The spike protein from SARS-CoV-2 by itself can lead to heart muscle injury through the inflammatory process, according to preliminary research to be presented this week at the American Heart Association’s Basic Cardiovascular Sciences Scientific Sessions 2022. Medical Xpress has more.
The spike protein is found on the surface of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Spike proteins latch onto receptors known as angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) on target cells. The spike protein facilitates virus entry into healthy cells, which is the first step in infection. In addition to infecting the lungs, the virus can also spread to other organs leading to more damage to the body, severe infection and, among some people, death.
“It’s already known from the clinical side that COVID-19 infection can induce heart injury, however, what we don’t know is the mechanistic details of how this occurs. What we suspect is that the spike protein has unknown pathological roles,” said Zhiqiang Lin, Ph.D., lead author of the study and an assistant professor at the Masonic Medical Research Institute in Utica, New York. “Our data show that the spike protein from SARS-CoV-2 causes heart muscle damage. That’s why it’s important to get vaccinated and prevent this disease.”
“Host natural immunity is the first line of defence against pathogen invasion, and heart muscle cells have their own natural immune machinery. Activation of the body’s immune response is essential for fighting against virus infection; however, this may also impair heart muscle cell function and even lead to cell death and heart failure,” Lin said.
The researchers studied whether the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein activates the natural immune response in heart muscle cells. HCoV-NL63 is a coronavirus that infects the respiratory system without causing cardiac injury, although its spike protein also uses ACE2 to mediate virus entry. They studied the potential ability to cause heart disease of both SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and the NL63 spike protein. Their results showed that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein activated the natural immune response in heart muscle cells and damaged the heart, but the NL63 spike protein did not.
“The fact that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is activating the natural immune response may explain the high virulence compared to the other coronaviruses,” Lin said. “The TLR4 signalling is the major pathway that activates the body’s natural immune response, and the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein activates TLR4, not the regular flu spike protein.”
Combined with the recent findings that spike protein from infection or vaccination can persist in the body for months and cause ongoing symptoms, the latest research indicates that spike protein may continue to attack the heart and may at least partly explain the high numbers of cardiovascular deaths in the last year. Since successive vaccine doses introduce further spike protein into the body, and risk of heart inflammation is known to increase with additional doses, this suggests that the vaccines are potentially seriously damaging to heart health. It is baffling why Dr. Lin would suggest vaccination protects against the spike protein harm he has described when it introduces spike protein into the body and is also known not to prevent infection. The evidence that the Covid vaccines should be withdrawn on safety grounds for most age groups continues to mount.
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This is because it’s a bioweapon.
I have posted repeatedly on here that these injections have been brewed to specific recipes. Big pharma have been preparing these juices for years and they know exactly the outcomes that will manifest over the next sixty months or so.
Craig Paardekooper did excellent analysis of VAERS:
Pfizer was very intentional with the way it released batches which were responsible for much higher counts of adverse reactions. Moderna appears to have distributed them randomly in time.
And obviously, for the new folks here, bear in mind that VAERS (like UK’s Yellow Card) under-reports massively.
An excellent review of the fraud in the clinical trials has been carried out by Sasha Latypova for bother Moderna & Pfizer.
Remember, where there is fraud there is ZERO immunity from prosecution
Her research is invaluable.
Indeed. That is where literally all of the evidence has been pointing.
Indeed. The GOF Wuhan virus was bad enough already, but apparently not bad enough for the powers that be. No, that was just a warmup, and they had to up the ante even further with the real bioweapon–the jabs.
There were papers last year that suggested the same thing.
And a UK study last year showed that 1 in 100 vaccinated people (380,000) received hospital attention for cardiac arrythmia. I believe around 9,000 of that number had also had Covid but the majority had not. At the time the study authors were remarkably quiet about the arrythmia as their focus was on myocarditis.
The normal rate of arrythmia seen in hospitals is 1 in 400.
which arrhythmia? There are several:
Supraventricular tachycardia
Atrial fibrillation
Long QT
Short QT
Ventricular Fibrillation
Ventricular tachycardia
Ectopic beats
The rate of atrial fibrillation alone is 1% worldwide increasing to 9% in the older population.
SVT is 0.2% generally and 0.4% in children.
FFS we have known this since February 2021.
Yes yes yes but The Experts need time to check these things, A Y M!
The lag is insufferable.
The purpose of the lag is to bore people to death.
By the time the experts validate the obvious, the sheep have moved on to the next pseudo crisis.
Im not sure there will ever be a watershed awakening.
May 2020?
True. I’m referring to the spike used in the vaccine but I stand corrected as we knew the action of the virus was on ACE2 receptors back in early 2020.
It becomes more and more clear that “enhanced function” was a corruption of medical science. It was closer to germ warfare than preventative medicine and should not have been engaged in so carelessly
Those people who were so keen to promote these programmes were ingratiating themselves with the CCP and received life changing amount sof money for it. Doubts expressed by parets of theb US bureaucracy were by-passed.
We do not know if the rest of the west was involved or aware but US bureaucrats have a great deal to answer for.
The CCP clearly has most to account for. It shares equal responsibility for doiung the dangerous research but added and fundamental responsibilitry for carelessness in its labs and for its failure to be candid with the rest of the world.
Last but by no means least, the UN agencies and their clients in national bureaucracies carry the stain of economic shock and depradation with the social damage of lockdowns. They can never recover from this and future national governments, unstained by the ridiculous adherence to their nonesensical advice, will have to cut loose or suffer again in then polls.
Looks like #SpikeSickness is real. Remember when it was just a “conspiracy theory”?
As Chris Morrison says on the Climate Change editorials, to get your paper published you have to state you support the narrative in the summary section. Perhaps researchers on COVID “vaccines” are using the same trick. Spot the inserted oxymoronic sentence:
“Our data show that the spike protein from SARS-CoV-2 causes heart muscle damage. That’s why it’s important to get vaccinated and prevent this disease.”
It’s a clear non sequitur, even if helps them to have it published. On the contrary to their recommendation, it appears that the pharmaceutical design is flawed, to the extent that the product can cause injury in some cases.
The pharmaceutical design is NOT flawed. The injections have been designed to maim and kill and that is what they are doing.
“It is baffling why Dr. Lin would suggest vaccination protects against the spike protein harm he has described when it introduces spike protein into the body and is also known not to prevent infection.”
No, it is not just baffling.
He is either a completely ignorant id*ot, who should therefore definetely have his medical license revoked, or, more likely and like the AHA, which publishes such sh*te, a fully paid-up aka totally corrupted member of Team CCP Science.
I would have ruled out the former until last week, when I read an article at reitschuster about various German doctors responses to vaxx disability claims made at a health insurance, which a whistleblower there then leaked.
The standout story I remember was that one neurologist stated that she had no concerns at all to give the mRNA goo to the now disabled immuno-compromised person, because it was just a totally normal, regular, inactivated vaccine (Totimpfstoff), the safest form of all.
I am constantly amazed by (1) the stupidity of supposedly clever people (2) their absolute belief in their own intelligence, and the certainty of the nonsense assumptions they hold in their pea brains.
Midwits. Scary people.
Ignorance and stupidity are all around us. That German neurologist is a fine example.
Interesting that our superb genetic engineers chose the most dangerous part of the “virus” as the desired goal for the mRNA platform.
Unfortunately to make it work parts of the immune system have to be “deregulated” – aka switched off – with entirely unknown consequences.
What could possibly go wrong?
I wonder if the MHRA are aware of the paper and similar.
But then again, when it comes to liquid nanoparticles with modified gene sequences (aka vaccines) they seem to be enablers as opposed to safety checkers. What an excellent job the erstwhile bigphama bigshot June Rain is doing.
That woman is criminally negligent. I think she needs arresting and putting on trial.
As I observed below: it appears that the pharmaceutical design is flawed, to the extent that the product can cause injury in some cases.
Look up Jesse Gelsingers story. This was real gene therapy, a human adenovirus was modified to correct a genetic deficiency. Jesse was part of the trial, but should not have undergone treatment as he fell outside the trial criteria. However, for whatever reason he was accepted and underwent treatment, that had appeared to work in monkeys. The end result is that Jesse developed a clotting disorder and ARDS, he was ventilated, but he was too far gone and died aged 18 from what is believed to be a cytokine storm.
Ultimately this was down to hubris on the part of those running the trials.
Search for:
“Prolonged metabolic correction in adult ornithine transcarbamylase-deficient mice with adenoviral vectors.”
“Assessment of Adenoviral Vector Safety and Toxicity: Report of the National Institutes of Health Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee”also read
Another phase 1 trial but here in the U.K., search for
“Cytokine storm in a phase-1 trial of the anti-CD28 monoclonal antibody TGN1412.”
“When Science goes wrong” by Simon LeVay is worth reading, particularly chapter 6, even though it’s 14 years old.
“‘Informed consent’ is really a figure of speech. No layperson can truly evaluate the potential risks and benefits of participating in a clinical trial, least of all the trial of a genetically engineered virus. To some extent, signing a consent form is a confession of faith – faith that the researchers have done their homework and that the experimental protocol has been adequately reviewed by experts.”
From “When science goes wrong” by Simon LeVay chapter 6
Do be careful, sharing such documents will get you silenced on Social Media!
Which must be worn as a badge of honour these days! Well done.
Has any other known respiratory virus been observed to cause cardiac damage to any significant degree?
Possibly SARS-CoV or MERS-CoV as these also use ACE2 receptors. I am not sure why this study used the common cold coronavirus, MERS is still around and may have been a better comparison as it is probably closer to SARS-CoV-2. Also the common cold coronavirus may have been the causative pathogen of the Russian “flu” in the late 19th century, but we cannot know what effects the alpha version had. Also, we cannot know what effects the “Spanish” flu had in 1918-1919. Do clinicians look for a connection between influenza and heart arrhythmia/damage?
As I understand it, covid/ Sars 2 is more a disease of the cardio vascular system.
This is well worth a look:-
This was initially done over a year ago and was trashed by the usual experts but a lot of it has proven to be accurate – (although admittedly the trans human bits even I feel are a bit far fetched.)
To self. The link no worky.
Instead google “The I Spartacus Letter”, you’ll get there – eventually….
Coxasackie B virus is normally transmitted by the orofaecal route, but can be transmitted in droplets. This is a known cardiotropic virus.
Parvovirus 19 is also cardiotropic and is passed through the respiratory route.
So what did the ‘gain of function’ research change in this coronavirus? Why isn’t investigating this No1 priority? If this was an aviation accident then discovering that there was research going on that involved tampering with a virus would have focused scrutiny as a priority.
The biggest problem with studies like this is there appears to be no stratification on sex, age or ethnicity, all of which can have an impact on disease trajectory.
Prof Bhakdi explained a long time ago (late 2020/early 2021) that the spike protein in the jabs was dangerous and would cause blood clots.
The full title of the paper is
”P3119 / P3119 – Selectively Expressing Sars-Cov-2 Spike Protein S1 Subunit In Cardiomyocytes Induces Cardiac Hypertrophy In Mice”!/10610/presentation/422
Of mice and men
And mRNA technology having been around and experimented with in Humans for years, nobody doing research and in the pharmaceutical companies knew this, the dangers… we are to believe?
The theory behind the Pfizer version is fairly sound for positive sense single strand RNA viruses. A +ssRNA virus is it’s own mRNA, and replicates in the cytoplasm, the vaccine contains a shortened sequence of +ssRNA that codes for the spike, albeit modified. This will also replicate in the cytoplasm. Antibodies against the SARS-CoV-2 are created against the spike to prevent the virus from gaining access into cells.
The AstraZeneca vaccine uses modified adenovirus which has to enter the nucleus, inside the nucleus mRNA is created and passes into the cytoplasm for replication.
Therefore, the AstraZeneca vaccine is probably technically more of an mRNA vaccine than the Pfizer.
A ‘professor’ who is capable of highlighting the serious irreversible cardiac damage the SARS-CoV 2 spike protein can do but then telling you in the same breath to mitigate against this by stuffing your body with more spike protein is pretty much as bought and paid for as you can get. The banality (and absurdity) of evil..
“but the NL63 spike protein did not.” Would you expect a human coronavirus to cause problems in a murine cardiovascular system?