The spike protein from SARS-CoV-2 by itself can lead to heart muscle injury through the inflammatory process, according to preliminary research to be presented this week at the American Heart Association’s Basic Cardiovascular Sciences Scientific Sessions 2022. Medical Xpress has more.
The spike protein is found on the surface of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Spike proteins latch onto receptors known as angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) on target cells. The spike protein facilitates virus entry into healthy cells, which is the first step in infection. In addition to infecting the lungs, the virus can also spread to other organs leading to more damage to the body, severe infection and, among some people, death.
“It’s already known from the clinical side that COVID-19 infection can induce heart injury, however, what we don’t know is the mechanistic details of how this occurs. What we suspect is that the spike protein has unknown pathological roles,” said Zhiqiang Lin, Ph.D., lead author of the study and an assistant professor at the Masonic Medical Research Institute in Utica, New York. “Our data show that the spike protein from SARS-CoV-2 causes heart muscle damage. That’s why it’s important to get vaccinated and prevent this disease.”
“Host natural immunity is the first line of defence against pathogen invasion, and heart muscle cells have their own natural immune machinery. Activation of the body’s immune response is essential for fighting against virus infection; however, this may also impair heart muscle cell function and even lead to cell death and heart failure,” Lin said.
The researchers studied whether the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein activates the natural immune response in heart muscle cells. HCoV-NL63 is a coronavirus that infects the respiratory system without causing cardiac injury, although its spike protein also uses ACE2 to mediate virus entry. They studied the potential ability to cause heart disease of both SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and the NL63 spike protein. Their results showed that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein activated the natural immune response in heart muscle cells and damaged the heart, but the NL63 spike protein did not.
“The fact that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is activating the natural immune response may explain the high virulence compared to the other coronaviruses,” Lin said. “The TLR4 signalling is the major pathway that activates the body’s natural immune response, and the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein activates TLR4, not the regular flu spike protein.”
Combined with the recent findings that spike protein from infection or vaccination can persist in the body for months and cause ongoing symptoms, the latest research indicates that spike protein may continue to attack the heart and may at least partly explain the high numbers of cardiovascular deaths in the last year. Since successive vaccine doses introduce further spike protein into the body, and risk of heart inflammation is known to increase with additional doses, this suggests that the vaccines are potentially seriously damaging to heart health. It is baffling why Dr. Lin would suggest vaccination protects against the spike protein harm he has described when it introduces spike protein into the body and is also known not to prevent infection. The evidence that the Covid vaccines should be withdrawn on safety grounds for most age groups continues to mount.
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Remember folks it’s only 3 weeks to flatten the curve and save the NHS. Not forgetting how over worked those Nightingale hospitals were and how Christmas was saved (to name a few lies)?
What amazes me the most is that the sheeple still believe politicians. I never had much trust in politicians and the Iraq war was the final nail in the coffin of trust for me. I never believe politicians and wouldn’t trust one to tell me the time without checking I still had a watch and verifying the time.
Absolutely spot on, SM, my thoughts exactly!
No good simply blaming politicians. They have to be elected.
They simply reflect an average in intellect and morality amongst the public.
Read this. 16. On oral contraception. No genetic predispositions, (not that they were tested prior anyway).
Patient was a 16yr female who received Pfizer vaccine 3/19/21 at vaccine clinic and presented with ongoing CPR to the ED 3/28/21 after cardiac arrest at home. Patient placed on ECMO and imaging revealed bilateral large pulmonary embolism as likely etiology of arrest. Risk factors included oral contraceptive use. Labs have since confirmed absence of Factor V leiden or prothrombin gene mutation. Patient declared dead by neurologic criteria 3/30/21.
Thanks for posting. Very sad.
Evil all around.
Murder by gene based vaccine.
Was never likely to be killed by this virus.
Appallingly failed by a medic who smashed their Hippocratic oath.
Turn yourself in, Mengele.
Thank you – how did you access the data? I have personal knowledge of cerebral thrombosis in young female with AZ. Vaccination is not a no risk event! Jeremy Hunt suggesting vaccination of the over 12 is perilously close to asking parents to consent to experimenting on their child. The GMC or Nursing Body should consider if that can advise their members are breaking their professional guidelines by vaccinating children for a disease which will cause little or no harm. with an intervention which has been associated with death and has no long term study. I have been in medicine for over40 years and am horrified at what is happening.
David Regan is a cunt
Apologies, no other way of saying that
They all are.
If there are vaccine deaths in young people it will be very sad indeed but perhaps it has to happen before this will be stopped. I hope that is not a harsh thing to say.
It will come to that but it will considered a small price to pay for the greater good
I’m sure if you tried you could come with something.
They’ve already made the perfect Petri-dish for creating vaccine escape variants by managing to vaccinate so many adults using imperfect vaccines — the virus now has extraordinary selective/evolutionary pressure to escape the vaccine given immunity.
That they managed to vaccinate quote so many non-vulnerable individuals with a vaccine that offers fractionally small personal benefit (to them) and unknown levels of risk is rather impressive — I suppose wanting to vaccinate the children as well is just icing on the cake.
Hopefully there won’t be too many short-, medium- and long-term complications in them because of the use of these undertested vaccines.
I’d note that ‘hope’ is usually a poor strategy.
Hope is a feeling rather than a strategy. Sometimes it can enable worthwhile risk-taking, but more often it enables the laziness of continuing down the same path however strong the evidence of the harm it could lead to.
I wonder if David Regan will accept personal unlimited liability for any and all harms cause by the injections?
If Not – Why Not?
Well acceptance of the offer could be a partial substitute for exam results. If you take it, you’re obviously a bit lacking in intellectual capacity and judgment.
No. That dead teenager was assured by everyone she trusted that it was safe.
There are no words
It astounds me that so many people of 40 and below are so excited to be vaccinated. Informed consent? Why don’t they look at the stats and see that the vaccine is more dangerous than the virus. Sheep is exactly right term. I’m just baffled.
Aaaargh! From ONS figures for 2020, there is 1 in 5 million chance of healthy teenagers dying of covid. Currently, there is about a 1 in 30,000 chance of someone dying from these jabs! Why would they want to increase a death risk 160 times?
In fact, if they were all jabbed, this confounded poison would rise to the top of the child mortality list at 22% of all deaths. This is utter madness!
And the deaths will be presented as “incredibly rare” and/or “no evidence of a link to the jab” meanwhile – in mid summer – they will be able to boast about how few wuflu cases there
These deaths can be directly linked to the jab, being within 5-6 days. And it will become increasingly evident. It is the long-term effects that will result in various organ failures in the body and will be less obviously related to the jab.
Reiner Fuellmich suggests that these immediate deaths were not part of the ‘plan’. They brought their project forward and made mistakes. These deaths are bringing them challenges that they did not want to face.
And hopefully they will face them soon. A while back, I was 50/50 as to whether to accept the ‘offer’ a couple of months ago, but less and less likely to change my mind as it goes along.
Disgraceful, monstrous, there are no words to describe this crime.
In today’s mainstream news:
CDC investigates dozens of reports of heart inflammation in teenagers and young adults about four days after their second dose of Moderna or Pfizer vaccine
Didn’t they just start giving the shot to this age group in the US?
In some areas they have run out of sheep to inject. I am still getting interesting “vaccine” harassment texts. In my area they have been regularly sending messages about the age ranges that are invited. The age threshold has been plummeting daily and as of a few days ago they are offering to anyone over 18! So they have a choice of leaving the centres empty, injecting children or starting booster “vaccinations”.
If your kit has a proper ‘spamassisin’ feature in the background, you could put them on the ‘blacklist’. Fortunately, they don’t know my normal mobile number; tried it by post twice, but rather than replying to them I wrote to my normal surgery about it, and appear to be on their ‘declination list’ for the time being. Didn’t take long for them to reply to that – less than an hour, which suggests that they are a bit short of normal work there.
Just irresponsible.
All about sellingvax?
All of your immune system are belong to us
How long before its the children?