Self-isolation is to be cut to five days in England, as Ministers start to relax Covid rules at the glacial pace we’ve all become accustomed to these past two years. The Telegraph has the story.
Under the new rules, from Monday those isolating after testing positive for Covid, or showing symptoms of it, will be freed from the start of their sixth day, as long as they have a negative lateral flow result that day, and the day before.
Health Secretary Sajid Javid announced the latest change in the House of Commons today, after weeks of business leaders calling for quarantine periods to be reduced, amid warnings they were crippling major sectors of the economy.
He said data from the U.K. Health Security Agency shows that around two thirds of positive cases are no longer infectious by the end of day five
“We’ve made the decision to reduce the minimum self isolation to five full days in England, from Monday, people can test twice before they go, leaving isolation at the start of day six.”
The new system is similar to that of the United States, where isolation lasts five full days – allowing exit at the start of day six.
Until now, the first point of exit has been day seven, which also depends on two days of negative tests.
The Government still hasn’t addressed, though, why it is still requiring isolation periods at all, given that there is clearly no medical emergency anymore and there are only excess deaths at present for reasons other than Covid.
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Don’t test. Don’t isolate. Don’t comply
More propaganda this time from the FT
They really are so comically transparent. Basically, anything they want to demonise they make up some kind of link with already demonised Russia and China.
Sadly, as witnessed by the number of US Democrats who believed all the bollocks about “Russian collusion” with Trump, and by all the gullible Brits who generally believe any old nonsense put out by the security deep state about supposed Russian threats and plots, it works far more often than it ought to.
Well, if you had followed RT, it would have been pretty clear that it tried to stir up anti-vax sentiments and portray how bad the West is managing the pandemic while keeping hush-hush about Putin’s own corona crackdown. It’s not far-fetched to predict that the more civil unrest is going on in Western countries, the happier Mr. Putin is with his politics at home.
“Well, if you had followed RT, it would have been pretty clear that it tried to stir up anti-vax sentiments and portray how bad the West is managing the pandemic“
From what I saw of RT’s coverage (not that I “follow” it particularly), it mostly just told the basic truth about some of the nonsense going on in the US sphere.
You might view that as “stirring up anti-vax sentiments”, but that’s your problem, imo.
Yes, it focused and rejoiced every time someone in the West fucked up, implying how you the reader should revolt and reject. But this is basically what RT is doing any time they report on issues abroad. Of course, they don’t report on any internal issues because just like in China, there are no internal issues in Russia.
If you want to see Russian interference in politics look to Germany (ex politicians in gazprom) not the Anglosphere countries!
True, some early anti-corona demos in Germany even had people in front of the Russian embassy shouting “Putin, Putin” (in awe, I suppose).
It could just mean something rude in German, I suppose?
And let’s all keep pretending that kind of influence is somehow qualitatively different from the far, far greater influence wielded over the UK by the US, for instance. A few corporate board members in Germany – bad. A PM who’s actually born in the US of an American mother, that’s fine.
If UN/WEF agents in the West didnt keep deliberately f**king things up for us, RT would have nothing to report.
You’d have to be a fool to expect to get real truth about the darker aspects of Russian elite behaviour from a Russian establishment outlet
Almost as big of a fool as you’d have to be to expect to get the same about the darker sides of US sphere elite behaviour from US sphere establishment outlets.
I’d have thought that would be pretty obvious. Anyone with any sense uses both (with due caution), as well as all the other available sources, and applies sceptical judgement and experience.
That certainly sounds like Chinese news
That’s quite true rayc. I was all for the vaccines until I had pizza in a Salisbury restaurant and got chatting to a burly chap named Igor on a neighbouring table. Within the hour I quite inexplicably turned against the vaccines. He even pointed me towards a website called
He offered me a cup of hot herbal tea as we were about to leave but I declined.
Very clear evidence of Russian interference now I think about it.
You should have asked him to let you visit mother Russia where they have the first and best vaccine in the world, which for some strange reason no Russian wants to be injected with, but you can trust the president that it’s extraordinary. If you refuse, they might inject you with something less pleasant, but it won’t be reported by RT.
According to my son who is teaching there (teaching oligarch’s children), most people buy counterfeit vax documents and carry on.
He uses a copy of an English friend’s genuine UK one but most people in Russia don’t read English so he gets away with it.
The countries that are used to mistrusting authority and have social structures and cultural attitudes already in place for dealing with overbearing authoritarian interference have a significant head start in addressing such issues, I’ve noticed.
Long long ago, very well-off people who needed ‘the facts’ read the FT.
Now it’s just fake news.
I have an FT subscription (I don’t pay for it) and the comments have turned sceptical by default even on there. It’s over when even the FT readers awaken.
That’s good. Its readers are a lot more influential than the Grauniad’s … except to Starmer.
Yes Minister long ago featured a wonderful joke about all the UK’s papers and who in particular read them, but I can’t recall who read the FT. The punchline was on who read the Sun.
“Hacker: Don’t tell me about the press. I know exactly who reads the papers. The Daily Mirror is read by people who think they run the country; The Guardian is read by people who think they ought to run the country; The Times is read by the people who actually do run the country; the Daily Mail is read by the wives of the people who run the country; the Financial Times is read by people who own the country; the Morning Star is read by people who think the country ought to be run by another country, and the Daily Telegraph is read by people who think it is.
Sir Humphrey: Prime Minister, what about the people who read The Sun?
Bernard: Sun readers don’t care who runs the country, as long as she’s got big tits.”
Wasn’t there a Two Ronnies sketch on similar lines?
I remember that. Bloody Class.
Hilariously, the online Graun today contains the headline:
“Inaction on global warming amounts to racism – let me tell you why”
You couldn’t make it up, really…
Well, bear in mind the Guardian are basically the house propaganda outlet for the US sphere establishment left, whose main political arm are the US Democrats, for whom a recent major issue was how “racist” US roads are.
Biden’s unlikely plan to use roads to fight racism
These people are functionally insane (but obviously in a very self-serving manner).
Brilliant, that’s the sort of headline that used to appear on
FT is read by those who own the country.
I suppose Sun readers could support Kim Jong Johnson, who has big moobs.
I’m sure Johnson has a decent pair himself.
Yes, I know, I just said that.
Doh – reading too quickly….
It’s alright, we’ve all done it.
Or Fake Truth?
(Not a bad cryptic crossword, though, whenever I find a copy abandoned – and have waited 72 hours for the covid to disperse or die off.)
What nonsense. The FT should turn its attention to the pro-vax, pro-fear psyops that the people of the UK have been subjected to by the government!
This is too obvious to report, though.
Quick Question – Did we launch an unprovoked war of aggression on Iraq after Blair met with Chinese, Russian or Israeli intelligence?
What’s the FT’s view on Israeli and USA influence in Britain?
Never have never will
Too little, far too late, as usual.
The covid panic has been an object lesson, for those with their eyes open and brains unfogged by fear, of precisely how and why voluntary private action is better than state coercive action.
The latter is slow, unresponsive to new information, inflexible for particular circumstances, wide open to capture and manipulation by money and power interest groups.
The former is automatically tailored to individual needs and circumstances, allows prompt changes in response to new information, and is more diverse and harder for interest groups to directly manipulate.
I’d like the government to estimate how bad this winter’s wave would have been without any of these social measures, given that Omicron variant appears to have infected nearly everyone in the country in a very short time period anyway.
I think the modellers projected that we all would have had it several times over by now. Thank goodness for Big Bro, eh?
They *did* estimate what would have happened had no measures been taken – and the outcome was exceedingly dire. Seriously, the stuff nightmares are made of.
They realised that it would be no different from a normal flu season, perhaps even less so as a lot of ‘dry tinder’ has been taken out in the preceding 2 winters. It would have been harder to hide that it is primarily the vaxxed who are getting infected.
And then the gig would have been up too early, when they’re stuck with all these doses of sludge to stick into people. They know they’re going to be stuck with a lot of it, but they are hoping to fob off as much of the 3rd dose as they can before ‘donating’ the rest to developing countries and claiming sainthood.
As if, One day, Will make a difference
This is all essentially voluntary in any case because you aren’t required to test. And if you do, you can backdate the start of your symptoms with no verification. It’s all just covid theatre.
Remember the road-map to freedom? It was an everlasting incremental “irreversible” removal of restrictions that was falsely claimed would result in “Freedom Day”.
It’s the same bullshit being played out now. Only this time the increments are even smaller. What kind of meaningful change will one day make?
Get rid of the whole lot – now.
Oh, I remember that one! It is all bullshit.The only way is to be that change. Never tested, trapped or traced, never downloaded an app…because I cant, no jabs, no masks, no social distancing with friends and family, no going along with any nonsense. I’m appreciate that I’m in a position to be able to do this, that I’m not required to take tests by an employer, but all of us have to say no to it all, whatever it takes.
The plebs are starting to revolt in NL. Shops, restaurants, etc. open in Germany and Belgium, people living near the border (and farther away) have been boosting the German and Belgian economy while the Dutch economy slides further into the shit.
Many shops have said they are opening this Saturday, no matter what. The local mayors are in charge of enforcing the
nazicorona rules and in a lot of smaller municipalities have said they will not be sending the police out to enforce. Tomorrow night a new press conference, it’s already been leaked that shops, sports schools, hairdressers, can open. I suspect many restaurants, particularly in smaller towns, will open regardless. There will not be much appetite to enforce, I suspect people may actually start attacking the police.They truly are holding out for the appartheid app, but the mayor of A’dam (a moron, but nevertheless) has given an interview to a major newspaper saying she is against 2g. The cabinet does not have the support of the mayors any longer, that is turning the tide.
“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
― Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956
“Jonathan Van-Tam’s failure to mention Boris Johnson in his resignation statement may tell its own story”
“There’s no suggestion that Van-Tam’s departure has anything to do with ‘partygate’, but the missing reference will pose questions today”
Was he partying with Boris?
I don’t know the answer to that, but Van Tam’s departure and its timing must surely be connected with the ongoing bunfight over whether Johnson should leave office, and it seems from his statement that he’s on the anti-Johnson side of the park. Jeremy Hunt doubtless knows. Today’s MI5 China story (“Lee may attempt to set up further All-Party Parliamentary Groups”) may also be aimed at Hunt.
Is Christine Lee a British citizen? If she isn’t, it’s remarkable that neither Johnson nor Truss has made a statement yet – or hoofed Lee out – because Lindsay Hoyle may rule the roost in part of the Palace of Westminster but the issue is still national security. Maybe they’re pooing themselves about a Chinese response… They don’t half look weak.
If Lee is a British citizen then surely working for a foreign power to control figures in Parliament is an offence of some kind…
Oh wait…gotta check that first with the Community Security Trust, the Fulbright Program, etc., lol.
They will never let us get out of this – not at least until they fully collapse Western society in accordance with Agenda 2030/Great Reset/Net Zero or whatever other euphemism they come up for world communism.
shutting down the UN is the only way of limiting global fascism.
Arbitrary totalitarian liberalisation.
‘The issue is not the parties, it’s people feeling that they have been taken for mugs… if they weren’t scared why were they scaring us?’
Baroness Claire Fox discusses the building pressure on Boris Johnson to resign.
Did anyone ever establish who was running the RCP, that Fox used to be a leading figure in? I seem to recall the trail led back to the USA.
Whatever happened to irreversible freedom day?
Freedom day was just an Orwellien term. Loss of freedom = Freedom.
C-19 regulation will not end until the government is satisfied with the number of people that have been jabbed.
It is my view that they are currently dissatisfied with the uptake – some say <70% – and are working on a strategy to repeal laws, and commitments to human rights charters that forbid mandatory jabbing.
They need everyone jabbed for their big scheme to be implemented.
Mandatory jabbing will come in……..
…….to do that, they need another virus crisis – I suspect that Daszack & co. will be cooking one as we speak.
“Isolation cut by one day”…If your still following any of this malevolant crap your a fekin moron! Anyway, on another subject. Just on the Telegraph website, US send carrier group to South China sea. If only the indoctrinated masses would pick a history book up. Financial collapse coupled with social collapse and a created existential crisis (plandemic) is inevitably followed by configuration to keep the $ flowing for the military/industrial complex! Ukraine, Taiwan, Syria, Lebanon…buckle up folk’s, shits gonna get real!
They are taking the P###. What about the isolation period for the unvaccinated arriving into the UK, are they treated to a day less? Currently they need 10 days and no way to shorten it compared to the vaccinated, despite zero scientific or logical reason.
I suggest the test kits are surgically removed from the hysterical
We need to fund more Latflowadectomies
People – let’s end this charade now!!!
what is the bloody point? are the hospitals about to be overwhelmed? why are we trying to slow down the sniffle? are you really going to contract trace every one of the 200k contacts per day?
they just can’t bring themselves to say its over
Of course they can’t! They’re scared witless of what comes after.
People have short memories. As spring comes and we are all still alive, many having survived a terrible dose of the sniffles, sanity will start returning. The stories about vaxx adverse effects and deaths will become common place – the media needs to keep the clicks coming, they will switch from hounding the unvaxxed to hounding the vaxxinators in the blink of an eye.
More and more people will believe that this ache and pain, that new ailment, the friend or family member who just suddenly died, may have been due to the vaxx (even if it wasn’t – due to their own obfuscation people will now be only too happy to believe that any and all ills are due to the vaxx). A scapegoat will be needed, the unvaxxed will not work anymore as more and more double- and triple-jabbed people become infected and ill. So anger will rightfully fall on those who caused financial and mental devastation through pointless lockdowns and physical illness through the pointless and dangerous vaxx.
Would you want to be on the receiving end of that wrath?
“As spring comes and we are all still alive, many having survived a terrible dose of the sniffles, sanity will start returning. “
I thought that would happen last summer!
but I agree – people can switch allegiance in a heartbeat
every company that goes bust, every suicide – all lockdown’s fault
every ache and pain, every heart attack or cancer – the vaccine – after all – everything is someones fault?!
One day…lovely.
On another positive note, the tide is very much turning. The Metropolitan police have recorded (and hopefully will investigate) vaccine related Gross Negligent Manslaughter and Serious Misconduct In a Public Office, regarding the roll out of the COVID injections.
If further accusations/crimes are reported, all forces are obligated to record the incident, whilst the Met will take the lead on the main investigation.
So…if anyone feels they have been directly effected, or are aware of victims who have died, it can be reported to your local force as a crime (probably crime related incident).
Clearly public services do not wish to be swamped by pointless reporting, however there may be some grounds for some people.
Just to add, the definition of Misconduct in a Public Office is:
The offence is committed when;
– a public officer acting as such;
-wilfully neglects to perform his or her duty or wilfully misconducts themself;
– to such a degree as to amount to an abuse of the PUBLIC’S TRUST in the office holder;
– without reasonable excuse or justification
You can find further info at the web page. It also provides another method of reporting any relevant incidents.
I still don’t think those four words belong together.
Chief Treatment Rationer?
“Self-Isolation Cut By One Day” = Throw The Plebs a Biscuit.
It has little effect on anyone’s life, but it can be announced on the front pages. It can be promoted as a sign that the Big Melt is coming, or the waters of the Flood are receding.
It’s a minor concession, but they don’t frame it like that, because they don’t talk about house arrest as a punishment, any more than they spoke in that way about stopping people from sitting on park benches or touching each other. It’s all about public health – hahaha!
As always, restrictions are imposed on whim and removed grudgingly, excruciatingly slowly, the malevolence is obvious to all except those who choose not to see it.
As the pig dictator opted out of going on a visit today by saying a member of his family had tested positive for covid, then shouldn’t he “isolating” if he got pinged. (I’m probably wrong, but as I tried to ignore the covid crap from day 1 my understanding of the “rules” are probably out of date).
Again, it is absolutely remarkable that there is (to my knowledge) not a single msm journalist who is willing to actually question what this change means i.e. that the government sees covid related isolations as a bigger threat to society than covid.
I think the author is mistaken. Clearly all restrictions ended the moment we found out that the government wasn’t following its own rules. Even here in Wales I saw far more people in the supermarket unmasked than last week.
If science can’t be questioned it’s not science anymore. It’s propaganda. They want to rip on people for taking Ivermectin. I researched and saw the evidence on the internet. Research papers are on the internet for those who wants to see. Top respected world doctors are being under defamation by MSM and vaccine manufacturers. I won’t back down recommeding IVM. You can get yours by visiting
The methodology used by the gov’t health advisors, must be fascinating for “real” scientists, who like the rest of us are puzzled by how the gov’t scientific advisers reach their crazy decisions. It has been two years of this nonsensical decision making. Many of us have become immune to this crazy, unscientific decisionmaking. You know, things like social distancing measures at two meters, wearing masks that do not work, taking two injections that were totally ineffective, taking booster after booster in the future, as cases soar. Oh I almost forgot, locking down people, churches, small businesses, masking kids, denying kids their education, injecting kids with something that has absolutely no safety data. These kind of things. Now doctors being gagged, and anything that veers away from the gov’t narrative, banned, censored.
but that is okay, we see what you are up to. Continue to not participate in these crimes against humanity while you are able
And yet the myth (aka: lie) that a case is automatically infectious, i.e. symptomatic, persists! If you don’t have any symptoms, don’t test.
Only 5 days now? Based on The Science(tm) I assume. Aren’t we lucky to have such wise and knowledgeable people telling us what to do, they know that 5 is now okay. Not 4 nor neither 3 but it shall be 5, so the runes tell.