Meet the World’s Worst Economist
9 January 2025
News Round-Up
9 January 2025
Where is Rachel Reeves?
9 January 2025
by Will Jones
The vaccine trial documents Pfizer has been compelled to release reveal some disturbing information, including that 16% of the vaccine ends up in the liver and that 23% of vaccine recipients suffered a systemic event.
A board member of a large German insurance company has spoken out over the "alarming" data his company has found which suggest Covid vaccine side-effects are up to 10 times higher than official figures show.
Dr Michael Mosley has written a piece in the Mail criticising those like Novak Djokovic who say they are protected by antibodies from previous infection, claiming the vaccines are better. Here's what he gets wrong.
Individualising treatment, monitoring, safety, informed consent, and prescribing within the limitations of your knowledge – how well have these principles of sound clinical practice been applied in the pandemic?
Fourth Covid vaccines doses are not currently needed, Government scientific advisers have said, as protection against severe disease from three doses is holding up.
Omicron bites hard in the UKHSA vaccine report this week as unadjusted vaccine effectiveness against infection (calculated from the raw data) plummets across all age groups, hitting a new low of minus-151%.
A top Scottish fertility clinic has withdrawn its services for unvaccinated women, and Italy announces mandatory vaccination for the over-50s. They're really turning the screws now.
Tennis player Novak Djokovic has been told by rival Rafael Nadal he only has himself to blame for being barred from Australia for not being vaccinated, as Downing Street falsely claims the vaccines are "completely safe".
Back in January, Sir Patrick Vallance said, "The more you vaccinate, the more you put evolutionary pressure on the virus." A recent paper argues that mass vaccination has selected for vaccine escape mutations.
We're republishing a post on the Daily Sceptic this morning by the German Substacker who calls himself 'Eugyppius'. Looks like he's been kicked off Twitter – shock!
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