NHS hospitals have once again been told to scrap any patient visiting restrictions introduced during the Covid pandemic. MailOnline has the story.
Amanda Pritchard, Chief Executive of NHS England, yesterday told trusts to allow visitors to boost patients’ “experience, mental health and recovery”.
In a letter sent to hospital bosses, she said all healthcare settings “should now begin transitioning back towards their own pre-pandemic (or better) policies on inpatient visiting”.
Ms Pritchard added the “default position” should be “no patient having to be alone unless through their choice”.
NHS guidelines were updated in March to allow patients to have two visitors for at least one hour per day and “ideally for longer”.
But nearly half of trusts maintained policies so strict they flaunted the guidance, the Mail on Sunday found.
Last month Queen Victoria Hospital in Sussex, Yeovil Hospital and St Bartholomew’s in London came under fire for stringent visitor limits. MPs claimed the restrictions were illegal.
Ms. Pritchard said the guidelines were the “absolute minimum standard”.
The letter also announced the decision to “reclassify the incident from a Level 4 (National) to a Level 3 (Regional) Incident”. The level was last raised on December 12th as Omicron surged.
Worth reading in full.
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“Ms. Pritchard said the guidelines were the “absolute minimum standard”.”
How many times have we read on here that Government ‘guidance’ is not ‘the law’ and can be ignored?
For example, when you have been asked to wear a face mask?
Pritchard offers ‘guidance’, hospitals ignore it.
“MPs claimed the restrictions were illegal.” – which MPs? Have they called the Police if they think this is illegal? if not, why not?
MPs: keeping their noses clean and their pockets bulging!
When is the NHS (and allied contractor such as GP practices) going to ditch all the Covid performative theatre? i.e. face nappies, plastic screens and all the rest of it?
When are Morrisons going to get rid of the hampering checkout screens. These seem to be there to encourage you to use the self-service versions, which is nearly impossible with a big shop.
Tesco still have them too. M&S got rid months ago.
No good going to Tesco then and Marks is only for rich people.
I work in a retail environment. When a deaf customer tries to communicate with a deaf colleague, who can lip-read, incidentally, the acrylic screen and the mask are pure torture.
In that case, people MUST remove them, then. How weak people are, even when they’re in difficulty.
Junk Journalism. The picture is a posed shot, not at all a reflection of reality. Visits to patients have been a hygiene nightmare for nursing staff for years.
thanks for letting us know, we wouldn’t have noticed the blindingly obvious otherwise.
I knew it was fake when I saw the person in the bed wasn’t covered in their own vomit, like my uncle who was left in that state all night until visiting next day when holy hell ensued….!
I also knew it was fake because everyone, including the patient, looks happy.
And none of them are wearing face nappies!
It is not the ‘fake’ photos we need to call out, it is the very few genuine ones that slip through the censor’s net!
Very true. They also need some blood splatter on the curtains . Sorry to hear about your uncle and i hope he is ok now
Posed and obviously fake because the couple isn’t biracial, the child doesn’t have green hair and a nose ring, and the patient doesn’t look like they’s waiting for gender recalibration assignment inclusivity.
Absolutely. Nasty visitors pointing out discrepancies, asking awkward questions, protecting their loved ones. To paraphrase ‘The Prisoner’ you are not a human being, you are a number, a NHS number.
Yes that is all we are to the NHS – we are a nuisance.
All MSM is now “junk journalism” – best avoided altogether!
As in the Yes minister episode entitled ‘The Compassionate Society’. It’s bloody visitors and, worse, bloody patients that make life difficult for hospital staff.
I think staff wearing their uniforms out of the hospital setting is one of the biggest hygiene nightmares but I haven’t noticed them stopping that.
Cross contamination in the nhs is a dirty word.
The big give away that it’s fake is that the patient is alive.
Normal Wah!NHS practice appears to be overdose on Midazolam, withhold nutrition & fluids, try to infect any wounds by not changing dressings competently / at all.
So no hospital visits allowed for you ever. Brilliant.
Not flaunted.
NHS Boss Orders Hospitals to Scrap Remaining Covid Visiting Restrictions
It’s been tried before and some would say, if at first you don’t succeed, give up, but there’s nothing wrong with being optimistic. Everyone needs to know their limitations.
If only we didn’t have a corrupt legal system and judges did not block the course of justice, these MPs would be getting dragged through the courts right now and facing a long time behind bars.
Instead they’re able to continue pontificating about the “rules” that they themselves are responsible for.
I don’t believe for a second that they seriously want anyone to stop restricting the public. This is just a PR exercise to boost their popularity until the next “crisis” rears its ugly head.
Our Judges are every bit as corrupt as our politicians, which in my view is worse because they should be upholding the Law!!
It is the establishment itself we must tackle. Which includes judges, all of whom are appointees. They throw in the occasional maverick, but they are all hand picked.
It is people’s faith in authority we must demolish. No one is coming to save you. So why are we letting them take half our income?
Apart from the craven and spineless MPs and Parlimentary “officials”, our biggest disappointment must be the Courts – totally sold out against democracy and the Constitution.
Only Lord Sumption among them can hold his head high …but why is he so quiet now as the WHO seeks to overturn our most basic and fundamental Human Rights aided by the Johnson Government?
Dare I say that we might even have had more interest in defending the Constitution and the rights of MPs to hold the Executive to account with John Bercow as Speaker?
The subversion of our politics by the WEF stooges Schwab boasts are in place should surely be the subject of a ‘Treasom’ enquiry.
I agree with your comments. But change only begins when we stop looking to WEF types and blaming them. We must blame ourselves first for allowing a Big Government to gradually seep into our lives.
We will always have enemies, those who would do us harm. The goal should always be to minimise their hold over us rather than hope to appoint better people. That is, a bill of rights that strictly limits what anyone can do. Then it won’t matter how crazy the Klaus Schwabs are because it would have minimal effect on our lives.
Not suggesting it is easy. But we must remind people many of our problems stem from state power, not the wrong people in charge.
It can’t be exaggerated that the radical change to governance in this country came from Tony Blair and his comrades.
He, and later Brown, built the nanny state that has been further built upon by Tories ever since.
Apprenticeships all but gone and replaced by further “education”. They’ve promoted a degenerate society, dividing us by labels, embracing and forcing us to embrace the anti-family LGBT. They – not Labour, brought in gay marriage.
They’ve took the knee to BLM and demand that do too. Under their watch, every advert, every tv show and every British movie is massively over-represented by black/non-white actors – though they aways have white girlfriends/wives.
Behavioural psychologists have run rampant, nudging us here there everywhere. We’re so conditioned by the government that they knew they could implement full blown communism under the name of covid.
They are our enemies. They need to be treated as such.
All the above is merely a snip of the rant I don’t have time to spare.
“It can’t be exaggerated that the radical change to governance in this country came from Tony Blair and his comrades.”
A point I have been making for twenty years. Most usually I would state:
The damage done to this country by Bliar and Brown will take fifty years to repair.
I was wrong on the timeline. Quite probably the damage done by these traitors is irreparable.
No chance with Bercow. He would have been bending over to check which way the wind was blowing, the wind which would provide him with the most personal benefit
That would be moneypox.
I recently had cataract surgery. I was told I would have to wear a mask during the procedure. I explained I was exempt under any number of the published rules. ‘In which caee you will have to wear a visor during the procedure’. A visor. For an eye operation. You really couldn’t write this stuff!
Out of interest, was it a doctor that told you that?
The Zomboids don’t even blink or crack their faces – making it obvious that they have been chemically lobotomised.
Did you ask them to explain how the surgeon would be able to operate on an eye through a visor?
It’s bonkers. My previous opticians is still requiring masks, but if you say you’re exempt you have to take an LFT! I say previous because I went to a different one who don’t require any of this nonsense.
They say it’s for the protection of the Opticians as they have to get close to your face, but they don’t realise a mask will actually make it worse by sending jets out the sides of a mask, atomizing even more of your breath.
I bet all those opticians are vaccinated too…
I had a sight test prior to purchasing new spectacles back in October 2021. The prescribing optometrist – the boss – wore full surgical greens, including a cap with tie-up tapes. I felt that I was going into an operating theatre. Ironically, against my will, I wore a paper mask during the test – which used several state-of-the-art machines, not those adjustable frames with the slot-in lenses – and such was the amount of fogging-up that I wasn’t entirely satisfied that my ability to read the lines on the chart ensured that I got an accurate prescription.
But what about all those unkilled Grannies?
You mean the ones who ignored all the deadly protocols?
Yesterday, I went to the main hospital in High Wycombe for a contact lens appointment. Not entirely to my satisfaction but that is another story.
I never wore a face-nappy (I never do) and no one challenged me; also I went out through the ‘IN’ door as usual and no one said anything; several other people did the same. So two small plus points.
There were STILL lots of notices around stating quite openly that face-nappies were required and anti-social distancing was necessary; there were several diagrams indicating what was ‘needed’. All rounded off with the emotional blackmail that ‘we are all in this together’. There were also the diabolical screens that are designed deliberately to hinder and even prevent communication. Only one member of staff was free-faced and I thanked her for that.
I have several stickers from the White Rose which I have not (yet) used; I meant to take them yesterday but I stupidly forgot! Next time I will decorate those accursed posters; it is not possible to desecrate them.
I wanted to shake hands with the doctor on leaving; no, we are not allowed to do that. I simply remarked that when I play chess at a local youth club on Friday it is the custom to shake hands afterwards; a little thing but it all helps to destroy this malignant, evil, diabolical and satanic covid theatre.
There are many people, particularly in the bloated, incompetent and inefficient public sector who wish to destroy what was our way of life. Beware those accursed necklaces with ID photos; there are many civil servants and other busybodies who would wish to enforce people to wear them at all times. They are the thin end of a extremely thick wedge.
The terminology that Mrs. Pritchard uses is best described as ‘mealy mouthed’. What does ‘should now begin transitioning back towards their own pre-pandemic (or better) policies on inpatient visiting’ actually mean? Why not simply implement these policies NOW?? The reason why not, is of course, because she doesn’t want to do it.
The only sites where the photo cards were required was defence companies and MoD sites. Then sometime in the last 15 years they were introduced into nhs and schools, which is complete over reach. A name badge or uniform should suffice, the staff should know each other well enough to recognise someone new. The lanyard straps are unhygienic, uncomfortable and a snag hazard. Goodness knows what the badges have dangled in, and anyone doing a useful job rather than tickling a computer would need to take it off.
Before all the Covid nonsense I organised a conference at a Christian Conference Centre where these things (which I hate) were sort of enforced. In order to be able to have breakfast, lunch or dinner one was supposed to wear the damn things. Fortunately I had created my own distinctive badges (they can be useful especially in large conferences) so these were deemed ‘acceptable’. What it is like now I dread to think.
Note to moderators: the word ‘damn’ above is used purely descriptively; such things are so steeped in sin, that their only place is hell or a museum of the disgusting and disreputable.
Newly lobotomised and chipped staff will only “recognise” QR codes !
Don’t go to hospital
They will do their utmost to kill you
Yes …this is now part of Common Sense orthodoxy like “Look before you leap” and “Least said soonest mended”or even “An apple a day (Quercetin) keeps the Doctor away”!
Caption Competition
‘Laughter as last surviving NHS granny patient meets family for first time in two years and asks if she will be coming home soon’
Caption competition
‘I was only 32 when I was admitted’
Oh really?
Is this to make way for the Monkeypox hysteria ‘restrictions’ they are preparing as we write – it seems a “vaccine” is miraculously already close being rolled out – how fortunate for Pharma Fauci and Gates!
I wonder what new nasties they have slipped into this one?
Gutter Media already in full-on ‘hysteria’ mode as directed!
There’s already a monkey pox vaccine, it is the smallpox vaccine, there’s no specific monkey pox vaccine required. We had outbreaks of monkey pox in 2018/2019.
I’m quite sure it will turn out to be something slightly different which can only be treated unsuccessfully with a covid vaccine together with all the usual ineffective counter measures applied before.
This is the Daily Cynic isn’t it?
The smallpox vaccine causes outbreaks of smallpox…. So not exactly helpful.
Some interesting discussions going on in another forum consisting of medics, naturopaths, researchers, scientists & health professionals highlighting this & discussing how to get ahead of the ‘official’ narrative on successful early treatment. Any early treatments posted will be forwarded to here for us to pass on & the aim/hope is to get the message out before it all pivots back to wholly unnecessary vaccines (which have a high adverse event risk) & useless to the patient novel treatments.
BTW monkey pox is a mild disease with a very low IFR – nothing like the sainted Billy Gates’ 10% claim.
Let’s start to call it what it actually is (it’s only the dropping of one letter, after all):
They want to get back to pre-covid normality but insist on face masks? A key part of feeling human and recovering is seeing the faces of your visitors and those caring for you. Come on, it’s not rocket science!
How wonderfully 21st Century – she wrote a letter! Probably she had 2 ‘executive assistants’ draft a document, she made a couple of changes, it was then sent to another couple of ‘directors’ for their input and when finally agreed passed on to a ‘clerical assistant’ to print out and pass on to an office junior to stuff envelopes and take it down to the post room for despatch.
Is the lazy bovine not capable of sending out an email? And they say the NHS has too many bureaucrats!!
Not before time!
”…. they FLAUNTED the guidance….”?
Does that mean that they waved the paper in people’s faces and sneered?
Ah! Just noticed, it’s the Daily Mail. Nuff said.