according to a study by Stockholm University. Females in that age bracket have a 99.9639 per cent chance of survival.
And Doctors for Covid Ethics, a group from around Europe and North America, have stressed that, with manufacturers exempt from legal liability should any one suffer vaccine-induced harm, even using them for the vulnerable is not necessary.
According to the UK Government, there have been more than a thousand deaths recorded on the official Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, with more than 700,000 reactions. It is thought these figures could be far higher, with many not knowing about the Yellow Card Scheme of reporting side effects.
In a statement, Doctors for Covid Ethics said: “Immunocompetent individuals are protected against SARS-CoV-2 by cellular immunity. Vaccinating low-risk groups is therefore unnecessary. For immunocompromised individuals who do fall ill with COVID-19 there is a range of medical treatments that have been proven safe and effective. Vaccinating the vulnerable is therefore equally unnecessary.
“Covid-19 vaccines lack a viable mechanism of action against SARS-CoV-2 infection of the airways. Induction of antibodies cannot prevent infection by an agent such as SARS-CoV-2 that invades through the respiratory tract. Moreover, none of the vaccine trials have provided any evidence that vaccination prevents transmission of the infection by vaccinated individuals; urging vaccination to “protect others” therefore has no basis in fact.
“The vaccines are also dangerous to both healthy individuals and those with pre-existing chronic disease, for reasons such as the following: risk of lethal and non-lethal disruptions of blood clotting including bleeding disorders, thrombosis in the brain, stroke and heart attack; autoimmune and allergic reactions; antibody-dependent enhancement of disease; and vaccine impurities due to rushed manufacturing and unregulated production standards.
“The risk-benefit calculus is therefore clear: the experimental vaccines are needless, ineffective and dangerous. Actors authorising, coercing or administering experimental COVID-19 vaccination are exposing populations and patients to serious, unnecessary, and unjustified medical risks.”
The group explains that the frequent fear mongering over new variants has been overblown too, with “multiple lines of research” finding that people with competent immune systems show “robust” and lasting T Cell immunity to SARS-CoV viruses – including SARS-CoV-2 and its variants.
The statement added: “T cell protection stems not only from exposure to SARS-CoV-2 itself, but from cross-reactive immunity following previous exposure to common cold and SARS coronaviruses.
“In most countries, most people now have immunity to SARS-CoV-2. Depending on their degree of previously acquired cross-immunity, they will have had no symptoms, mild and uncharacteristic symptoms, or more severe symptoms, possibly including anosmia (loss of sense of smell) or other somewhat characteristic signs of the COVID-19 disease.
Regardless of disease severity, they will now have sufficient immunity to be protected from severe disease in the event of renewed exposure. This majority of the population will not benefit at all from being vaccinated.”
And the group was at pains to stress their main message – “these vaccines are dangerous”.
The statement continued: “Population survival of COVID-19 exceeds 99.8 per cent globally. In countries that have been intensely infected over several months, less than 0.2 per cent of the population have died and had their deaths classified as ‘with covid19’.
“COVID-19 is also typically a mild to moderately severe illness. Therefore, the overwhelming majority of people are not at risk from COVID-19 and do not require vaccination for their own protection.”……
…..“The vaccines are experimental by definition. They will remain in Phase 3 trials until 2023. Recipients are human subjects entitled to free informed consent under Nuremberg and other protections, including the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe’s resolution 2361 and the FDA’s terms of emergency use authorisation.
“Initial experience might suggest that the adenovirus-derived vaccines (AstraZeneca/Johnson & Johnson) cause graver adverse effects than the mRNA (Pfizer/Moderna) vaccines. However, upon repeated injection, the former will soon induce antibodies against the proteins of the adenovirus vector. These antibodies will then neutralize most of the vaccine virus particles and cause their disposal before they can infect any cells, thereby limiting the intensity of tissue damage.
“In contrast, in the mRNA vaccines, there is no protein antigen for the antibodies to recognise. Thus, regardless of the existing degree of immunity, the vaccine mRNA is going to reach its target — the body cells. These will then express the spike protein and subsequently suffer the full onslaught of the immune system.
“With the mRNA vaccines, the risk of severe adverse events is virtually guaranteed to increase with every successive injection. In the long term, they are therefore even more dangerous than the vector vaccines. Their apparent preference over the latter is concerning in the highest degree; these vaccines are not safe.”
Good stuff. Another link worth pursuing (as it has other links embedded) is:
Mengele is living and well (except in the head) in the UK.
I’m off to watch ‘The Boys from Brazil’.
For those who haven’t read it, there’s an article by The Bernician exposing the words of a prominent and influential international banker back in the eighties, going by the name of Jacques Attali.
There’s no mistaking that he was describing what we are now experiencing:
The list of examples that show a planning for this ‘Great Reset’ is becoming embarrassing for those who still perpetuate the ludicrous idea that this coronabollox was a real pandemic badly handled, then exploited.
Crikey, that nails it.
Even though much of what is happening is now obvious I suspect we are only seeing the top layer.
God Almighty this is going to be horrific.
Whoever, and whatever is behind this evil, has to face the consequences of their actions. And I don’t care whether they are rich, famous or have a high social status. They must be rooted out and detained.
Would that it was so simple.
Until we revolt this will not end.
We are in a fight to the death.
Links below courtesy of UK Column:
One of the weaknesses of UK Column is its confusion over the right to end one’s own life.
It is a complex and difficult area, and their dogmatic and confused god-bothering doesn’t help.
To stick with the religious theme, it’s a Curate’s Egg of a program. The links can be good, and generally well researched, as have been several NHS contributors. The unnecessary ad hominem and crusading (especially Gerrish), badly weakens the presentation, and the creepy evangelical undercurrent (especially Scott, but Thomson and Gerrish can be just as culpable). Drives me nuts most times, but then a sudden gem….!
Thanks for this list. Notice, once again, all these countries are acting in total unity and the dates of these articles are all within a month of one another.
Tried to reply with links to proposed euthanasia legislation (including Matt Hancock in the Telegraph) but was moderated by LDS. Free Speech, eh?
Multiple links at once are reviewed. That’s all
Fair enough, but I have provided multiple links before without any moderation.
Jesus. Early on I said to my husband, if you WERE a eugenicist, this is the virus you’d design: one that targets the old and fat.
Except it only kills a very small percentage of even those people. On the other hand, if you were a eugenisist there is a “vaccine” with unknown ADE effects that targets the hard-of-thinking.
which is precisely what is happening at the moment – people are unthinkingly queuing up to have this vaccine without doing any research of their own or asking whether it works or why it is needed indeed is it needed at all.
forgot to add, to think I nearly didn’t come here today and if I hadn’t I would likely not have seen this. Glad I did now.
I would not allow a child of mine in this age group to receive the vaccine.
People who allow their children to be vaccinated with these experimental “vaccines” are totally unfit to be parents. The same can be said of pregnant women who decide to play Russian roulette by taking an injection of these barely tested products.
And what about the clueless medics shoving this Pharma gunk into us at £25 a jab?
Are the Jabs Army all on commission? Persuading their neighbours to come and have an experimental genetics-based Frankenstein 1984 jab so they can get some extra commission and enjoy a nice pint after work, tracked, traced, jabbed, masked, surveilled, microwaved, sectioned off, spray disinfected, hands gelled, quarantined, lives and bodies exploited beyond all conceivable moral and ethical boundaries, served by someone who is no longer permitted to breathe freely for 50 hours a week. Luvvly jubbly.
Our Tyrannical Cabal in power have basically tortured the young in this country for over a year and now they want to ‘vaccinate’ them, which besides being unnecessary is totally wicked and evil. We now learn that they have also said they will cut contributions to UNICEF by 60%. So at least they’re consistent, they don’t give a flying f**k about children anywhere. What a surprise!
I bet the ferrets can’t believe their luck. At this rate they’ll be the last in line to have it tested on them !
I see the Gates are getting divorced. She’s found out he’s fu**ing the whole world
She could potentially become the prosecution’s star witness in the class action lawsuit being brought by Dr Reiner Fuellmich.
That would be good.
I hear she’s marrying Mark Windows (OK poor joke but my brain is gone)
Yes, yes, yes please.
100% effective at preventing covvie in a group that never gets covvie.
What an achievement.
I have a magic pill that keeps tyrannosaurs out of my garden.That’s been 100% effective too. Want some? Special price for sceptics.
What about sabre toothed tigers?
You can’t be too careful.
Any doctor involved in this needs to go reread their medical school notes on ethics.
What next?
Babies in utero lost their rights a long time ago.
The latest yellow card report attributes 6 deaths in the 18-29 age bracket due to the vaccines. We don’t know how many people in this age bracket have been vaccinated, but not many, so, the VFR, the vaccine fatality rate is pretty high.
Since Jan 1st there are 88 reported deaths of people in this age bracket, looks like 13% had no comorbidities, so, about 11 fatalities. Again, I don’t know how many people in this age group contracted the virus but I would guess far more than have been vaccinated.
If you were a healthy young person, informed about the relative risks, in the knowledge that we’ve already passed herd immunity level, why would you get vaccinated?
Governments’ campaigns to frighten, mislead, coerce and cajole the unwitting to get vaccinated has been a “success,” and therefore can proceed, targeting younger and younger ages. What was a short time ago too horrific to imagine, Michael Curzon dispassionately relates. We are being conditioned to accept this horror as inevitable.
Not only that but weren’t The Young supposed to be against plastic waste? Think about it, 50 million x 2 disposable syringes, x3 when they roll out the “booster” in autumn, plus the flu vaccine. Add in all the plastic masks and plastic tests and just where is Greta?
It’s quite simple : the proposal is against basic medical ethics, and any doctor participating should be disbarred.
In Normal World, they would be.
But in the Bizarro World that we currently live in, it will be the doctors that refuse who’ll be struck off.
Any doctor participating should be imprisoned. It’s at least ABH.
Can’t be repeated often enough: EVIL
I calculated the mortality odds for my two children, ages 5 and 9. Since mortality rates are much higher for minorities, I calculated these odds for my (white) children. The odds either of my children would die from COVID were 1-in-695,000 (as of April 7th statistics – from the CDC website). But even these odds are skewed as probably most children who have died from COVID in America had pre-existing health conditions that weakened their immune systems. I’m sure that the odds of death for a healthy white child must be greater than 1-in-1-million. For context, the odds any American will get struck by lightning in a year are 1-in-700,000. So again: Why do my children need to be vaccinated?
For any adult to subject a minor to a medical intervention when there is unknown long term effect of that therapy: and with no known significant advantage but recognised risk is perilously close to child abuse. However well intentioned, the young have sacrificed enough with their education and social development, without being asked to be part of a medical experiment.
Teh ONLY conspiracy is against the PEOPLE & NOW genocide
We must be living in an asylum! How can any sane person believe that injecting experimental “vaccines” into children, who clearly cannot be endangered by Covid-19, is benefiting anyone except Big Pharma and curtain – twitchers, is beyond me! The long-term effects of these pharmaceutical cocktails is anyone’s guess. Anyone under the age of 65, without serious comorbidities, who falls for this psy-ops had better keep their fingers crossed…