Italy has introduced a mandatory vaccination requirement for all outdoor sports competitors, with those entering the country to play in international tournaments also subjected to the same rules. This would mean that any unjabbed English rugby player will be excluded from the squad, which is due to play Italy in the Six Nations on February 13th. MailOnline has more.
Italy has joined France in making vaccination compulsory for anyone wanting to play outdoor team sports, meaning Premier League players will need to be jabbed in order to move to Serie A this January.
The Italian Government met this week to implement urgent changes to its Covid restrictions, with every sportsperson in the country, from the professional game to the amateur divisions, needing a ‘Green Pass’ in order to take part.
The ‘Green Pass’ is given out 15 days after a person has been vaccinated for the first time, with the Covid passport-style document also needed to enter swimming pools, festivals, religious buildings, hotels and public transport.
It is unlikely to affect Italy’s top football division as it was revealed earlier this month that 98% of all Serie A footballers are double-jabbed in a league that has been unaffected by the Omicron variant so far.
It is not known how many Liverpool players are vaccinated, though the Premier League did reveal that 16% of top-flight footballers are yet to receive their first dose of the vaccine.
Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp has been fully supportive of players getting vaccinated and claimed earlier this month that the club would not be signing any new players who have not had both doses.
“I think it (being vaccinated) will be influential, definitely, in who clubs sign,” said the Liverpool manager. “If a player is not vaccinated at all, he is a constant threat for all of us.
“He doesn’t want to be a threat, it’s not that he thinks ‘I don’t care about the others’ but he is.”
Meanwhile, the England rugby team go to Italy on February 13th for their Six Nations clash, so any players who are not jabbed will be banned from playing.
The new restrictions, which will begin on January 6 when Serie A resumes after its winter break, also affect the fans, who will need a ‘Green Pass’ in order to enter stadia at any level.
Those sports stars who are double-jabbed will also be exempt from any quarantine rules, but are advised to wear a mask for up to a week after their arrival.
Worth reading in full.
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And yet Covid marches on.
Because it long since finished being anything other than a pervasive mental disorder.
Good point. Perhaps future dictionary definitions will read something like :
Covid : State induced mental illness. Symptoms : Extreme fear and hypochondria, marked by conjuring invisible demons intent on slaughter, and magical rituals, such as mask wearing and measuring distance from others as prophylaxis.
See also : Hysteria; Psychotic gullibility; Propaganda and Media Control
I work in a public library, and regularly see ‘nice’ and ‘reasonable’ people collecting free lateral flow testing kits from us. They keep saying you have to be careful, and isn’t it a shame.
I wish to disabuse them of their impediment, but would find it easier to convert the pope to Catholicism.
Converting the pope from devil-worship to Christianity would be a start.
Right on Annie.. he’s demonic and then some..
Bloody hell, when you read Archbishop Vigano you get a real idea of how satanic the Catholic Church is. And Welly Baby is off the effin chart.
They’ve got to get rid of the control group.
With so many professional athletes having heart problems they can’t afford to have an unjabbed control group that could demonstrate that it’s the jabs causing the heart problems.
Once they’re all jabbed they can get on with blaming anything they like for the horrible side effects.
But the window is closing for them, time is running out, people are wising up and they know they’ve got little time left to eliminate that control group.
I was quite heartened to see that the WAGS are behind a lot of this, I have clearly underestimated these nail technicians and influencers. The love of the healthy meal ticket is strong in these ladies.
And a lot of them have quite young families too. Good for them for trusting their instincts. Nature, instinct and common sense should always trump intervention which has at best a distant marginal effect. When that intervention is so weak it has to be repeated three times a year irrespective of the risk it proclaims to cure, and when , even worse, it’s dressed up as a moral obligation to make sure others are not “put at harm” which itself is a lie – what they mean is others are not inconvenienced by laws specifically designed to segregate people who do not comply- so much more power to their elbow.
If you have an uninformed vaxxed victim telling you are an idiot for not being an idiot then give them both barrels with some Dr Mccollough – find a jab happy doctor/scientist to tell him where he is wrong – he will happily accept the challenge I’m sure
What utter horsehit!
The whole premiership is horseshit
Jürgen Klopp should STFU about viruses and vaccinations. He is a manager and he should stick to that without spewing out complete nonsense. (and you do not have to be a virologist to understand his failure in logic…)
Klopp is a meat head fake Christian.
It’s Jurgen Klott.
Of course he should STFU. But there is unlimited “oxygen” in the media for any arsehole with a lot of followers who wants to push the “vaccination” message, whether they’re known for being a sports manager, an actor, a headteacher, a c*** from the local council, or whatever.
Who’ll keel over on the pitch next?
…a whole new revenue stream for Ladbrokes!
Can you just guess the player, or do you have to name the minute of the collapse, too?
That was my immediate thought. Will it be a 6 nations rugby player or a footballer at the Qatar World Cup?
Has anybody explained to the ignorant kraut that you can catch it from vaccinated people I wonder? That should be obvious given the current surge of infection and the vast numbers who have had at least one jab.
How can he be so thick?
How can so many still be so thick? Stupidity will be our nemesis.
Stupidity has been our nemesis since the dawn of time; truly, it’s a wonder we ever made it out of the caves.
Have you read Carlo Cipolla on stupidity? Highly recommended.
Stupidity? You mean like this:
‘Cricket, basketball, etc., don’t have a large following among subhuman racist scum who like to do things like throw bananas and make monkey noises when a black player touches the ball.’
Does he address mind-numbing stupidity like this?
No, but I shall look him up. Thank-you.
Boris Johnson on boosters – YouTube
Boris explains you can catch it and spread it.
He fails to mention viral load is the same when infected.
Fauci, Whitty and countless MSM mouthpieces are all on video saying earlier in the year that vaccines stop transmission and would end the pandemic.
They lied.
A lot of the jabbed are in denial about this.
I don’t know whether he’s thick or not, but he’s certainly a greedy coward.
Yep, this is what we’re dealing with – ignorant twats and bought people in positions of influence. Not sure which group he’s in.
How can they be a risk when the jabbed are more likely than unjabbed to test positive and carry the same viral load?
I repeated that very quote fifty-one minutes after you; didn’t see yours first… great minds and all that….
And his platform is ring fenced to say such things.
Surely, in Klopp’s case, it would be utter balls?
For some reason the press are allowed to repeat this misinformation ad nauseam.
They do love their facism
I’m afraid to say Klopp is a clueless fool.Utterly ignorant about the real issues. Not sure of the levels but anecdotally rugby has lower levels of fools double jabbed than other sports (in Eng anyway). And Italy are so poor now rugby wise internationally that the Eng under 18s would beat them
Klopp clearly part of the problem, like most of our elites.
And what precisely counts as “vaccinated” at the moment?
In Italy it’s just two doses, for now. I think the 3rd dose rollout is slower than ours. No public transport for the unvaxxed now – Super Green Pass holders only. No option to test, only let off if you’re “recovered” and that is time limited to 9 months IIRC.
Well this could condem more professional sports players.
The injections are not mandatory though. Oh, good grief no.
Wow……..with footballers collapsing with heart issues – on live TV – all over Europe, they continue to insist on this.
Does anyone doubt that football – players, but more obviously the fans who are more likely to be anti-jab – has been deliberately targeted.
Just as it is football, and not any other sport, where players are made to take the knee.
Your final sentence is off the wall. Cricket, basketball, etc., don’t have a large following among subhuman racist scum who like to do things like throw bananas and make monkey noises when a black player touches the ball.
Why has racism become moral panic’s official taboo? I mean it’s unpleasant and ignorant, but then are so are a lot things. I’ve kind of gone along with the idea, but then I’m not so sure now that racism isn’t just another way people are unpleasant to each other. No worse nor better than other forms of rudeness, no worse nor better than other forms of persecution. I feel the charge has lost its sting in the last couple of years, over-reaction diluting its meaning. Are those racist supporters “subhuman” or just unpleasant? Is calling someone “subhuman” just succumbing to an identical mindset as the one you accuse them of?
There is a human capacity to hate the different – it manifests itself in diverse ways but is essentially exactly the same thing in everyone and the target is largely based on personal circumstances; and no one who expresses it is a better person just because they unloaded their hate on a more “acceptable” target. You’re just the same.
Racism is in fact wrong. Nevertheless, the government passed a law in 2010 about ‘9 protected characteristics’. It only insists on protecting the characteristics of race, LGBTQ, and gender. Religion and the rest are attacked, not protected. Go figure.
No doubt it is “wrong” – but it’s no more “wrong” than hating people for other irrational reasons. Like, I don’t know, their medical status. Who you hate, and whether that is more or less acceptable, is simply a matter of where you are in history. The thought process and the act is identical, the tribal instinct to shun the outsider that is hard wired into humanity and will never go away. That’s why there is just as much intolerance now in this “work” age as there has ever been. The trick of wokeism – as with all cultural manifestations of hate – is in convincing people that those who are being hated deserve it and it’s fair.
The human mind is not designed to accept equality, but it is designed to accept fairness. So to make one group suffer more than others you have to convince people that there is fairness in it. 19th Century: Racial differences make some people less sophisticated than others and therefore they need a firm hand from society and the church for their own good. 21st Century: Science says my viewpoint is right and therefore only someone willingly ignorant or anti-science would oppose it and they deserve punishment that will make them step in line and cure their ignorance, for their own good.
Both viewpoints are framed as “fairness” – those being outcast are only being harmed for their own good, to cure them of the thing that disallows them from being part of society. Race and vaccine status are effectively incidental to the act of hate. People always need someone to punish “fairly”, they just change who that is every now and again.
I agree that hate never goes away, and neither does human nature, in the bigger picture of things (but individuals can change). This is one reason why trying to ‘abolish’ racism, poverty, etc. once and for all is dangerously naive. And you are right that the object of hatred can be transferred to anything those with power choose to transfer it to, such as the unvaccinated. As to the 9 ‘protected characteristics’: they are ‘instructions’ in a society without sound core values, but also a charter for hypocrisy. Such values (mine are Christian) may not prevent hatred on their own (they still need to be internalised, with absolute harmony a pipedream on earth) but they are a lot better than politicised wokery.
Yet, if the government honestly upheld all 9 characteristics equally and impartially, it would be a better world than the one we have now – where some are blatantly favoured and promoted while others are disparaged and silenced. A friend of mine who is a Labour councillor agreed with ,me on this: he has seen his party ravaged by wokery (defined as partial, exorbitant and irrational support for certain groups or ideologies over others). The answer in political terms may be the recovery of free speech and relating to people as an individual and bridging gaps on a personal level among people of different views, cultures, and races.
I personally have no issue with ‘diversity’ as long as it is impartially and equally applied to all, without PC, fear of self-expression, and demonising either majorities or minorities. This also requires every individuals and groups to do some soul-searching before accusing others of being ‘evil’. We all have a right to disagree, and this should be acknowledged, with mutual respect prevailing. But this has to be worked at and put into practice.
They’re not ‘subhuman’, on the contrary, they’re human, all too human.
The 1970’s called, they want their stereotypes back.
Anyone who White British person who criticises female genital mutilation, sexual instruction in primary schools, honour killings, gender segregation, Halal slaughter, compulsory celebration of homosexuality, promotion of ‘transexualism’, Sharia law, career promotion based on factors other than merit, institutionalised misogyny, polygamy and male child genital mutilation is a neanderthal, subhuman racist scumbag.
The presence of unvaxxed sports stars was making them look bad. In some ways I am looking forward to what that cunt Klopp has to say when ALL footballers are “fully vaxxed” and they still get “covid”. Hope Djokovic sticks to his guns – his season is going to get very short at this rate.
At some point insurance companies are going to have to acknowledge the vaxx risks, particularly in younger people, particularly the myocarditis risk in young healthy men. At which point they may refuse cover for footballers dropping on the pitch. Some club has just paid out 20 million or whatever ridiculous amount involved in these deals and the player has to quit playing following an unexpected incident on the pitch. Then the clubs can end up on the poverty line like most other people.
Massively important point. The insurance market and actuaries must already be looking at this. And on transfer or contract renewals and players have to undergo medicals the insurers will surely demand the medics perform extra checks.
Falling short of doing biopsies on living players what can they really do though, more in depth scans; ask questions about jabs received, honest answers about side effects; D dimer tests?
D-dimer tests might be informative!
surprisingly cheap!
This made the lunchtime news on Radio 2 a few weeks ago. Nobody has asked his jab status. Why not?
I’m fortunate to have private health insurance through my employer. I wrote to them last year asking if I was covered for vaccine injuries. Explicitly stated that they do not cover this.
” See SSC Napoli and die!” ( with apologies to Goethe)
Wanted to up-vote this comment TWICE.
I have always thought that sport, particularly football, would be the arena where the battle for freedom will be fought.
As for Klopp, you can take the man out of Germany, but not the Nazi out of the man.
It is getting very hard for them to keep the ‘coincidence’ lid on the vaccine injuries and deaths among sportsmen and women – but our now totally corrupt media are doing their very best with their “Nothing to see here, move along approach’.
What a shameful moment it must be to admit to being a mainstream “journalist” !
Indeed it is – I realised with some sadness the other day that I used to feel a certain sense of professional pride when I told people I used to be a BBC journalist, now I feel I need to apologise if it comes up. That kind of crept up on me.
Even as Leeds fan I love the football Klopp’s teams play. However, this guy has really soiled his reputation for me with his constant vaccine rants. He is also full of horseshit. If he has the chance to sign a top player and the player was refusing the vaccine, I don’t believe for a minute he would pull out of the deal. The top, top players are like rocking horse shit, even this buffoon knows that.
And wouldn’t sign for Liverpool anyway.
He is also full of horseshit.
Or, more properly, Pferdscheiss.
…the Germans really do have a word for it, don’t they?
In zis case, ja!
Hi from another lifelong Leeds fan. We’re going down aren’t we.
No – 16th place finish, I’d guess.
Everyone advocating that members of the public should require jabs, need to have an in depth independent investigation into their vested interests in anything covid, otherwise they are not worth listening to.
Sadly, most of them are merely useful idiots.
At the least they should be first in line for all jabs, on live television, with independent adjudication as to the content of said inserts. Perfectly safe, aren’t they?
Bonanza for Spurs and Newcastle – I believe Conte has a shopping list of Serie A players, now available and presumably going cheap.
Jurgen Klott has become a figure of loathing.
I hope a highly paid footballer has the money to hire a top lawyer and the balls to take these fascists to court.
I used to like him as a ‘nice Christian’, but he’s just a nice conformist, like everyone who gets ahead in the world.
“I think it (being vaccinated) will be influential, definitely, in who clubs sign,” said the Liverpool manager. “If a player is not vaccinated at all, he is a constant threat for all of us.”
Utter. Fucking. Madness.
Yes, just like walking around the changing rooms with a Glock or a machete.
Shame. I used to like Klopp but he’s revealed himself as a dangerous idiot. It’s always the Germans – der panzer cannot change its spots.
I think the Germans make Leopard tanks, you missed an obvious one there.
They used to say similar things about Jewish people back in the old days in Germany
This is now all about politics.
The now established fact that the vaccines don’t hinder the spread of the virus, and the emerging fact that they make is more likely for a vaccinated person to be infected, doesn’t seem to be an issue for the various governments around the world. #trustthescience.
What does seem to be important is that no unvaccinated person remains — presumably because then it’ll be very difficult for anyone to work out of the various very rare diseases/conditions that suddenly appear in the population are anything to do with the vaccines.
‘What does seem to be important is that no unvaccinated person remains — presumably because then it’ll be very difficult for anyone to work out of the various very rare diseases/conditions that suddenly appear in the population are anything to do with the vaccines.’
I’m sympathetic to this view, but if all are ‘vaccinated’ then who can the totalitarians and propagandists blame for ‘packed’ and ‘overstretched’ hospitals? Who can they point the finger at for ‘having to keep restrictions in place’?
It seems to me that, at least in the short/middle-term, it is vital for the totalitarians and propagandists that a sizeable proportion of the population remain ‘unvaccinated’.
They need us.
If they got close to 100% jab rates they could simply start saying the hospitals were fine – very few would notice. They could also say people needed quarterly boosters to keep the hospitals fine.
That’s plausible. But think about this from our friend amanuensis,
‘What does seem to be important is that no unvaccinated person remains — presumably because then it’ll be very difficult for anyone to work out of the various very rare diseases/conditions that suddenly appear in the population are anything to do with the vaccines.’
While this is certainly plausible, the totalitarians and propagandists are already denying that these ‘vaccines’ are causing any of the serious adverse events we are seeing. And they are getting away with it.
Either way, I think we can agree that they know they can get away with deceiving the public at large.
They have got away with it and may continue to, and may feel somewhat confident in that, but I think some at least will be worried they will get found out.
If people die with heart attacks, strokes and cancers that is what will go on the death certificate, particularly when post mortem are not allowed.
And they are not as I know personally.
I hadn’t taken Klopp to be such an unreflective dolt. Perhaps he only sees the news from Deutschland?
Brilliant article. El gato malo is a funny guy and, most importantly, has a way of getting to the heart of the matter while appropriately ridiculing the main protagonists involved. If you are not subscribed to his Substack, it’s well worth considering. He should have titled the article Tony and the Totalitarians, after this brilliant line from the piece,
‘and while tony and the totalitarians are trying to sell you another album of discordant dissembling, some others are waking up.’
‘this is not miscommunication, it’s misinformation, and it’s being spread purposefully and with malice aforethought.
‘they told us two shots would work, then it was 3, fauci is already babbling about 4 before boosters in the US have even hit 25%.
‘they told us it would work on variants, instead, leaky vaccines did what leaky vaccines do and selected near instantly for OAS and vaxx evasion.
‘and while tony and the totalitarians are trying to sell you another album of discordant dissembling, some others are waking up.’
Should be made a post here.
I details the Orwellian future is fixed past is flexible attitude to history by the MSM government complex.
Still, in a little while Italy might be able to field the best five-a-side team in the world.
I thought that ‘Discard After Use’ instruction was meant to apply to the syringes, not the players.
The big picture here is that the rulers don’t want “celebrities” “flaunting” their resistance to “vaccination” while continuing to perform in the public eye. If a football player scores a spectacular goal, or an ice dancing team wins a major competition, or anything happens of that kind, and everybody knows they resist “vaccination”, that gives the “wrong” message entirely.
If an unvaccinated person gets ill, or goes to prison, or does something unpleasant, or says something stupid about another topic, or falls over and hurts themselves, or gets sacked from their job, or is banned from entry into somewhere they want to go, or their wife leaves them for another man, or their house burns down, THAT’S the kind of story the rulers need.
In short, they want the idea to be “Resisters lose”, not “Resisters win”.
Yes indeed – entirely political.
David Paton currently has a thread on Twitter about the risk of myocarditis for under 40 males. Seems the risk increases with every injection (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and on and on …) of a covid vaccine. And whilst there is a risk of myocarditis from a covid infection it is smaller and you have to catch covid to face that risk. What a terrible position to put young fit athletes in. How dare they.
Not sure if this link will work to take you to David’s Twitter
Sport apartheid. Vaxxed v Vaxxed, Unvaxxed v Unvaxxed.
Unvaxxed can’t play vaxxed, as the latter would be at a disadvantage. Wouldn’t want to suffer heartache now would they?
They will need to change the rules for vaxxer teams so they can have an extra Myocarditis sub.
Don’t sign up players who are good at the game. Sign up good little perforated cretins.Sure way to victory.
It was always going to be interntional sport which would be targeted by the unScience zealots. How many deaths on the pitch do they need to see until they relent (and repent).
Sports played at a high level of physical stress pose a much greater risk to those who suffer with even slight heart issues let alone those created and triggered by the indirectly mandatory imposition of a man-made protein. Thankfully prior to 2020 cases of stroke/heart attacks to top grade athletes have been remarkably rare but there have been a few, including in rugby of both codes.
Athletes of all sports should beware.
If I were a jabbed England rugby player and one of my team mates were discriminated against and excluded for not being jabbed I would refuse to play. En masse they might actually change something but I suspect they are all too selfish thesedays. Then again this is the sport which broke the apartheid sanctions. Maybe it could take a step to redeem itself against the new apartheid. Doubt it as rugby union’s connections to and reliance on sponsors such as the technology/telecommunications companies which have been engaged to enslave us is too strong.
Swing low indeed.
And in France..
The French State Council Quietly Voted the Vaccine Pass – No Longer Democracy but a Putsch..
The machine is not going to stop unless the people stop it..
Dust off those old tumbrils. Get out your knitting….
At the risk of being glib just refuse to play in Italy. Half a dozen clubs adopting such an approach would soon have the I ties thinking again.
Italy and also France.
This is quite interesting. So, if, say, the Manchester City star striker is unjabbed, and they are drawn in the Champions League against Roma, he won’t be able to play? How convenient and possibly highly illegal on restraint of trade or whatever. Get the agents involved, these sharks would sort it out. Conversely, our hypothetical Man City management could insist that no Roma players without an “Amo Man City” tattoo on their foreheads would be banned from the home fixture. Makes as much sense.
So, when every single player in every single league, pro and amateur, is jabbed, and they still keep dropping and twitching on the pitch at an unprecedented rate, how will they spin that?
Well, clearly that will be the fault of anyone in the world who still remains uninjected.
Apparently the Italian junta is now considering imposing mandatory vaccines for all.
I have suspicions club doctors for the most part have been dishing out saline. Would you as an owner risk a load of players worth say 50 million taking experimental shots?
I guess the Italian Government wants to have more professional sportsmen collapsing with heart attacks on the pitch.
British Teams should refuse to play in countries which effectively make medical treatments compulsory regardless of the danger to the individual.
I just hope and pray that none of the rugby players suffer heart problems during the Six Nations matches, as so many other professional sports players have, with an unprecedented number of deaths. If an England player in Italy does, because of the vaccine mandate, who will be responsible? The Italian government’s Prime Minister?
“Italy has introduced a mandatory vaccination requirement for all outdoor sports competitors.”
That’ll be interesting when they only have GT jab-free athletes left capable of participating in outdoor sports without collapsing halfway through the event, or “dying suddenly after a short illness”.
Making compulsory the acceptance of an experimental, unlicensed drug by using blackmail like this is utterly abhorrent. How do they excuse it?
”….to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion…”
This is what the Nuremburg Code says about medical experimentation – or doesn’t it count any more?
Dr Mengele would be full of admiration for these people.
271 athletes injured or dead post vaxx. Italy must really hate their athletes.