Now that Chile is settling down a bit, the latest Covid cautionary tale is India, which never seems to be out of the news at the moment as its positive cases and deaths have rocketed in the past few weeks.
Even the usually level-headed Kate Andrews in the Spectator has been painting the situation in lurid colours.
As it happened, the UK’s worst nightmares were never realised. The Nightingale hospitals built to increase capacity were barely used. But what the British Government feared most is now taking place elsewhere. India is suffering an exponential growth in infections, with more than 349,000 cases reported yesterday, as well as nearly 3,000 deaths. Hospitals are running out of oxygen for patients and wards are overflowing. There are reports of long queues as the sick wait to be seen by medical professionals. It’s expected the situation will deteriorate further before it gets better.
Jo Nash, who lived in India until recently and still has many contacts out there, has written a very good piece for Left Lockdown Sceptics putting the current figures in context – something no mainstream outlet seems to have any interest in doing.
Jo makes the crucial point that we need to keep in mind the massive difference in scale between India and the UK. At 1.4 billion people, India is more than 20 times larger than the UK, so to compare Covid figures fairly we must divide India’s by 20. So 2,000 deaths a day is equivalent to a UK toll of 100. India’s current official total Covid deaths of approaching 200,000 is equivalent to just 10,000 in the UK.

In a country the size of India and with the huge number of health challenges faced by the population, the number of Covid deaths needs to be kept in perspective. As Sanjeev Sabhlock observes in the Times of India, 27,000 people die everyday in India. This includes 2,000 from diarrhoea and 1,200 from TB (vaccinations for which have been disrupted by the pandemic). The lack of adequate hospital provision for Covid patients may be more a reflection of the state of the health service than the severity of the disease.
Jo Nash also points out that poor air quality plays a role.
Delhi, the focus of the media’s messaging, and the source of many of the media’s horrifying scenes of suffering, has the most toxic air in the world which often leads to the city having to close down due to the widespread effects on respiratory health…
Respiratory diseases including COPD, TB, and respiratory tract infections like bronchitis leading to pneumonia are always among the top ten killers in India. These conditions are severely aggravated by air pollution and often require oxygen which can be in short supply during air pollution crises…
According to my contacts on the ground, people in Delhi are suffering from untreated respiratory and lung conditions that are now becoming serious. I’ve also had breathing problems there when perfectly healthy and started to mask up to keep the particulate matter out of my lungs. I used to suffer from serious chest infections twice yearly during the big changes in weather in India, usually November/December and April/May. When I reluctantly masked up that stopped. My contacts have reported that the usual seasonal bronchial infections have not been properly treated by doctors afraid of getting Covid, and people’s avoidance of government hospitals due to fear of getting Covid. Undoubtedly, these fears will have been fuelled by the media’s alarmist coverage of the situation. Consequently, the lack of early intervention means many respiratory conditions have developed life-threatening complications. Also, people from surrounding rural areas often travel to Delhi for treatment as it has the best healthcare facilities and people can go there for a few rupees by train. This puts pressure on Delhi’s healthcare system during respiratory virus seasons.
Positive cases look like they may be peaking in many regions now.

One mystery, as yet unexplained, is why India, which has not experienced a strong surge like this so far, suddenly did in March and April. Adding to the mystery is that the simultaneity of the surge across the regions is unexpected in a country as large as India and contrary to earlier outbreaks last year. Nick Hudson from Panda suggests it means there must be something artificial about it as it is not a natural pattern, since viruses naturally spread across the country with some delay and variation evident between regions.

It hasn’t escaped people’s attention that one novel factor is the nationwide vaccine programme rollout, beginning in January and accelerating during March. Is this a further example of the post-vaccine infection spike seen in the various trials and population studies, possibly caused by temporary suppression of the immune system?

Testing is another possible factor, as the number of tests being carried out surged in March and April – though so did the positive rate, suggesting this can’t be the only explanation.

Whatever is going on, it’s a pity there is not more curiosity among our scientists and journalists. Instead, it’s just the usual scaremongering driven by the misrepresentation of data.
Stop Press: Former Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations Professor Ramesh Thakur has been in touch with a comment he left on a story in the Australian.
Some context and perspective. India’s Covid deaths yesterday were 2,163 (seven-day rolling average). India’s average daily death toll is 25,000 from all causes.
Second, despite this surge, as of now India’s Covid mortality rate is 140 dead per million people. This compares to 401 for the world average, 1,762 for the US, and 1,869 for the UK. It puts India 119th in the world on this, the single most important statistic for comparison purposes.
Third, the crux of the problem in India is not the proportion of cases and deaths from Covid. Rather, it is the lack of a fit-for-purpose public health infrastructure and medical supplies of equipment and drugs.
Fourth, although Government neglect of public health while prioritising vanity projects like a new Parliament building during the pandemic, building temples and statues etc. is a contributory factor, the real cause of a poor public health system is poverty. Put bluntly, poverty is the world’s biggest killer.
Fifth and finally, this is why a strong economy is not an optional luxury but an essential requirement for good health.
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Profanity and abuse will be removed and may lead to a permanent ban.
captain corcoran i am the captain of the pinafore at DuckDuckGo
No bad language or abuse to see here. Not even a big big d, despite the best efforts of Stabit Jabit, Trudeau, “saint” Jacinda, Peking Piffle, Grant “Dick Turpin” Shapps, the crook Fauci, Stick At Nought Hancock, Sir Witless, Sir Anthony, Unbalanced, the Times muppets, the corrupt Pfizer and AZ, and all the rest, who can have a nice cake with seeded raspberry jam and live long and happy lives. The toilet door’s definitely going to get it later though…
Are vaccine deaths outpacing Covid-only deaths in under-65s?
Kathy Gyngell
Saturday 29th January 2pm
Wake up Wokingham Day
Meet outside Town Hall,
between Rose Inn & Costa
Wokingham RG40 1AP
Stand in the Park Sundays 10am make friends, ignore the madness & keep sane
Wokingham Howard Palmer Gardens Cockpit Path car park Sturges Rd RG40 2HD
Henley Mills Meadows (at the bandstand) Henley-on-Thames RG9 1DS
Telegram Group
Bad language or abuse I never never use, lest from DS I’m struck.
Though ‘b****r it’ I may occasionally say, I never go as far as ‘f**k’.
Link to video (via Steve Kirsch) – an interview with ex-nurse at a major US hospital. 15 minutes but worth the watch. It’s flipping* scary
*word changed to protect those sensitive to bad language
What was that story about 90% of pregnant women suffering miscarriages after getting “vaccinated”? That sounds “jolly” alarming too. There’s going to be a reckoning (a completely non-threatening one of course).
It’s mainly about myocarditis in younger men. She observed roughly 5-6 p.a. over a 12 year period, no increase in the early days of covid but then 33 in a 6 month period after…..
….yes you guessed it, after the injections!
Watched and noted. Quite frightening really. However, someone I think did flag up a story yesterday about miscarriages in pregnant women who got “vaccinated”. I wonder if there ever was any rational basis for pregnant women to take this experimental medication? I seem to remember a story about a celebrity who was quite keen on these “vaccines” – and then suffered a miscarriage.
The Moderna “vaccine” has been banned in some places for young men, hasn’t it? But the other ones aren’t necessarily safe though.
It’s baffling how many pregnant women, who wouldn’t DREAM of even having a glass of wine, will accept an unknown drug into their bodies.
“Mandatory jabs put NHS services at risk” (Times muppets).
I wonder how the government will find a way of dropping this dangerous nonsense?
Morning, Hugh.
Another question is: Why is she complaining to her board instead of complaining to Bojo and Jabbit?
Good morning (one of my favourite lines from the film Independence Day: when’s our freedom coming?).
I’m not sure that I’m the best person to ask, according to a “vaccine” zealot I’ve been engaging with (who still doesn’t think that mRNA inventor Dr. Robert Malone’s considered opinion counts as evidence), I’m irrational..
This bit rather worried me: “Other figures from NHS England show that 127,515 NHS and domiciliary care staff working in registered settings have not had a first dose.” I wonder maybe if there would be career consequences if she joined the likes of the brave Dr. Helen Westwood?
CYA for when TSHTF by an NHS trust boss, who really is totally in favour of all this.
“We’ll fight mandatory ‘vaccination’ say NHS staff facing sack”.
Good old Dr. Helen Westwood. She’s spoken out on this stuff previously hasn’t she?
“Manual Chevron’s divisive ‘covid’ strategy failed”.
When he was first elected I wondered if he had some excuse after being traumatised by the UK independence vote. But it seems now he is just a thoroughly unpleasant technocrat.
N.B. over 500,000 “cases” in one day in France. I suppose that for these sorts of nutter though it is just a reason to double down on a failed policy and hope for a different result.
I wonder how they change the ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated’ narrative when they’ll soon have more cases than still unvaccinated….
They’ll still find a way to blame us.
“Thanks to the ‘vaccines’, we no longer need harsh restrictions” (The Guardian).
Who are the Guardian sellouts funded by again?
Satan Enterprises Inc.
I think the Graun now has only failed journos who can’t get a job stacking shelves.
Good cryptic crosswords, though, so all is not lost.
“Isolation took a terrible toll on care home residents”.
So far as I’m concerned, stopping care home residents seeing their loved ones against their will constitutes a crime against humanity. What is the biggest killer? Stress, pretty much, and certainly as regards this bug that’s been going round. Not many things more stressful than being forcibly isolated from family and friends (remember the cooler in The Great Escape? This is a punishment for prisoners, not a way to treat people who served in world war 2). Disgusting.
When there are scheisskopfs in charge, one must expect scheisskopfery.
“Asking about men in women’s jails isn’t ‘transphobic’ “.(The Spectator)
Apparently in the first fish’s Scotland, MSP’s are risking disciplinary action for questioning the wisdom of putting men in jails with women, many of whom are likely to have suffered abuse from men, one presumes. What fishy times we live in…
Presumably proper women gaoled for not paying the TV licence who object to sharing a cell with pretend women face solitary confinement by way of retribution?
Ah, like world war 2 veterans in care homes.
‘None of your lip’ as Nicola might say (and she’d know about that).
“Is it time to revisit the ‘equality’ act”? (The “no profanities” FSU).
Equal to what?
Wasn’t there some sort of a campaign to make everyone equally poor – unless you were more equal than the others of course?
“Campaign to make everyone equally poor”.
Yes, it’s called socialism which is still going strong in some quarters. As you suggest, many of its more equal supporters excuse their own wealth to get on with the important work of equalising everybody else.
“Someone please tell my husband to take off his mask once and for all”
Get him some garlic and a cross. Or divorce the silly beggar. Or both.
Or get a baby’s dummy, dunk it in golden syrup, tell him it’s a sure-fire covvie prophylactic, and bung it in his gob. It has the additional advantage of stopping zombie bleats.
Perhaps, as a first step, have an image of his lower face printed onto a selection of masks, so he can become accustomed to seeing himself ‘naked’ as it were?
The Duran’s Alex Mercouris discusses Ukraine (fake invasion) and Trudeau (pretending the Truckers do not exist)
“Kees van der Pijl, an author of distinction, writes that the global ruling class or oligarchy used Covid-19 to seize power by declaring a state of global emergency. He explains that the Information Technology revolution, by creating a global information and communication system, was ushering in a social transformation inimical to the oligarchy’s hegemony over society. In order to stop this transformation, the global elite used lockdowns, mandates, censorship and controlled narratives to seize control over populations… Van der Pijl makes a cogent argument. He shows that the ‘pandemic’ is a political emergency, not a medical one. Its purpose was to suppress populations and transition to an authoritarian state and social structure…” PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS
“Professor Kees van der Pijl discusses his new book which explains how the virus crisis is a fraud and cover for political seizure of power. The medical emergency is just a pretext for digital identity passport systems. He discusses the players behind this ruling oligarchy whose concentration is unprecedented in history. Elites are using a strategy of tension to subjugate an otherwise unruly global populace which has been on the verge of 1848-style revolution. The medical phase of the coup can turn toward war (e.g. Russia) as another means of consolidating rule. The ruling class believes they have a small window of time to cement their power on the heels of the historic AI revolution. He explains the mechanisms by which the oligarchy is able to impose worldwide regulatory processes on entire continents and how China is cooperating in this ‘ultra-imperialism’ with the West. He’s optimistic that the political project that is Covid can’t go on for much longer, will fall apart, and that they do not yet possess the technology required to roll out a total digital control system. A core group of society is also increasingly rejecting their insane vision of the future.”
Police at Charing Cross police station stated to Piers Corbyn 27Jan (when he & his team came to serve info of CRIMES in 4 more vax centres) that the Met Police now have a new procedure to accept vax centre crime complaints. THEY ISSUED A CRIME INFO CARD BEARING THE CRIME NO 6029679/21 & the description “COVID 19 CRIME” (See pic). They took his details & said the (Hammersmith) CID in charge will contact directly those who report these crimes.
Piers said “This is a significant step forward. They are not now covering-up or being evasive about the Crime investigation & are streamlining collection of information through which we will report details of what we’ve found. If they don’t contact us reasonably fast we contact them (They provided details of the Hammersmith CID officer in charge).
Activists in other police regions across the UK now need to insist those regions also facilitate in a similar way the collection of covid 19 crime information to go into investigation 6029679/21″
With the number of times he’s been ‘taken in’, Piers must be on first-name terms with most of the constabulary.
The true under reporting factor (URF) for miscarriages is 49.
Calculating the URF for miscarriages using the DMED as a base data set
I am sure this can be rendered even more precise but I am confident that the true number of women of child-bearing age who have suffered a spontaneous abortion in association with the COVID-19 injectable products is around 150,000.
In any case, it’s a bad situation
COVID vaccines and pregnancy: > 172,000 spontaneous abortions due to the vaccine
A new analysis by Dr. Jessica Rose estimates the number of spontaneous abortions caused by the COVID vaccines. It’s over 172,000 to date. I’ve notified the CDC, but I don’t expect to hear back.
From Mike Yeadon
With Dr Wodarg, I wrote to warn the European Medicines Agency & the public Dec 1 2020 of this specific risk to female fertility.
Every normal news outlet censored us. The BBC turned its venom on me.
In 2021, I filed expert opinions in various legal cases. I don’t know where these got to.
If I can find it I will post it here. I think it proves intent. There are two major problems with the “vaccines”, one that applies to all of them (see petition) and a second, more shocking one applying only to the mRNA vaccines. These accumulate in ovaries. And they KNEW THEY WOULD. A 2012 paper confirms it.
Here, the authors aimed to prove I was wrong, but accidentally achieve the exact opposite
Attorney Tom Renz recently summarised the information from the US military equivalent of the civilian VAERS database.
Obviously, it confirmed what we know from VAERS.
Please share. The information doesn’t get any better than this.
Many of the deceased Hirschman has come across reportedly died of heart attacks and strokes.
The mortician says he found resistance when he tried to embalm these jabbed patients, and then found these strange materials and pulled them from the large vessels of the bodies.
“I actually pulled this long, fibrous-looking clot out prior to embalming,” Hirschman said, showing images of a clot he took out of a person.
“At the front end of it, it looks like a normal blood clot, but that white fibrous-looking stuff just isn’t normal,” he added.
This screams ‘fake’ in my ears. Sorry and all that. I’ll apologise if proved wrong.
I think he started off saying he couldn’t say when he started noticing them but implied it was about 6 months after the jabs started but then later on said they had been seeing them since 2019-2020.
All a bit sus
If I were an embalmer, the last thing I’d want would be to be famous.
Are vaccine deaths outpacing Covid-only deaths in under-65s?
Kathy Gyngell
Saturday 29th January 2pm
Wake up Wokingham Day
Meet outside Town Hall,
between Rose Inn & Costa
Wokingham RG40 1AP
Stand in the Park Sundays 10am make friends, ignore the madness & keep sane
Wokingham Howard Palmer Gardens Cockpit Path car park Sturges Rd RG40 2HD
Henley Mills Meadows (at the bandstand) Henley-on-Thames RG9 1DS
Telegram Group
Croatian MEP Mislav Kolakusic rips into Emmanuel Macron over the latter’s hypocritical rambling on the death penalty. Mandatory vaccinations, says Kolakusic, represent the death penalty for many citizens:
For the video clip alone:
He’s obviously not on the Klaus Schwab payroll!!
Do NOT miss that last twitter vid. I laughed till I cried. Make sure you see it through to the end!
For those like me who are a bit unsure of what words are considered to be profanities, here is a link to the official rankings according to those goddam bloody craparse buggers* at OFCOM.
* All officially considered to be milder words – generally of little concern
I’d have thought that OFCOM qualifies as a swearword to be used when describing something not fit for use.
Very informative list. Retained for future consultation when posting.
I note that BS isn’t on it – so presumably it is still safe.
And while ‘God’ is on there – is that a profanity when begun with a capital G? Similarly, Mother of God isn’t on there either, so can that still be used?
Surprised the climate activists aren’t out in force opposing the truckers convoy, given the amount of noxious fumes those 55,000 trucks and counting must be pumping out. Though in Extinction Rebellion meets the Canadian Truckers, i think i know who my money would be on. And it’s probably too cold for XR out there, poor dears.
They’d have to admit it was actually happening if they did that.
Maybe time to fire up the climate activists!
ER would freeze to death lying down on Canadian highways
Oh, the horror!
Quite post-ironic to be too cold to protest against global warming, you must admit.
I would say about 5% of people yesterday when we went shopping in Sainsbury’s, Tesco’s,Next,M&S and various smaller shops were maskless (normal)
It’s a start.
I was surprised and very pleased when a fellow “normal” congratulated me on my anti lockdown badge.
Our SITP group did a group shop last night in Tesco’s and i was pleased to see so many maskless people (other than us) which was great. Probably about 30%-40%? We try to hit a supermarket in the area every week just pour encourager les autres.
Keep it up!
Les autres are now so conditioned that they’ll probably be putting effort into predicting where you’ll shop so they can avoid you.
Brilliant idea!
Did you ever in your wildest dreams pre March 2020 believe that a “group shop in Tesco” would not only be an act of rebellion but a part of your social life??
GPs to be nationalised
Whilst GPs have been the worst part of health services, Sajjid Javid is going in the wrong direction. Personally, I’d like to see GPs all in the private sector and the market freed up so you have a completely free choice of GP in any area and from any practice/ business. I’d go even further and allow more alternative approaches to GPs.
Certainly GPs need addressing. I cannot help fear Sajjid Javid wants more control (like his vaccine mandate for NHS staff) rather than just more efficiency.
Many are now just signatories to multiple prescription pages.
I heard that Disney is not cancelling rather renaming..The film could be named A woman and Seven Adult Men.
However, that puts it in another film classification.
Wouldn’t it still be a ‘short’?
The BBC spoof is hilarious. Hats off to it maker(s).
No mainstream news about Canada truck convoy arriving in Ottawa. Perhaps authorities afraid of copycat convoys around the world
Yep – BBC on standby to pretend it isn’t happening. You can just imagine the handwringing editorial discussion.
Cover it GB News, cover it big time!!
Assuming Judy with the maskbound spouse reads TDS (and she intercoursing well should), I suggest you sit the poor fellow down with a cup of raw gin. And this.
Divine – You Think You’re A Man.
And when he recovers from his fainting spell, tell him that this was recorded live before an audience of teenagers, unmasked and unwoke, who went on to live happy and productive lives. Whisper sweetly in his ear ‘About time you did the same, love.’
“intercoursing” – loving it.
Please share, the truckers in Europe are also rising up & plan to converge on Brussels on 7th February
intercoursing brilliant!!!
Is DS going soft? Several articles in this round up would suggest so.
One appears to criticise Climate Change scepticism, especially regarding modelling. We know that the dumb climate consistently refuses to follow the path the models have set for it, so here we should be championing the climate!
Secondly I flatly reject any notion that the first lockdown was justified because we were ‘in uncharted territory’. As a SME in Evidence Based Training the Golden rule is when faced with a ‘black swan’ take a step back and find the best match before taking any action. Best match would have been the Pandemic Preparedness Plan. Follow those steps while gathering new pertinent information. Only then prepare and act upon a whole new plan.
Lastly, to praise Johnson because he’s slightly less totalitarian than Macron et al is a bit like ‘apart from that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play’?
Going soft? More a question of ‘Going, going, gone’!
Well put.
Can we start a campaign to stop the mis- or over-use of the word ”multiple”, rather than ”several” or ”many” or ”numerous” or even ”umpteen”? ANYTHING but ”multiple”. It’s getting almost as bad as ”INCREDIBLE”!
I’m assuming you’re objecting to multiple instances of this behaviour?
My favourite has long been ‘awesome’. It’s the easiest way to identify someone who has access to both adjectives that express life’s trials: ‘awesome’ and ‘gross’.
almost as bad as “exponential” [which exploded across MSM news like a bad rash to describe the rise in covid cases and deaths]
Covid: Posts claiming only 17,000 died of virus ‘factually incorrect’ – BBC News
One might counter with: BBC News – fatuously politically-correct.
Another in the long line of reasons to defund the Ministry of Truth. The figures are clear, it’s the message they send that is uncomfortable to the narrative.
they might want to check with the ONS – BBC needs to be fact checked!!!
If Daily Sceptics really wants us to control our potty mouths, they shouldn’t provoke us with quotations from absolute t*ss pots.